refs_CGC.bib 505 KB

  1. @MastersThesis{ CGC-tesi5-maines,
  2. crossref = "CGC-alg-tesi5-maines"
  3. }
  4. @MastersThesis{ CGC-tesi4-bresnan,
  5. crossref = "CGC-cd-tesi4-bresnan"
  6. }
  7. @MastersThesis{ CGC-tesi4-giorgetti,
  8. crossref = "CGC-cd-tesi4-giorgetti"
  9. }
  10. @MastersThesis{ CGC-tesi4-orsini,
  11. crossref = "CGC-cd-tesi4-orsini"
  12. }
  13. @MastersThesis{ CGC-tesi3-rimoldi,
  14. crossref = "CGC-cry-tesi3-rimoldi"
  15. }
  16. @MastersThesis{ CGC-tesi2-guerrini,
  17. crossref = "CGC-cd-tesi2-guerrini"
  18. }
  19. @Book{ CGC-BER84,
  20. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-BER84"
  21. }
  22. @InProceedings{ CGC-Castagnoli:AAECC1989,
  23. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-Castagnoli:AAECC1989"
  24. }
  25. @Article{ CGC-CHI64,
  26. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-CHI64"
  27. }
  28. @Article{ CGC-HAMM,
  29. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-HAMM"
  30. }
  31. @Book{ CGC-PLE82,
  32. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-PLE82"
  33. }
  34. @Article{ CGC-SIN64,
  35. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-SIN64"
  36. }
  37. @Article{ CGC-Kasami-Lin-Peterson:IEEE_IT1968,
  38. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-KaLiPe68"
  39. }
  40. @Article{ CGC-Pellikaan-Wu:IEEE_IT2004,
  41. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-PellWu04"
  42. }
  43. @Article{ CGC-Schwartz:JACM1980,
  44. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-Schw80"
  45. }
  46. @Article{ CGC-Krachkovsky03,
  47. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-Krachkovsky03"
  48. }
  49. @Article{ CGC-GuruswamiRudra08,
  50. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-GuruswamiRudra08"
  51. }
  52. @InCollection{ CGC-Zippel:EUROSAM79,
  53. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-Zip79"
  54. }
  55. @InProceedings{ CGC-quad,
  56. crossref = "CGC-cry-art-quad"
  57. }
  58. @InProceedings{ CGC-ivquad,
  59. crossref = "CGC-cry-art-ivquad"
  60. }
  61. @InProceedings{ CGC-mqhash,
  62. crossref = "CGC-cry-art-mqhash"
  63. }
  64. @Article{ CGC-yesha,
  65. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-yesha"
  66. }
  67. @Article{ CGC-code-n,
  68. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-Nied98"
  69. }
  70. @InProceedings{ CGC-lattices,
  71. crossref = "CGC-cry-art-NGSt01"
  72. }
  73. @InProceedings{ CGC-lattice,
  74. crossref = "CGC-cry-art-Reg06"
  75. }
  76. @InProceedings{ Ch,
  77. crossref = "CGC-cry-art-Ch96"
  78. }
  79. @InProceedings{ CGC-SC,
  80. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-SC96"
  81. }
  82. @InProceedings{ CGC-CSV,
  83. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-CSV93"
  84. }
  85. @Book{ CGC-Koblitz,
  86. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-Koblitz99"
  87. }
  88. @InProceedings{ CGC-FD,
  89. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-FellDiff85"
  90. }
  91. @InProceedings{ CGC-MI85,
  92. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-MI85"
  93. }
  94. @Article{ CGC-BulPell,
  95. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-BulPell09"
  96. }
  97. @Article{ CGC-augot,
  98. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-AaugBarFaug09"
  99. }
  100. @Misc{ CGC-ars,
  101. crossref = "CGC-cry-misc-FaugArs03"
  102. }
  103. @InProceedings{ CGC-cmeier,
  104. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-CourtMeier03"
  105. }
  106. @Article{ CGC-R,
  107. crossref = "CGC-cry-art-ChRiv88"
  108. }
  109. @Misc{ CGC-TAXO,
  110. crossref = "CGC-cry-misc-WolfPren05"
  111. }
  112. @Article{ CGC-RSA,
  113. crossref = "CGC-cry-art-RSA78"
  114. }
  115. @TechReport{ CGC-RC,
  116. crossref = "CGC-cry-art-Rab79"
  117. }
  118. @Book{ CGC-FF,
  119. crossref = "CGC-alg-book-LidlNied03"
  120. }
  121. @Book{ CGC-Knuth-seminum,
  122. crossref = "CGC-misc-book-Knuth97"
  123. }
  124. @Article{ CGC-Fact-A,
  125. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-GathSh92"
  126. }
  127. @InProceedings{ CGC-HFER,
  128. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-JiangDingHu07"
  129. }
  130. @Article{ CGC-IPHDR,
  131. crossref = "CGC-misc-art-Thier00"
  132. }
  133. @InProceedings{ CGC-polly,
  134. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-CabCarTrav08"
  135. }
  136. @PhDThesis{ CGC-dick,
  137. crossref = "CGC-alg-phdthesis-Dick89"
  138. }
  139. @Article{ CGC-Gathen,
  140. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-GathGutRub03"
  141. }
  142. @InProceedings{ CGC-polly-cracker,
  143. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-FellKobl94"
  144. }
  145. @InProceedings{ CGC-KC,
  146. crossref = "CGC-cry-FouqMacStern08"
  147. }
  148. @InProceedings{ CGC-lickc,
  149. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-FouqMacPerrStern08"
  150. }
  151. @InProceedings{ CGC-lic,
  152. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-DingWolfYang07"
  153. }
  154. @InProceedings{ CGC-HOLE,
  155. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-DingHuNieLiWagn07"
  156. }
  157. @InProceedings{ CGC-Medium,
  158. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-WangYangHuLai06"
  159. }
  160. @Article{ CGC-DS2,
  161. crossref = "CGC-cry-art-DingSchm04"
  162. }
  163. @Misc{ CGC-GPS07,
  164. crossref = "CGC-alg-misc-GreuelPfistSchn07"
  165. }
  166. @InProceedings{ CGC-Preneel91,
  167. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-PrenGovVar91"
  168. }
  169. @Misc{ CGC-QuSeberryXia,
  170. crossref = "CGC-cry-miscQuSebXia01"
  171. }
  172. @InProceedings{ CGC-BihamChen2005,
  173. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-BihamChen05"
  174. }
  175. @InCollection{ CGC-BihamChenJoux2005,
  176. crossref = "CGC-cry-bookBihamChenJouxCarrLemJalby05"
  177. }
  178. @InCollection{ CGC-WYiY,
  179. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-WangYinYu05"
  180. }
  181. @InCollection{ CGC-WYuY,
  182. crossref = "CGC-cry-book-WangYuYinCRYPTO05"
  183. }
  184. @Article{ CGC-mgm,
  185. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-MarkGligMark05"
  186. }
  187. @Book{ CGC-PM,
  188. crossref = "CGC-misc-book-Pomm05"
  189. }
  190. @Book{ CGC-DK,
  191. crossref = "CGC-misc-book-DenKeed74"
  192. }
  193. @Article{ CGC-M,
  194. crossref = "CGC-misc-art-McKWanl05"
  195. }
  196. @MastersThesis{ CGC-D,
  197. crossref = "CGC-alg-thesis-Dim05"
  198. }
  199. @Book{ CGC-Colbourn1996,
  200. crossref = "CGC-misc-book-ColbDin96"
  201. }
  202. @Misc{ CGC-DesignTheory,
  203. crossref = "CGC-misc-misc-DesignTheory"
  204. }
  205. @Misc{ CGC-McKayLatinSq,
  206. crossref = "CGC-misc-misc-McKayLatinSq"
  207. }
  208. @Misc{ CGC-poli,
  209. crossref = "CGC-alg-misc-poli"
  210. }
  211. @Article{ CGC-henning,
  212. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-And07"
  213. }
  214. @Article{ CGC-MR0178997,
  215. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-AssmMatt63"
  216. }
  217. @Article{ CGC-ivan-thomas98f,
  218. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-HonLand00"
  219. }
  220. @Article{ CGC-ivan-thomas99b,
  221. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-HonLand01a"
  222. }
  223. @Article{ CGC-ivan-thomas99c,
  224. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-HonLand01b"
  225. }
  226. @Article{ CGC-MR2001h:06011,
  227. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-FarlSchm00"
  228. }
  229. @Book{ CGC-MR2000b:06001,
  230. crossref = "CGC-alg-book-Gratz98"
  231. }
  232. @Book{ CGC-MR98j:51003,
  233. crossref = "CGC-alg-book-Schm95"
  234. }
  235. @Article{ CGC-MR97f:51011,
  236. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-SchmStein96"
  237. }
  238. @InCollection{ CGC-MR96j:51008,
  239. crossref = "CGC-alg-book-BrehmGrefSchm95"
  240. }
  241. @Article{ CGC-MR2002g:94053,
  242. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-KuzmNech01"
  243. }
  244. @Article{ CGC-MR2001h:94030,
  245. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-NechKuzmMark97"
  246. }
  247. @Article{ CGC-MR2001g:94018,
  248. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-KuzmKurMarkMikhNech99"
  249. }
  250. @InCollection{ CGC-MR99m:94049,
  251. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-NechKuzm97"
  252. }
  253. @InCollection{ CGC-MR2003d:16052,
  254. crossref = "CGC-alg-book-Wisb02"
  255. }
  256. @Article{ CGC-MR2001g:16069,
  257. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-AbuhlGomTorrWisb00"
  258. }
  259. @Article{ CGC-MR2000c:16004,
  260. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-ClarkWisb98"
  261. }
  262. @Article{ CGC-MR2000b:16003,
  263. crossref = "CGC-alg-artBrodsSalLeVThuyWisb98"
  264. }
  265. @Article{ CGC-os,
  266. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-osullivan2"
  267. }
  268. @Article{ CGC-HL2,
  269. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-DinhLopPerm04FFA"
  270. }
  271. @InProceedings{ CGC-Dill1,
  272. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-LoChenDillLopPerm97"
  273. }
  274. @InProceedings{ CGC-Dill2,
  275. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-LopPermLindDill00"
  276. }
  277. @InProceedings{ CGC-Dill3,
  278. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-CurrLindDillLopPerm01"
  279. }
  280. @Article{ CGC-ro00a,
  281. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-RosWang00"
  282. }
  283. @InProceedings{ CGC-ro00p,
  284. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-RosVont00"
  285. }
  286. @InCollection{ CGC-ro01,
  287. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-Ros01"
  288. }
  289. @Article{ CGC-ro01a,
  290. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-RosWang01S"
  291. }
  292. @Article{ CGC-ro01a1,
  293. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-RosZel01"
  294. }
  295. @InProceedings{ CGC-ro01p,
  296. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-RosVont01"
  297. }
  298. @InProceedings{ CGC-sm98p1,
  299. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-SmarRos98a"
  300. }
  301. @InProceedings{ CGC-sm98p2,
  302. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-SmarRos98b"
  303. }
  304. @InProceedings{ CGC-sm98p3,
  305. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-sSmarGluesLuerRos98"
  306. }
  307. @InProceedings{ CGC-sm00p,
  308. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-SmarGluesLuerRos00"
  309. }
  310. @InCollection{ CGC-sm01,
  311. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-Smar01SV"
  312. }
  313. @Article{ CGC-sm01a,
  314. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-SmarGLuesLuerRos01"
  315. }
  316. @PhDThesis{ CGC-sm01t,
  317. crossref = "CGC-cd-phdthesis-Smar01"
  318. }
  319. @Article{ CGC-ju73,
  320. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-Just73"
  321. }
  322. @Article{ CGC-ju74,
  323. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-JustHugh74"
  324. }
  325. @Article{ CGC-ju90,
  326. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-JustPaaskBall90"
  327. }
  328. @Article{ CGC-ma73,
  329. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-MassCostJust73"
  330. }
  331. @Article{ CGC-la79a,
  332. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-Lauer79"
  333. }
  334. @Article{ CGC-ma67,
  335. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-MassSain67"
  336. }
  337. @Book{ CGC-ma67b,
  338. crossref = "CGC-alg-book-MacLBirk67"
  339. }
  340. @Article{ CGC-ma68,
  341. crossref = "CGC-misc-art-MassSain68"
  342. }
  343. @Article{ CGC-fo88,
  344. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-Forn88"
  345. }
  346. @Article{ CGC-MR99a:94053,
  347. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-SolAvgHOnHeis98"
  348. }
  349. @Article{ CGC-MR97k:94050,
  350. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-Hon96"
  351. }
  352. @Article{ CGC-MR99a:94058,
  353. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-KonstKhauiz97"
  354. }
  355. @Article{ CGC-hou2003,
  356. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-HouLeungMa03"
  357. }
  358. @Article{ CGC-llx02,
  359. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-LeungLingXing02"
  360. }
  361. @Article{ CGC-voho97,
  362. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-VOssHohldt97"
  363. }
  364. @Article{ CGC-MR1873201,
  365. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-FagnZamp01"
  366. }
  367. @Article{ CGC-loelmitt96,
  368. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-LoelMitt96"
  369. }
  370. @Article{ CGC-joha98,
  371. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-JohannWanWitt98"
  372. }
  373. @InProceedings{ CGC-grossm02,
  374. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-SullGrefSmar02"
  375. }
  376. @Article{ CGC-lopez,
  377. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-KanwLopPer97"
  378. }
  379. @Article{ CGC-grefnechaevwisb,
  380. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-GrefNechWisb04"
  381. }
  382. @Article{ CGC-bl75,
  383. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-Blak75"
  384. }
  385. @Article{ CGC-cama95,
  386. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-CaldSloan95"
  387. }
  388. @Article{ CGC-sh75,
  389. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-Shank79"
  390. }
  391. @Article{ CGC-hel68,
  392. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-Hell68"
  393. }
  394. @Article{ CGC-ro96a1,
  395. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-RosSchumYork96"
  396. }
  397. @Article{ CGC-sm00,
  398. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-Smar00"
  399. }
  400. @InCollection{ CGC-mc98,
  401. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-McEl98"
  402. }
  403. @Article{ CGC-MR96b:94033,
  404. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-Loel94"
  405. }
  406. @Article{ CGC-ro98,
  407. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-RosSott98"
  408. }
  409. @InCollection{ CGC-ro98p1,
  410. crossref = "CGC-misc-book-ROsWill98"
  411. }
  412. @InCollection{ CGC-ro98p2,
  413. crossref = "CGC-misc-book-ROsWill98b"
  414. }
  415. @InProceedings{ CGC-ro98p3,
  416. crossref = "CGC-misc-book-RosSmar98"
  417. }
  418. @TechReport{ CGC-ro98r,
  419. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-ROsSmar98"
  420. }
  421. @Article{ CGC-ro99a,
  422. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-RosYork99"
  423. }
  424. @Article{ CGC-ro99a1,
  425. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-RosSmar99"
  426. }
  427. @InCollection{ CGC-MR2002i:94066,
  428. crossref = "CGC-cd-book-HonLand01"
  429. }
  430. @Article{ CGC-MR2002b:16033,
  431. crossref = "CGC-alg-art-Hon01"
  432. }
  433. @Article{ CGC-MR2001f:94016,
  434. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-NechKhon99"
  435. }
  436. @Article{ CGC-ivan-thomas98i,
  437. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-HonLand99"
  438. }
  439. @Article{ CGC-MR99j:94066,
  440. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-HonLand99b"
  441. }
  442. @Article{ CGC-MR2001i:94072,
  443. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-HonLand99b"
  444. }
  445. @Article{ CGC-ju75,
  446. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-Just75"
  447. }
  448. @Article{ CGC-cd-book-carlet,
  449. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-carlet10"
  450. }
  451. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-lax11,
  452. crossref = "CGC-cd-art-lax12"
  453. }
  454. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-Font11,
  455. crossref = "CGC2-cry-art-Font12"
  456. }
  457. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-manumaxchiara,
  458. crossref = "CGC-cd-prep-manumaxchiara12"
  459. }
  461. @TechReport{ CGC-misc-lubyrackoffmaines,
  462. title = "Analisi crittografica di alcuni cifrari basati sullo schema di {L}uby-{R}ackoff",
  463. author = "L. Maines",
  464. number = "",
  465. key = "{BEAR}-{LION}",
  466. type = "Report",
  467. institution = "{C}rypto{L}ab{U}nitn",
  468. year = "2010"
  469. }
  470. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-book-Geil08,
  471. AUTHOR = "O. Geil",
  472. TITLE = "Evaluation codes from an affine-variety codes perspective",
  473. BOOKTITLE = "Advances in Algebraic Geometry codes",
  474. publisher = "World Scientific",
  475. editor = "C.Munuera D. Ruano {E. Martinez-Moro}",
  476. PAGES = "p.153--180",
  477. YEAR = "2008"
  478. }
  479. @Article{ CGC-cd-prep-manumaxchiara12,
  480. author = "C. Marcolla and E. Orsini and M. Sala",
  481. title = "Improved decoding of affine-variety codes",
  482. journal = "Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra",
  483. volume = "216",
  484. number = "7",
  485. pages = "1533--1565",
  486. year = "2012",
  487. issn = "0022-4049"
  488. }
  489. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-lax12,
  490. author = "R. F. Lax",
  491. title = "Generic interpolation polynomial for list decoding",
  492. journal = "Finite Fields and Their Applications",
  493. volume = "18",
  494. number = "1",
  495. year = "2012",
  496. pages = "167--178"
  497. }
  498. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-peterson67,
  499. author = "W. W. Peterson",
  500. title = "On the weight structure and symmetry of BCH codes",
  501. journal = "J. Inst. Elec. Commun. Eng.",
  502. volume = "50",
  503. year = "1967",
  504. pages = "1183--1190"
  505. }
  506. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-prep-enricoAnna10,
  507. author = "E. Bertolazzi and A. Rimoldi",
  508. title = "Fast matrix-rank computation in {GF}(2)",
  509. institution = "arxiv",
  510. year = "2010"
  511. }
  512. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-4russians,
  513. author = "D. Angluin",
  514. title = "The four {R}ussians' algorithm for {B}oolean matrix multiplication is optimal in its class",
  515. journal = "SIGACT News",
  516. volume = "8",
  517. year = "1976",
  518. pages = "29--33"
  519. }
  520. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-golub96,
  521. AUTHOR = "G. H. Golub and C. F. {Van Loan}",
  522. TITLE = "Matrix computations",
  523. SERIES = "Johns Hopkins Studies in the Mathematical Sciences",
  524. EDITION = "Third",
  525. PUBLISHER = "Johns Hopkins University Press",
  526. ADDRESS = "Baltimore, MD",
  527. YEAR = "1996",
  528. PAGES = "xxx+698"
  529. }
  530. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-PGC98a,
  531. author = "J. Patarin and L. Goubin and N. Courtois",
  532. title = "Improved Algorithms for Isomorphisms of Polynomials",
  533. booktitle = "Proc. of {EUROCRYPT}~1998",
  534. year = "1998",
  535. series = "LNCS",
  536. volume = "1403",
  537. pages = "184--200"
  538. }
  539. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-BDKKS10,
  540. author = "A. Biryukov and O. Dunkelman and N. Keller and D. Khovratovich and A. Shamir",
  541. title = "{K}ey {R}ecovery {A}ttacks of {P}ractical {C}omplexity on {AES}-256 {V}ariants with up to $10$ Rounds",
  542. booktitle = "Proc. of {EUROCRYPT}~2010",
  543. year = "2010",
  544. series = "LNCS"
  545. }
  546. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-LimK07,
  547. author = "C. Lim and K. Khoo",
  548. title = "An {A}nalysis of {XSL} Applied to {BES}",
  549. booktitle = "Proc. of {FSE}~2007",
  550. publisher = "Springer",
  551. year = "2007",
  552. volume = "4593",
  553. editor = "A. Biryukov",
  554. pages = "242--253",
  555. series = "LNCS"
  556. }
  557. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-art-WolOswLam02,
  558. AUTHOR = "J. Wolkerstorfer and E. Oswald and M. Lamberger",
  559. TITLE = "An {ASIC} Implementation of the {AES} {SB}oxes",
  560. BOOKTITLE = "CT-RSA: The Cryptographers' Track at RSA Conference",
  561. SERIES = "LNCS",
  562. VOLUME = "2271",
  563. PAGES = "67--68",
  564. YEAR = "2002"
  565. }
  566. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-Wagner76,
  567. author = "A. Wagner",
  568. title = "The faithful linear representation of least degree of ${S}\_n$ and ${A}\_n$ over field of characteristic $2$.",
  569. journal = "Math. Z.",
  570. year = "1976",
  571. volume = "151",
  572. number = "2",
  573. pages = "127--137"
  574. }
  575. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-BirCanBra03,
  576. author = "A. Biryukov and C. {De Canniere} and A. Braeken and B. Preneel",
  577. series = "LNCS",
  578. volume = "2656",
  579. pages = "33--50",
  580. title = "A Toolbox for Cryptanalysis: Linear and Affine Equivalence Algorithms",
  581. booktitle = "Proc.of {EUROCRYPT}~2003",
  582. year = "2003"
  583. }
  584. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-prep-biryukov09,
  585. author = "A. Biryukov and D. Khovratovich",
  586. title = "{R}elated-key {C}ryptanalysis of the {F}ull {AES}-192 and {AES}-256 ",
  587. institution = "IACR",
  588. note = "",
  589. year = "2009"
  590. }
  591. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-prep-BKN09,
  592. author = "A. Biryukov and D. Khovratovich and I. Nikolic",
  593. title = "Distinguisher and related Key attack on the Full {AES}-256 ",
  594. institution = "IACR",
  595. URL = "",
  596. year = "2009"
  597. }
  598. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-prep-BDKDS09,
  599. author = "A. Biryukov and O. Dunkelman and N. Keller and D. Khovratovich and A. Shamir",
  600. title = "{K}ey {R}ecovery {A}ttacks of {P}ractical {C}omplexity on {AES} {V}ariants with {U}p to 10 Rounds",
  601. institution = "IACR",
  602. URL = "",
  603. year = "2009"
  604. }
  605. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-BihDunKel05a,
  606. author = "E. Biham and O. Dunkelman and N. Keller",
  607. title = "Related-Key Boomerang and Rectangle Attacks",
  608. booktitle = "Proc. of {EUROCRYPT}~2005",
  609. year = "2005",
  610. SERIES = "LNCS",
  611. VOLUME = "3494",
  612. PAGES = "507--525"
  613. }
  614. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-Knudsen98a,
  615. author = "L. Knudsen",
  616. year = "1999",
  617. title = "Contemporary Block Ciphers",
  618. journal = "LNCS",
  619. volume = "1561",
  620. pages = "105--126"
  621. }
  622. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-CookYK09,
  623. title = "Elastic block ciphers: method, security and instantiations",
  624. author = "D. L. Cook and M. Yung and A. D. Keromytis",
  625. journal = "Int. J. Inf. Sec",
  626. year = "2009",
  627. number = "3",
  628. volume = "8",
  629. pages = "211--231"
  630. }
  631. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-SotoRTA,
  632. author = "J. J. Soto",
  633. title = "Randomness Testing of the {AES} Candidate Algorithms",
  634. editor = "{National Institute of Standards and Technology}",
  635. booktitle = "Proc. of {AES} candidate conference I",
  636. publisher = "NIST",
  637. pages = "9",
  638. year = "1998",
  639. URL = ""
  640. }
  641. @TechReport{ CGC-misc-NIST-SP80022,
  642. title = "A Statistical Test Suite for Random and Pseudorandom Number Generators for Cryptographic Applications",
  643. number = "SP 800-22",
  644. URL = "",
  645. key = "NIST SP-800-22",
  646. type = "Special Publication",
  647. institution = "NIST",
  648. year = "2000"
  649. }
  650. @TechReport{ CGC-alg-prep-migler,
  651. title = "Weight and rank of matrices over finite fields",
  652. author = "T. Migler and K. E. Morrison and O. Mitchell",
  653. year = "2004",
  654. bibsource = "OAI-PMH server at",
  655. identifier = "How much does a matrix of rank k weigh? Mathematics Magazine, 79, 2006, 262-271.",
  656. subject = "Mathematics - Rings and Algebras; 15A52",
  657. institution = "arxiv",
  658. URL = ""
  659. }
  660. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-PRESENT,
  661. title = "{PRESENT}: An Ultra-Lightweight Block Cipher",
  662. author = "A. {Andrey Bogdanov} and L. R. Knudsen and G. Leander and C. Paar and A. Poschmann and M. J. B. Robshaw and Y. Seurin and C. Vikkelsoe",
  663. booktitle = "Proc. of {CHES}~2007",
  664. publisher = "Springer",
  665. year = "2007",
  666. volume = "4727",
