@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ that $\mod{N}$ is equivalent to:
y^2 \equiv \prod_i (x_i^2 - N) \equiv \big( \prod_i x_i \big) ^2 \pmod{N}
-and voil\`a our congruence of squares. For what concerns the generation of $x_i$
-with the property \ref{eq:dixon:x_sequence}, they can simply taken at random and
-tested using trial division.
+and voil\`a our congruence of squares (\cite{discretelogs} \S 4). For what
+concerns the generation of $x_i$ with the property \ref{eq:dixon:x_sequence},
+they can simply taken at random and tested using trial division.
\paragraph{Brillhart and Morrison} later proposed (\cite{morrison-brillhart}
p.187) a better approach than trial division to find such $x$. Their idea aims
@@ -225,10 +225,10 @@ $e^{\sqrt{\ln N \ln \ln N}}$.
\State $x_i \getsRandom \{0, \ldots N\}$
\State $y_i \gets x_i^2 - N$
\State $v_i \gets \texttt{smooth}(y_i)$
- \If{$v_i \neq \emptyset$} $i++$ \EndIf
+ \If{$v_i$} $i \gets i+1$ \EndIf
\State $\mathcal{M} \gets \texttt{matrix}(v_0, \ldots, v_f)$
- \For{$\angular{\lambda_0, \ldots, \lambda_k}
+ \For{$\lambda = \{\mu_0, \ldots, \mu_k\}
\strong{ in } \texttt{ker}(\mathcal{M})$}
\Comment get relations
\State $x \gets \prod\limits_{\mu \in \lambda} x_\mu \pmod{N}$