@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ providing \strong{integrity} and \strong{confidentiality} of the message, \stron
optionally the client.
%% fuck osi layers: there is no code explicitly structuring the internet in 7
%% layers.
-It is nowadays widely adopted all over the world, being the de-facto standard for
+Many ancient application protocols wrapped themselves to be over TLS/SSL, with
+the only difference of the ``s'' appended to the protocol name (such as HTTPs,
+IMAPs).It is nowadays widely adopted all over the world, becoming the de-facto standard for
end-to-end encryption.
\paragraph{Certification Authorities} are authorities to whom it is granted the
@@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ power to \emph{authenticate} the peer. Pragmatically, they are public keys
pre-installed on your computer that decide who and who not to trust employing
of a digital signature. A more detailed analysis of the inside of a certificate
will be given in section ~\ref{sec:ssl:x509}.
-In order to overcome the proliferation of keys to disribute, and satisfy the
+In order to overcome the proliferation of keys to distribute, and satisfy the
use-case of a mindless user willing to accomplish a secure transaction on the
internet, the concept of a hierarchical model issuing digital certificates
proliferated with the following trust model:
@@ -72,30 +74,102 @@ proliferated with the following trust model:
subsequent records will be protected under the just negotiated keys and
\texttt{Cipher Spec}.
-We will proceed by describing in deep only the first two of these, due to their
-relevant role inside the connection and furthermore, because they are the only
-two we actually made use of during our investigations.
+We will proceed with a brief synopsis of the first two of these protocols,due to
+their relevant role inside the connection and furthermore, because they are the
+only two we actually made use of during our investigations.
\section{The \texttt{handshake} protocol}
-Different options:
-\item no session
-\item session
-\item client authentication
+As mentioned above, the handshake occurs whenever a machine attempts to start
+a TLS connection. If there is no session identifier, a new one is being build
+up; otherwise the client will include the session-id in the initial
+communication and the server will eventually skip the key agreement phase since
+it has already happened recently.\footnote{``recently'' is not well-defined in
+ the standard - it is suggested an upper limit of 24-hours lifetime, but the
+ only constraint is that both client and server shall agree on it.}\\
+A new session-id identifier gets built via a challenge-response mechanism: the
+client issues a challenge, the server chooses a connection-id and presents it
+with its certificate. The client verifies the server's identity, and then
+chooses both a session key and the security specifications for the current
+session. Note that the session key should be different for any connection and
+direction. At this point the server can either send back the challenge and
+generate a session-id, or it can ask for the client
+certificate and finally ask for it (client authentication).
\section{The \texttt{record} protocol}
-Until 2005, failure to authenticate, decrypt will result in I/O error and a
-close of the connection
+All TLS protocol messages moves in records of up to 16K, containing 3
+main components: MAC-data, data, and padding.
+{MAC-data} is no other than the Message Authentication Code over the
+encrypted \emph{data} sent
+(SSL performs the encrypt-than-mac mode of operation).
+It provides \strong{authenticity} and \strong{integrity} of the message.
+Failure to authenticate, decrypt will result in I/O error and a close of the
+{Data} is the actual message, compressed and encrypted. Compression comes
+for free in order to fasten cryptanalysis of the cipher, since protocols such
+as HTTP have a common set of standard message.
+The {Padding} section contains informations about the padding algorithm
+adopted, and the padding size.
\section{What's inside a certificate \label{sec:ssl:x509}}
+SSL certificates employed the X.509 PKI standard, which specifies, among other
+things, the format for revocation lists, and certificate path validation
+ \scalebox{0.7}{
+ \begin{bytefield}[bitwidth=0.95em]{16}
+ \begin{rightwordgroup}{Certificate}
+ \wordbox{1}{Version} \\
+ \wordbox{1}{Serial Number} \\
+ \wordbox{1}{Algorithm ID} \\
+ \wordbox{2}{Validity \\ \tiny{$\angular{\text{NotBefore, NotAfter}}$}} \\
+ \wordbox{2}{Issuer \\ \tiny{eventually plus Issuer Unique Identifier}} \\
+ \wordbox{2}{Subject \\ \tiny{eventually plus Subject Unique Identifier}} \\
+ \wordbox{2}{Subject Public Key Information \\
+ \tiny{$\angular{\text{PubKey algorithm, PubKey}}$}} \\
+ \wordbox[lrt]{1}{Extensions} \\
+ \skippedwords \\
+ \wordbox[lrb]{1}{}
+ \end{rightwordgroup} \\
+ \wordbox{1}{Certificate Signature Algorithm} \\
+ \wordbox{1}{Certificate Signature} \\
+ \end{bytefield}
+ }
-\section{Remarks among SSL/TLS versions}
+It is a pretty old standard, defined in the eighties by the ITU.
+Born before HTTP, it was initially thought \emph{in abstracto} to be
+extremely flexible and general\footnote{
+ \textit{``X.509 certificates can contain just anything''} ~\cite{SSLiverse}
+And precisely this flexibility and its adaptation to the SSL/TLS protocol
+without a very-well defined structure have been its major flaws: it is still
+difficult to write good, reliable software parsing a X.509 certificate.
+\section{Remarks among SSL/TLS versions}
+The first, important difference to point out here is that SSLv2 is no more
+considered secure. There are known attacks on the ciphers adopted (md5, for
+example) as well as protocol flaws.
+SSLv2 would allow a connection to be closed via a not-authenticated TCP segment
+with the \texttt{FIN} flag set. Padding informations are sent in clear, and the
+payload is not compressed before encrypting, allowing a malicious attacker
+traffic analysis capabilities. The ciphersuite is negotiated using
+non-authenticated informations, allowing an attacker to influence to choice and
+weaken the security of the communication.
+Most of these vulnerabilities have been addressed by the later SSLv3, which
+introduced compression and protection against truncation attacks.
+Its standardized twin, TLS 1.0, only differs on the cipher suite and key
+calculation requirements, strengthen in order to increase the security of the
+Both SSLv3 and TLS 1.0 have been threatened in 2011 by an attack that could break
+the same origin policy, known as BEAST. It is not dramatic, and almost any
+browser now mitigates its spectrum of action.
+TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 are considered safe as of today.
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