\chapter{Pollard's $\rho$ factorization method \label{chap:pollardrho}}

A \emph{Monte Carlo} factorization method, published by J. M. Pollard in
~\cite{pollardMC}, consists into identifying a periodically recurrent  sequence
of integers within a random walk $\pmod{N}$ that could leak one of the two

Consider a function $f$ from $\mathcal{S}$ to $\mathcal{S}$, where
$\mathcal{S} = \{0, 1, \ldots, q-1\}$ and $q \in \naturalPrime$.
Let $s$ be a random element in $\mathcal{S}$, and consider the sequence
  s,\ f(s),\ f(f(s)),\ \ldots
Since $f$ acts over a finite set, it is clear that this sequence must
eventually repeat, and become cyclic.
We might diagram it with the letter $\rho$, where the tail represent the
aperiodic part, or \emph{epacts}, and the oval the cyclic part, or
  \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7, thick]
    \tikzstyle{every node}=[draw,circle,fill=white,minimum size=4pt,
                            inner sep=0pt]
    \node (1) at (1.4, 0.2) [label=left:$x_1$] {};
    \node (2) at (2.5, 3)   [label=left:$x_{i-2}$] {};
    \node (3) at (3.25, 5)  [label=left:$x_{i-1}$] {};
    \node (4) at (4, 7)     [label=left:$ x_i \equiv x_j $] {};
    \node (5) at (6, 9)     [label=above:$x_{i+1}$] {};
    \node (6) at (8, 7)     [label=right:$x_{i+2}$] {};
    \node (7) at (6, 5)     [label=below:$x_{j-1}$] {};

    \path (1) edge [dashed] (2);
    \path (2) edge (3);
    \path (3) edge (4);
    \path (4) edge [bend left] (5);
    \path (5) edge [bend left] (6);
    \path (6) edge [bend left, dashed] (7);
    \path (7) edge [bend left] (4);

    %%\draw [decorate,decoration={brace, raise=1.5cm}] (1) -- (3)
    %%node[draw=no] at (-1.5, 4) {tail};
    \draw [decorate,decoration={brace, raise=3cm}] (5) -- (7)
    node[draw=none] at (13, 7) {\footnotesize {period $\pmod{q}$}};


Now, consider $N=pq$.
Let $F(x)$ be any function generating pseudorandom integers
$\angular{x_1, x_2, \ldots}$, and let $f(x) = F(x) \pmod{q}$.
As we said above, without any luck, there will be a pair $\angular{x_i, x_j}$
generated by $F$ such that $x_i \equiv x_j \pmod{q}$, but $x_i \neq x_j$.

Therefore, in order to factorize $N$, we proceed as follows: starting from a
random $s$, we iteratively apply $F$ reduced modulo $N$. Whenever we find a
period, if $\gcd(x_i - x_j, N) > 1$ then we found a non-trivial
factor of $N$.

\paragraph{Choosing the function} Ideally, $F$ should be easily computable, but
at the same time random enough to reduce as much as possible the epacts
~\cite{Crandall} \S 5.2.1. Any quadratic function $F(x) = x^2 + b$ should be
  Note that this has been only empirically verified, and so far not been proved
  (~\cite{riesel}, p. 177)},
provided that $b \in \naturalN \setminus \{0, 2\}$.
For example, ~\cite{pollardMC} uses $x^2 -1$, meanwhile we are going to choose
$F(x) = x^2 + 1$.

\paragraph{Finding the period} The trivial way to discover a period would be to
test $x_i$ with all $x_j, \quad j < i$. Though, in \cite{AOCPv2} \S 3.1,
Knuth gives a simple and elegant algorithm, attributed to Floyd, for finding a
multiple of the period.
This algorithm is the same one finally adopted by Pollard in

Given an \emph{ultimately periodic} sequence, in the sense that there exists
numbers $\lambda$ and $\mu$ for which the values:
  X_0, X_1, \ldots, X_{\mu}, \ldots, X_{\mu + \lambda - 1}
are distinct, but $X_{n+\lambda} = X_n$ when $n \geq \mu$,
then there exists an
$\mu < n < \mu + \lambda$ such that $X_n = X_{2n}$.

  First, if $X_n = X_{2n}$, then the sequence is obviously periodic from
  $X_{2n}$ onward, possibly even earlier.
  Conversely, it is true that $X_n = X_m \quad (n \geq \mu)$ for
  $m = n + k\lambda, \quad k \in \naturalN$. Hence, there will eventually
  be an $n$ such that $X_n = X_{2n}$ if and only if $n - \mu$ is a multiple of
  The first such value happens for $n = (\lambda + 1)\floor{\rfrac{\mu}{\lambda}}$.

The immediate consequence of this is that we can find a collision simply by
checking $\gcd(x_{2i} - x_i, N) > 1$ for incremental $i$.

\paragraph{Brent's Improvement} In 1979, Brent discovered an entire family of
cycle-finding algorithms whose optimal version resulted to be 36\% faster than
Floyd's one \cite{pollard-brent}.
Instead of looking for the period of the sequence using $x_{2i} - x_i$, Brent
$\abs{x_j - x_{2^k}}$ for $ 3 \cdot 2^{k-1} < j \leq 2^{k+1}$, resulting in
fewer operations required by the algorithm. Pragmatically, this boils down to

\begin{tabular}{l@{\hskip 40pt} l@{\hskip 50pt} l}
  $k = 0$ & $j \in \{1+1 \ldots 2\}$ & $\abs{x_1 - x_2}$ \\
  $k = 1$ & $j \in \{3+1 \ldots 4\}$ & $\abs{x_2 - x_4}$ \\
  $k = 2$ & $j \in \{6+1 \ldots 8\}$ & $\abs{x_4 - x_7}$, $\abs{x_4 - x_8}$ \\
  $k = 3$ & $j \in \{12+1, \ldots 16\}$ &
            $\abs{x_8 - x_{13}}$, $\abs{x_8 -x_{14}}$, $\ldots$, $|x_8 - x_{16}|$\\
  $k = 4$ & $j \in \{24+1, \ldots 32 \}$ &
            $\abs{x_{16} - x_{25}}$, $\ldots$, $\abs{x_{16} - x_{32}}$ \\[2pt]
  $\quad \vdots$ & $\quad \vdots$ & $\quad \quad \vdots$ \\
  %\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\vdots$} &
  %\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\vdots$} &
  %\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\vdots$} \\