  667. pages = "450--466",
  668. series = "LNCS"
  669. }
  670. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-twofish,
  671. author = "B. Schneier",
  672. title = "The {Twofish} Encryption Algorithm",
  673. journal = "Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools",
  674. volume = "23",
  675. number = "12",
  676. pages = "30--38",
  677. year = "1998",
  678. URL = ""
  679. }
  680. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-RC6,
  681. title = "{RC6} as the {AES}",
  682. author = "R. L. Rivest and M. J. B. Robshaw and Y. L. Yin",
  683. year = "2000",
  684. booktitle = "Proc. of {AES III}",
  685. pages = "337--342"
  686. }
  687. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-anna,
  688. author = "Anna Rimoldi",
  689. title = "On algebraic and statistical properties of AES-like ciphers",
  690. school = "University of Trento",
  691. year = "2009"
  692. }
  693. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-prep-BRS10,
  694. author = "A. Rimoldi and M. Sala and E. Bertolazzi",
  695. title = "Do {AES} encryptions act randomly?",
  696. institution = "arxiv",
  697. year = "2010",
  698. note = ""
  699. }
  700. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-prep-RST10,
  701. author = "A. Rimoldi and M. Sala and I. Toli",
  702. title = "A possible intrinsic weakness of {AES} and other cryptosystems",
  703. institution = "arxiv",
  704. year = "2010",
  705. note = ""
  706. }
  707. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-huntoon77,
  708. author = "Z. Huntoon and A. Michelson",
  709. title = "On the Computation of the Probability of Post-Decoding Error Events for Block Codes",
  710. journal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
  711. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  712. year = "1977",
  713. pages = "399--403"
  714. }
  715. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-kimlee96,
  716. author = "M. G. Kim and J H. Lee",
  717. title = " Decoder Error Probability of Binary Linear Block Codes and Its Application to Binary Primitive BCH Codes",
  718. journal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
  719. year = "1996",
  720. pages = "592--599",
  721. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory"
  722. }
  723. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-art-IDEA91,
  724. AUTHOR = "X. Lai and J. L. Massey and S. Murphy",
  725. TITLE = "Markov ciphers and differential cryptanalysis",
  726. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of {EUROCRYPT}~1991",
  727. SERIES = "LNCS",
  728. VOLUME = "547",
  729. PAGES = "17--38",
  730. YEAR = "1991"
  731. }
  732. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-bartal05,
  733. AUTHOR = "Y. Bartal and N. Linial and M. Mendel and A. Naor",
  734. TITLE = "On metric {R}amsey-type phenomena",
  735. JOURNAL = "Ann. of Math. (2)",
  736. FJOURNAL = "Annals of Mathematics. Second Series",
  737. VOLUME = "162",
  738. YEAR = "2005",
  739. NUMBER = "2",
  740. PAGES = "643--709"
  741. }
  742. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-krauthgamee05,
  743. AUTHOR = "R. Krauthgamer and J. R. Lee",
  744. TITLE = "The black-box complexity of nearest-neighbor search",
  745. JOURNAL = "Theoret. Comput. Sci.",
  746. FJOURNAL = "Theoretical Computer Science",
  747. VOLUME = "348",
  748. YEAR = "2005",
  749. NUMBER = "2-3",
  750. PAGES = "262--276"
  751. }
  752. @TechReport{ CGC-alg-prep-suri,
  753. author = "S. Suri",
  754. title = "Closest Pair Problem",
  755. institution = "Dept. of CS, Univ. of California",
  756. note = "",
  757. year = "2009"
  758. }
  759. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-art-shamos75,
  760. AUTHOR = "M. I. Shamos and D. H.",
  761. TITLE = "Closest-point problems",
  762. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of {A}nnual {S}ymposium on {F}oundations of {C}omputer {S}cience (1975)",
  763. PAGES = "151--162",
  764. PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society",
  765. YEAR = "1975"
  766. }
  767. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-prepshamos85,
  768. AUTHOR = "F. P. Preparata and M. I. Shamos",
  769. TITLE = "Computational geometry",
  770. SERIES = "Texts and Monographs in Computer Science",
  771. NOTE = "An introduction",
  772. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  773. YEAR = "1985"
  774. }
  775. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-ferguson1,
  776. author = "N. Ferguson and J. Kesley and S. Lucks and B. Schneier and M. Stay and D. Wagner and D. Whitinf",
  777. title = "Improved cryptanalysis of {R}ijndael",
  778. year = "2000",
  779. pages = "213--230",
  780. booktitle = "Proc. of FSE~2000",
  781. publisher = "Springer",
  782. series = "LNCS",
  783. volume = "1978"
  784. }
  785. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-ferguson2,
  786. author = "N. Ferguson and R. Schroeppel and D. Whitinf",
  787. title = "A simple algebraic representation of {R}ijndael",
  788. year = "2001",
  789. volume = "2259",
  790. series = "LNCS",
  791. pages = "103--111",
  792. booktitle = "Proc. of~SAC~2001"
  793. }
  794. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-gilbert,
  795. author = "H. Gilbert and M. Minier",
  796. title = "A collision attack on seven rounds of {R}ijndael",
  797. booktitle = "Proc. of AES3",
  798. institution = "NIST",
  799. year = "2000"
  800. }
  801. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-biryukov,
  802. author = "A. Biryukov",
  803. title = "The {B}oomerang {A}ttack on 5 and 6 round {R}educed {AES}",
  804. booktitle = "Proc. of AES4",
  805. institution = "NIST",
  806. year = "2004"
  807. }
  808. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-bihamkeller,
  809. author = "E. Biham and N. Keller",
  810. title = "Cryptanalysis of reduced variants of {R}ijndael",
  811. booktitle = "Proc. of AES3",
  812. institution = "NIST",
  813. year = "2000"
  814. }
  815. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-barkanbiham,
  816. author = "E. Barkan and E. Biham",
  817. title = "In how many ways can you write {R}ijndael?",
  818. booktitle = "Proc. of ASIACRYPT~2002",
  819. series = "LNCS",
  820. year = "2002",
  821. volume = "2501",
  822. pages = "160--175"
  823. }
  824. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-prep-barkanbiham2,
  825. author = "E. Barkan and E. Biham",
  826. title = "The {B}ook of {R}ijndaels",
  827. institution = "IACR ePrint Report, 2002/158",
  828. location = "",
  829. year = "2002"
  830. }
  831. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-bihamkeller01,
  832. author = "E. Biham and O. Dunkelman and N. Keller",
  833. title = "The {R}ectangle {A}ttack - {R}ectangling the {S}erpent",
  834. booktitle = "Proc. of EUROCRYPT~2001",
  835. series = "LNCS",
  836. year = "2001",
  837. volume = "2045",
  838. pages = "340--357"
  839. }
  840. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-art-deamenrijmen1,
  841. author = "J. Daemen and V. Rijmen",
  842. title = "{AES} proposal: {R}ijndael",
  843. institution = "NIST",
  844. location = "",
  845. year = "1998"
  846. }
  847. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-wulu,
  848. author = "S. Wu and S. Lu and C. Laih",
  849. title = "Design of {AES} based on Dual cipher and Composite field",
  850. booktitle = "Proc. of CT-RSA 2004",
  851. series = "LNCS",
  852. year = "2004",
  853. volume = "2964",
  854. pages = "25--38"
  855. }
  856. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-cheon,
  857. author = "J.H. Cheon and M. Kim and K. Kim and J.Y. Lee and S. Kang",
  858. title = "Improved impossible differential cryptanalysis of {R}ijndael and {C}rypton",
  859. booktitle = "Proc. of ICISC~2001",
  860. series = "LNCS",
  861. year = "2001",
  862. volume = "2288",
  863. pages = "39--49"
  864. }
  865. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-wagner,
  866. author = "D. Wagner",
  867. title = "The {B}oomerang Attack",
  868. booktitle = "Proc. of FSE~1999",
  869. series = "LNCS",
  870. year = "1999",
  871. volume = "1636",
  872. pages = "156--170"
  873. }
  874. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-kohon,
  875. author = "J. Kelsey and T. Kohno and B. Schneier",
  876. title = "Amplified {B}oomerang attack against Reduced-Round {MARS} and {S}erpent",
  877. booktitle = "Proc. of FSE~2000",
  878. series = "LNCS",
  879. year = "2001",
  880. volume = "1978",
  881. pages = "75--93"
  882. }
  883. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-matsui,
  884. author = "M. Matsui",
  885. title = "Linear cryptanalysis method for {DES} cipher",
  886. booktitle = "Proc. of EUROCRYPT~93",
  887. series = "LNCS",
  888. year = "1993",
  889. volume = "765",
  890. pages = "386--397"
  891. }
  892. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-square,
  893. author = "J. Deamen and L. Knudsen and V. Rijmen",
  894. title = "The block cipher {S}quare",
  895. booktitle = "Proc. of FSE~97",
  896. series = "LNCS",
  897. year = "1997",
  898. volume = "1267",
  899. pages = "149--165"
  900. }
  901. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-phan,
  902. AUTHOR = "R. C. W. Phan",
  903. TITLE = "Impossible differential cryptanalysis of 7-round advanced encryption standard ({AES})",
  904. JOURNAL = "Inform. Process. Lett.",
  905. FJOURNAL = "Information Processing Letters",
  906. VOLUME = "91",
  907. YEAR = "2004",
  908. NUMBER = "1",
  909. PAGES = "33--38"
  910. }
  911. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-chisquare,
  912. AUTHOR = "H. Chernoff and E. L. Lehmann",
  913. TITLE = "The use of maximum likelihood estimates in {$\chi\sp 2$} tests for goodness of fit",
  914. JOURNAL = "Ann. Math. Statistics",
  915. FJOURNAL = "Annals of Mathematical Statistics",
  916. VOLUME = "25",
  917. YEAR = "1954",
  918. PAGES = "579--586"
  919. }
  920. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-niederreiter97,
  921. title = "Finite Fields",
  922. publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
  923. year = "1997",
  924. author = "R. Lidl and H. Niederreiter",
  925. series = "Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications"
  926. }
  927. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-massias84,
  928. AUTHOR = "J.P. Massias",
  929. TITLE = "Majoration explicite de l'ordre maximum d'un {\'e}l{\'e}ment du groupe sym{\'e}trique",
  930. JOURNAL = "Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (5)",
  931. FJOURNAL = "Toulouse. Facult{\'e} des Sciences. Annales. Math{\'e}matiques. S{\'e}rie 5",
  932. VOLUME = "6",
  933. YEAR = "1984",
  934. NUMBER = "3-4",
  935. PAGES = "269--281 (1985)"
  936. }
  937. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-miller87,
  938. AUTHOR = "W. Miller",
  939. TITLE = "The maximum order of an element of a finite symmetric group",
  940. JOURNAL = "Amer. Math. Monthly",
  941. FJOURNAL = "The American Mathematical Monthly",
  942. VOLUME = "94",
  943. YEAR = "1987",
  944. NUMBER = "6",
  945. PAGES = "497--506"
  946. }
  947. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-landau1903,
  948. AUTHOR = "E. Landau",
  949. TITLE = "Ueber die Maximalordung der Permutation gegbenen Grades",
  950. JOURNAL = "Arch. der Math. und Phys.",
  951. FJOURNAL = "Inventiones Mathematicae",
  952. VOLUME = "5",
  953. YEAR = "1903",
  954. NUMBER = "3",
  955. PAGES = "92--103"
  956. }
  957. @Article{ CGC-alg-book-aschbacher84,
  958. AUTHOR = "M. Aschbacher",
  959. TITLE = "On the maximal subgroups of the finite classical groups",
  960. JOURNAL = "Invent. Math.",
  961. FJOURNAL = "Inventiones Mathematicae",
  962. VOLUME = "76",
  963. YEAR = "1984",
  964. NUMBER = "3",
  965. PAGES = "469--514"
  966. }
  967. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-Darafsheh08,
  968. AUTHOR = "M. R. Darafsheh",
  969. TITLE = "The maximum element order in the groups related to the linear groups which is a multiple of the defining characteristic",
  970. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  971. FJOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  972. VOLUME = "14",
  973. YEAR = "2008",
  974. NUMBER = "4",
  975. PAGES = "992--1001"
  976. }
  977. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-DixonMortimer96,
  978. AUTHOR = "J. D. Dixon and B. Mortimer",
  979. TITLE = "Permutation groups",
  980. VOLUME = "163",
  981. PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag",
  982. YEAR = "1996"
  983. }
  984. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-KleidmanLiebeck90,
  985. AUTHOR = "P. Kleidman and M. Liebeck",
  986. TITLE = "The subgroup structure of the finite classical groups",
  987. SERIES = "London Math. Soc. LNS",
  988. VOLUME = "129",
  989. PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press",
  990. YEAR = "1990"
  991. }
  992. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-serpent,
  993. author = "{R.~J.} Anderson and E. Biham and L.R. Knudsen",
  994. title = "{SERPENT}: A New Block Cipher Proposal",
  995. year = "1998",
  996. pages = "222--238",
  997. booktitle = "Fast Software Encryption",
  998. publisher = "Springer",
  999. series = "LNCS",
  1000. volume = "1372"
  1001. }
  1002. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-sparr08,
  1003. AUTHOR = "R. Sparr and R. Wernsdorf",
  1004. TITLE = "Group theoretic properties of {R}ijndael-like ciphers",
  1005. JOURNAL = "Discrete Appl. Math.",
  1006. FJOURNAL = "Discrete Applied Mathematics. The Journal of Combinatorial Algorithms, Informatics and Computational Sciences",
  1007. VOLUME = "156",
  1008. YEAR = "2008",
  1009. NUMBER = "16",
  1010. PAGES = "3139--3149"
  1011. }
  1012. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-kemper,
  1013. AUTHOR = "H. Derksen and G. Kemper",
  1014. TITLE = "Computational invariant theory",
  1015. SERIES = "Invariant Theory and Algebraic Transformation Groups, I",
  1016. NOTE = "Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, 130",
  1017. PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag",
  1018. ADDRESS = "Berlin",
  1019. YEAR = "2002"
  1020. }
  1021. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-vardy97,
  1022. AUTHOR = "A. Vardy",
  1023. TITLE = "The intractability of computing the minimum distance of a code",
  1024. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1025. VOLUME = "43",
  1026. YEAR = "1997",
  1027. NUMBER = "6",
  1028. PAGES = "1757--1766"
  1029. }
  1030. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-jiangV04,
  1031. author = "T. Jiang and A. Vardy",
  1032. title = "Asymptotic Improvement of the {G}ilbert-{V}arshamov Bound on the Size of Binary Codes",
  1033. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1034. volume = "50",
  1035. number = "8",
  1036. year = "2004",
  1037. pages = "1655--1664"
  1038. }
  1039. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-gaboritZ06,
  1040. author = "P. Gaborit and G. Z{\'e}mor",
  1041. title = "Asymptotic improvement of the {G}ilbert-{V}arshamov bound for linear codes",
  1042. journal = "CoRR",
  1043. volume = "abs/0708.4164",
  1044. year = "2007",
  1045. ee = ""
  1046. }
  1047. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-art-braeken05,
  1048. AUTHOR = "A. Braeken and Y. Borissov and Svetla N. and B. Preneel",
  1049. TITLE = "Classification of {B}oolean functions of 6 variables or less with respect to some cryptographic properties",
  1050. BOOKTITLE = "Automata, languages and programming",
  1051. SERIES = "LNCS",
  1052. VOLUME = "3580",
  1053. PAGES = "324--334",
  1054. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  1055. YEAR = "2005"
  1056. }
  1057. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-stich,
  1058. AUTHOR = "H. Stichtenoth",
  1059. TITLE = "Algebraic function fields and codes",
  1060. SERIES = "Universitext",
  1061. PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag",
  1062. ADDRESS = "Berlin",
  1063. YEAR = "1993",
  1064. PAGES = "x+260"
  1065. }
  1066. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-maymey,
  1067. AUTHOR = "E. W. Mayr and A. R. Meyer",
  1068. TITLE = "The complexity of the word problems for commutative semigroups and polynomial ideals",
  1069. JOURNAL = "Adv. in Math.",
  1070. FJOURNAL = "Advances in Mathematics",
  1071. VOLUME = "46",
  1072. YEAR = "1982",
  1073. NUMBER = "3",
  1074. PAGES = "305--329"
  1075. }
  1076. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-magma1,
  1077. author = "W. Bosma and J. Cannon and C. Playoust",
  1078. title = "The {M}{A}{G}{M}{A} algebra system. The user language.",
  1079. journal = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  1080. fjournal = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  1081. volume = "24",
  1082. number = "3-4",
  1083. year = "1997",
  1084. pages = "235--265"
  1085. }
  1086. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-singular,
  1087. author = "G.~M. Gruel and G. Pfister",
  1088. title = "{SINGULAR} and applications",
  1089. journal = "Jahresbericht der BMV",
  1090. volume = "108",
  1091. year = "2006",
  1092. pages = "167--196"
  1093. }
  1094. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-berman,
  1095. author = "S. D. Berman",
  1096. title = "Semisimple cyclic and {A}belian codes. {I}{I}",
  1097. journal = "Cybernetics",
  1098. fjournal = "Cybernetics and system analysis",
  1099. volume = "3",
  1100. number = "3",
  1101. year = "1967",
  1102. pages = "17--23"
  1103. }
  1104. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-willemsperez,
  1105. author = "C. Martinez-Perez and W. Willems",
  1106. title = "Is the class of cyclic codes asymptotically good?",
  1107. journal = " IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1108. fjournal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1109. volume = "52",
  1110. number = "2",
  1111. year = "2006",
  1112. pages = "696--700"
  1113. }
  1114. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-forney,
  1115. author = "G. D. Forney",
  1116. title = "On decoding {BCH} codes",
  1117. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1118. fjournal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
  1119. volume = "11",
  1120. year = "1965",
  1121. pages = "549--557"
  1122. }
  1123. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-gorensteinzierler,
  1124. author = "D. C. Gorenstein and N. Zierler",
  1125. title = "A class of error-correcting codes in $p^m$ symbols",
  1126. journal = "J. SIAM",
  1127. fjournal = "",
  1128. volume = "9",
  1129. year = "1961",
  1130. pages = "207--214"
  1131. }
  1132. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-peterson,
  1133. author = "W. W. Peterson",
  1134. title = "Encoding and error-correction procedures for the Bose--Chaudhuri codes",
  1135. journal = "IRE IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1136. fjournal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
  1137. volume = "6",
  1138. year = "1960",
  1139. pages = "459--470"
  1140. }
  1141. @TechReport{ CGC-alg-prep-manumaxA,
  1142. author = "E. Orsini and M. Sala",
  1143. title = "Improved decoding of affine--variety codes ",
  1144. institution = "University College Cork",
  1145. year = "2007",
  1146. type = "BCRI preprint, {},",
  1147. number = "68",
  1148. address = "Boole Centre BCRI, UCC Cork, Ireland"
  1149. }
  1150. @InProceedings{ CGC-alg-art-yangkumar,
  1151. author = "K. Yang and P.V. Kumar",
  1152. title = "On the true minimum distance of {H}ermitian codes",
  1153. booktitle = "Proceedings of AGCT--3",
  1154. series = "LNCS",
  1155. publisher = "Springer",
  1156. pages = "99--107",
  1157. year = "1992"
  1158. }
  1159. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-augot,
  1160. author = "D. Augot",
  1161. title = "Description of the minimum weight codewords of cyclic codes by algebraic system",
  1162. journal = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  1163. year = "1996",
  1164. pages = "138--152",
  1165. number = "2",
  1166. fjournal = "Finite Fields and their Applications"
  1167. }
  1168. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-fortunagiannitrager,
  1169. author = "E. Fortuna and P. Gianni and B. Trager",
  1170. title = "Degree reduction under specialization",
  1171. journal = "J. Pure Appl. Algebra",
  1172. year = "2001",
  1173. volume = "164",
  1174. pages = "153--163",
  1175. fjournal = "J. Pure Appl. Algebra"
  1176. }
  1177. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-becker,
  1178. author = "T. Becker",
  1179. title = {On {G}r{\"o}bner bases under specialization},
  1180. journal = "AAECC",
  1181. year = "1994",
  1182. volume = "5",
  1183. pages = "1--8",
  1184. number = "1",
  1185. fjournal = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing"
  1186. }
  1187. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-bargproblem,
  1188. author = "A. M. Barg",
  1189. title = "Some new {NP}--complete coding problems",
  1190. journal = "Problem Inform. Transmission",
  1191. year = "1994",
  1192. volume = "30",
  1193. pages = "23--28, 209--214",
  1194. number = "3",
  1195. fjournal = "Problem Inform. Transmission"
  1196. }
  1197. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-art-delsart,
  1198. author = "P. Delsarte",
  1199. title = "An algebraic approach to coding theory",
  1200. institution = "Philips Research Report ",
  1201. year = "1973",
  1202. type = "Technical Report, Suppl.",
  1203. number = "10",
  1204. address = "Philips Research "
  1205. }
  1206. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-brucknaor,
  1207. author = "N. Bruck and M. Naor",
  1208. title = "The hardness of decoding linear codes with preprocessing",
  1209. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1210. fjournal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
  1211. volume = "36",
  1212. year = "1990",
  1213. pages = "381--385"
  1214. }
  1215. \%era CHRT4
  1216. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-CRHT4,
  1217. author = "X. Chen and I.~S. Reed and T. Helleseth and K. Truong",
  1218. title = "General Principles for the Algebraic Decoding of Cyclic Codes",
  1219. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1220. fjournal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
  1221. volume = "40",
  1222. year = "1994",
  1223. pages = "1661--1663"
  1224. }
  1225. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-tvz,
  1226. author = "M. Tsfaman and S. Vladut and T. Zink",
  1227. title = "Modular curves, {S}himura curves and {G}oppa codes better than the {V}arshamov--{G}ilbert bound",
  1228. journal = "Math. Nachr.",
  1229. fjournal = "Math. Nachr.",
  1230. volume = "109",
  1231. year = "1982",
  1232. pages = "21--28"
  1233. }
  1234. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-sugiyama,
  1235. author = "Y. Sugiyama and S. Kasahara and S. Hirasawa and T. Namekawa",
  1236. title = "A method for solving key equation for decoding Goppa codes",
  1237. journal = "Inform. Contr.",
  1238. fjournal = "Inform. Contr.",
  1239. volume = "27",
  1240. year = "1975",
  1241. pages = "87--99"
  1242. }
  1243. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-bazzimitter,
  1244. author = "L.~M. Bazzi and S.~K. Mitter",
  1245. title = "Some randomized code constructions from group actions",
  1246. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1247. fjournal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
  1248. volume = "52",
  1249. year = "2006",
  1250. pages = "3210--3219"
  1251. }
  1252. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-goppa2,
  1253. author = "V.~D. Goppa",
  1254. title = "Codes associated with divisors",
  1255. journal = "Problem of Inform. Trans.",
  1256. fjournal = "Problem of Inform. Trans.",
  1257. volume = "13",
  1258. year = "1977",
  1259. pages = "22--26"
  1260. }
  1261. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-stichtenoth,
  1262. author = "H. Stichtenoth",
  1263. title = "Transitive and self-dual codes attaining the {T}sfasman-{V}l\v adu\c t-{Z}ink bound",
