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Michele Orrù vor 11 Jahren

+ 84 - 38

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\chapter{An Empirical Study}
+\chapter{An Empirical Study \label{chap:empirical_study}}
 Excluding Dixon's factorization method, all attacks analyzed so far exploit
 some peculiarities of a candidate RSA public key $\angular{N, e}$ in order to
@@ -7,25 +7,26 @@ Summarizingly:
   \item Pollard's $p-1$ attack works only if the predecessor of any of
     the two primes factorizing the public modulus is composed of very small
-    primes;
-  \item  Williams' $p+1$ attack works under similar conditions - the predecessor
-    or the successor of any of the two primes can be easily factorized;
+    prime powers;
+  \item  Williams' $p+1$ attack works under similar conditions - on the
+    predecessor or the successor of any of the two primes ;
   \item Fermat's factorization is valuable whenever the two primes $p$ and $q$
     are really close to each other;
   \item Pollard's $\rho$ method is best whenever one of the two primes is
-    strictly lower than the other.
+    strictly lower than the other;
+  \item Wiener's attack is guaranteed to work on small private exponents.
 Dixon's factorization method instead, being a general-purpose factorization
 algorithm, can be employed to \emph{measure} the strength of a RSA
 keypair: the more relations (satisfying \ref{eq:dixon:fermat_revisited}) are
-found, the less it is assumed resistant.
+found, the less it is assumed to be resistant.
-Given these hypotesis, it has been fairly easy to produce valid RSA candidates
-that are exploitable using the above attacks, and use them to assert the
-correctness of the implementation.
+Given these hypothesis, it has been fairly easy to produce valid RSA candidate
+keys that can be broken using the above attacks. They have been used to assert
+the correctness of the implementation.
 On the top of that, there has been a chance to test the software under real
-conditions: we choose download the SSL keys (if any) of the top one million visited
+conditions: we downloaded the SSL keys (if any) of the top one million visited
 websites, and survey them with the just developed software. This not only gave
 us the opportunity to survey the degree of security on which the internet is
 grounded today, but also led to a deeper understanding of the capacities and limits of
@@ -34,19 +35,19 @@ the most widespread libraries offering crypto nowadays.
 \section{To skim off the dataset}
-What has been most scandalous above all was to discover was that more than
+What has been most scandalous above all was to discover that more than
 \strong{half} of the most visited websites do \strong{not} provide SSL
 connection over port 443 - reserved for HTTPS according to IANA
-To put it in numbers, we are talking about $533$ thousands websites either
+To put it in numbers, we are talking about $533, 000$ websites either
 unresolved or unreachable in $10$ seconds.
 As a side note for this, many websites (like \texttt{baidu.com} or
-\texttt{qq.com}) keep a tcp connection open without writing anything to the
+\texttt{qq.com}) keep a TCP connection open without writing anything to the
 channel, requiring us to adopt a combination of non-blocking socket with the
 \texttt{select()} system call in order to drop any empty communication.
-It would be intesting to investigate more on these facts, asking ourselves how
-many of those unsuccessful connetion are actually wanted from the server, and
-how many dropped for cernsorship reasons; there's enough room for another
+It would be interesting to investigate more on these facts, asking ourselves how
+many of those unsuccessful connections are actually wanted from the server, and
+how many dropped for censorship reasons; there is enough room for another
 Of the remaining $450,000$ keys, $21$ were using different ciphers than RSA. All
@@ -55,22 +56,23 @@ others represent the dataset upon which we worked on.
 \section{To count}
 Once all valuable certificate informations have been stored inside a database,
-almost any query can be performed to get a statistically valuable dregree of
-magnitude to which some conditions are satisfied. What follows now is a list of
-commented examples that we believe are relevant parameters for understanding of
-how badly internet is configured today.
+almost any query can be performed to get a statistically valuable measure of
+degree of magnitude to which some conditions are satisfied. What follows now is
+a list of commented examples that we believe are relevant parameters for
+understanding of how badly internet is configured today.
-The most prolific number we see here, $65537$ in hexadecimal, is the fouth
+The most prolific number we see here, $65537$ in hexadecimal, is the fourth
 Fermat number and no other than the largest known prime of the form $2^{2^n} +
 1$. Due to its composition, it has been advised by NIST as default public
