# -*- coding: utf-8 ; mode: org -*-

#+TITLE:  Third report
#+DATE:   2013-12-03
#+AUTHOR: Michele Orru`
#+EMAIL:  maker@tumbolandia.net

This third week has been spent finalizing Wiener's Attack on small private
exponent, and starting Dixon's factorization.
It would be nice to receive feddback on the implmented parts.

* DONE Finalize and test Wiener's attack.
  The attack has been implemented and tested, but there are a few issues worth
   1) The square root has been implemented by myself, using Bombelli's algorithm
      for computing root and modulus - which is O(lg₂² n ).
      The algorithm *must* be optimized and *extended* to support big
      numbers. Also, it would be nice if Emanuele could do a second check to
      assert there is no other way.
   2) Tests are being done only against a fake certificate, so it would be nice to
      have more data to test on, maybe the cryptolab has some certificate I shall
      look at?
* DOING Starting Dixon's attack for factorizing the public modulus
  Sources are now, the course lecture (lecture 3), and this [[http://cse.iitkgp.ac.in/~debdeep/courses_iitkgp/Crypto/slides/Factorization.pdf][slides]] found on the
  internetz. There, at page 10 I see that -1 ∈ B, the factor basis. Though, on
  lecture 3, I read "A set B finite and non-empty of prime positive
  integers". What is true, what is wrong?
* DONE Starting book/
  Following Emanuele's suggestion, I've created the book/ directory contains the
  thesis book, and right now I'm just taking note of some algs I've been using;
  so, nothing ready, but might be useful in the future.
  Emanuele mentioned that there are some templates for Sala's students, can I
  have them before next week?