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Fixing wiener's private key generation, plus random errors.

Michele Orrù лет назад: 11
2 измененных файлов с 7 добавлено и 12 удалено
  1. 2 2
  2. 5 10

+ 2 - 2

@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ int BN_sqrtmod(BIGNUM* dv, BIGNUM* rem, BIGNUM* a, BN_CTX* ctx)
   BN_copy(rem, a);
   /* hacking into internal sequence to skip some cycles. */
-  /* for  (BN_one(shift);     original */
-  for (bn_wexpand(shift, a->top+1), shift->top=a->top, shift->d[shift->top-1] = 1;
+  for  (BN_one(shift);    /*  original  */
+  /* for (bn_wexpand(shift, a->top+1), shift->top=a->top, shift->d[shift->top-1] = 1; */
        BN_ucmp(shift, rem) != 1;
        /* BN_rshift(shift, shift, 2); */
        BN_lshift1(shift, shift), BN_lshift1(shift, shift));

+ 5 - 10

@@ -70,8 +70,7 @@ wiener_question_ask_rsa(const RSA *rsa)
     BN_usub(tmp, phi, BN_value_one());
     BN_div(phi, rem, tmp, t, cf->ctx);
     if (!BN_is_zero(rem)) continue;
-    // XXX. check, is it possible to fall here, assuming N, e are valid?
-    if (BN_is_odd(phi) && BN_cmp(n, phi) == 1)   continue;
+    if (BN_is_odd(phi) && BN_cmp(n, phi) < 0)   continue;
      * Recovering p, q
      * Solving the equation
@@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ wiener_question_ask_rsa(const RSA *rsa)
     BN_usub(b2, n, phi);
     BN_uadd(b2, b2, BN_value_one());
-    BN_rshift(b2, b2, 1);
+    BN_rshift1(b2, b2);
     if (BN_is_zero(b2)) continue;
     /* delta */
     BN_sqr(tmp, b2, ctx);
@@ -91,13 +90,9 @@ wiener_question_ask_rsa(const RSA *rsa)
     if (!BN_sqrtmod(tmp, rem, delta, ctx)) continue;
     /* key found :) */
-    ret = RSA_new();
-    ret->n = rsa->n;
-    ret->e = rsa->e;
-    ret->p = BN_new();
-    ret->q = BN_new();
-    BN_usub(ret->p, b2, tmp);
-    BN_uadd(ret->q, b2, tmp);
+    BN_add(tmp, b2, tmp);
+    ret = qa_RSA_recover(rsa, tmp, ctx);
+    assert(ret);