@@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
\chapter{Mathematical prequisites \label{chap:preq}}
+This chapter formalizes the notation used in the rest of the thesis, and
+moreover attempts to discuss and study the elementary functions on which the
+project has been grounded. For example, the $\ll$ and $\gg$ are respectively
+used with the meaning of left and right binary shift, as usual in the computer
+science field; meanwhile, the $\dsqrt$ function will be defined in section
+\ref{sec:preq:sqrt}, with the acceptation of discrete square root.
\section{Euclid's Greatest Common Divisor}
-Being the gratest common divisor a foundamental algebraic operation in the ssl
+Being the greatest common divisor a foundamental algebraic operation in the ssl
protocol, \openssl implemented it with the following signature:
@@ -25,7 +33,7 @@ exploits some interesting properties of $gcd(u, v)$:
% Donald Knuth, TAOCP, "a binary method", p. 388 VOL 2
Both \cite{AOCPv2} and \cite{MITalg} analyze the running time for the algorithm,
-even if \cite{clrs}'s demonstration is fairly simpler and proceeds %elegantly
+even if \cite{MITalg}'s demonstration is fairly simpler and proceeds %elegantly
by induction.
Anyway, both show that algorithm ~\ref{alg:gcd} belongs to the class
\bigO{\log b}.
@@ -34,22 +42,22 @@ Anyway, both show that algorithm ~\ref{alg:gcd} belongs to the class
\caption{\openssl's GCD \label{alg:gcd}}
\State $k \gets 0$
- \While{$v \neq 0$}
- \If{$u$ is odd}
- \If{$v$ is odd}
- \State $a \gets (a-b) \ll 1$
+ \While{$b \neq 0$}
+ \If{$a$ is odd}
+ \If{$b$ is odd}
+ \State $a \gets (a-b) \gg 1$
- \State $b = b \ll 1$
+ \State $b = b \gg 1$
\If{$a < b$} $a, b \gets b, a$ \EndIf
- \If{$v$ is odd}
- \State $a = a \ll 1$
+ \If{$b$ is odd}
+ \State $a = a \gg 1$
\If{$a < b$} $a, b = b, a$ \EndIf
\State $k = k+1$
- \State $a, b = a \ll 1, b \ll 1$
+ \State $a, b = a \gg 1, b \gg 1$
@@ -58,6 +66,8 @@ Anyway, both show that algorithm ~\ref{alg:gcd} belongs to the class
+Unfortunately, there is yet no known parallel solution that significantly improves
+Euclid's \textsc{gcd}.
\section{RSA Cipher}
@@ -74,10 +84,10 @@ the private exponent.
The notation used to describe asymptotic complexity follows the $O$-notation,
abused under the conventions and limits of MIT's Introduction to Algorithms.
-Let \bigO{g} be the asymptotic upper bound of g:
+Let \bigO{g} be the asymptotic upper bound of g:`
O(g(n)) = \{ f(n) : \exists n_0, c \in \naturalN \mid 0 \leq f(n) \leq cg(n)
- \ \forall n > n_0 \}
+\ \forall n > n_0 \}
With the writing $f(n) = O(g(n))$ we will actually interpret
@@ -86,13 +96,109 @@ $f(n) \in O(g(n))$.
\section{Square Root \label{sec:preq:sqrt}}
Computing the square root has been another foundamental requirement of the
-project, though not satisfied by \openssl. Apprently,
+project, though not satisfied by \openssl. Apparently,
% \openssl is a great pile of crap, as phk states
-\openssl does not provide
-define square root in the algebraic notation
-discuss method of computation for square root
+\openssl does only provide the discrete quare root implementation using the
+Tonelli/Shanks algorithm, which specifically solves $x$ in $x^2 = a \pmod{p}$,
+with $p \in \naturalPrime$.
