\chapter{Dixon {\texttt{\small{[insert random buzzword here]}}} method\label{chap:dixon}} ~\cite{dixon} describes a class of ``probabilistic algorithms'' for finding a factor of any composite number, at a sub-exponential cost. They basically consists into taking random integers $r$ in $\{1, \ldots, N\}$ and look for those where $r^2 \mod{N}$ is \emph{smooth}. If enough are found, then those integers can somehow be assembled, and so a fatorization of N attemped. \section{Quadratic Sieve} During the latest century there has been a huge effort to approach the problem formulated by Fermat ~\ref{eq:fermat_problem} from different perspecives. This led to an entire family of algorithms known as \emph{Quadratic Sieve} [QS]. The core idea is still to find a pair of perfect squares whose difference can factorize $N$, but maybe Fermat's hypotesis can be made weaker. \paragraph{Kraitchick} was the first one popularizing the idea the instead of looking for integers $\angular{x, y}$ such that $x^2 -y^2 = N$ it is sufficient to look for \emph{multiples} of $N$: \begin{align} x^2 - y^2 \equiv 0 \pmod{N} \end{align} and, once found, claim that $\gcd(N, x \pm y)$ are non-trial divisors of $N$ just as we did in \ref{sec:fermat:implementation}. On the top of this, \section{stuff} at a computational cost asymptotically best than all other ones previously described: \bigO{\beta(\log N \log \log N)^{\rfrac{1}{2}}} for some constant $\beta > 0$. %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "question_authority" %%% End: