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This third week has been spent finalizing Wiener's Attack on small private exponent, and starting Dixon's, Pollard's (p-1) factorization. It would be nice to receive feddback on the implmented parts.

DONE Finalize and test Wiener's attack.

DOING Starting Dixon's attack for factorizing the public modulus

1) Complete the implementation of a square root algorithm for integers 2) Complete Wiener's attack 3) Unittest, and test over a fake certificate Just spent some time looking at the mathematical basis behing the attack, started thinking about the algorithm. Sources are now, the course lecture (lecture 3), and this slides found on the internetz.

DOING Starting Pollard's (p-1) attack for factorizing the public modulus

DOING Starting book/

Note: On the slides, at page 10 I see that -1 ∈ B, the factor basis. Though, on lecture 3, I read "A set B finite and non-empty of prime positive integers". What is true, what is wrong? I am currently doing some research here, sorting out the best choiceof B. Though, it seems that wikipedia 's section is wrong. Following Emanuele's suggestion, I've created the book/ directory contains the thesis book, and right now I'm just taking note of some algs I've been using; so, nothing ready, but might be useful in the future.