  1264. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1265. fjournal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
  1266. volume = "52",
  1267. year = "2006",
  1268. pages = "2218--2224"
  1269. }
  1270. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-kasami1,
  1271. author = "T. Kasami",
  1272. title = "A {G}ilbert-{V}arshamov bound for quasi-cyclic codes of rate 1/2",
  1273. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1274. fjournal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
  1275. volume = "20",
  1276. year = "1974",
  1277. pages = "679--679"
  1278. }
  1279. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-castagnoli,
  1280. author = "G. Castagnoli and J.~L. Massey and P.~A. Schoeller and N. von Seeman",
  1281. title = "On repeated-root cyclic codes",
  1282. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf.. Th.",
  1283. fjournal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
  1284. volume = "37",
  1285. year = "1991",
  1286. pages = "337--342"
  1287. }
  1288. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-linweldon,
  1289. author = "S. Lin and E.~J. Weldon",
  1290. title = "Long {BCH} codes are bad",
  1291. journal = "Information Control",
  1292. fjournal = "Information Control",
  1293. volume = "11",
  1294. year = "1967",
  1295. pages = "445--451"
  1296. }
  1297. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-art-camion,
  1298. title = "A proof of some properties of {R}eed-{M}uller codes by means of the normal basis theorem",
  1299. booktitle = "Combinatorial mathematics and its application",
  1300. publisher = "Univ. of North Carolina",
  1301. year = "1969",
  1302. pages = "371--376",
  1303. author = "P. Camion"
  1304. }
  1305. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-justensen2,
  1306. AUTHOR = "J. Justensen",
  1307. TITLE = "A class of constructive asymptotically good algebraic codes",
  1308. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1309. FJOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory ",
  1310. VOLUME = "18",
  1311. YEAR = "1972",
  1312. NUMBER = "5",
  1313. PAGES = "652--656"
  1314. }
  1315. @InProceedings{ CGC-alg-art-vardy1,
  1316. author = "A. Vardy",
  1317. title = "Algorithmic complexity in coding theory and the minimum distance problem",
  1318. booktitle = "Proceedings of the twenty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing",
  1319. institution = "STOC",
  1320. year = "1997",
  1321. pages = "92--109"
  1322. }
  1323. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-hoffman,
  1324. title = "Coding Theory: The Essential",
  1325. publisher = "Marcel Dekker Inc.",
  1326. year = "1991",
  1327. author = "D.~G. Hoffman",
  1328. address = "New York"
  1329. }
  1330. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-walker,
  1331. title = "Codes and Curves",
  1332. publisher = "Student Mathematical Library Series 7",
  1333. year = "2000",
  1334. author = "J.~L. Walker",
  1335. address = "Providence, RI"
  1336. }
  1337. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-ecctd07a,
  1338. AUTHOR = "R. Agarwal and E. M. Popovici and M. Sala and B. O'Flynn",
  1339. TITLE = "Low Cost Error Recovery in Delay-Intolerant Wireless Sensor Networks",
  1340. JOURNAL = "European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design 2007, ECCTD 2007",
  1341. FJOURNAL = "European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design 2007",
  1342. VOLUME = "1",
  1343. YEAR = "2007",
  1344. PAGES = "1"
  1345. }
  1346. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-ecctd07b,
  1347. AUTHOR = "J. McDonagh and M. Sala and A. OhAllmhurain and V. Katewa and E. M. Popovici",
  1348. TITLE = "Efficient Construction and Implementation of Short LDPC Codes for Wireless Sensor Networks",
  1349. JOURNAL = "European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design 2007, ECCTD 2007",
  1350. FJOURNAL = "European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design 2007",
  1351. VOLUME = "1",
  1352. YEAR = "2007",
  1353. PAGES = "1"
  1354. }
  1355. \%erdos
  1356. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-erdos-order,
  1357. AUTHOR = {J. Erd{\"o}s},
  1358. TITLE = "On the structure of ordered real vector spaces",
  1359. JOURNAL = "Publ. Math. Debrecen",
  1360. FJOURNAL = "Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen",
  1361. VOLUME = "4",
  1362. YEAR = "1956",
  1363. PAGES = "334--343"
  1364. }
  1365. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-affreg,
  1366. AUTHOR = "A. Caranti and F. {Dalla Volta} and M. Sala",
  1367. TITLE = "Abelian regular subgroups of the affine group and radical rings",
  1368. JOURNAL = "Publ. Math. Debrecen",
  1369. FJOURNAL = "Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen",
  1370. VOLUME = "69",
  1371. YEAR = "2006",
  1372. NUMBER = "3",
  1373. PAGES = "297--308"
  1374. }
  1375. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-short,
  1376. author = "M. Sala",
  1377. title = {{G}r{\"o}bner basis techniques to compute weight distributions of shortened cyclic codes},
  1378. journal = "Journal of Algebra and Its Applications",
  1379. year = "2007",
  1380. pages = "403--404",
  1381. volume = "6",
  1382. number = "3",
  1383. fjournal = "Journal of Algebra and Its Applications"
  1384. }
  1385. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-mfcsit06,
  1386. author = "M. Sala",
  1387. title = "Symmetric Cryptography, provable security, and group theory",
  1388. journal = "Fourth International Conference on Information and MFCSIT06",
  1389. fjournal = "Fourth International Conference on Information and MFCSIT06",
  1390. volume = "CORK",
  1391. year = "2007",
  1392. pages = "279--282"
  1393. }
  1394. @TechReport{ CGC-alg-prep-annalilli,
  1395. author = "P. Fragneto and A. Rimoldi and M. Sala",
  1396. title = "An approach to create coprime polynomial pairs",
  1397. institution = "University College Cork",
  1398. year = "2005",
  1399. type = "BCRI preprint, {},",
  1400. number = "48",
  1401. address = "Boole Centre BCRI, UCC Cork, Ireland"
  1402. }
  1403. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-catriona,
  1404. author = "C. Lucey and M. Sala and C. C. Murphy",
  1405. title = "M-Channel Paraunitary Multirate Filter Bank Factorisation over Fields of Characteristic Two",
  1406. institution = "University College Cork",
  1407. year = "2005",
  1408. type = "BCRI preprint, {},",
  1409. number = "60",
  1410. address = "Boole Centre BCRI, UCC Cork, Ireland"
  1411. }
  1412. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-maxbetti,
  1413. author = "E. Betti and M. Sala",
  1414. title = "A theory for distance bounding cyclic codes",
  1415. institution = "University College Cork",
  1416. year = "2007",
  1417. type = "BCRI preprint, {}",
  1418. number = "63",
  1419. address = "Boole Centre BCRI, UCC Cork, Ireland"
  1420. }
  1421. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-maxiladcc,
  1422. author = "M. Sala and I. Simonetti",
  1423. title = {On the non-linearity of {B}oolean functions and {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  1424. institution = "submitted",
  1425. year = "2007",
  1426. type = "preprint"
  1427. }
  1428. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-honklaihon,
  1429. author = "I. S. Honkala and T. K. Laihonen",
  1430. title = "The probability of undetected error can have several local maxima",
  1431. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1432. fjournal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
  1433. volume = "45",
  1434. year = "1999",
  1435. pages = "2537--2539"
  1436. }
  1437. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-wolfmichelson,
  1438. author = "J. Wolf and A. Michelson and A. Levesque",
  1439. title = "On the Probability of Undetected Error for Linear Block Codes",
  1440. journal = "IEEE Trans. Comm.",
  1441. fjournal = "IEEE Trans. Comm.",
  1442. volume = "30",
  1443. year = "1982",
  1444. pages = "317--325"
  1445. }
  1446. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-ilawcc07,
  1447. author = "M. Sala and I. Simonetti",
  1448. title = "An algebraic description of Boolean functions",
  1449. journal = "Proc. of WCC~2007",
  1450. fjournal = "Workshop on Coding and Cryptography",
  1451. publisher = "INRIA",
  1452. year = "2007",
  1453. pages = "343--349"
  1454. }
  1455. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-elewcc07,
  1456. author = "E. Guerrini and M. Sala",
  1457. title = "An algebraic approach to the classification of some non-linear codes",
  1458. journal = "Proc. of {WCC}~2007",
  1459. fjournal = "Workshop on Coding and Cryptography",
  1460. volume = "INRIA",
  1461. year = "2007",
  1462. pages = "177--185"
  1463. }
  1464. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-martawcc07,
  1465. author = "M. Giorgetti and M. Sala",
  1466. title = "General error locator polynomials for nth-root codes",
  1467. journal = " Workshop on Coding and Cryptography 2007",
  1468. fjournal = "Workshop on Coding and Cryptography",
  1469. volume = "INRIA",
  1470. year = "2007",
  1471. pages = "167--176"
  1472. }
  1473. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-hoholdtrefs,
  1474. author = "T. H{\o}holdt and R. {Refslund Nielsen}",
  1475. title = " Decoding {H}ermitian codes with {S}udan's algorithm",
  1476. journal = "LNCS",
  1477. fjournal = "Springer",
  1478. volume = "1719",
  1479. year = "2000",
  1480. pages = "260--270"
  1481. }
  1482. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-salazar,
  1483. AUTHOR = "G. Salazar and D. Dunn and S. B. Graham",
  1484. TITLE = "An improvement of the {F}eng-{R}ao bound on minimum distance",
  1485. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  1486. FJOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  1487. VOLUME = "12",
  1488. YEAR = "2006",
  1489. NUMBER = "3",
  1490. PAGES = "313--335",
  1491. ISSN = "1071-5797"
  1492. }
  1493. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-kotvardy,
  1494. author = {R. K{\"o}tter and A. Vardy},
  1495. title = "Algebraic soft-decision decoding of {R}eed-{S}olomon codes",
  1496. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISIT}~2000",
  1497. year = "2000"
  1498. }
  1499. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-henrypat06,
  1500. AUTHOR = "H. O'Keeffe and P. Fitzpatrick",
  1501. TITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner basis approach to list decoding of algebraic geometry codes},
  1502. JOURNAL = "AAECC",
  1503. FJOURNAL = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  1504. VOLUME = "18",
  1505. YEAR = "2007",
  1506. NUMBER = "5",
  1507. PAGES = "445--466"
  1508. }
  1509. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-art-McelieceGS,
  1510. author = "R. J. McEliece",
  1511. title = "The {G}uruswami-{S}udan decoding algorithm for {R}eed-{S}olomon codes",
  1512. institution = "IPN Progress Report, 42-153",
  1513. location = "May 15",
  1514. year = "2003"
  1515. }
  1516. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-art-McelieceGS2,
  1517. AUTHOR = "Mostafa El-Khamy and Robert J. McEliece",
  1518. TITLE = "Interpolation multiplicity assignment algorithms for algebraic soft-decision decoding of {R}eed {S}olomon codes",
  1519. BOOKTITLE = "Algebraic coding theory and information theory",
  1520. SERIES = "DIMACS Ser. Discrete Math. Theoret. Comput. Sci.",
  1521. VOLUME = "68",
  1522. PAGES = "99--120",
  1523. PUBLISHER = "AMS",
  1524. YEAR = "2005"
  1525. }
  1526. \%hoeholdt, hoholdt
  1527. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-justesen2,
  1528. author = "J. Justesen and K. J. Larsen and H. E. Jensen and T. H{\o}holdt",
  1529. title = "Fast decoding of codes from algebraic plane curves",
  1530. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1531. fjournal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
  1532. volume = "38",
  1533. NUMBER = "1",
  1534. year = "1992",
  1535. pages = "111--119"
  1536. }
  1537. @TechReport{ CGC-prep-alg-farrgao1,
  1538. author = "J. B Farr and Gao S.",
  1539. title = {Computing {G}r{\"o}bner bases for vanishing ideals of finite sets of points},
  1540. institution = "preprint",
  1541. year = "2005"
  1542. }
  1543. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-farrgao2005,
  1544. AUTHOR = "J. B. Farr and S. Gao",
  1545. TITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner bases, {P}ad{\'e} approximation, and decoding of linear codes},
  1546. journal = "Contemp. Math.",
  1547. VOLUME = "381",
  1548. PAGES = "3--18",
  1549. PUBLISHER = "AMS",
  1550. YEAR = "2005"
  1551. }
  1552. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-moramarmoell,
  1553. author = {M. G. Marinari and H. M. M{\"o}ller and T. Mora},
  1554. title = {Gr{\"o}bner bases of ideals defined by functionals with an application to ideals of projective points},
  1555. journal = "AAECC",
  1556. fjournal = "Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput.",
  1557. volume = "4",
  1558. number = "2",
  1559. year = "1993",
  1560. pages = "103--145"
  1561. }
  1562. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-moramarmoell-noTeo,
  1563. author = {M. G. Marinari and H. M. M{\"o}ller},
  1564. title = {Gr{\"o}bner bases of ideals defined by functionals with an application to ideals of projective points},
  1565. journal = "AAECC",
  1566. fjournal = "Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput.",
  1567. volume = "4",
  1568. number = "2",
  1569. year = "1993",
  1570. pages = "103--145"
  1571. }
  1572. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-farrgao2,
  1573. author = "J. B. Farr and S. Gao",
  1574. title = {{G}r{\"o}bner bases and generalized {P}ad{\'e} approximation},
  1575. journal = "Mathematics of Computation",
  1576. fjournal = "Mathematics of Computation",
  1577. volume = "75",
  1578. year = "2005",
  1579. pages = "461--473"
  1580. }
  1581. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-littleortiz,
  1582. author = "J. B. Little and D. Ortiz and R. Ortiz-Rosado and R. Pablo and K. Ri'os-Soto",
  1583. title = {Some Remarks on {F}itzpatrick and {F}lynn's {G}r{\"o}bner basis technique for {P}ad{\'e} approximation},
  1584. journal = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  1585. fjournal = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  1586. volume = "35",
  1587. year = "2003",
  1588. pages = "451--461"
  1589. }
  1590. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-and2,
  1591. author = "D. R. Anderson",
  1592. title = "A new class of cyclic codes",
  1593. journal = "SIAM J. Appl. Math.",
  1594. fjournal = "SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics",
  1595. volume = "16",
  1596. year = "1968",
  1597. pages = "181--197"
  1598. }
  1599. \%hoeholdt
  1600. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-justesen,
  1601. author = "J. Justesen and Larsen K. J. and Jensen H. E. and A. Havemose and T. H{\o}holdt",
  1602. title = "Construction and Decoding of a class of algebraic geometry codes",
  1603. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1604. fjournal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
  1605. volume = "35",
  1606. year = "1989",
  1607. NUMBER = "4",
  1608. pages = "811--821"
  1609. }
  1610. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-sudan1,
  1611. author = "M. Sudan",
  1612. title = "Decoding of {R}eed-{S}olomon codes beyond the error correction bound",
  1613. journal = "J. of Complexity",
  1614. fjournal = " Journal of Complexity",
  1615. volume = "13",
  1616. year = "1997",
  1617. pages = "180--193"
  1618. }
  1619. @InProceedings{ CGC-alg-art-rajan,
  1620. author = "U. Sripati and B. S Rajan",
  1621. title = "On the Rank Distance of Cyclic Codes ",
  1622. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISIT}~2003"
  1623. }
  1624. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-duursmapell,
  1625. author = "I. M. Duursma and R. Pellikaan",
  1626. title = "A symmetric {R}oos bound for linear codes",
  1627. journal = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory",
  1628. year = "2006",
  1629. volume = "A-113",
  1630. pages = "1677--1688",
  1631. fjournal = "Information and Computation"
  1632. }
  1633. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-vladut,
  1634. AUTHOR = "M. A. Tsfasman and S. G. Vl\u{a}du{\c{t}}",
  1635. TITLE = "Algebraic-geometric codes",
  1636. SERIES = "Math. and its Appl. (Soviet Series)",
  1637. VOLUME = "58",
  1638. PUBLISHER = "Kluwer",
  1639. YEAR = "1991"
  1640. }
  1641. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-vanlintroot,
  1642. author = "J. H. van Lint",
  1643. title = "Repeated-Root cyclec Codes ",
  1644. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1645. year = "1995",
  1646. volume = "37",
  1647. number = "2",
  1648. pages = "343--345",
  1649. fjournal = "Information and Computation"
  1650. }
  1651. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-woungang,
  1652. author = "I. Woungang and A. Sadeghian and W. W. Melek",
  1653. title = "Bounds on the minimum distance of a class of q-ary images of $q^m$-ary irreducible cyclic codes ",
  1654. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISIT}~2004",
  1655. year = "2004"
  1656. }
  1657. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-shen-tzeng,
  1658. author = "B-Z. Shen and K. K. Tzeng",
  1659. title = "Generation of matrices for determining minimum distance and decoding of ALGEBRAIC -geometric codes ",
  1660. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1661. year = "1995",
  1662. volume = "41",
  1663. pages = "1703--1708",
  1664. fjournal = "Information and Computation"
  1665. }
  1666. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-moreno3,
  1667. author = "C. J. Moreno and P. V. Kumar",
  1668. title = "Minimum distance bounds for cyclic codes and Deligne's theorem",
  1669. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1670. year = "1993",
  1671. volume = "39",
  1672. pages = "1524--1534",
  1673. fjournal = "Information and Computation"
  1674. }
  1675. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-moreno2,
  1676. author = "C. J. Moreno and O. Moreno",
  1677. title = "An improved {B}ombieri-{W}eil bound and applications to coding theory",
  1678. journal = "J. Number Theory",
  1679. year = "1992",
  1680. volume = "42",
  1681. pages = "32--46",
  1682. fjournal = "Information and Computation"
  1683. }
  1684. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-BCH-chien,
  1685. author = "R. T. Chien",
  1686. title = "A new proof of the {BCH} bound",
  1687. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1688. year = "1972",
  1689. volume = "IT-18",
  1690. pages = "541",
  1691. fjournal = "Information and Computation"
  1692. }
  1693. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-prange,
  1694. author = "E. Prange",
  1695. title = "Cyclic Error-Correcting Codes in Two Symbols",
  1696. institution = "Air Force Cambridge Research Center ",
  1697. year = "1957",
  1698. type = "Technical Report AFCRRC",
  1699. number = "TN-57-103",
  1700. address = "Cambridge, MA"
  1701. }
  1702. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-hocquenghem,
  1703. author = "A. Hocquenghem",
  1704. title = "Codes correcteurs d'erreurs",
  1705. journal = "Chiffres",
  1706. volume = "2",
  1707. year = "1959",
  1708. pages = "147--156"
  1709. }
  1710. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-BCH2,
  1711. author = "R.~C. Bose and D.~K. Ray-Chaudhuri",
  1712. title = "Further results on error correcting binary group codes",
  1713. journal = "Information and Control",
  1714. year = "1960",
  1715. volume = "3",
  1716. pages = "279--290",
  1717. fjournal = "Information and Computation"
  1718. }
  1719. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-matsuo,
  1720. author = "T. Matsuo and Y. Araki and K. Imamura",
  1721. title = "Relations between several minimum distance bounds of binary cyclic",
  1722. journal = "Trans. fundamentals IEICE",
  1723. year = "1997",
  1724. volume = "E80-A",
  1725. pages = "2253--2255",
  1726. fjournal = "Information and Computation"
  1727. }
  1728. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-LCzheng,
  1729. author = "J. Zheng and T. Kaida",
  1730. title = "On linear complexity and {S}chaub bound for cyclic codes by defining sequence with unknown elements",
  1731. journal = "Trans. fundamentals IEICE",
  1732. year = "2006",
  1733. volume = "E89-A",
  1734. pages = "2337--2340",
  1735. fjournal = "Information and Computation"
  1736. }
  1737. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-QRseroussi,
  1738. author = "D. Coppersmith and G. Seroussi",
  1739. title = "On the minimum distance of some quadratic residue codes",
  1740. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1741. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  1742. volume = "30",
  1743. year = "1984",
  1744. number = "2, part 2",
  1745. PAGES = "407--411",
  1746. issn = "0018-9448"
  1747. }
  1748. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-rooij,
  1749. author = "P. J. N. de Rooij and J. H. van Lint",
  1750. title = "More on the minimum distance of cyclic codes",
  1751. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1752. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  1753. volume = "37",
  1754. year = "1991",
  1755. number = "1",
  1756. pages = "187--189",
  1757. issn = "0018-9448"
  1758. }
  1759. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-irredhelleseth,
  1760. author = "T. Helleseth and T. Kl{\o}ve and J. Mykkeltveit",
  1761. title = "The weight distribution of irreducible cyclic codes with block length {$n\sb{1}((q\sp{l}-1)/N)$}",
  1762. journal = "Discrete Math.",
  1763. fjournal = "Discrete Mathematics",
  1764. volume = "18",
  1765. year = "1977",
  1766. number = "2",
  1767. pages = "179--211",
  1768. issn = "0012-365X"
  1769. }
  1770. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-baumert,
  1771. author = "L. D. Baumert and R. J. McEliece",
  1772. title = "Weights of irreducible cyclic codes",
  1773. journal = "Information and Control",
  1774. fjournal = "Information and Computation",
  1775. volume = "20",
  1776. year = "1972",
  1777. pages = "158--175",
  1778. issn = "0890-5401"
  1779. }
  1780. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-eupen,
  1781. author = "M. van Eupen and J. H. van Lint",
  1782. title = "On the minimum distance of ternary cyclic codes",
  1783. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1784. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  1785. volume = "39",
  1786. year = "1993",
  1787. number = "2",
  1788. pages = "409--422",
  1789. issn = "0018-9448"
  1790. }
  1791. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-art-adlemandem,
  1792. author = "L.~M. Adleman and J. DeMarrais",
  1793. title = "A subexponential algorithm for discrete logarithms over all finite fields",
  1794. booktitle = "Proc. of {CRYPTO}93",
  1795. publisher = "Springer",
  1796. year = "1994",
  1797. volume = "773",
  1798. series = "LNCS",
  1799. pages = "147--158"
  1800. }
  1801. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-lally,
  1802. author = "Kristine Lally",
  1803. school = "University College Cork, Cork, Ireland",
  1804. title = "The algebraic structure of quasi-cyclic codes",
  1805. year = "2001"
  1806. }
  1807. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-lally99,
  1808. author = "K. Lally and P. Fitzpatrick",
  1809. title = "Construction and classification of quasicyclic codes",
  1810. journal = "Proc. of WCC~1999",
  1811. pages = "11--22",
  1812. year = "1999"
  1813. }
  1814. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-chen,
  1815. author = "C. L. Chen",
  1816. title = "Equivalent irreducible {G}oppa codes.",
  1817. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1818. volume = "24",
  1819. pages = "766--770",
  1820. year = "1978"
  1821. }