A Pollard's $\rho$ variant that implements Brent's cycle-finding algorithm
instead of Floyd's one runs around 25\% faster on average

\cite{riesel} presents a nice proof of the \emph{average} complexity of
this algorithm, based on the birthday paradox.
\newtheorem*{birthday}{The Birthday Paradox}
  How many persons needs to be selected at random in order that the probability
  of at least two of them having the same birthday exceeds $\rfrac{1}{2}$?

  The probability that $\epsilon$ different persons have different birthdays is:
    \Big(1 - \frac{1}{365}\Big)
    \Big(1 - \frac{2}{365}\Big)
    \Big(1 - \frac{3}{365}\Big)
    \Big(1 - \frac{\epsilon -1}{365}\Big)
    \frac{365!}{365^\epsilon (365-\epsilon)!}
  This expression becomes $< \rfrac{1}{2}$ for $\epsilon \geq 23$.

We can obviously substitute the $365$ with any set of cardinality $\zeta$
to express the probability that a random function from $\integerZ_{\epsilon}$
to $\integerZ_{\zeta}$ is injective. However, back to our particular case,
we want to answer the question:

  How many random numbers do we have to run through before finding at least
  two integers equivalent $\mod{q}$?

Using the same reasoning presented above over the previously defined function
$f(x): \mathcal{S} \to \mathcal{S}$, we will discover that after
$\approx 1.18 \sqrt{q}$ steps the probability to have fallen inside the period
is $\rfrac{1}{2}$. %% is it clear that q is either one of the two primes, and
                   %% that here we want to examinate only a portion of the
                   %% domain?
Since any of the two primes factoring $N$ is bounded above by $\sqrt{N}$, we
will find a periodic sequence, and thus a factor, in time \bigO{\sqrt[4]{N}}.

\section{An Implementation Perspective}

The initial algorithm described by Pollard \cite{pollardMC} and consultable
immediately below, looks for the pair $\angular{x_i, x_{2i}}$ such that
$\gcd(x_{2i} - x_i, N) > 1$.  This is achieved by keeping two variables $x, y$
and respectively updating them via $x \gets f(x)$ and $y \gets f(f(y))$.

  \caption{Pollard's $\rho$ factorization}
    \State $x \getsRandom \naturalN$
    \State $y \gets x$
    \State $g \gets 1$
    \While{$g = 1$}
      \State $x \gets x^2 + 1 \pmod{N}$
      \State $y \gets y^4 + 2y^2 + 2 \pmod{N}$
      \State $g \gets gcd(|x - y|, N)$
    \If{$g = N$} \Return \strong{nil}
    \Else \ \ \Return $g, N//g$

  It is intresting to see how in its basic version, Pollard's $\rho$
  method just needs 3 variables  to preserve the
  state. This places it among the most parsimonious factorization algorithms in
  terms of memory footprint.

An immediate improvement of this algorithm would be to occasionally compute Euclid's
algorithm over the accumulated product to save some computation cycles, just as
we saw in section~\ref{sec:pollard-1:implementing}. The next code fragment - algorithm
\ref{alg:pollardrho} - adopts this trick together with Brent's cycle-finding variant
(\cite{pollard-brent}\S 7).

Unfortunately, a parallel implementation of the $\rho$ algorithm would not
provide a linear speedup.

The computation of the $x_i$ sequence is intrinsecally serial; the only
plausible approach to parallelism would be to try several different pseudorandom
sequences, in which case $m$ different machines processing $m$ different
sequences in parallel would be no more than \bigO{\sqrt{m}}
efficient (\cite{brent:parallel} \S 3).

  \caption{Pollard-Brent's factorization
    \State $r \gets 1$
    \State $q \gets 1$
    \Comment the accumulated $\gcd$
    \State $g \gets 1$
    \State $m \gets 100$
    \Comment steps before checking for $\gcd$
    \State $y \getsRandom \naturalN_{< N}$
    \While{$g = 1$}
      \State $x \gets y$
      \For{$r \strong{ times }$}
        \State $y \gets y^2 + 1 \pmod{N}$
      \State $k \gets 0$
      \While{$k \leq r \strong{ and } g = 1$}
        \State $ys \gets y$
        \Comment backup state
        \For{$\min\{m, r-k\} \strong{ times }$}
        \Comment accumulate values to test later
          \State $y \gets y^2 + 1 \pmod{N}$
          \State $q \gets q \cdot \abs{x -y} \pmod{N}$
        \State $k \gets k + m$
        \State $g \gets \gcd(q, N)$
      \State $r \gets r \ll 1$
    \If{$g = N$}
    \Comment too far; fall back to latest epoch
      \State $ys \gets ys^2 + 1 \pmod{N}$
      \State $g \gets \gcd(N, \abs{x -ys})$
    \Until{$g > 1$} \EndIf
    \If{$g = 1$} \Return \strong{nil}
    \Else \ \ \Return $g, N//g$

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