-exponent, and successfully implemented in most softwares, such as \openssl\!.
+exponent, and successfully implemented in most software, such as \openssl\!.
-Sadly, a negleglible number of websites is using low public exponents,
-which makes the RSA key vulnerable to Coppersmith's attack. Unfortunately, this
+Sadly, a negligible number of websites is using low public exponents,
+which makes the RSA key vulnerable to Coppersmith's attack; though, this
 topic goes beyond the scope of this research and hence has not been analyzed
@@ -79,33 +81,77 @@ further.
 What is interesting to see here is that an enormous portion of our dataset
-shared the same public key, pushing down our of one order of magnitude the
-number of expected keys. Reasons for this are mostly practical: it is extremely
-frequent to have blogs hosted on third-party sercives such as ``Blogspot'' or
+shared the same public key, pushing down the number of expected keys of one
+order of magnitude. Reasons for this are mostly practical: it is extremely
+frequent to have blogs hosted on third-party services such as ``Blogspot'' or
 ``Wordpress'' which always provide the same X.509 certificate, as they belong to
 an unique organization.
 Though improbable, it is even possible that exists a millesimal portion of
 different websites sharing the same public key due to a
-bad CSRNG, and therefore also the same private key. Such a case has been
-already investigated in \cite{ron:whit}.
+bad cryptographically secure random number generator, and therefore also the
+same private key. Such a case has been already investigated in \cite{ron:whit}.
-Here we go. A suprisingly consistent nuber of websites provides certificates
-with dummy, wrong, or even testing informations. Some even inject non-printable
-bytes in the \emph{common name} field.
-Some are certified from authorities, some chinese governmental entities.
+Here we go. A suprisingly consistent number of websites provides certificates
+filled with dummy, wrong, or even testing informations.\\
+Some do have non-printable bytes in the \emph{common name} field.\\
+Some are certified from authorities. \\
+Some are even gonvernmental entities.
+  \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{bits_count.png}
+According to \cite{nist:keylen_transitions} \S 3, table $2$, all RSA keys of
+bitlength less than $1024$ are to be considered deprecated at the end of $2013$
+and shall no more be issued since the beginning of this year. Not differently
+from the above results, the remark has been globally adopted, yet still with a
+few exceptions: around a dozen of non-self-signed certificates with a 1024 RSA
+key appears to have been issued in 2014.
+\section{The proof and the concept}
+At the time of this writing, we have collected the output of only two
+mathematical tests performed in the university cluster.
+\paragraph{Wiener.} The attack described in chapter \ref{chap:wiener} was the
+first employed, being the fastest one above all others. Recalling the different
+public exponents we probed (discussed in the previous sections), we expected all
+private exponents to be $>  \rfrac{1}{3}\sqrt[4]{N}$; there is still the
+possibility that the attack works, but there is no guarantee.
+For what concerns our tests, we found no weak keys that could be recovered using
+Wiener's attack.
+\paragraph{GCD.} On the wave of \cite{ron:whit}, whe attempted also to perform
+the $\gcd$ of every possible pair of dinstinct public modulus present in the
+dataset. In contrast to our expectations, this test led to no prime factor
+leaked, for any key pair. We have reasons to believe this depends on the
+relatively small size of our dataset, with respect to the one used in
 \chapter{Conclusions \label{conclusions}}
-Everytime we see a certificate, we get this idea the somebody is telling us the
-connection is safe. There is some authority out there telling what to do.
-We should be thinking more about what these authorities are and what they are
+Everytime we surf the web, we share our communication channel with lots of
+entities around the globe. End-to-end encryption protocols such as TLS can
+provide the security  properties that we often take as granted, like
+\emph{confidentiality}, \emph{integrity}, and \emph{authenticity}; though,
+these holds only if we \emph{trust} the authorities certifying the end entity.
+%% Wax Taylor - Que Sera
+There is this mindless thinking that whenever we see that small lock icon in the
+browser's url bar, somebody is telling us the connection is safe.
+There is some authority out there telling what to do, and we should be thinking
+more about what these authorities are and what they are doing.
+This issue is no more a technical problem, but instead is becoming more and more
+a social and political problem.
+It is our responsability as citzens to do something about that.
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+ 8 - 0