+ BIGNUM* BN_mod_sqrt(BIGNUM* x, const BIGNUM* a, const BIGNUM* p,
+ const BN_CTX* ctx);
+Instead, we are interested in finding the square root in $\naturalN$, hence we
+did come out with our specific implementation, first using Bombelli's algorithm
+described in ~\ref{par:preq:sqrt:bombelli},
+and later with Dijkstra one discussed in ~\ref{par:preq:sqrt:dijkstra}.
+Unless otherwise specified, in the later pages we will use $\sqrt{n}$ with the
+usual meaning ``the half power of $n$'', while with $x, r = \dsqrt{n}$ we will
+intend the pair $\angular{x, r} \in \naturalN^2 \mid x^2 + r = n$.
+\paragraph{Bombelli's Algorithm \label{par:preq:sqrt:bombelli}} here here here.
+\paragraph{Dijkstra's Algorithm \label{par:preq:sqrt:dijkstra}} can be found in
+\cite{Dijkstra:adop}, \S 8, p.61. There, Dijkstra presents an elightning
+process for the computation of the square root, making only use of binary shift
+and algebraic additions.
+Specifically, the problem attempts to find, given a natual $n$, the $a$ that
+ \label{eq:preq:dijkstra_problem}
+ a^2 \leq n \: \land \: (a+1)^2 > n
+Take now the pair $\angular{a=0, b=n+1}$, and think about the problem as dicotomic
+search: we want to diminuish the dinstance between the upper bound $b$ and the
+lower bound $a$ while holding the guard \ref{eq:preq:dijkstra_problem}:
+ a^2 \leq n \: \land \: b > n
+The speed of convergence is determined by the choice of dinstance $d$, which is optimal when
+$d = (b-a) \idiv 2$.
+ \caption{Square Root: an intuitive, na\"ive implementation}
+ \label{alg:sqrt:dijkstra_naif}
+ \begin{algorithmic}[1]
+ \State $a, b \gets 0, n+1$
+ \While{$a+1 \neq b$}
+ \State $d = (b-a) \idiv 2$
+ \If{$(a+d)^2 \leq n$}
+ $a \gets a+d$
+ \ElsIf{$(b-d)^2 > n$}
+ $b \gets b-d$
+ \EndIf
+ \EndWhile
+ \State \Return a
+ \end{algorithmic}
+% heh, there's not much to explain here, that's almost the same in Dijkstra's
+% book, excluding the inspirative familiar portrait that led to the insight of
+% this change of varaibles.
+Now optimization proceeds by abstration: the variables $a, b$ are sobstituded
+$c = b-a$,
+$p = ac$,
+$q = c^2$,
+$r = n-a^2$
+and finally $h$ as local optimization. For any further details and
+explainations, the reference is still \cite{Dijkstra:adop}.
+ \caption{Square Root: final version}
+ \label{alg:sqrt:dijkstra}
+ \begin{algorithmic}
+ \State $p, q, r \gets 0, 1, n$
+ \While{$q \leq n$} $q \gets q \gg 2$ \EndWhile
+ \While{$q \neq 1$}
+ \State $q \gets q \ll 2$
+ \State $h \gets p+q$
+ \State $p \gets q \ll 1$
+ \State $h \gets 2p + q$
+ \If{$r \geq h$} $p, r \gets p+q, r-h$ \EndIf
+ \EndWhile
+ \State \Return p
+ \end{algorithmic}
+A fair approxidmation of the magnitude of the Dijkstra algorithm can be studied
+by looking at the pseudocode in ~\ref{alg:sqrt:dijkstra_naif}.Exactely as with
+the dicotomic search case, we split the interval $[a, b]$ in half on each step,
+and choose wether to take the leftmost or the rightmost part. This results in
+$log(n+1)$ steps. During each iteration, instead, as we have seen in
+~\ref{alg:sqrt:dijkstra} we just apply summations and binary shifts, which are
+upper bounded by \bigO{\log{n}/2}. Thus, the order of magnitude belongs to
+Even if both algorithms presented have \emph{asymptotically} the same
+complexity, we believe that adopting Dijkstra's one has lead to a pragmatic,
+substantial performance improvement.
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