ssl_prequisites.tex 1.6 KB

  1. \chapter{The Secure Layer \label{chap:ssl}}
  2. Transport Layer Security, formerly known as SSL (Secure Socket Layer), aims
  3. to bring some security features over a communication channel, specifically
  4. providing \strong{integrity} and \strong{confidentiality} of the message, \strong{authenticity} of the server and
  5. optionally the client.
  6. %% fuck osi layers: there is no code explicitly structuring the internet in 7
  7. %% layers.
  8. The most allocate TLS in the 6 or 7th OSI Layer, ``Application'', and is nowdays widely adopted
  9. all over the world, being the de-facto standard for end-to-end encryption.
  10. \paragraph{Certifications Authority} are at the root of the security of the
  11. protocol. See section ~\ref{sec:ssl:x509}
  12. \paragraph{The protocol} is actually composed of many sub-protocols:
  13. \begin{itemize}
  14. \item handshake protocol
  15. \item record protocol
  16. \item alert protocol
  17. \item changespec protocol ?
  18. \end{itemize}
  19. We will proceed by describing in deep only the first two of these, due to their
  20. relevant role inside the conection and furthermore, because they are the only
  21. two we actually made use of during our investigations.
  22. \section{The \texttt{handshake} protocol}
  23. Different options:
  24. \begin{itemize}
  25. \item no session
  26. \item session
  27. \item client authenticaton
  28. \end{itemize}
  29. \section{The \texttt{record} protocol}
  30. Until 2005, failure to authenticate, decrypt will result in I/O error and a
  31. close of the connection
  32. \section{What's inside a certificate \label{sec:ssl:x509}}
  33. \section{Remarks among SSL/TLS versions}
  34. cos'e
  35. differenze tra le varie versioni
  36. la certification autority
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