@@ -269,6 +269,14 @@
+  title={Transitions: Recommendation for transitioning the use of cryptographic algorithms and key lengths},
+  author={Barker, Elaine and Roginsky, Allen},
+  journal={NIST Special Publication},
+  volume=800,
+  pages={131A},
+  year=2011
 %% <3 thanks dude

+ 2 - 2

@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ $x^2 = a \pmod{p}$, with $p \in \naturalPrime$:
 Instead, we are interested in finding the the pair
-$\angular{x, r} \in \naturalN^2 \mid x^2 + r = n$, that is, the integer part of
-the square root of a natural number and its rest.
+$\angular{x, r} \in \naturalN^2 $ such that $ x^2 + r = n$, that is, the integer
+part of the square root of a natural number and its rest.
 Hence, we did come out with our specific implementation, first using Bombelli's
 algorithm, and later with the one of Dijkstra. Both are going to be discussed

+ 1 - 1

@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ In addition, the application has then been deployed on the
 university cluster and pointed against a huge number of websites -
 \href{http://www.alexa.com/}{Alexa}'s \emph{top 1 million global websites}.
 Some of the statistical result extracted from this investigation are later
-examined in chapter \ref{conclusions}.
+examined in chapter \ref{chap:empirical_study}.
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+ 1 - 1

@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@

+ 7 - 6

@@ -156,12 +156,12 @@ main components: MAC-data, data, and padding.
 encrypted \emph{data} sent
 (SSL performs the encrypt-then-mac mode of operation).
 It provides \strong{authenticity} and \strong{integrity} of the message.
-\item {Data} is the actual message, encrypted after an eventual compression.
+\item {Data} is the actual message, encrypted after a possible compression.
 \item The {Padding} section contains informations about the padding algorithm
 adopted, and the padding size.
-Failure to authenticate, decrypt will result in I/O error and a close of the
+Failure to authentication, or decryption will result in I/O error and a close of
+the connection.
 \section{What is inside a certificate \label{sec:ssl:x509}}
@@ -191,7 +191,8 @@ algorithms.
-It is a pretty old standard, defined in the eighties by the ITU.
+It is a pretty old standard, defined in the eighties by the International
+Telecommunication Union.
 Born before HTTP, it was initially thought \emph{in abstracto} to be
 extremely flexible and general\footnote{
   \textit{``X.509 certificates can contain just anything''} ~\cite{SSLiverse}
@@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ difficult to write good, reliable software parsing a X.509 certificate.
 \section{Remarks among SSL/TLS versions}
 The first, important difference to point out here is that SSLv2 is no more
-considered secure. There are known attacks on the ciphers adopted (md5, for
+considered secure. There are known attacks on the primitives adopted (MD5, for
 example \cite{rfc6176}) as well as protocol flaws.
 SSLv2 would allow a connection to be closed via a not-authenticated TCP segment
 with the \texttt{FIN} flag set (\cite{rfc6176} \S 2). Padding informations are sent in
@@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ browser now mitigates its spectrum of action.
 Even if TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 are considered safe as of today, attacks such as
 CRIME, and lately BREACH constitute a new and valid instance of threat for HTTP
 compressions mechanisms. However, as their premises go beyond the scope of this
-document, all these attacks have not been analyzed. For forther informations, see
+document, all these attacks have not been analyzed. For further informations, see
 %%% Local Variables:

