%% oldest and most popular article about known attacks on RSA. @article{boneh1999twenty, title={Twenty years of attacks on the RSA cryptosystem}, author={Boneh, Dan and Rivest, Ron and Shamir, Adi and Adleman, Len and others}, journal={Notices of the AMS}, volume={46}, number={2}, pages={203--213}, year={1999} } %% reccomended limits of p-q @misc{DSS2009, title={FIPS PUB 186-3: Digital Signature Standard}, author={NIST}, year={2009} } %% here there's the descriptions for an efficient computation of fₚ(x) = y . y² ≡ x (mod p) %% [openssl implements it] @misc{ieee2001ieee, title={IEEE P1363a D10 (Draft Version 10): Standard Specifications for Public Key Cryptography: Additional Techniques, IEEE P1363 Working Group, Working draft}, author={IEEE P1363 Working Group and others}, year={2001} } @book{AOCPv2, author = {Knuth, Donald E.}, title = {The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2 (3rd Ed.): Seminumerical Algorithms}, year = {1997}, isbn = {0-201-89684-2}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.}, address = {Boston, MA, USA}, } @book{MITalg, author = "T.~H. Cormen and C.~E. Leiserson and R.~L. Rivest and C.~Stein", edition = "3rd", publisher = "The MIT Press", title = "Introduction to Algorithms", year = 2009, isbn = "978-0-262-03384-8" }