  1822. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-vantilborg,
  1823. AUTHOR = "A. M. Barg and E. Krouk and H. C. A. van Tilborg",
  1824. TITLE = "On the complexity of minimum distance decoding of long linear codes",
  1825. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1826. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  1827. VOLUME = "45",
  1828. YEAR = "1999",
  1829. NUMBER = "5",
  1830. PAGES = "1392--1405"
  1831. }
  1832. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-Ande,
  1833. author = "H. E. Andersen",
  1834. title = "Codes from Order Domains",
  1835. school = "Aalborg University",
  1836. year = "2005"
  1837. }
  1838. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-AndeGeil,
  1839. author = "H. E. Andersen and O. Geil",
  1840. title = "Evaluation Codes from Order Domain Theory",
  1841. journal = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  1842. year = "2008",
  1843. volume = "14",
  1844. pages = "92--123"
  1845. }
  1846. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-areadimit,
  1847. author = "I. Area and D. K. Dimitrov and E. Godoy and A. Ronveaux",
  1848. title = "Zeros of {G}egenbauer and {H}ermite polynomials and connection coefficients",
  1849. journal = "Math. Comp.",
  1850. year = "2004",
  1851. volume = "73",
  1852. pages = "1937--1951",
  1853. number = "248",
  1854. coden = "MCMPAF",
  1855. fjournal = "Mathematics of Computation",
  1856. issn = "0025-5718"
  1857. }
  1858. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-vehel2,
  1859. author = "D. Augot and F. {Levy-dit-Vehel}",
  1860. title = "Bounds on the minimum distance of the duals of {BCH} codes",
  1861. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1862. year = "1996",
  1863. volume = "42",
  1864. pages = "1257--1260",
  1865. number = "4",
  1866. coden = "IETTAW",
  1867. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  1868. issn = "0018-9448"
  1869. }
  1870. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-goethal,
  1871. author = "R. D. Baker and J. H. van Lint and R. M. Wilson",
  1872. title = "On the {P}reparata and {G}oethals codes",
  1873. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1874. year = "1983",
  1875. volume = "29",
  1876. pages = "342--345",
  1877. number = "3",
  1878. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory"
  1879. }
  1880. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-hierarchyhermite,
  1881. author = "A. Barbero and C. Munuera",
  1882. title = "The Weight Hierarchy of {H}ermitian codes",
  1883. journal = "SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics",
  1884. year = "2000",
  1885. volume = "13",
  1886. pages = "79--104",
  1887. number = "1"
  1888. }
  1889. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-bardet,
  1890. author = "Magali Bardet",
  1891. title = "An investigation on overdetermined algebraic systems and applications to error-correcting codes and to cryptography",
  1892. school = "University of Paris 6, Paris, France",
  1893. year = "2004"
  1894. }
  1895. @TechReport{ CGC-alg-prep-bardet,
  1896. author = "M. Bardet and J.~C. Faug{\`e}re and B. Salvy",
  1897. title = {Complexity of {G}r{\"o}bner basis computation for Semi-regular Overdetermined sequences over $\mathbb{F}\_{2}$ with solutions in $\mathbb{F}\_{2}$},
  1898. institution = "INRIA",
  1899. year = "2003",
  1900. type = "Inria Research Report",
  1901. number = "RR-5049",
  1902. address = "France"
  1903. }
  1904. @TechReport{ CGC-alg-talk-bardet2,
  1905. author = "M. Bardet and J.~C. Faugere and B. Salvy",
  1906. title = {On the complexity of {G}r{\"o}bner basis computation of semi-regular overdetermined algebraic equations},
  1907. institution = "Talk at ICPSS 2004",
  1908. year = "2004"
  1909. }
  1910. @TechReport{ CGC-alg-talk-bardet,
  1911. author = "M. Bardet and J.~C. Faugere and B. Salvy and B. Y. Yang",
  1912. title = "Asymptotic behaviour of the degree of regularity of semi-regular polynomial systems",
  1913. institution = "Talk at MEGA 2005",
  1914. year = "2005"
  1915. }
  1916. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-art-bargHB,
  1917. author = "A. M. Barg",
  1918. title = "Complexity issues in coding theory",
  1919. booktitle = "Handbook of coding theory, Vol. I, II",
  1920. publisher = "North-Holland",
  1921. year = "1998",
  1922. pages = "649--754",
  1923. address = "Amsterdam"
  1924. }
  1925. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-book-litsyn,
  1926. AUTHOR = "S. Litsyn",
  1927. TITLE = "An updated table of the best binary codes known",
  1928. BOOKTITLE = "Handbook of coding theory, Vol. I, II",
  1929. PAGES = "463--498",
  1930. PUBLISHER = "North-Holland",
  1931. ADDRESS = "Amsterdam",
  1932. YEAR = "1998",
  1933. MRCLASS = "94-02",
  1934. MRNUMBER = ""
  1935. }
  1936. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-bargdistance,
  1937. author = "A. M. Barg and E. Krouk and H. C. A. van Tilborg",
  1938. title = "On the complexity of minimum distance decoding of long linear codes",
  1939. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1940. year = "1999",
  1941. volume = "45",
  1942. pages = "1392--1405",
  1943. number = "5",
  1944. coden = "IETTAW",
  1945. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  1946. issn = "0018-9448"
  1947. }
  1948. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-art-deckergreuel99,
  1949. AUTHOR = "W. Decker and G. M. Greuel and G. Pfister",
  1950. TITLE = "Primary decomposition: algorithms and comparisons",
  1951. BOOKTITLE = "Algorithmic algebra and number theory ({H}eidelberg, 1997)",
  1952. PAGES = "187--220",
  1953. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  1954. YEAR = "1999"
  1955. }
  1956. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-bargweights,
  1957. author = "A.~M. Barg and I.~I. Dumer",
  1958. title = "On computing the weight spectrum of cyclic codes",
  1959. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  1960. year = "1992",
  1961. volume = "38",
  1962. pages = "1382--1386",
  1963. number = "4",
  1964. coden = "IETTAW",
  1965. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  1966. issn = "0018-9448"
  1967. }
  1968. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-cramwinckel,
  1969. author = "M. Becker and J. Cramwinckel",
  1970. title = "Implementation of an algorithm for the weight distribution of block codes",
  1971. institution = "Eindhoven Univ. Technology",
  1972. year = "1995",
  1973. type = "Modelleringcolloquium",
  1974. address = "Eindhoven"
  1975. }
  1976. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-berlekampgoppa,
  1977. author = "E. R. Berlekamp",
  1978. title = "{Goppacodes}",
  1979. journal = "IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory ",
  1980. year = "1973",
  1981. volume = "19",
  1982. pages = "590--592",
  1983. language = "English"
  1984. }
  1985. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-berlekamp70,
  1986. AUTHOR = "E. R. Berlekamp",
  1987. TITLE = "Factoring Polynomials over Large Finite Fields",
  1988. JOURNAL = "Math. Comp.",
  1989. FJOURNAL = "Mathematics of Computation",
  1990. VOLUME = "24",
  1991. YEAR = "1970",
  1992. PAGES = "713--735"
  1993. }
  1994. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-berlekamp,
  1995. author = "E.~R. Berlekamp",
  1996. title = "Algebraic coding theory",
  1997. publisher = "McGraw-Hill Book Co.",
  1998. year = "1968",
  1999. pages = "xiv+466"
  2000. }
  2001. \%CGC-cd-cod-vantilborg,
  2002. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-vantilborg2,
  2003. author = "E.~R. Berlekamp and R.~J. McEliece and H.~C.~A. van Tilborg",
  2004. title = "On the inherent intractability of certain coding problems",
  2005. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2006. year = "1978",
  2007. volume = "24",
  2008. pages = "384--386",
  2009. number = "3",
  2010. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  2011. issn = "0018-9448"
  2012. }
  2013. @MastersThesis{ CGC-tesi2-betti,
  2014. author = "Emanuele Betti",
  2015. title = "Un'interpretazione algebrica della distanza dei codici ciclici",
  2016. school = "University of Pisa",
  2017. year = "2005",
  2018. type = "Master's thesis (Laurea)",
  2019. address = "Department of Mathematics"
  2020. }
  2021. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-maxbetti,
  2022. author = "E. Betti and M. Sala",
  2023. title = "A New Bound for the Minimum Distance of a Cyclic Code From Its Defining Set",
  2024. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2025. year = "2006",
  2026. volume = "52",
  2027. pages = "3700--3706",
  2028. number = "8",
  2029. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory"
  2030. }
  2031. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-bettisala1,
  2032. author = "E. Betti and M. Sala",
  2033. title = "A bound for the distance of cyclic codes which is sometimes stronger than the Roos bound",
  2034. institution = "University College Cork",
  2035. year = "2005",
  2036. type = "BCRI preprint, {},",
  2037. number = "7",
  2038. address = "Boole Centre BCRI, UCC Cork, Ireland"
  2039. }
  2040. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-abbottbigatti,
  2041. AUTHOR = "J. Abbott and A. Bigatti and M. Kreuzer and L. Robbiano",
  2042. TITLE = "Computing ideals of points",
  2043. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  2044. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  2045. VOLUME = "30",
  2046. YEAR = "2000",
  2047. NUMBER = "4",
  2048. PAGES = "341--356"
  2049. }
  2050. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-alg-vdim,
  2051. author = "A.~M. Bigatti and P. Conti and L. Robbiano and C. Traverso",
  2052. title = "A ``divide and conquer'' algorithm for {H}ilbert-{P}oincar{\'e} series, multiplicity and dimension of monomial ideals",
  2053. booktitle = "Applied algebra, algebraic algorithms and error-correcting codes",
  2054. publisher = "Springer",
  2055. year = "1993",
  2056. volume = "673",
  2057. series = "LNCS",
  2058. pages = "76--88",
  2059. address = "Berlin"
  2060. }
  2061. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-blahut,
  2062. title = "Theory and practice of error control codes",
  2063. publisher = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Advanced Book Program",
  2064. year = "1983",
  2065. author = "R.~E. Blahut",
  2066. pages = "xi+500",
  2067. address = "Reading, MA",
  2068. isbn = "0-201-10102-5"
  2069. }
  2070. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-blahut,
  2071. author = "R.~E. Blahut",
  2072. title = "Transform techniques for error control codes",
  2073. journal = "IBM J. Res. Develop.",
  2074. year = "1979",
  2075. volume = "23",
  2076. pages = "299--315",
  2077. number = "3",
  2078. coden = "IBMJAE",
  2079. fjournal = "International Business Machines Corporation. Journal of Research and Development",
  2080. issn = "0018-8646"
  2081. }
  2082. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-blakedlog,
  2083. author = "I.~F. Blake and R. Fuji-Hara and R.~C. Mullin and S.~A. Vanstone",
  2084. title = "Computing logarithms in finite fields of characteristic two",
  2085. journal = "SIAM J. Algebraic Discrete Methods",
  2086. year = "1984",
  2087. volume = "5",
  2088. pages = "276--285",
  2089. number = "2",
  2090. coden = "STAMDU",
  2091. fjournal = "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods",
  2092. issn = "0196-5212"
  2093. }
  2094. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-BCH,
  2095. author = "R.~C. Bose and D.~K. Ray-Chaudhuri",
  2096. title = "On a class of error correcting binary group codes",
  2097. journal = "Information and Control",
  2098. year = "1960",
  2099. volume = "3",
  2100. pages = "68--79",
  2101. fjournal = "Information and Computation",
  2102. issn = "0890-5401"
  2103. }
  2104. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-marta2max,
  2105. AUTHOR = "M. Rossi and M. Sala",
  2106. TITLE = "On a class of quasi-cyclic {LDPC} codes",
  2107. INSTITUTION = "University College Cork",
  2108. TYPE = "BCRI preprint, {}",
  2109. NUMBER = "50",
  2110. ADDRESS = "Cork, Ireland",
  2111. MONTH = "",
  2112. YEAR = 2005
  2113. }
  2114. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-morrison,
  2115. AUTHOR = "K. E. Morrison",
  2116. TITLE = "Random Polynomial over Finite Field",
  2117. INSTITUTION = "California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo",
  2118. TIPE = "{}",
  2119. NUMBER = "50",
  2120. ADDRESS = "",
  2121. MONTH = "",
  2122. YEAR = 1999
  2123. }
  2124. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-bossert,
  2125. author = "M. Bossert and F. Herget",
  2126. title = " Hard-and soft-decision decoding beyond the half minimum distance, an algorithm for linear codes",
  2127. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2128. year = "1986",
  2129. volume = "32",
  2130. pages = "709--714",
  2131. number = "5",
  2132. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory"
  2133. }
  2134. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-art-boston,
  2135. author = "N. Boston",
  2136. title = "Bounding minimum distances of cyclic codes using algebraic geometry",
  2137. booktitle = "International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (Paris, 2001)",
  2138. publisher = "Elsevier",
  2139. year = "2001",
  2140. volume = "6",
  2141. series = "Electron. Notes Discrete Math.",
  2142. pages = "10",
  2143. address = "Amsterdam"
  2144. }
  2145. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-browertable,
  2146. author = "A.~E. Brouwer and T. Verhoeff",
  2147. title = "An updated table of minimum-distance bounds for binary linear codes",
  2148. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2149. year = "1993",
  2150. volume = "39",
  2151. pages = "662--677",
  2152. number = "2",
  2153. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory"
  2154. }
  2155. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-bruck,
  2156. author = "J. Bruck and M. Naor",
  2157. title = " The hardness of decoding linear codes with preprocessing",
  2158. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2159. year = "1990",
  2160. volume = "36",
  2161. pages = "381--385",
  2162. number = "2",
  2163. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory"
  2164. }
  2165. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-caboaramora,
  2166. author = "M. Caboara and T. Mora",
  2167. title = {The {C}hen-{R}eed-{H}elleseth-{T}ruong decoding algorithm and the {G}ianni-{K}alkbrenner {G}r{\"o}bner shape theorem},
  2168. journal = "Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput.",
  2169. year = "2002",
  2170. volume = "13",
  2171. pages = "209--232",
  2172. number = "3",
  2173. fjournal = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing"
  2174. }
  2175. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-caboaramora-noTeo,
  2176. author = "M. Caboara",
  2177. title = {The {C}hen-{R}eed-{H}elleseth-{T}ruong decoding algorithm and the {G}ianni-{K}alkbrenner {G}r{\"o}bner shape theorem},
  2178. journal = "Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput.",
  2179. year = "2002",
  2180. volume = "13",
  2181. pages = "209--232",
  2182. number = "3",
  2183. fjournal = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing"
  2184. }
  2185. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-cameron1,
  2186. author = "P. J. Cameron",
  2187. title = "Permutation groups",
  2188. publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
  2189. year = "1999",
  2190. volume = "45",
  2191. series = "London Mathematical Society Student Texts",
  2192. address = "Cambridge"
  2193. }
  2194. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-canteaut,
  2195. author = "A. Canteaut and F. Chabaud",
  2196. title = "A new algorithm for finding minimum-weight words in a linear code: application to {M}c{E}liece's cryptosystem and to narrow-sense {BCH} codes of length {$511$}",
  2197. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2198. year = "1998",
  2199. volume = "44",
  2200. pages = "367--378",
  2201. number = "1",
  2202. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  2203. issn = "0018-9448"
  2204. }
  2205. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-pre-carantisala,
  2206. author = "A. Caranti and F. {Dalla Volta} and M. Sala and F. Villani",
  2207. title = "Imprimitive permutation groups generated by the round functions of key-alternating block cipher and truncated differential cryptanalisys",
  2208. institution = "University College Cork",
  2209. year = "2006",
  2210. type = "BCRI preprint, {},",
  2211. number = "54",
  2212. address = "Boole Centre BCRI, UCC Cork, Ireland"
  2213. }
  2214. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-carantisalaImp,
  2215. author = "A. Caranti and F. {Dalla Volta} and M. Sala",
  2216. title = "On some block ciphers and imprimitive groups",
  2217. journal = "AAECC",
  2218. year = "2009",
  2219. volume = "20",
  2220. pages = "229--350",
  2221. number = "5-6"
  2222. }
  2223. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-carlitzuchiyama,
  2224. author = "L. Carlitz and S. Uchiyama",
  2225. title = "Bounds for exponential sums",
  2226. journal = "Duke Math. J.",
  2227. year = "1957",
  2228. volume = "24",
  2229. pages = "37--41",
  2230. fjournal = "Duke Mathematical Journal",
  2231. issn = "0012-7094"
  2232. }
  2233. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-art-charpin,
  2234. author = "P. Charpin",
  2235. title = "Open problems on cyclic codes",
  2236. booktitle = "Handbook of coding theory, Vol. I, II",
  2237. publisher = "North-Holland",
  2238. year = "1998",
  2239. pages = "963--1063",
  2240. address = "Amsterdam"
  2241. }
  2242. \%precedentemente era CHRT1
  2243. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-art-CRHT1,
  2244. author = "X. Chen and I.~S. Reed and T. Helleseth and T. K. Truong",
  2245. title = "Algebraic decoding of cyclic codes: a polynomial ideal point of view",
  2246. publisher = "Amer. Math. Soc.",
  2247. year = "1994",
  2248. volume = "168",
  2249. series = "Contemp. Math.",
  2250. pages = "15--22",
  2251. booktitle = "Finite fields"
  2252. }
  2253. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-CRHT2,
  2254. author = "X. Chen and I.~S. Reed and T. Helleseth and T.~K. Truong",
  2255. title = {Use of {G}r{\"o}bner bases to decode binary cyclic codes up to the true minimum distance},
  2256. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2257. year = "1994",
  2258. volume = "40",
  2259. pages = "1654--1661",
  2260. number = "5",
  2261. coden = "IETTAW",
  2262. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  2263. issn = "0018-9448"
  2264. }
  2265. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-art-cooper1,
  2266. author = "A.~B. III Cooper",
  2267. title = {Toward a new method of decoding algebraic codes using {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  2268. booktitle = "Transactions of the Tenth Army Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computing (1992)",
  2269. publisher = "U.S. Army",
  2270. year = "1993",
  2271. volume = "93",
  2272. pages = "1--11"
  2273. }
  2274. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-cooper3,
  2275. author = "A.~B. III Cooper",
  2276. title = "Finding {BCH} error locator polynomials in one step",
  2277. journal = "Electronic Letters",
  2278. year = "1991",
  2279. volume = "27",
  2280. pages = "2090--2091",
  2281. number = "22",
  2282. fjournal = "The Institution of Engineering and Technology"
  2283. }
  2284. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-cooper2,
  2285. author = "A.~B. III Cooper",
  2286. title = "Direct solution of {BCH} decoding equations",
  2287. journal = "Comm., Cont. and Sign. Proc.",
  2288. year = "1990",
  2289. pages = "281--286"
  2290. }
  2291. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-coppdlog,
  2292. author = "D. Coppersmith",
  2293. title = "Fast evaluation of logarithms in fields of characteristic two",
  2294. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2295. year = "1984",
  2296. volume = "30",
  2297. pages = "587--594",
  2298. number = "4",
  2299. coden = "IETTAW",
  2300. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  2301. issn = "0018-9448"
  2302. }
  2303. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-omega,
  2304. author = "D. Coppersmith and S. Winograd",
  2305. title = "Matrix multiplication via arithmetic progressions",
  2306. journal = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  2307. year = "1990",
  2308. volume = "9",
  2309. pages = "251--280",
  2310. number = "3",
  2311. fjournal = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  2312. issn = "0747-7171"
  2313. }
  2314. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-art-XL1,
  2315. author = "N. Courtois and A. Klimov and J. Patarin and A. Shamir",
  2316. title = "Efficient algorithms for solving overdefined systems of multivariate polynomial equations",
  2317. booktitle = "Proc. of {EUROCRYPT}~2000",
  2318. publisher = "Springer",
  2319. year = "2000",
  2320. volume = "1807",
  2321. series = "LNCS",
  2322. pages = "392--407"
  2323. }
  2324. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-cox2,
  2325. author = "D. Cox and J. Little and D. O'Shea",
  2326. title = "Using algebraic geometry",
  2327. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  2328. year = "1998",
  2329. volume = "185",
  2330. pages = "xii+499",
  2331. series = "Graduate Texts in Mathematics",
  2332. address = "New York",
  2333. isbn = "0-387-98487-9; 0-387-98492-5"
  2334. }
  2335. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-cox4,
  2336. author = "D. Cox and J. Little and D. O'Shea",
  2337. title = "Using algebraic geometry",
  2338. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  2339. year = "2005",
  2340. EDITION = "Second",
  2341. pages = "xii+499"
  2342. }
  2343. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-cox3,
  2344. AUTHOR = "D. Cox and J. Little and D. O'Shea",
  2345. TITLE = "Ideals, varieties, and algorithms",
  2346. EDITION = "Third",
  2347. NOTE = "An introduction to computational algebraic geometry and commutative algebra",
  2348. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  2349. YEAR = "2007",
  2350. PAGES = "xvi+551"
  2351. }
  2352. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-cox1,
  2353. author = "D. Cox and J. Little and D. O'Shea",
  2354. title = "Ideals, varieties, and algorithms",
  2355. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  2356. year = "1992",
  2357. pages = "xii+513",
  2358. note = "An introduction to computational algebraic geometry and commutative algebra"
  2359. }
  2360. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-desaki,
  2361. author = "Y. Desaki and T. Fujiwara and T. Kasami",
  2362. title = "The weight distributions of extended binary primitive {BCH} codes of length {$128$}",
  2363. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2364. year = "1997",
  2365. volume = "43",
  2366. pages = "1364--1371",
  2367. number = "4",
  2368. coden = "IETTAW",
  2369. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  2370. issn = "0018-9448"
  2371. }
  2372. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-diffiehelman,
  2373. author = "W. Diffie and M.E. Hellman",
  2374. title = "New directions in cryptography",
  2375. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2376. year = "1976",
  2377. volume = "22",
  2378. pages = "644--654",
  2379. number = "6",
  2380. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory"
  2381. }
  2382. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-duursma,
  2383. author = "I. M. Duursma",
  2384. title = "Weight distributions of geometric {G}oppa codes",
  2385. journal = "Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.",
  2386. year = "1999",
  2387. volume = "351",
  2388. pages = "3609--3639",
  2389. number = "9",
