@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <openssl/ssl.h>
+#include <openssl/err.h>
+#include <openssl/x509.h>
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+#include <openssl/bio.h>
+#include "qa.h"
+#include "questions.h"
+#include "qa_sock.h"
+ * \brief Connection informations.
+ */
+struct qa_connection {
+ int socket; /**< socket file descriptor. */
+ SSL* ssl; /**< ssl handler for this connection. */
+ SSL_CTX* ctx; /**< ssl context used in this connection. */
+ * \brief Destructor for a \ref qa_connection.
+ *
+ * Closes the socket, shuts down the connection, and frees all memory used for
+ * holding the connection.
+ * \note Input might be partial (ex. a socket exists, but not no ssl session).
+ *
+ * \param c The connection to be freed.
+ */
+static void qa_connection_free(struct qa_connection* c)
+ if (c->socket)
+ close(c->socket);
+ if (c->ssl) {
+ SSL_shutdown(c->ssl);
+ SSL_free(c->ssl);
+ }
+ if (c->ctx)
+ SSL_CTX_free(c->ctx);
+ free(c);
+void qa_abort(const char *reason)
+ //ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr);
+static int verify_callback(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX* ctx)
+ return ok;
+ * \brief Set up a new ssl connection.
+ *
+ * Create a new \ref qa_connection, turning on OpenSSL (if not yet started), and
+ * opening a socket with the target server over ssl.
+ *
+ * \param[in] conf Configuration holding informations about the target.
+ * \return The new connection.
+ */
+struct qa_connection* qa_connection_new(const struct qa_conf* conf)
+ struct qa_connection* c;
+ int err;
+ c = malloc(sizeof(struct qa_connection));
+ if (!c) qa_abort("No Memory.");
+ /* Initialize SSL Library by registering algorithms. */
+ SSL_library_init();
+ c->ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method());
+ if (!c->ctx) {
+ qa_connection_free(c);
+ qa_abort("Cannot create context");
+ }
+ /* is also the default. lol. */
+ SSL_CTX_set_verify(c->ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, verify_callback);
+ c->ssl = SSL_new(c->ctx);
+ if (!c->ssl) {
+ qa_connection_free(c);
+ qa_abort("Cannot create ssl handle");
+ }
+ if (!(c->socket = init_client(conf))) {
+ qa_connection_free(c);
+ qa_abort("Cannot create socket.");
+ }
+ if (!SSL_set_fd(c->ssl, c->socket)) {
+ qa_connection_free(c);
+ qa_abort("Cannot bind socket to ssl session");
+ }
+ /* XXX. Handle errors appropriately using error codes from OpenSSL */
+ err = SSL_connect(c->ssl);
+ if (err != 1) {
+ qa_connection_free(c);
+ qa_abort("Cannot Connect");
+ }
+ SSL_set_connect_state(c->ssl);
+ return c;
+ * \brief Given an initial configuration, stuctures the program flow.
+ *
+ * \param[in] args Initial configuration given from a frontend.
+ */
+int qa_init(const struct qa_conf* args)
+ X509 *crt;
+ struct qa_connection *c;
+ struct qa_question *q;
+ /* bind stdout to a BIO shit to be used externally */
+ bio_out = BIO_new_fp(stdout, BIO_NOCLOSE);
+ /* create a new connection, and download the certificate */
+ c = qa_connection_new(args);
+ crt = SSL_get_peer_certificate(c->ssl);
+ if (!crt) qa_abort("Cannot obtain certificate");
+ register_all_questions();
+for (q=questions.lh_first; q; q = q->qs.le_next) {
+ q->setup();
+ q->test(crt);
+ q->ask(crt);
+ q->teardown();
+ }
+ qa_connection_free(c);
+ return 0;