@@ -14,47 +14,89 @@ end-to-end encryption.
\paragraph{Certification Authorities} are authorities to whom it is granted the
power to \emph{authenticate} the peer. Pragmatically, they are public keys
pre-installed on your computer that decide who and who not to trust employing
-of a digital signature. A more detailed analysis of the inside of a certificate
-will be given in section ~\ref{sec:ssl:x509}.
+a digital signature.
In order to overcome the proliferation of keys to distribute, and satisfy the
use-case of a mindless user willing to accomplish a secure transaction on the
-internet, the concept of a hierarchical model issuing digital certificates
-proliferated with the following trust model:
+internet, the following, hierarchical trust model proliferated (~\cite{rfc4158},
- \begin{tikzpicture}[
- scale=.8,
- ->,>=stealth',
- ,level/.style={sibling distance = 10cm/#1,
- level distance = 2.5cm}]
- \node {Root CA}
- child{ node {\small{Intermediate CA}}
- child{ node {Issuer CA}
- child{ node {} edge from parent node[above left]
- {\tiny{loltrust}}}
- child{ node {}}
- }
- child{ node {CA}
- child{ node {Sub-CA}}
- child{ node {}}
+ scale=0.9,
+ align=center,
+ level/.style={sibling distance=60mm/#1}]
+\node [draw] (z){Root CA}
+ child {node [circle,draw] (a) {CA}
+ child {node [circle,draw] (b) {CA}
+ child {node {$\vdots$}
+ child {node [circle,draw] (d) {EE}}
+ child {node [circle,draw] (e) {EE}}
+ child {node {$\vdots$}}
- child{ node {\small{Intermediate CA}}
- child{ node {CA}
- child{ node {hacked computer}}
- child{ node {CA}}
- }
- child{ node {GVMT CA}
- child{ node {}}
- child{ node {}}
+ child {node [circle,draw] (g) {CA}
+ child {node {$\vdots$}}
+ child {node {$\vdots$}}
+ }
+ }
+ child {node [circle,draw] (j) {CA}
+ child {node [circle,draw] (k) {CA}
+ child {node {$\vdots$}}
+ child {node {$\vdots$}}
+ }
+ child {node [circle,draw] (l) {CA}
+ child {node {$\vdots$}}
+ child {node (c) {$\vdots$}
+ child {node [circle,draw] (o) {EE}}
+ child {node [circle,draw] (p) {EE}
+ child [grow=right] {node (q) {$\Rightarrow$} edge from parent[draw=none]
+ child [grow=right] {node (q) {End Entities} edge from
+ parent[draw=none]
+ child [grow=up] {node (r) {$\vdots$} edge from parent[draw=none]
+ child [grow=up] {node (s)
+ {Certification\\ Authorities} edge from parent[draw=none]
+ child [grow=up] {node (t)
+ {Certification\\ Authorities} edge from parent[draw=none]
+ child [grow=up] {node (u) {Root Authorities} edge from
+ parent[draw=none]}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- ;
- \end{tikzpicture}
+ }
+\path (o) -- (e) node (x) [midway] {$\cdots$}
+ child [grow=down] {
+ %%node [draw] (y) {End User}
+ edge from parent[draw=none]
+ };
+\path (u) -- (z) node [midway] {$\Rightarrow$};
+\path (s) -- (l) node [midway] {$\Rightarrow$};
+\path (j) -- (t) node [midway] {$\Rightarrow$};
+%% \path (y) -- (x) node [midway] {$\Downarrow$};
+\path (e) -- (x) node [midway] {$\cdots$};
+\path (o) -- (x) node [midway] {$\cdots$};
+\path (r) -- (c) node [midway] {$\cdots$};
+There are two types of authorities: root CAs and intermediate CAs. Root
+Authorities are the only nodes ultimately considered trustoworthy by the end
+user. Their private key is used to sign digital certificates, either to
+Certificate Authorities, to which is delegated the power of authenticating
+others, or End Entities, holders of a private key and their corresponding
+certificate whose identity has been verified.
+Upon connecting, the client will check to see if the certificate presented was issued
+by a CA present in the trust store (root CA); otherwise it will check to see if
+it has been issued by a truested CA, and so on until either a trusted CA is
+found or no
\paragraph{The protocol} is actually a collection of many sub-protocols:
@@ -96,6 +138,7 @@ direction. At this point the server can either send back the challenge and
generate a session-id, or it can ask for the client
certificate and finally ask for it (client authentication).
\section{The \texttt{record} protocol}
All TLS protocol messages moves in records of up to 16K, containing 3
main components: MAC-data, data, and padding.