  2390. coden = "TAMTAM",
  2391. fjournal = "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society",
  2392. issn = "0002-9947"
  2393. }
  2394. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-elgamal,
  2395. author = "T. Elgamal",
  2396. title = " A public key cryptosystem and a signature scheme based on discret e logaritmhs",
  2397. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2398. year = "1985",
  2399. volume = "31",
  2400. pages = "469--472",
  2401. number = "4",
  2402. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory"
  2403. }
  2404. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-talk-eliagoppa,
  2405. author = "M. Elia and G. Taricco and Viterbo V.",
  2406. title = "On the classification of binary Goppa codes",
  2407. institution = "Talk at {I}{S}{I}{T}{A} 2000",
  2408. year = "2000"
  2409. }
  2410. \%F4
  2411. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-faugere1,
  2412. author = "J.~C. Faug{\'e}re",
  2413. title = {A new efficient algorithm for computing {G}r{\"o}bner bases {$(F\sb 4)$}},
  2414. journal = "J. Pure Appl. Algebra",
  2415. year = "1999",
  2416. volume = "139",
  2417. pages = "61--88",
  2418. number = "1-3",
  2419. coden = "JPAAA2",
  2420. fjournal = "Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra",
  2421. issn = "0022-4049"
  2422. }
  2423. \%F5
  2424. @InProceedings{ CGC-alg-art-faugere2,
  2425. author = "J.~C. Faug{\`e}re",
  2426. title = {A new efficient algorithm for computing {G}r{\"o}bner bases without reduction to zero {$(F\sb 5)$}},
  2427. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISSAC}~2002",
  2428. year = "2002",
  2429. pages = "75--83",
  2430. address = "New York",
  2431. publisher = "ACM"
  2432. }
  2433. \%faugere
  2434. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-fglm,
  2435. author = "J.~C. Faug{\`e}re and P. Gianni and D. Lazard and T. Mora",
  2436. title = {Efficient computation of zero-dimensional {G}r{\"o}bner bases by change of ordering},
  2437. journal = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  2438. year = "1993",
  2439. volume = "16",
  2440. pages = "329--344",
  2441. number = "4",
  2442. fjournal = "Journal of Symbolic Computation"
  2443. }
  2444. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-FengRao,
  2445. author = "G. L. Feng and T. R. N. Rao",
  2446. title = "Improved Geometric {G}oppa Codes, {P}art {I}: Basic theory",
  2447. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2448. year = "1995",
  2449. volume = "41",
  2450. pages = "1678--1693"
  2451. }
  2452. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-FengRao-bis,
  2453. author = "G. L. Feng and T. R. N. Rao",
  2454. title = "A Simple Approach for Construction of Algebraic-Geometric Codes from Affine Plane Curves",
  2455. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2456. year = "1994",
  2457. volume = "40",
  2458. pages = "1003--1012"
  2459. }
  2460. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-feng91,
  2461. author = "G. L. Feng and K.~K. Tzeng",
  2462. title = "Decoding cyclic and {BCH} codes up to actual minimum distance using nonrecurrent syndrome dependence relations",
  2463. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2464. year = "1991",
  2465. volume = "37",
  2466. pages = "1716--1723",
  2467. number = "6",
  2468. coden = "IETTAW",
  2469. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  2470. issn = "0018-9448"
  2471. }
  2472. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-feng91-bis,
  2473. author = "G. L. Feng and K.~K. Tzeng",
  2474. title = "A generalization of the {B}erlekamp-{M}assey algorithm for multisequence shift-register synthesis with applications to decoding cyclic codes",
  2475. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2476. year = "1991",
  2477. volume = "37",
  2478. pages = "1274--1287",
  2479. number = "5",
  2480. coden = "IETTAW",
  2481. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  2482. issn = "0018-9448"
  2483. }
  2484. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-feng89,
  2485. author = "G. L. Feng and K.~K. Tzeng",
  2486. title = "A generalized {E}uclidean algorithm for multisequence shift-register synthesis",
  2487. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2488. year = "1989",
  2489. volume = "35",
  2490. pages = "584--594",
  2491. number = "3",
  2492. coden = "IETTAW",
  2493. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  2494. issn = "0018-9448"
  2495. }
  2496. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-lax,
  2497. author = "J. Fitzgerald and R.~F. Lax",
  2498. title = {Decoding affine variety codes using {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  2499. journal = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  2500. year = "1998",
  2501. volume = "13",
  2502. pages = "147--158",
  2503. number = "2",
  2504. fjournal = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal"
  2505. }
  2506. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-keypat,
  2507. author = "P. Fitzpatrick",
  2508. title = "On the key equation",
  2509. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2510. year = "1995",
  2511. volume = "41",
  2512. pages = "1290--1302",
  2513. number = "5",
  2514. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory"
  2515. }
  2516. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-solvingpat,
  2517. author = "P. Fitzpatrick",
  2518. title = "Solving a multivariable congruence by change of term order",
  2519. journal = "J. Symb. Comp.",
  2520. year = "1997",
  2521. volume = "11",
  2522. pages = "505--510",
  2523. fjournal = "Journal of Symbolic Computation"
  2524. }
  2525. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-padepat,
  2526. author = "P. Fitzpatrick and J. Flynn",
  2527. title = {A {G}r{\"o}bner technique for {P}ad{\'e} approximation },
  2528. journal = "J. Symb. Comp.",
  2529. year = "1992",
  2530. volume = "13",
  2531. pages = "133--138",
  2532. fjournal = "Journal of Symbolic Computation"
  2533. }
  2534. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-rsopt,
  2535. author = "P. Fitzpatrick and E. Popovici",
  2536. title = "{R}eed-{S}olomon Codes for Optical Communications",
  2537. journal = "Microelectronics, 2002. MIEL 2002. 23rd International Conference on",
  2538. year = "2002",
  2539. volume = "2",
  2540. pages = "613--616"
  2541. }
  2542. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-patjohn1,
  2543. author = "P. Fitzpatrick and J.~A. Ryan",
  2544. title = "Counting irreducible {G}oppa codes",
  2545. journal = "J. Aust. Math. Soc.",
  2546. year = "2001",
  2547. volume = "71",
  2548. pages = "299--305",
  2549. number = "3",
  2550. fjournal = "Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society",
  2551. issn = "1446-7887"
  2552. }
  2553. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-fortunagianni,
  2554. author = "E. Fortuna and P. Gianni and B. Trager",
  2555. title = "Irreducible decomposition of polynomial ideals",
  2556. journal = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  2557. year = "2005",
  2558. volume = "39",
  2559. pages = "305--316",
  2560. number = "3-4",
  2561. fjournal = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  2562. issn = "0747-7171"
  2563. }
  2564. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-henrypat1,
  2565. author = "H. O'Keeffe and P. Fitzpatrick",
  2566. title = {Recursive construction of {G}r{\"o}bner bases for the solution of polynomial congruences},
  2567. journal = "Codes, Systems and Graphical models",
  2568. year = "2000",
  2569. volume = "Vol 13 IMA",
  2570. pages = "299--311",
  2571. fjournal = "Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications"
  2572. }
  2573. \%groebner
  2574. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-henrypat2,
  2575. author = "H. O'Keeffe and P. Fitzpatrick",
  2576. title = {Gr{\"o}bner bases solutions of constrained interpolation problems},
  2577. journal = "Linear Algebra and its applications",
  2578. year = "2002",
  2579. volume = "351-352",
  2580. pages = "533--551"
  2581. }
  2582. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-orderedstat,
  2583. author = "M.~P.~C. Fossorier and S. Lin",
  2584. title = "Computationally efficient soft-decision decoding of linear block codes based on ordered statistics",
  2585. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2586. year = "1996",
  2587. volume = "42",
  2588. pages = "738--750",
  2589. number = "3",
  2590. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory"
  2591. }
  2592. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-fujiwara,
  2593. author = "T. Fuijwara and T Kasami",
  2594. title = "The Weight Distributions of (256,$k$) Extended Binary Primitive {BCH} Codes with $k\leq 63$ and $k\geq 207$",
  2595. institution = "IEICE",
  2596. year = "1997",
  2597. type = " Technical Report of IEICE",
  2598. number = "IT97-46",
  2599. address = "Japan "
  2600. }
  2601. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-gallager,
  2602. author = "R. Gallager",
  2603. title = " Low-Density Parity-Check Codes",
  2604. school = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
  2605. year = "1963"
  2606. }
  2607. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Geil-1,
  2608. author = "O. Geil",
  2609. title = "On Codes From Norm-Trace Curves",
  2610. journal = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  2611. fjournal = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  2612. year = "2003",
  2613. volume = "9",
  2614. pages = "351--371"
  2615. }
  2616. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-Geil-2,
  2617. author = "O. Geil",
  2618. title = "Codes from order domains",
  2619. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISIT}~2001",
  2620. year = "2001",
  2621. pages = "308"
  2622. }
  2623. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-henrypat3,
  2624. author = "P. Fitzpatrick and H. O'Keeffe",
  2625. title = "Hard and soft-decision list decoding of $1$-point codes as solutions of constrained interpolation problems",
  2626. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISIT}~2002",
  2627. year = "2002",
  2628. pages = "308"
  2629. }
  2630. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-bchpat,
  2631. author = "P. Fitzpatrick",
  2632. title = "Errors and erasures decoding of {BCH} codes",
  2633. journal = "{IEE} Proc.-Commun.",
  2634. year = "1999",
  2635. volume = "146",
  2636. number = "2",
  2637. pages = "79--81"
  2638. }
  2639. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-scalarpat,
  2640. author = "P. Fitzpatrick",
  2641. title = "On the scalar rational interpolation problem",
  2642. JOURNAL = "Math. Control Sign. Sys.",
  2643. fjournal = "Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems",
  2644. year = "1996",
  2645. volume = "9",
  2646. NUMBER = "4",
  2647. pages = "352--369"
  2648. }
  2649. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-patjennings,
  2650. author = "P. Fitzpatrick and S. M. Jennings",
  2651. title = "Comparison of two algorithms for decoding alternant codes",
  2652. journal = "AAECC",
  2653. year = "1998",
  2654. volume = "9",
  2655. pages = "211--220",
  2656. number = "3"
  2657. }
  2658. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-Geil,
  2659. author = "O. Geil",
  2660. title = "The Construction of Codes from Order Domains",
  2661. institution = "Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University",
  2662. year = "2000",
  2663. type = "Technical report",
  2664. number = "R-00-2013"
  2665. }
  2666. \%hoeholdt hoholdt
  2667. @Article{ CGC-cd-book-GeilHo,
  2668. author = "O. Geil and T. H{\o}holdt",
  2669. title = "On Hyperbolic Codes",
  2670. year = "2001",
  2671. volume = "2227",
  2672. journal = "LNCS",
  2673. pages = "159--171",
  2674. publisher = "Springer"
  2675. }
  2676. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-GeilPell,
  2677. author = "O. Geil and R. Pellikaan",
  2678. title = "On the Structure of {O}rder {D}omains",
  2679. journal = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  2680. year = "2002",
  2681. volume = "8",
  2682. pages = "369--396"
  2683. }
  2684. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-art-gianni,
  2685. author = "P. Gianni",
  2686. title = {Properties of {G}r{\"o}bner bases under specializations},
  2687. booktitle = "Proc. of EUROCAL1987",
  2688. publisher = "Springer",
  2689. year = "1989",
  2690. volume = "378",
  2691. series = "LNCS",
  2692. pages = "293--297"
  2693. }
  2694. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-art-giannimora,
  2695. author = "P. Gianni and T. Mora",
  2696. title = {Algebraic solution of systems of polynomial equations using {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  2697. booktitle = "Proc. of AAECC1987",
  2698. publisher = "Springer",
  2699. year = "1989",
  2700. volume = "356",
  2701. series = "LNCS",
  2702. pages = "247--257"
  2703. }
  2704. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-art-giannimora-noTeo,
  2705. author = "P. Gianni",
  2706. title = {Algebraic solution of systems of polynomial equations using {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  2707. booktitle = "Proc. of AAECC1987",
  2708. publisher = "Springer",
  2709. year = "1989",
  2710. volume = "356",
  2711. series = "LNCS",
  2712. pages = "247--257"
  2713. }
  2714. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-art-gibson1,
  2715. author = "J. K. Gibson",
  2716. title = "Equivalent {G}oppa codes and trapdoors to {M}c{E}liece's public key cryptosystem",
  2717. booktitle = "Proc. of {EUROCRYPT}~91",
  2718. publisher = "Springer",
  2719. year = "1991",
  2720. volume = "547",
  2721. series = "LNCS",
  2722. pages = "517--521"
  2723. }
  2724. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-martina,
  2725. author = "M. Giorgetti",
  2726. title = {About the nth-root codes: a {G}r{\"o}bner basis approach to the weight computation},
  2727. booktitle = {Proc. of the 2006 Workshop D1: {G}r{\"o}bner Bases in Cryptography, Coding Theory, and Algebraic Combinatorics},
  2728. year = "2006",
  2729. publisher = "Springer",
  2730. notes = "poster"
  2731. }
  2732. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-marta,
  2733. author = "Marta Giorgetti",
  2734. title = "On some algebraic interpretation of classical codes",
  2735. school = "University of Milan",
  2736. year = "2006"
  2737. }
  2738. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-ele,
  2739. author = "Eleonora Guerrini",
  2740. title = "Systematic codes and polynomial ideals",
  2741. school = "University of Trento",
  2742. year = "2009"
  2743. }
  2744. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-martamarco,
  2745. author = "M. Giorgetti and M. Pellegrini",
  2746. title = "On the weight distribution of one-point AG codes",
  2747. institution = "University College Cork",
  2748. year = "2006",
  2749. number = "",
  2750. month = "",
  2751. type = "BCRI preprint, {},",
  2752. address = "Boole Centre BCRI, UCC Cork, Ireland"
  2753. }
  2754. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-marteiran,
  2755. author = "M. Giorgetti and M. Rossi and M. Sala",
  2756. title = {On the {G}r{\"o}bner basis of a family of quasi-cyclic {LDPC} codes},
  2757. journal = "Bull. Iran. Math. Soc.",
  2758. year = "2005",
  2759. volume = "31",
  2760. pages = "13--32",
  2761. number = "2",
  2762. fjournal = "Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society"
  2763. }
  2764. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-martamax,
  2765. author = "M. Giorgetti and M. Sala",
  2766. title = "A commutative algebra approach to linear codes",
  2767. institution = "UCC",
  2768. year = "2006",
  2769. type = "BCRI preprint, {},",
  2770. number = "58",
  2771. address = "Cork, Ireland"
  2772. }
  2773. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-martamax,
  2774. author = "M. Giorgetti and M. Sala",
  2775. title = "A commutative algebra approach to linear codes",
  2776. journal = "Journal of Algebra",
  2777. year = "2009",
  2778. volume = "321",
  2779. pages = "2259--2286",
  2780. number = "8"
  2781. }
  2782. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-goppa,
  2783. title = "Geometry and codes",
  2784. publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers Group",
  2785. year = "1988",
  2786. author = "V.~D. Goppa",
  2787. volume = "24",
  2788. pages = "x+157",
  2789. series = "Mathematics and its Applications (Soviet Series)",
  2790. address = "Dordrecht",
  2791. note = "Translated from the Russian by N. G. Shartse",
  2792. isbn = "90-277-2776-7"
  2793. }
  2794. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-goppa1,
  2795. author = "V. D. Goppa",
  2796. title = "A new class of linear correcting codes",
  2797. journal = "Problemy Pereda\v ci Informacii",
  2798. year = "1970",
  2799. volume = "6",
  2800. pages = "24--30",
  2801. number = "3",
  2802. fjournal = "Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Institut Problem Peredachi Informatsii Akademii Nauk SSSR. Problemy Peredachi Informatsii"
  2803. }
  2804. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-elemaxmds,
  2805. author = "E. Guerrini and M. Sala",
  2806. title = "A classification of {MDS} binary systematic codes",
  2807. institution = "UCC",
  2808. year = "2006",
  2809. number = "56",
  2810. address = "Cork, Ireland",
  2811. type = "BCRI preprint, {}"
  2812. }
  2813. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-elemanumax,
  2814. author = "E. Guerrini and M. Orsini and M. Sala",
  2815. title = "Computing the distance distribution of systematic non-linear codes",
  2816. institution = "UCC",
  2817. year = "2006",
  2818. number = "50",
  2819. address = "Cork, Ireland",
  2820. type = "BCRI preprint, {}"
  2821. }
  2822. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-elemanumax,
  2823. author = "E. Guerrini and M. Orsini and M. Sala",
  2824. title = "Computing the distance distribution of systematic non-linear codes",
  2825. journal = "Journal of Algebra and Its Applications ",
  2826. year = "2010",
  2827. number = "2",
  2828. volume = "9",
  2829. pages = "241--256"
  2830. }
  2831. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-guruswami,
  2832. author = "V. Guruswami and M. Sudan",
  2833. title = "Improved decoding of {R}eed-{S}olomon and algebraic geometric codes",
  2834. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2835. year = "1999",
  2836. volume = "45",
  2837. pages = "1757--1767",
  2838. number = "6",
  2839. coden = "IETTAW",
  2840. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  2841. issn = "0018-9448"
  2842. }
  2843. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-hammond,
  2844. author = "J.~L. Hammond and J.~E. Brown and S.~S. Liu",
  2845. title = "Development of a Transmission Error Model and Error Control Model",
  2846. institution = "Rome Air Development Center",
  2847. year = "1975",
  2848. type = "Technical Report RADC",
  2849. number = "TR-75-138",
  2850. address = "Rome"
  2851. }
  2852. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-hammons,
  2853. author = "Jr. A.~R. Hammons and P.~V. Kumar and A. R. Calderbank and N.~J.~A. Sloane and P. Sol{\'e}",
  2854. title = "The {${\bf Z}\sb 4$}-linearity of {K}erdock, {P}reparata, {G}oethals, and related codes",
  2855. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2856. year = "1994",
  2857. volume = "40",
  2858. pages = "301--319",
  2859. number = "2",
  2860. coden = "IETTAW",
  2861. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  2862. issn = "0018-9448"
  2863. }
  2864. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-HTdec,
  2865. author = "C.~R.~P. Hartmann and K.~K. Tzeng",
  2866. title = "Decoding beyond the {BCH} bound using multiple sets of syndrome sequences",
  2867. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2868. year = "1974",
  2869. volume = "20",
  2870. pages = "292--295",
  2871. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  2872. issn = "0018-9448"
  2873. }
  2874. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-HT,
  2875. author = "C.~R.~P. Hartmann and K.~K. Tzeng",
  2876. title = "Generalizations of the {${\rm BCH}$} bound",
  2877. journal = "Information and Control",
  2878. year = "1972",
  2879. volume = "20",
  2880. pages = "489--498",
  2881. fjournal = "Information and Computation",
  2882. issn = "0890-5401"
  2883. }
  2884. \%groebner
  2885. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-littleherm,
  2886. author = "C. Heegard and J. Little and K. Saints",
  2887. title = {Systematic Encoding via {G}r{\"o}bner Bases for a Class of Algebraic-geometric Codes},
  2888. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2889. year = "1995",
  2890. volume = "41",
  2891. pages = "1752--1761",
  2892. fjournal = "IEEE. Transactions on Information Theory"
  2893. }
  2894. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-saintsheegard95,
  2895. AUTHOR = "K. Saints and C. Heegard",
  2896. TITLE = {Algebraic-geometric codes and multidimensional cyclic codes: a unified theory and algorithms for decoding using {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  2897. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2898. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  2899. VOLUME = "41",
  2900. YEAR = "1995",
  2901. NUMBER = "6",
  2902. PAGES = "1733--1751"
  2903. }
  2904. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-matrixhorn,
  2905. title = "Matrix analysis",
  2906. publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
  2907. year = "1985",
  2908. author = "R.~A. Horn and C.~R. Johnson",
  2909. pages = "xiii+561",
  2910. address = "Cambridge",
  2911. isbn = "0-521-30586-1"
  2912. }
  2913. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-book-AG_HB,
  2914. author = "T. H{\o}holdt and J. H. van Lint and R. Pellikaan",
  2915. title = "Algebraic geometry of codes",
  2916. booktitle = "Handbook of coding theory, Vol. I, II",
  2917. publisher = "North-Holland",
  2918. year = "1998",
  2919. editor = "V. S. Pless and W.C. Huffman",
  2920. pages = "871--961"
  2921. }
  2922. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-johnson,
  2923. author = "S.~M. Johnson",
  2924. title = "Improved asymptotic bounds for error-correcting codes",
  2925. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2926. year = "1963",
  2927. volume = "9",
  2928. pages = "198--205",
  2929. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  2930. issn = "0018-9448"
  2931. }
  2932. @InProceedings{ CGC-alg-art-kalkbrener,
  2933. author = "M. Kalkbrener",
  2934. title = {Solving systems of algebraic equations by using {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  2935. booktitle = "Proc. of EUROCAL~1987",
  2936. year = "1989",
  2937. volume = "378",
  2938. series = "LNCS",
  2939. pages = "282--292"
  2940. }
  2941. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-fujiwara,
  2942. author = "T. Kasami and T. Fuijwara and S. Lin",
  2943. title = "An Approximation to the Weight Distribution of Binary Linear Codes",
  2944. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2945. year = "1985",
  2946. volume = "31",
  2947. pages = "769--780",
  2948. number = "6",
  2949. coden = "IETTAW",
  2950. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  2951. issn = "0018-9448"
  2952. }
  2953. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-kasamishulin,
  2954. author = "T. Kasami and S. Lin",
  2955. title = "Some Results on the Minimum Weight of {BCH} Codes",
  2956. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2957. year = "1972",
  2958. volume = "18",
  2959. pages = "824--825",
  2960. number = "6",
  2961. coden = "IETTAW",
  2962. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  2963. issn = "0018-9448"
  2964. }
  2965. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-kasami,
  2966. author = "T. Kasami and N. Tokura and S. Azumi",
