@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <openssl/bn.h>
#include "qa/questions/questions.h"
+#include "qa/questions/qarith.h"
#include "qa/questions/qwiener.h"
@@ -135,51 +136,6 @@ bigfraction_t* cf_next(cf_t *f)
- * \brief Square Root for bignums.
- *
- * An implementation of Dijkstra's Square Root Algorithm.
- * A Discipline of Programming, page 61 - Fifth Exercise.
- *
- * \return true if rem is equal to zero, false otherwise.
- */
-int BN_sqrtmod(BIGNUM* dv, BIGNUM* rem, BIGNUM* a, BN_CTX* ctx)
- BIGNUM *shift;
- BIGNUM *adj;
- shift = BN_new();
- adj = BN_new();
- BN_zero(dv);
- BN_copy(rem, a);
- /* hacking into internal sequence to skip some cycles. */
- /* for (BN_one(shift); original */
- for (bn_wexpand(shift, a->top+1), shift->top=a->top, shift->d[shift->top-1] = 1;
- BN_ucmp(shift, rem) != 1;
- /* BN_rshift(shift, shift, 2); */
- BN_lshift1(shift, shift), BN_lshift1(shift, shift));
- while (!BN_is_one(shift)) {
- /* BN_rshift(shift, shift, 2); */
- BN_rshift1(shift, shift);
- BN_rshift1(shift, shift);
- BN_uadd(adj, dv, shift);
- BN_rshift1(dv, dv);
- if (BN_ucmp(rem, adj) != -1) {
- BN_uadd(dv, dv, shift);
- BN_usub(rem, rem, adj);
- }
- }
- BN_free(shift);
- BN_free(adj);
- return BN_is_zero(rem);
* Weiner Attack Implementation