+ 1 - 1

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@

+ 15 - 14

@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 Analogously to Pollard's $p-1$ factorization described in chapter
 ~\ref{chap:pollard-1}, this method will allow the determination of the divisor
-$p$ of a number $N$, if $p$ is such that $p+1$ has only small prime divisors.
+$p$ of a number $N$, if $p$ is such that $p+1$ has only small prime power
 This method was presented in ~\cite{Williams:p+1} together with the results of
 the application of this method to a large number of composite numbers.
@@ -60,15 +61,17 @@ Two foundamental properties interpolate terms of Lucas Sequences, namely
 All these identities can be verified by direct substitution with
-\ref{eq:williams:ls}. What's interesting about the ones of above, is that we can
+\ref{eq:williams:ls}. What is interesting about the ones of above, is that we can
 exploit them to efficiently compute the product $V_{hk}$ if we are provided with
-`$V_k$ by considering the binary representation of the number
+$V_k$ by considering the binary representation of the number
 $h$. In other words, we can consider each bit of $h$, starting from second most
 significant one: if it is zero, we compute $\angular{V_{2k}, V_{(2+1)k}}$ using
 \ref{eq:ls:duplication} and \ref{eq:ls:addition} respectively; otherwise we
 compute $\angular{V_{(2+1)k}, V_{2(k+1)}}$ using \ref{eq:ls:addition} and
+Notice that $V_{(2+1)k} = V_{2k +k} = V_{2k}V_k - V_k$.
   \caption{Lucas Sequence Multiplier}
@@ -126,18 +129,16 @@ At this point the factorization proceeds just by substituting the
 exponentiation and Fermat's theorem with Lucas sequences and Lehmer's theorem
 introduced in the preceeding section. If we find a $Q$ satisfying $p+1 \mid Q
 \text{ or } p-1 \mid Q$ then, due to Lehmer's theorem $p \mid V_Q -2$ and thus
-$\gcd(V_Q -2, N)$ is a non-trial divisor of $N$.
+$\gcd(V_Q -2, N)$ is a non-trivial divisor of $N$.
-\item take a random, initial $\tau = V_1$; now let the \emph{base} be
-  $\angular{V_1}$.
-\item take the $i$-th prime in $\mathcal{P}$, starting from $0$, and call it
-  $p_i$;
-\item assuming the current state is $\angular{V_k}$, compute the
+\item Take a random, initial $\tau$ and let it the \emph{base} $V_1$.
+\item Take the $i$-th prime in the pool $\mathcal{P}$, and call it $\pi$;
+\item assuming the current state is $V_k$, compute the
   successive terms of the sequence using additions and multiplications formula,
-  until you have $\angular{V_{p_ik}}$.
+  until you have $V_{\pi k}$.
 \item just like with the Pollard $p-1$ method, repeat step (iii) for $e =
-  \ceil{\frac{\log N}{\log p_i}}$ times;
+  \ceil{\frac{\log N}{\log \pi}}$ times;
 \item select $Q = V_k - 2 \pmod{N}$ and check the $gcd$ with $N$, hoping this
   leads to one of the two prime factors:
@@ -160,11 +161,11 @@ if $g = N$ start back from scratch, as $pq \mid g$.
     \Require $\mathcal{P}$, the prime pool
     \Function{Factorize}{$N, \tau$}
       \State $V \gets \tau$
-      \For{$p_i \strong{ in } \mathcal{P}$}
+      \For{$\pi \strong{ in } \mathcal{P}$}
       \Comment step (i)
-        \State $e \gets \log \sqrt{N} // \log p_i$
+        \State $e \gets \log \sqrt{N} // \log \pi$
         \For{$e \strong{ times }$}
-          \State $V \gets \textsc{lucas}(V, p_i, N)$
+          \State $V \gets \textsc{lucas}(V, \pi, N)$
           \Comment step (ii)
           \State $Q \gets V -2$
           \State $g \gets \gcd(Q, N)$