  2967. title = "On the weight enumeration of weights less than 2.5d of {R}eed-{M}uller codes",
  2968. journal = "Information and Control",
  2969. year = "1976",
  2970. volume = "30",
  2971. pages = "380--395",
  2972. number = "4",
  2973. fjournal = "Information and Computation",
  2974. issn = "0890-5401"
  2975. }
  2976. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-katamori,
  2977. author = "Y. Katayama and S. Morioka",
  2978. title = "One-Shot {R}eed-{S}olomon Decoding for High-Performance Dependable Systems",
  2979. journal = "IEEE DSN",
  2980. year = "2000",
  2981. volume = "00",
  2982. pages = "390",
  2983. address = "Los Alamitos, CA, USA",
  2984. publisher = "IEEE Computer Society"
  2985. }
  2986. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-klitsyn,
  2987. author = "O. Keren and S. Litsyn",
  2988. title = "More on the distance distribution of {BCH} codes",
  2989. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  2990. year = "1999",
  2991. volume = "45",
  2992. pages = "251--255",
  2993. number = "1",
  2994. coden = "IETTAW",
  2995. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  2996. issn = "0018-9448"
  2997. }
  2998. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-krasikov,
  2999. author = "I. Krasikov and S. Litsyn",
  3000. title = "On the Distance Distribution of Duals of {BCH} Codes",
  3001. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3002. year = "2001",
  3003. volume = "45",
  3004. pages = "247--250",
  3005. number = "1",
  3006. coden = "IETTAW",
  3007. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  3008. issn = "0018-9448"
  3009. }
  3010. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-laihonen,
  3011. author = "T. Laihonen and S. Litsyn",
  3012. title = "On upper bounds for minimum distance and covering radius of non-binary codes",
  3013. journal = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  3014. year = "1998",
  3015. volume = "14",
  3016. pages = "71--80",
  3017. number = "1",
  3018. fjournal = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal"
  3019. }
  3020. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-lallypat1,
  3021. author = "K. Lally and P. Fitzpatrick",
  3022. title = "Algebraic structure of quasicyclic codes",
  3023. journal = "Discrete Appl. Math.",
  3024. year = "2001",
  3025. volume = "111",
  3026. pages = "157--175",
  3027. number = "1-2",
  3028. fjournal = "Discrete Applied Mathematics. The Journal of Combinatorial Algorithms, Informatics and Computational Sciences"
  3029. }
  3030. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-gordonplotkin,
  3031. author = "W. de Launey and D.~M. Gordon",
  3032. title = "A remark on {P}lotkin's bound",
  3033. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3034. year = "2001",
  3035. volume = "47",
  3036. pages = "352--355",
  3037. number = "1",
  3038. coden = "IETTAW",
  3039. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Trans. on Inform. Theory",
  3040. issn = "0018-9448"
  3041. }
  3042. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-lazard1,
  3043. author = "D. Lazard",
  3044. title = "R{\'e}solution des syst{\`e}mes d'{\'e}quations alg{\'e}briques",
  3045. journal = "Theoret. Comput. Sci.",
  3046. year = "1981",
  3047. volume = "15",
  3048. pages = "77--110",
  3049. number = "1",
  3050. coden = "TCSDI",
  3051. fjournal = "Theoretical Computer Science",
  3052. issn = "0304-3975"
  3053. }
  3054. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-lee,
  3055. author = "C. Lee",
  3056. title = "Some Properties of Non-binary Error-correcting Codes",
  3057. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3058. year = "1958",
  3059. volume = "4",
  3060. pages = "77--82",
  3061. number = "2",
  3062. coden = "IETTAW",
  3063. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  3064. issn = "0018-9448"
  3065. }
  3066. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-leon,
  3067. author = "J.~S. Leon",
  3068. title = "A probabilistic algorithm for computing minimum weights of large error-correcting codes",
  3069. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3070. year = "1988",
  3071. volume = "34",
  3072. pages = "1354--1359",
  3073. number = "5, part 2",
  3074. note = "Coding techniques and coding theory",
  3075. coden = "IETTAW",
  3076. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  3077. issn = "0018-9448"
  3078. }
  3079. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-vehel,
  3080. author = "F. {Levy-dit-Vehel}",
  3081. title = "Bounds on the minimum distance of the duals of extended {BCH} codes over {${\bf F}\sb p$}",
  3082. journal = "Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput.",
  3083. year = "1995",
  3084. volume = "6",
  3085. pages = "175--190",
  3086. number = "3",
  3087. coden = "AAECEW",
  3088. fjournal = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  3089. issn = "0938-1279"
  3090. }
  3091. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-niederreiter,
  3092. title = "Introduction to finite fields and their applications",
  3093. publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
  3094. year = "1986",
  3095. author = "R. Lidl and H. Niederreiter",
  3096. pages = "viii+407",
  3097. address = "Cambridge"
  3098. }
  3099. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-lin,
  3100. title = "An Introduction to Error-Correcting Codes",
  3101. publisher = "Prentice Hall",
  3102. year = "1970",
  3103. author = "S. Lin"
  3104. }
  3105. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-vanlint,
  3106. title = "Introduction to coding theory",
  3107. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  3108. year = "1999",
  3109. author = "J.~H. van Lint",
  3110. volume = "86",
  3111. pages = "xiv+227",
  3112. series = "Graduate Texts in Mathematics",
  3113. address = "Berlin",
  3114. edition = "Third",
  3115. isbn = "3-540-64133-5"
  3116. }
  3117. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-vanlintd1,
  3118. author = "J.~H. van Lint and R.~M. Wilson",
  3119. title = "On the minimum distance of cyclic codes",
  3120. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3121. year = "1986",
  3122. volume = "32",
  3123. pages = "23--40",
  3124. number = "1",
  3125. coden = "IETTAW",
  3126. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  3127. issn = "0018-9448"
  3128. }
  3129. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-louYork,
  3130. author = "P. Loustaunau and E. V. York",
  3131. title = {On the decoding of cyclic codes using {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  3132. journal = "AAECC",
  3133. year = "1997",
  3134. volume = "8",
  3135. pages = "469--483",
  3136. number = "6",
  3137. fjournal = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing"
  3138. }
  3139. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-lucas,
  3140. author = "R. Lucas and M. Bossert and M. Breitbach",
  3141. title = " On Iterative Soft-Decision Decoding of Linear Binary Block Codes and Product Codes",
  3142. journal = "IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications",
  3143. year = "1998",
  3144. volume = "16",
  3145. pages = "276--296",
  3146. number = "2",
  3147. issn = "0733-8716"
  3148. }
  3149. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-macwilliamsI,
  3150. title = "The theory of error-correcting codes. {I}",
  3151. publisher = "North-Holland Publishing Co.",
  3152. year = "1977",
  3153. author = "F.~J. MacWilliams and N.~J.~A. Sloane",
  3154. pages = "i--xv and 1--369",
  3155. address = "Amsterdam",
  3156. note = "North-Holland Mathematical Library, Vol. 16",
  3157. isbn = "0-444-85009-0"
  3158. }
  3159. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-macwilliamsII,
  3160. title = "The theory of error-correcting codes. {II}",
  3161. publisher = "North-Holland Publishing Co.",
  3162. year = "1977",
  3163. author = "F.~J. MacWilliams and N.~J.~A. Sloane",
  3164. pages = "i--ix and 370--762",
  3165. address = "Amsterdam",
  3166. note = "North-Holland Mathematical Library, Vol. 16",
  3167. isbn = "0-444-85010-4"
  3168. }
  3169. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-macwilliamsTOT,
  3170. title = "The theory of error-correcting codes. {I} and {II}",
  3171. publisher = "North-Holland Publishing Co.",
  3172. year = "1977",
  3173. author = "F.~J. MacWilliams and N.~J.~A. Sloane",
  3174. address = "Amsterdam"
  3175. }
  3176. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-masseyBCHdec,
  3177. author = "J.~L. Massey",
  3178. title = "Shift-register synthesis and {${\rm BCH}$} decoding",
  3179. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3180. year = "1969",
  3181. volume = "15",
  3182. pages = "122--127",
  3183. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  3184. issn = "0018-9448"
  3185. }
  3186. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-art-schaub,
  3187. author = "J.~L. Massey and T. Schaub",
  3188. title = "Linear complexity in coding theory",
  3189. booktitle = "Coding theory and applications (Cachan, 1986)",
  3190. publisher = "Springer",
  3191. year = "1988",
  3192. volume = "311",
  3193. series = "LNCS",
  3194. pages = "19--32",
  3195. address = "Berlin"
  3196. }
  3197. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-art-imai1,
  3198. author = "T. Matsumoto and H. Imai",
  3199. title = "Public quadratic polynomial-tuples for efficient signature-verification and message-encryption",
  3200. booktitle = "Proc. of {EUROCRYPT88}",
  3201. publisher = "Springer",
  3202. year = "1988",
  3203. volume = "330",
  3204. series = "LNCS",
  3205. pages = "419--453"
  3206. }
  3207. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-McEli1,
  3208. author = "R. J. McEliece",
  3209. title = "A public key cryptosystem based on algebraic coding theory",
  3210. journal = "JPL DSN",
  3211. year = "1978",
  3212. volume = "42-44",
  3213. pages = "114--116"
  3214. }
  3215. @Book{ CGC-cry-book-menezes,
  3216. title = "Handbook of applied cryptography",
  3217. publisher = "CRC Press",
  3218. year = "1997",
  3219. author = "A.~J. Menezes and P.~C. van Oorschot and S.~A. Vanstone",
  3220. pages = "xxviii+780",
  3221. series = "CRC Press Series on Discrete Mathematics and its Applications"
  3222. }
  3223. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Miura,
  3224. author = "S. Miura",
  3225. title = "Linear Codes on Affine Algebraic Varieties",
  3226. journal = "Trans. IEICE, n.10",
  3227. year = "1998",
  3228. volume = "J81-A",
  3229. pages = "1386--1397"
  3230. }
  3231. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Miura-bis,
  3232. author = "S. Miura",
  3233. title = "Linear Codes on Affine Algebraic Varieties",
  3234. journal = "Trans. IEICE",
  3235. year = "1998",
  3236. volume = "J81-A, n. 10",
  3237. pages = "1398--1421"
  3238. }
  3239. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-moh1,
  3240. author = "T. Moh",
  3241. title = "A public key system with signature and master key functions",
  3242. journal = "Comm. Algebra",
  3243. year = "1999",
  3244. volume = "27",
  3245. pages = "2207--2222",
  3246. number = "5",
  3247. coden = "COALDM",
  3248. fjournal = "Communications in Algebra",
  3249. issn = "0092-7872"
  3250. }
  3251. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-moorthy,
  3252. author = "H.~T. Moorthy and S. Lin and T. Kasami",
  3253. title = "Soft decision decoding of binary linear block codes based on iterative search algorithm",
  3254. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3255. year = "1997",
  3256. volume = "43",
  3257. pages = "1030--1040",
  3258. number = "3",
  3259. coden = "IETTAW",
  3260. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  3261. issn = "0018-9448"
  3262. }
  3263. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-teo3,
  3264. title = "Solving polynomial equation systems. {III}, Algebraic Solving and Beyond",
  3265. publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
  3266. year = "to appear",
  3267. author = "T. Mora",
  3268. volume = "",
  3269. pages = "",
  3270. series = "Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications"
  3271. }
  3272. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-teo2,
  3273. title = {Solving polynomial equation systems. {II}, {M}acaulay's paradigm and {G}r{\"o}bner technology},
  3274. publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
  3275. year = "2005",
  3276. author = "T. Mora",
  3277. volume = "99",
  3278. pages = "xxii+759",
  3279. series = "Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications"
  3280. }
  3281. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-teo1,
  3282. title = "Solving polynomial equation systems. {I}, The {K}ronecker-{D}uval philosophy ",
  3283. publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
  3284. year = "2003",
  3285. author = "T. Mora",
  3286. volume = "88",
  3287. pages = "xiv+423",
  3288. series = "Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications"
  3289. }
  3290. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-teomaxmanu,
  3291. author = "T. Mora and E. Orsini and M. Sala",
  3292. title = "General error locator polynomials for binary cyclic codes with $t <= 2$ and $n < 63$",
  3293. institution = "UCC",
  3294. year = "2006",
  3295. type = "BCRI preprint, {}",
  3296. number = "43",
  3297. address = "Cork, Ireland"
  3298. }
  3299. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-symmetric,
  3300. author = "T. Mora and M. Sala",
  3301. title = {On the {G}r{\"o}bner bases of some symmetric systems and their application to coding theory},
  3302. journal = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  3303. year = "2003",
  3304. volume = "35",
  3305. pages = "177--194",
  3306. number = "2",
  3307. fjournal = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  3308. issn = "0747-7171"
  3309. }
  3310. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-morenobis,
  3311. author = "O. Moreno and C.~J. Moreno",
  3312. title = "The {M}ac{W}illiams-{S}loane conjecture on the tightness of the {C}arlitz-{U}chiyama bound and the weights of duals of {BCH} codes",
  3313. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3314. year = "1994",
  3315. volume = "40",
  3316. pages = "1894--1907",
  3317. number = "6",
  3318. coden = "IETTAW",
  3319. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  3320. issn = "0018-9448"
  3321. }
  3322. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-odlyzkodlog,
  3323. author = "A. Odlyzko",
  3324. title = "Discrete logarithms: the past and the future",
  3325. journal = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  3326. year = "2000",
  3327. volume = "19",
  3328. pages = "129--145",
  3329. number = "2-3",
  3330. note = "",
  3331. coden = "DCCREC",
  3332. fjournal = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  3333. issn = "0925-1022"
  3334. }
  3335. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-teomaxmanu,
  3336. author = "E. Orsini and M. Sala",
  3337. title = "General error locator polynomials for binary cyclic codes with $t \leq 2$ and $n < 63$",
  3338. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3339. year = "2007",
  3340. volume = "53",
  3341. pages = "1095--1107",
  3342. issues = "3",
  3343. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  3344. issn = "0018-9448"
  3345. }
  3346. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-gelp1,
  3347. author = "E. Orsini and M. Sala",
  3348. title = "Correcting errors and erasures via the syndrome variety",
  3349. journal = "J. Pure Appl. Algebra",
  3350. year = "2005",
  3351. volume = "200",
  3352. pages = "191--226",
  3353. issues = "1-2",
  3354. fjournal = "Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra"
  3355. }
  3356. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-patarin1,
  3357. author = "J. Patarin",
  3358. title = "Cryptanalysis of the {M}atsumoto and {I}mai public key scheme of {E}urocrypt'88",
  3359. journal = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  3360. year = "2000",
  3361. volume = "20",
  3362. pages = "175--209",
  3363. number = "2",
  3364. coden = "DCCREC",
  3365. fjournal = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  3366. issn = "0925-1022"
  3367. }
  3368. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-art-flash1,
  3369. author = "J. Patarin and N. Courtois and L. Goubin",
  3370. title = "F{LASH}, a fast multivariate signature algorithm",
  3371. booktitle = "CT-RSA 2001",
  3372. publisher = "Springer",
  3373. year = "2001",
  3374. volume = "2020",
  3375. series = "LNCS",
  3376. pages = "298--307",
  3377. address = "Berlin"
  3378. }
  3379. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-art-quartz1,
  3380. author = "J. Patarin and N. Courtois and L. Goubin",
  3381. title = "{QUARTZ}, 128-bit long digital signatures",
  3382. booktitle = "CT-RSA 2001",
  3383. publisher = "Springer",
  3384. year = "2001",
  3385. volume = "2020",
  3386. series = "LNCS",
  3387. pages = "282--297",
  3388. address = "Berlin"
  3389. }
  3390. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-art-paterson1,
  3391. author = "K. G. Paterson",
  3392. title = "Imprimitive permutation groups and trapdoors in interated block ciphers",
  3393. booktitle = "Fast software encryption",
  3394. year = "1999",
  3395. volume = "1636",
  3396. series = "LNCS",
  3397. pages = "201--214",
  3398. publisher = "Springer",
  3399. address = "Berlin"
  3400. }
  3401. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-marco,
  3402. author = "M. Pellegrini",
  3403. title = "On the weight distribution of some {G}oppa {AG} codes",
  3404. school = "University of Pisa",
  3405. year = "",
  3406. note = "Work in progress"
  3407. }
  3408. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-pelshe,
  3409. author = "R. Pellikaan and B.-Z. Shen and G.~J.~M. van Wee",
  3410. title = "Which linear codes are algebraic-geometric?",
  3411. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3412. year = "1991",
  3413. volume = "37",
  3414. pages = "583--602",
  3415. number = "3, part 1",
  3416. coden = "IETTAW",
  3417. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  3418. issn = "0018-9448"
  3419. }
  3420. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-petersonI,
  3421. author = "W.~W. Peterson and Jr. E.~J. Weldon",
  3422. title = "Error-correcting codes",
  3423. publisher = "The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass.-London",
  3424. year = "1972",
  3425. pages = "xi+560",
  3426. edition = "Second"
  3427. }
  3428. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-plotkin,
  3429. author = "M. Plotkin",
  3430. title = "Binary Codes with Specified Minimum Distance",
  3431. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3432. year = "1960",
  3433. volume = "6",
  3434. pages = "445--450",
  3435. number = "4",
  3436. coden = "IETTAW",
  3437. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  3438. issn = "0018-9448"
  3439. }
  3440. @TechReport{ CGC-cd-prep-maxponchio,
  3441. author = "F. Ponchio and M. Sala",
  3442. title = "A lower bound on the distance of cyclic codes",
  3443. institution = "University College Cork",
  3444. year = "2003",
  3445. type = "BCRI preprint, {}",
  3446. number = "7",
  3447. address = "Boole Centre BCRI, UCC Cork, Ireland"
  3448. }
  3449. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-preparata,
  3450. author = "F. P. Preparata",
  3451. title = "A class of optimum nonlinear double-error correcting codes",
  3452. journal = "Inform. Control",
  3453. year = "1968",
  3454. volume = "13",
  3455. pages = "378--400",
  3456. number = "13"
  3457. }
  3458. @Book{ CGC-anum-book-quart,
  3459. author = "A. Quarteroni and R. Sacco and F. Saleri",
  3460. title = "Numerical mathematics",
  3461. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  3462. year = "2000",
  3463. volume = "37",
  3464. pages = "xx+654",
  3465. series = "Texts in Applied Mathematics",
  3466. address = "New York",
  3467. isbn = "0-387-98959-5"
  3468. }
  3469. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-rodier,
  3470. author = "F. Rodier",
  3471. title = "On the spectra of the duals of binary {BCH} codes of designed distance {$\delta=9$}",
  3472. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3473. year = "1992",
  3474. volume = "38",
  3475. pages = "478--479",
  3476. number = "2, part 1"
  3477. }
  3478. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-karlin2,
  3479. AUTHOR = "M. Karlin",
  3480. TITLE = "Decoding of circulant codes.",
  3481. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. Information Theory",
  3482. VOLUME = "16",
  3483. YEAR = "1970",
  3484. PAGES = "797--802"
  3485. }
  3486. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-mao2,
  3487. AUTHOR = "Y. Mao and A. H. Banihashemi",
  3488. TITLE = "A heuristic search for good low-density parity-check codes at short block lengths",
  3489. JOURNAL = "IEEE International Conference on Communication",
  3490. VOLUME = "1",
  3491. YEAR = "2001",
  3492. NUMBER = "10",
  3493. PAGES = "41--44"
  3494. }
  3495. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-richardosn1,
  3496. AUTHOR = "T. J.and Shokrollahi M. A. Richardson and R. L. Urbanke",
  3497. TITLE = "Design of capacity-approaching irregular low-density parity-check codes.",
  3498. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th. ",
  3499. VOLUME = "47",
  3500. YEAR = "2001",
  3501. NUMBER = "2",
  3502. PAGES = "619--637"
  3503. }
  3504. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-richardosn2,
  3505. AUTHOR = "T. J. Richardson and R. L. Urbanke",
  3506. TITLE = "The capacity of low-density parity-check codes under message-passing decoding.",
  3507. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th. ",
  3508. VOLUME = "47",
  3509. YEAR = "2001",
  3510. NUMBER = "2",
  3511. PAGES = "599--618"
  3512. }
  3513. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-tian1,
  3514. AUTHOR = "T. Tian and C. R. Jones and J. D. Villasenor and R. D. Wesel",
  3515. TITLE = "Selective avoidance of cycles in irregular {LDPC} code construction",
  3516. JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on Communications ",
  3517. VOLUME = "52",
  3518. YEAR = "2004",
  3519. NUMBER = "8",
  3520. PAGES = "1242--1247"
  3521. }
  3522. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-tanner,
  3523. AUTHOR = "R. M. Tanner",
  3524. TITLE = "A recursive approach to low complexity codes.",
  3525. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th. ",
  3526. VOLUME = "27",
  3527. YEAR = "1981",
  3528. NUMBER = "5",
  3529. PAGES = "533--547"
  3530. }
  3531. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-richardosn3,
  3532. AUTHOR = "T. J. Richardson and R. L. Urbanke",
  3533. TITLE = "Efficient encoding of low-density parity-check codes.",
  3534. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th. ",
  3535. VOLUME = "47",
  3536. YEAR = "2001",
  3537. NUMBER = "2",
  3538. PAGES = "538--656"
  3539. }
  3540. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-mao1,
  3541. AUTHOR = "Y. Mao and A. H. Banihashemi",
  3542. TITLE = "Decoding low-density parity-check codes with probabilistic scheduling",
  3543. JOURNAL = "Communications Letters, IEEE",
  3544. VOLUME = "5",
  3545. YEAR = "2001",
  3546. NUMBER = "10",
  3547. PAGES = "414--416"
  3548. }
  3549. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-karlin1,
  3550. AUTHOR = "M. Karlin",
  3551. TITLE = "New binary coding results by circulants.",
  3552. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. Information Theory",
  3553. VOLUME = "15",
  3554. YEAR = "1969",
  3555. PAGES = "81--92"
  3556. }
  3557. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-chungforney,
  3558. author = "S. Y. Chung and G. D Forney and T. J. Richardson and R. Urbanke",
  3559. title = "On the design of low-density parity-check codes within 0.0045 dB of the Shannon limit",
  3560. JOURNAL = "Communications Letters, IEEE",
  3561. VOLUME = "5",
  3562. YEAR = "2001",
  3563. NUMBER = "2",
  3564. PAGES = "58--60"
  3565. }
  3566. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-roman,
  3567. title = "Coding and information theory",
  3568. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  3569. year = "1992",
  3570. author = "S. Roman",
  3571. volume = "134",
  3572. pages = "xviii+486",
  3573. series = "Graduate Texts in Mathematics",
  3574. address = "New York",
  3575. isbn = "0-387-97812-7"
  3576. }
  3577. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-roos,
  3578. author = "C. Roos",
  3579. title = "A new lower bound for the minimum distance of a cyclic code",
  3580. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3581. year = "1983",
  3582. volume = "29",
  3583. pages = "330--332",
  3584. number = "3",
  3585. coden = "IETTAW",
  3586. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  3587. issn = "0018-9448"
  3588. }
  3589. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-roos2,
  3590. author = "C. Roos",
  3591. title = "A generalization of the {BCH} bound for cyclic codes, including the {H}artmann-{T}zeng bound",
  3592. journal = "J. Combin. Theory Ser. A",
  3593. year = "1982",
  3594. volume = "33",
  3595. pages = "229--232",
  3596. number = "2",
  3597. coden = "JCBTA7",
  3598. fjournal = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A",
  3599. issn = "0097-3165"
  3600. }
  3601. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-john,
  3602. author = "John A. Ryan",
  3603. title = "Irreducible Goppa codes",
  3604. school = "University College Cork, Cork, Ireland",
  3605. year = "2002"
  3606. }
  3607. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-art-patjohn2,
  3608. author = "J. A. Ryan and P. Fitzpatrick",
  3609. title = "The number of inequivalent irreducible {G}oppa codes",
  3610. booktitle = "International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (Paris, 2001)",
  3611. publisher = "Elsevier",
  3612. year = "2001",
  3613. volume = "6",
  3614. series = "Electron. Notes Discrete Math.",
  3615. pages = "7",
  3616. address = "Amsterdam"
  3617. }
  3618. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-patjohn3,
  3619. author = "J.~A. Ryan and P. Fitzpatrick",
  3620. title = "Enumeration of inequivalent irreducible {G}oppa codes",
  3621. journal = "Discrete Appl. Math.",
  3622. year = "2006",
  3623. volume = "154",
  3624. pages = "399--412",
  3625. number = "2",
  3626. coden = "DAMADU",
  3627. fjournal = "Discrete Applied Mathematics. The Journal of Combinatorial Algorithms, Informatics and Computational Sciences",
  3628. issn = "0166-218X"
  3629. }
  3630. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-upboundcyc,
  3631. author = "M. Sala",
  3632. title = "Upper bounds on the dual distance of {${\rm BCH}(255,k)$}",
  3633. journal = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  3634. year = "2003",
  3635. volume = "30",
  3636. pages = "159--168",
  3637. number = "2",
  3638. coden = "DCCREC",
  3639. fjournal = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  3640. issn = "0925-1022"
  3641. }
  3642. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-dcyc,
  3643. author = "M. Sala",
  3644. title = {{G}r{\"o}bner bases and distance of cyclic codes},
  3645. journal = "Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput.",
  3646. year = "2002",
  3647. volume = "13",
  3648. pages = "137--162",
  3649. number = "2",
  3650. coden = "AAECEW",
  3651. fjournal = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  3652. issn = "0938-1279"
  3653. }
  3654. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-max,
  3655. author = "Massimiliano Sala",
  3656. title = "On some algebraic methods for coding theory",
  3657. school = "University of Milan, Milan, Italy",
  3658. year = "2001"
  3659. }
  3660. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-PUE,
  3661. author = "M. Sala and A. Tamponi",
  3662. title = "A linear programming estimate of the weight distribution of {${\rm BCH}(255,k)$}",
  3663. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3664. year = "2000",
  3665. volume = "46",
  3666. pages = "2235--2237",
  3667. number = "6",
  3668. coden = "IETTAW",
  3669. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  3670. issn = "0018-9448"
  3671. }
  3672. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-schaub,
  3673. author = "T. Schaub",
  3674. title = "A Linear Complexity Approach to Cyclic Codes",
  3675. school = "Swiss Federal Inst. of Tech., Zurich",
  3676. year = "1988"
  3677. }
  3678. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-aubrylazard,
  3679. AUTHOR = "P. Aubry and D. Lazard and M. {Moreno Maza}",
  3680. TITLE = "On the theories of triangular sets",
  3681. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  3682. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  3683. VOLUME = "28",
  3684. YEAR = "1999",
  3685. NUMBER = "1-2",
  3686. PAGES = "105--124"
  3687. }
  3688. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-lazard85,
  3689. AUTHOR = "D. Lazard",
  3690. TITLE = "Ideal bases and primary decomposition: case of two variables",
  3691. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  3692. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  3693. VOLUME = "1",
  3694. YEAR = "1985",
  3695. NUMBER = "3",
  3696. PAGES = "261--270"
  3697. }
  3698. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-lazard91,
  3699. AUTHOR = "D. Lazard",
  3700. TITLE = "A new method for solving algebraic systems of positive dimension",
  3701. JOURNAL = "Discrete Appl. Math.",
  3702. FJOURNAL = "Discrete Applied Mathematics. The Journal of Combinatorial Algorithms, Informatics and Computational Sciences",
  3703. VOLUME = "33",
  3704. YEAR = "1991",
  3705. NUMBER = "1-3",
  3706. PAGES = "147--160"
  3707. }
  3708. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-lazard92,
  3709. AUTHOR = "D. Lazard",
  3710. TITLE = "Solving zero-dimensional algebraic systems",
  3711. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  3712. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  3713. VOLUME = "13",
  3714. YEAR = "1992",
  3715. NUMBER = "2",
  3716. PAGES = "117--131"
  3717. }
  3718. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-lederer,
  3719. AUTHOR = "M. Lederer",
  3720. TITLE = "The vanishing ideal of a finite set of closed points in affine space",
  3721. JOURNAL = "J. Pure Appl. Algebra",
  3722. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra",
  3723. VOLUME = "212",
  3724. YEAR = "2008",
  3725. NUMBER = "5",
  3726. PAGES = "1116--1133"
  3727. }
  3728. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-aubrymoreno,
  3729. AUTHOR = "P. Aubry and M. {Moreno Maza}",
  3730. TITLE = "Triangular sets for solving polynomial systems: a comparative implementation of four methods",
  3731. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  3732. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  3733. VOLUME = "28",
  3734. YEAR = "1999",
  3735. NUMBER = "1-2",
  3736. PAGES = "125--154"
  3737. }
  3738. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-auzinger88,
  3739. AUTHOR = "W. Auzinger and H. J. Stetter",
  3740. TITLE = "An elimination algorithm for the computation of all zeros of a system of multivariate polynomial equations",
  3741. journal = "Internat. Schriftenreihe Numer. Math.",
  3742. VOLUME = "86",
  3743. PAGES = "11--30",
  3744. YEAR = "1988"
  3745. }
  3746. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-seidenberg1,
  3747. author = "A. Seidenberg",
  3748. title = "Constructions in algebra",
  3749. journal = "Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.",
  3750. year = "1974",
  3751. volume = "197",
  3752. pages = "273--313",
  3753. fjournal = "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society",
  3754. issn = "0002-9947"
  3755. }
  3756. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-shannon,
  3757. AUTHOR = "C. E. Shannon and W. Weaver",
  3758. TITLE = "The {M}athematical {T}heory of {C}ommunication",
  3759. PUBLISHER = "The University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Ill.",
  3760. YEAR = "1949",
  3761. PAGES = "vi+117"
  3762. }
  3763. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-shannon,
  3764. author = "C.~E. Shannon",
  3765. title = "A mathematical theory of communication",
  3766. journal = "Bell System Tech. J.",
  3767. year = "1948",
  3768. volume = "27",
  3769. pages = "379--423, 623--656",
  3770. fjournal = "The Bell System Technical Journal",
  3771. issn = "0005-8580"
  3772. }
  3773. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-shenbound,
  3774. author = "K.~K. Shen and C. Wang and B.-Z. Shen and K.~K. Tzeng",
  3775. title = "Generation of matrices for determining minimum distance and decoding of cyclic codes",
  3776. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3777. year = "1996",
  3778. volume = "42",
  3779. pages = "653--657",
  3780. number = "2",
  3781. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory"
  3782. }
  3783. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-snyder,
  3784. author = "J. Snyders and Y. Be'ery",
  3785. title = "Maximum likelihood soft decoding of binary block codes and decoders for the {G}olay codes",
  3786. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3787. year = "1989",
  3788. volume = "35",
  3789. pages = "963--975",
  3790. number = "5",
  3791. coden = "IETTAW",
  3792. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  3793. issn = "0018-9448"
  3794. }
  3795. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-notehermitian,
  3796. author = "H. Stichtenoth",
  3797. title = "A note on {H}ermitian codes over $ {G}{F}(q^2) $",
  3798. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3799. year = "1988",
  3800. volume = "9",
  3801. pages = "1345--1348"
  3802. }
  3803. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-CRC,
  3804. author = "J. Stone and M. Greenwald and C. Patridge and J. Hughes",
  3805. title = "Performance of Checksums and {CRC}s over Real Data",
  3806. journal = "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking",
  3807. year = "1998",
  3808. volume = "6",
  3809. pages = "529--543",
  3810. number = "5",
  3811. fjournal = " ",
  3812. issn = "1063-6692"
  3813. }
  3814. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-sullivan,
  3815. author = "D. Sullivan",
  3816. title = "Error-propagation properties of uniform codes",
  3817. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3818. year = "1969",
  3819. volume = "15",
  3820. pages = "152--161",
  3821. number = "1",
  3822. coden = "IETTAW",
  3823. fjournal = "IEEE, Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3824. issn = "0018-9448"
  3825. }
  3826. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-book-T.HPell,
  3827. title = "Algebraic Geometry of Codes",
  3828. pages = "871--961",
  3829. booktitle = "Handbook of Coding Theory",
  3830. publisher = "Elsevier",
  3831. year = "1998",
  3832. editor = "V. S. Pless and W.C. Huffman",
  3833. author = "T. H{\o}holdt and J. van Lint and R. Pellikaan"
  3834. }
  3835. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-hommakim01,
  3836. AUTHOR = "M. Homma and S. J. Kim",
  3837. TITLE = "Goppa codes with {W}eierstrass pairs",
  3838. JOURNAL = "J. Pure Appl. Algebra",
  3839. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra",
  3840. VOLUME = "162",
  3841. YEAR = "2001",
  3842. NUMBER = "2-3",
  3843. PAGES = "273--290"
  3844. }
  3845. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-hommakim05,
  3846. AUTHOR = "M. Homma and S. J. Kim",
  3847. TITLE = "Toward the determination of the minimum distance of two-point codes on a {H}ermitian curve",
  3848. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  3849. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  3850. VOLUME = "37",
  3851. YEAR = "2005",
  3852. NUMBER = "1",
  3853. PAGES = "111--132"
  3854. }
  3855. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-hommakim06,
  3856. AUTHOR = "M. Homma and S. J. Kim",
  3857. TITLE = "The two-point codes on a {H}ermitian curve with the designed minimum distance",
  3858. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  3859. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  3860. VOLUME = "38",
  3861. YEAR = "2006",
  3862. NUMBER = "1",
  3863. PAGES = "55--81"
  3864. }
  3865. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-hommakim06b,
  3866. AUTHOR = "M. Homma and S. J. Kim",
  3867. TITLE = "The two-point codes with the designed distance on a {H}ermitian curve in even characteristic",
  3868. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Crypto.",
  3869. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  3870. VOLUME = "39",
  3871. YEAR = "2006",
  3872. NUMBER = "3",
  3873. PAGES = "375--386"
  3874. }
  3875. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-maharajmatthews05,
  3876. AUTHOR = "H. Maharaj and G. L. Matthews and G. Pirsic",
  3877. TITLE = "Riemann-{R}och spaces of the {H}ermitian function field with applications to algebraic geometry codes and low-discrepancy sequences",
  3878. JOURNAL = "J. Pure Appl. Algebra",
  3879. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra",
  3880. VOLUME = "195",
  3881. YEAR = "2005",
  3882. NUMBER = "3",
  3883. PAGES = "261--280"
  3884. }
  3885. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-matthews01,
  3886. AUTHOR = "G. L. Matthews",
  3887. TITLE = "Weierstrass pairs and minimum distance of {G}oppa codes",
  3888. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  3889. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  3890. VOLUME = "22",
  3891. YEAR = "2001",
  3892. NUMBER = "2",
  3893. PAGES = "107--121"
  3894. }
  3895. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-carlet10,
  3896. title = "Boolean functions for cryptography and error correcting codes",
  3897. author = "C. Carlet",
  3898. journal = "Boolean Models and Methods in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering",
  3899. pages = "257--397",
  3900. year = "2010",
  3901. publisher = "Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press"
  3902. }
  3903. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-art-thomedlog,
  3904. author = "E. Thom{\'e}",
  3905. title = "Computation of discrete logarithms in {$\Bbb F\sb {2\sp {607}}$}",
  3906. booktitle = "Proc of {ASIACRYPT}~2001",
  3907. publisher = "Springer",
  3908. year = "2001",
  3909. volume = "2248",
  3910. series = "LNCS",
  3911. pages = "107--124",
  3912. address = "Berlin"
  3913. }
  3914. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-wax,
  3915. author = "N. Wax",
  3916. title = "On Upper Bound for Error Detecting and Error Correcting Codes of F inite Length",
  3917. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3918. year = "1959",
  3919. volume = "5",
  3920. pages = "168--174",
  3921. number = "4",
  3922. coden = "IETTAW",
  3923. fjournal = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Trans. Inform. Theory",
  3924. issn = "0018-9448"
  3925. }
  3926. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-art-Wernsdorf1,
  3927. author = "R. Wernsdorf",
  3928. title = "The round functions of {R}ijndael generate the alternating group",
  3929. booktitle = "Fast software encryption",
  3930. series = "Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.",
  3931. volume = "2365",
  3932. pages = "143--148",
  3933. publisher = "Springer",
  3934. address = "Berlin",
  3935. year = "2002"
  3936. }
  3937. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-Wern2,
  3938. author = "R. Wernsdorf",
  3939. title = "The round functions of {DES} generate the alternating group",
  3940. journal = "Proc. of {EUROCRYPT92}",
  3941. series = "LNCS",
  3942. volume = "658",
  3943. pages = "9",
  3944. publisher = "Springer",
  3945. address = "Berlin",
  3946. year = "1993"
  3947. }
  3948. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Xing1,
  3949. author = "C. Xing",
  3950. title = "Goppa Geometric Codes Achieving the {G}ilbert-{V}arshamov Bound ",
  3951. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  3952. year = "2005",
  3953. volume = "51",
  3954. number = "1",
  3955. pages = "259--264"
  3956. }
  3957. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-art-trudhermit,
  3958. author = "K. Yang and P. V. Kumar",
  3959. title = "On the true minimum distance of {H}ermitian codes",
  3960. booktitle = "Proc. of AGCT~1991",
  3961. publisher = "Springer",
  3962. year = "1992",
  3963. volume = "1518",
  3964. series = "LNM",
  3965. pages = "99--107"
  3966. }
  3967. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-zouhermite,
  3968. author = "Z. D. Zou",
  3969. title = "A mathematical proof for the weight distribution of one {H}ermitian code",
  3970. journal = "Natur. Sci. J. Xiangtan Univ.",
  3971. year = "2004",
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  3974. number = "3",
  3975. coden = "XDZEW",
  3976. fjournal = "Natural Science Journal of Xiangtan University. Xiangtan Daxue Ziran Kexue Xuebao",
  3977. issn = "1000-5900"
  3978. }
  3979. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-handbook,
  3980. title = "Handbook of {C}oding {T}heory. {V}ol. {I}, {II}",
  3981. publisher = "North-Holland",
  3982. year = "1998",
  3983. editor = "V. S. Pless and W. C. Huffman and R. A. Brualdi",
  3984. pages = "Vol. I: xvi+1138+I--58 pp.; Vol. II: pp. i--xvi, 1139--2169 and I--1--I--58",
  3985. address = "Amsterdam",
  3986. isbn = "0-444-50088-X"
  3987. }
  3988. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-proc-iccd,
  3989. author = "S. Morioka and Y. Katayama",
  3990. title = "Design Methodology for a One-Shot Reed-Solomon Encoder and Decoder",
  3991. booktitle = "ICCD '99: Proc. of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design",
  3992. year = "1999",
  3993. pages = "60",
  3994. address = "Washington, DC, USA",
  3995. publisher = "IEEE Computer Society",
  3996. isbn = "0-7695-0406-X"
  3997. }
  3998. \%CGC-cd-art-rothuuckenstein00
  3999. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-rothruckenstein00,
  4000. author = "R. M. Roth and G. Ruckenstein",
  4001. title = "Efficient Decoding of {R}eed--{S}olomon Codes Beyond Half the Minimum Distance",
  4002. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  4003. volume = "46",
  4004. number = "1",
  4005. pages = "246--257",
  4006. year = "2000"
  4007. }
  4008. \%ParvareshVardy05,
  4009. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-parvareshvardy05,
  4010. author = "F. Parvaresh and A. Vardy",
  4011. title = "Correcting Errors Beyond the {G}uruswami--{S}udan Radius in Polynomial Time",
  4012. booktitle = "Proc. of IEEE FOCS~2005",
  4013. year = "2005",
  4014. pages = "285--294",
  4015. publisher = "IEEE Computer Society"
  4016. }
  4017. \%CGC-Macaulay,
  4018. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-macaulay,
  4019. author = "F. S. Macaulay",
  4020. ADDRESS = "Cambridge",
  4021. PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press",
  4022. TITLE = "{The Algebraic Theory of Modular Systems}",
  4023. YEAR = "1916"
  4024. }
  4025. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-shannon,
  4026. author = "C. E. Shannon",
  4027. title = "{Communication theory of secrecy systems}",
  4028. year = "1949",
  4029. volume = "28",
  4030. JOURNAL = "Bell System Tech. J.",
  4031. FJOURNAL = "The Bell System Technical Journal",
  4032. pages = "656--715"
  4033. }
  4034. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-fulton91,
  4035. AUTHOR = "W. Fulton and J. Harris",
  4036. TITLE = "Representation theory",
  4037. VOLUME = "129",
  4038. PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag",
  4039. YEAR = "1991",
  4040. PAGES = "xvi+551"
  4041. }
  4042. \%peter
  4043. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-beelen07,
  4044. author = "P. Beelen",
  4045. title = "The order bound for general algebraic geometric codes",
  4046. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  4047. FJOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  4048. VOLUME = "13",
  4049. YEAR = "2007",
  4050. NUMBER = "3",
  4051. PAGES = "655--680"
  4052. }
  4053. \%mariamichael
  4054. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-brasmike06,
  4055. AUTHOR = "M. Bras-Amor{\'o}s and M. E. O'Sullivan",
  4056. TITLE = "The correction capability of the {B}erlekamp-{M}assey-{S}akata algorithm with majority voting",
  4057. JOURNAL = "AAECC",
  4058. FJOURNAL = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  4059. VOLUME = "17",
  4060. YEAR = "2006",
  4061. NUMBER = "5",
  4062. PAGES = "315--335"
  4063. }
  4064. \%geimat
  4065. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-geilmatsumoto07,
  4066. author = "O. Geil and R. Matsumoto",
  4067. title = "Generalized {S}udan's List Decoding for Order Domain Codes",
  4068. booktitle = "Proc. of AAECC2007",
  4069. year = "2007",
  4070. pages = "50--59"
  4071. }
  4072. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-geilthommesen,
  4073. AUTHOR = "O. Geil and C. Thommesen",
  4074. TITLE = "On the {F}eng-{R}ao bound for generalized {H}amming weights",
  4075. journal = "{LNCS}",
  4076. VOLUME = "3857",
  4077. year = "2006",
  4078. PAGES = "295--306",
  4079. PUBLISHER = "Springer"
  4080. }
  4081. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-heijnen,
  4082. AUTHOR = "P. Heijnen and R. Pellikaan",
  4083. TITLE = "Generalized {H}amming weights of {$q$}-ary {R}eed-{M}uller codes",
  4084. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  4085. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  4086. VOLUME = "44",
  4087. YEAR = "1998",
  4088. NUMBER = "1",
  4089. PAGES = "181--196"
  4090. }
  4091. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-little07,
  4092. AUTHOR = "J. B. Little",
  4093. TITLE = "The ubiquity of order domains for the construction of error control codes",
  4094. JOURNAL = "Adv. Math. Commun.",
  4095. FJOURNAL = "Advances in Mathematics of Communications",
  4096. VOLUME = "1",
  4097. YEAR = "2007",
  4098. NUMBER = "1",
  4099. PAGES = "151--171"
  4100. }
  4101. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-matsumoto99,
  4102. AUTHOR = "R. Matsumoto",
  4103. TITLE = "Miura's Generalization of One-Point {A}{G} codes is Equivalent to {H}{\o}holdt, van {L}int and {P}ellikaan's generalization",
  4104. JOURNAL = "IEICE Trans. Fund.",
  4105. FJOURNAL = "IEICE Trans. Fund.",
  4106. VOLUME = "E82-A",
  4107. YEAR = "1999",
  4108. NUMBER = "10",
  4109. PAGES = "2007--2010"
  4110. }
  4111. \%mike
  4112. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-osullivan01,
  4113. AUTHOR = "M. E. O'Sullivan",
  4114. TITLE = "New codes for the {B}erlekamp-{M}assey-{S}akata algorithm",
  4115. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  4116. FJOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  4117. VOLUME = "7",
  4118. YEAR = "2001",
  4119. NUMBER = "2",
  4120. PAGES = "293--317"
  4121. }
  4122. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-fengrao93,
  4123. AUTHOR = "G. L. Feng and T. R. N. Rao",
  4124. TITLE = "Decoding algebraic-geometric codes up to the designed minimum distance",
  4125. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  4126. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  4127. VOLUME = "39",
  4128. YEAR = "1993",
  4129. NUMBER = "1",
  4130. PAGES = "37--45"
  4131. }
  4132. \%MR99m:94057,
  4133. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-shokwasserman99,
  4134. AUTHOR = "M. A. Shokrollahi and H. Wasserman",
  4135. TITLE = "List decoding of algebraic-geometric codes",
  4136. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  4137. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  4138. VOLUME = "45",
  4139. YEAR = "1999",
  4140. NUMBER = "2",
  4141. PAGES = "432--437"
  4142. }
  4143. \%groebner
  4144. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-byrnepat00,
  4145. AUTHOR = "E. Byrne and P. Fitzpatrick",
  4146. TITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner bases and alternant codes over {G}alois rings},
  4147. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISIT}~2000",
  4148. YEAR = "2000"
  4149. }
  4150. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-magma2,
  4151. AUTHOR = "J. Cannon and C. Playoust",
  4152. TITLE = "M{A}{G}{M}{A}: a new computer algebra system",
  4153. JOURNAL = "Euromath Bull.",
  4154. FJOURNAL = "Euromath Bulletin",
  4155. VOLUME = "2",
  4156. YEAR = "1996",
  4157. NUMBER = "1",
  4158. PAGES = "113--144"
  4159. }
  4160. \%CGC-stin95
  4161. @Book{ CGC-cry-book-stin95,
  4162. author = "{D. R.} Stinson",
  4163. title = "{Cryptography, Theory and Practice}",
  4164. publisher = "CRC Press",
  4165. year = "1995"
  4166. }
  4167. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-LuDunkelman08,
  4168. AUTHOR = "J. Lu and O. Dunkelman and N. Keller and J. Kim",
  4169. TITLE = "New impossible differential attacks on {AES}",
  4170. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of {INDOCRYPT}~2008",
  4171. SERIES = "LNCS",
  4172. VOLUME = "5365",
  4173. PAGES = "279--293",
  4174. YEAR = "2008"
  4175. }
  4176. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-leonard95,
  4177. AUTHOR = "D. A. Leonard",
  4178. TITLE = "Error-locator ideals for algebraic-geometric codes",
  4179. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  4180. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  4181. VOLUME = "41",
  4182. YEAR = "1995",
  4183. NUMBER = "3",
  4184. PAGES = "819--824"
  4185. }
  4186. \%sakhoh95, hoeholdt, hoholdt
  4187. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-sakhoh95,
  4188. AUTHOR = "S. Sakata and J. Justesen and Y. Madelung and H. E. Jensen and T. H{\o}holdt",
  4189. TITLE = "Fast decoding of algebraic-geometric codes up to the designed minimum distance",
  4190. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  4191. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  4192. VOLUME = "41",
  4193. YEAR = "1995",
  4194. NUMBER = "6, part 1",
  4195. PAGES = "1672--1677"
  4196. }
  4197. \%eh92,eh93
  4198. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-ehrhard93,
  4199. AUTHOR = "D. Ehrhard",
  4200. TITLE = "Achieving the designed error capacity in decoding algebraic-geometric codes",
  4201. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  4202. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  4203. VOLUME = "39",
  4204. YEAR = "1993",
  4205. NUMBER = "3",
  4206. PAGES = "743--751"
  4207. }
  4208. \%shen92
  4209. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-portershen92,
  4210. AUTHOR = "S. C. Porter and B. Z. Shen and R. Pellikaan",
  4211. TITLE = "Decoding geometric {G}oppa codes using an extra place",
  4212. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  4213. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  4214. VOLUME = "38",
  4215. YEAR = "1992",
  4216. NUMBER = "6",
  4217. PAGES = "1663--1676"
  4218. }
  4219. \%KoVa
  4220. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-koettervard03,
  4221. Author = "R. Koetter and A. Vardy",
  4222. Title = "Algebraic soft-decision decoding of {R}eed-{S}olomon codes",
  4223. journal = "Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  4224. volume = "49",
  4225. pages = "2809--2825",
  4226. NUMBER = "11",
  4227. year = "2003"
  4228. }
  4229. \%os95
  4230. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-mikeos95,
  4231. AUTHOR = "M. E. O'Sullivan",
  4232. TITLE = "Decoding of codes defined by a single point on a curve",
  4233. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  4234. VOLUME = "41",
  4235. YEAR = "1995",
  4236. NUMBER = "6, part 1",
  4237. PAGES = "1709--1719"
  4238. }
  4239. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-kotter1,
  4240. AUTHOR = "R. Koetter",
  4241. TITLE = "A fast parallel implementation of a {B}erlekamp-{M}assey algorithm for algebraic-geometric codes",
  4242. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  4243. year = "1998",
  4244. volume = "44",
  4245. number = "4",
  4246. pages = "1353--1368"
  4247. }
  4248. \%go81
  4249. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-goppa81,
  4250. AUTHOR = "V. D. Goppa",
  4251. JOURNAL = "Soviet Math. Dolk.",
  4252. PAGES = "170--172",
  4253. TITLE = "Codes on Algebraic Curves",
  4254. VOLUME = "24",
  4255. NUMBER = "1",
  4256. YEAR = "1981"
  4257. }
  4258. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-fengweirao94,
  4259. AUTHOR = "G. L. Feng and V. K. Wei and T. R. N. Rao and K. Tzeng",
  4260. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  4261. NUMBER = "4",
  4262. PAGES = "981--1002",
  4263. TITLE = "Simplified Understanding and Efficient Decoding of Algebraic Geometric Codes",
  4264. VOLUME = "40",
  4265. YEAR = "1994"
  4266. }
  4267. \%du93
  4268. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-duursma93,
  4269. AUTHOR = "I. M. Duursma",
  4270. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  4271. PAGES = "1067--1070",
  4272. TITLE = "Majority coset decoding",
  4273. VOLUME = "39",
  4274. NUMBER = "3",
  4275. YEAR = "1993"
  4276. }
  4277. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-norton99,
  4278. AUTHOR = "G. Norton",
  4279. TITLE = "On minimal realization over a finite chain ring",
  4280. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  4281. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  4282. VOLUME = "16",
  4283. YEAR = "1999",
  4284. NUMBER = "2",
  4285. PAGES = "161--178"
  4286. }
  4287. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-bayerstillman,
  4288. AUTHOR = "D. Bayer and M. Stillman",
  4289. TITLE = "A theorem on refining division orders by the reverse lexicographic order",
  4290. JOURNAL = "Duke Math. J.",
  4291. FJOURNAL = "Duke Mathematical Journal",
  4292. VOLUME = "55",
  4293. YEAR = "1987",
  4294. NUMBER = "2",
  4295. PAGES = "321--328"
  4296. }
  4297. @TechReport{ CGC-alg-art-slim,
  4298. author = "M. Brickenstein",
  4299. title = {Gr{\"o}bner bases with slim polynomials},
  4300. institution = "Univ. Kaiserslautern",
  4301. year = "2005",
  4302. number = "35",
  4303. address = "Kaiserslautern",
  4304. type = "Reports in Comp. Alg.",
  4305. note = "{}"
  4306. }
  4307. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1,
  4308. TITLE = {{G}r{\"o}bner {B}ases, {C}oding, and {C}ryptography},
  4309. author = "M. Mora T. Perret L. Sakata S. Sala and C. Traverso",
  4310. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  4311. series = "RISC Book Series",
  4312. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4313. YEAR = "2009"
  4314. }
  4315. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1moratech,
  4316. AUTHOR = "T. Mora",
  4317. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner {B}ases, {C}oding, and {C}ryptography},
  4318. TITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner technology},
  4319. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4320. PAGES = "11--26",
  4321. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4322. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4323. YEAR = "2009"
  4324. }
  4325. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1morafglm,
  4326. AUTHOR = "T. Mora",
  4327. TITLE = "The {F}{G}{L}{M} problem and {M}oeller's algorithm on zero-dimensional ideals",
  4328. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner {B}ases, {C}oding, and {C}ryptography},
  4329. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4330. PAGES = "27--45",
  4331. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4332. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4333. YEAR = "2009"
  4334. }
  4335. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1augmanu2,
  4336. AUTHOR = "D. Betti Augot and Orsini E. E.",
  4337. TITLE = "An introduction to linear and cyclic codes",
  4338. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4339. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4340. PAGES = "47--68",
  4341. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4342. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4343. YEAR = "2009"
  4344. }
  4345. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1moraorsini,
  4346. AUTHOR = "T. Mora and E. Orsini",
  4347. TITLE = "Decoding cyclic codes: the {C}ooper philosophy",
  4348. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4349. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4350. PAGES = "69--91",
  4351. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4352. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4353. YEAR = "2009"
  4354. }
  4355. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1leonard1,
  4356. AUTHOR = "D. A. Leonard",
  4357. TITLE = {A tutorial on {A}{G} code construction from a {G}r{\"o}bner basis perspective},
  4358. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4359. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4360. PAGES = "93--106",
  4361. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4362. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4363. YEAR = "2009"
  4364. }
  4365. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1little,
  4366. AUTHOR = "J. B. Little",
  4367. TITLE = "Automorphisms and encoding of {A}{G} and order domain codes",
  4368. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4369. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4370. PAGES = "107--120",
  4371. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4372. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4373. YEAR = "2009"
  4374. }
  4375. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1geil,
  4376. AUTHOR = "O. Geil",
  4377. TITLE = "Algebraic geometry codes from order domains",
  4378. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4379. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4380. PAGES = "121--141",
  4381. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4382. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4383. YEAR = "2009"
  4384. }
  4385. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1sakata1,
  4386. AUTHOR = "S. Sakata",
  4387. TITLE = "The {B}{M}{S} algorithm",
  4388. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4389. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4390. PAGES = "143--163",
  4391. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4392. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4393. YEAR = "2009"
  4394. }
  4395. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1sakata2,
  4396. AUTHOR = "S. Sakata",
  4397. TITLE = "The {B}{M}{S} algorithm and decoding of {A}{G} codes",
  4398. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4399. EDITOR = "M.and Mora T. Sala and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4400. PAGES = "165--185",
  4401. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4402. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4403. YEAR = "2009"
  4404. }
  4405. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1leonard2,
  4406. AUTHOR = "D. A. Leonard",
  4407. TITLE = {A tutorial on {A}{G} code decoding from a {G}r{\"o}bner basis perspective},
  4408. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4409. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4410. PAGES = "187--196",
  4411. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4412. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4413. YEAR = "2009"
  4414. }
  4415. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1eleanna,
  4416. AUTHOR = "E. Guerrini and A. Rimoldi",
  4417. TITLE = "{F}{G}{L}{M}-like decoding: from {F}itzpatrick's approach to recent developments",
  4418. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4419. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4420. PAGES = "197--218",
  4421. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4422. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4423. YEAR = "2009"
  4424. }
  4425. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1greferath,
  4426. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath",
  4427. TITLE = "An introduction to ring-linear coding theory",
  4428. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4429. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4430. PAGES = "219--238",
  4431. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4432. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4433. YEAR = "2009"
  4434. }
  4435. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1byrne,
  4436. AUTHOR = "M. Byrne and T. Mora",
  4437. TITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner bases over commutative rings and applications to coding theory},
  4438. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4439. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4440. PAGES = "239--261",
  4441. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4442. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4443. YEAR = "2009"
  4444. }
  4445. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1billetding,
  4446. AUTHOR = "O. Billet and J. Ding",
  4447. TITLE = "Overview of cryptanalysis techniques in multivariate public key cryptography",
  4448. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4449. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4450. PAGES = "263--283",
  4451. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4452. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4453. YEAR = "2009"
  4454. }
  4455. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1armknechtars,
  4456. AUTHOR = "F. Armknecht and G. Ars",
  4457. TITLE = {Algebraic attacks on stream ciphers with {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  4458. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4459. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4460. PAGES = "329--348",
  4461. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4462. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4463. YEAR = "2009"
  4464. }
  4465. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1polly,
  4466. AUTHOR = "F. {Levy-dit-Vehel} and M. G. Marinari and L. Perret and C. Traverso",
  4467. TITLE = "A survey on {P}olly {C}racker systems",
  4468. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4469. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4470. PAGES = "285--305",
  4471. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4472. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4473. YEAR = "2009"
  4474. }
  4475. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1cid,
  4476. TITLE = {Block ciphers: algebraic cryptanalysis and {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  4477. AUTHOR = "C. Cid and R. P. Weinmann",
  4478. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4479. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4480. PAGES = "307--327",
  4481. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4482. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4483. YEAR = "2009"
  4484. }
  4485. \%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%
  4486. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Imoratech,
  4487. AUTHOR = "T. Mora",
  4488. TITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner technology},
  4489. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4490. year = "2009",
  4491. pages = "11--26",
  4492. publisher = "Springer"
  4493. }
  4494. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Imorafglm,
  4495. AUTHOR = "T. Mora",
  4496. TITLE = "The {F}{G}{L}{M} problem and {M}oeller's algorithm on zero-dimensional ideals",
  4497. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4498. year = "2009",
  4499. pages = "27--46",
  4500. publisher = "Springer"
  4501. }
  4502. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Iaugmanu2,
  4503. AUTHOR = "D. Augot and E. Betti and E. Orsini",
  4504. TITLE = "An introduction to linear and cyclic codes",
  4505. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4506. year = "2009",
  4507. pages = "47--68",
  4508. publisher = "Springer"
  4509. }
  4510. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Imoraorsini,
  4511. AUTHOR = "T. Mora and E. Orsini",
  4512. TITLE = "Decoding cyclic codes: the {C}ooper philosophy",
  4513. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4514. year = "2009",
  4515. pages = "69--92",
  4516. publisher = "Springer"
  4517. }
  4518. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Ileonard1,
  4519. AUTHOR = "D. A. Leonard",
  4520. TITLE = {A tutorial on {A}{G} code construction from a {G}r{\"o}bner basis perspective},
  4521. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4522. year = "2009",
  4523. pages = "93--106",
  4524. publisher = "Springer"
  4525. }
  4526. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Ilittle,
  4527. AUTHOR = "J. B. Little",
  4528. TITLE = "Automorphisms and encoding of {A}{G} and order domain codes",
  4529. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4530. year = "2009",
  4531. pages = "107--120",
  4532. publisher = "Springer"
  4533. }
  4534. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Igeil,
  4535. AUTHOR = "O. Geil",
  4536. TITLE = "Algebraic geometry codes from order domains",
  4537. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4538. year = "2009",
  4539. pages = "121--142",
  4540. publisher = "Springer"
  4541. }
  4542. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Isakata1,
  4543. AUTHOR = "S. Sakata",
  4544. TITLE = "The {B}{M}{S} algorithm",
  4545. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4546. year = "2009",
  4547. pages = "143--164",
  4548. publisher = "Springer"
  4549. }
  4550. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Isakata2,
  4551. AUTHOR = "S. Sakata",
  4552. TITLE = "The {B}{M}{S} algorithm and decoding of {A}{G} codes",
  4553. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4554. year = "2009",
  4555. pages = "165--186",
  4556. publisher = "Springer"
  4557. }
  4558. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Ileonard2,
  4559. AUTHOR = "D. A. Leonard",
  4560. TITLE = {A tutorial on {A}{G} code decoding from a {G}r{\"o}bner basis perspective},
  4561. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4562. year = "2009",
  4563. pages = "187--198",
  4564. publisher = "Springer"
  4565. }
  4566. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Ieleanna,
  4567. AUTHOR = "E. Guerrini and A. Rimoldi",
  4568. TITLE = "{F}{G}{L}{M}-like decoding: from {F}itzpatrick's approach to recent developments",
  4569. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4570. year = "2009",
  4571. pages = "199--218",
  4572. publisher = "Springer"
  4573. }
  4574. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Igreferath,
  4575. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath",
  4576. TITLE = "An introduction to ring-linear coding theory",
  4577. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4578. year = "2009",
  4579. pages = "219--238",
  4580. publisher = "Springer"
  4581. }
  4582. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Ibyrne,
  4583. AUTHOR = "E. Byrne and T. Mora",
  4584. TITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner bases over commutative rings and applications to coding theory},
  4585. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4586. year = "2009",
  4587. pages = "239--262",
  4588. publisher = "Springer"
  4589. }
  4590. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Ibilletding,
  4591. AUTHOR = "O. Billet and J. Ding",
  4592. TITLE = "Overview of cryptanalysis techniques in multivariate public key cryptography",
  4593. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4594. year = "2009",
  4595. pages = "263--284",
  4596. publisher = "Springer"
  4597. }
  4598. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Iarmknechtars,
  4599. AUTHOR = "F. Armknecht and G. Ars",
  4600. TITLE = {Algebraic attacks on stream ciphers with {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  4601. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4602. year = "2009",
  4603. pages = "329--348",
  4604. publisher = "Springer"
  4605. }
  4606. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Ipolly,
  4607. AUTHOR = "F. {Levy-dit-Vehel} and M. G. Marinari and L. Perret and C. Traverso",
  4608. TITLE = "A survey on {P}olly {C}racker systems",
  4609. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4610. year = "2009",
  4611. pages = "285--306",
  4612. publisher = "Springer"
  4613. }
  4614. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Icid,
  4615. TITLE = {Block ciphers: algebraic cryptanalysis and {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  4616. AUTHOR = "C. Cid and R. P. Weinmann",
  4617. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4618. year = "2009",
  4619. pages = "307--328",
  4620. publisher = "Springer"
  4621. }
  4622. BIB NOTE\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#
  4623. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1simonetti,
  4624. AUTHOR = "I. Simonetti",
  4625. TITLE = "On the non-linearity of {B}oolean functions",
  4626. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4627. EDITOR = "M. Mora T. Perret L. Sakata S. Sala and C. Traverso",
  4628. PAGES = "409--413",
  4629. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4630. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4631. YEAR = "2009"
  4632. }
  4633. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1GDM,
  4634. AUTHOR = "D. Gligoroski and V. Dimitrova and S. Markovski",
  4635. TITLE = {Quasigroups as {B}oolean functions, their equation systems and {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  4636. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4637. EDITOR = "M. Mora T. Perret L. Sakata S. Sala and C. Traverso",
  4638. PAGES = "415--420",
  4639. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4640. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4641. YEAR = "2009"
  4642. }
  4643. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1BBM,
  4644. AUTHOR = "M. Borges-Quintana and M. A. Borges-Trenard and E. Martinez-Moro",
  4645. TITLE = "An application of {M}oeller's algorithm to coding theory",
  4646. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4647. EDITOR = "M. Mora T. Perret L. Sakata S. Sala and C. Traverso",
  4648. PAGES = "379--384",
  4649. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4650. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4651. YEAR = "2009"
  4652. }
  4653. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1GMK,
  4654. AUTHOR = "D. Gligoroski and S. Markovski and S. J. Knapskog",
  4655. TITLE = {A new measure to estimate pseudo-randomness of {B}oolean functions and relations with {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  4656. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4657. EDITOR = "M. Mora T. Perret L. Sakata S. Sala and C. Traverso",
  4658. PAGES = "421--425",
  4659. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4660. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4661. YEAR = "2009"
  4662. }
  4663. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1mororuano,
  4664. AUTHOR = "E. Martinez-Moro and D. Ruano",
  4665. TITLE = "Mattson-{S}olomon Transform and algebra codes",
  4666. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4667. EDITOR = "M. Mora T. Perret L. Sakata S. Sala and C. Traverso",
  4668. PAGES = "385--388",
  4669. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4670. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4671. YEAR = "2009"
  4672. }
  4673. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1bulyginpellikaan,
  4674. AUTHOR = "S. Bulygin and R. Pellikaan",
  4675. TITLE = {Decoding linear error-correcting codes up to half the minimum distance with {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  4676. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4677. EDITOR = "M. Mora T. Perret L. Sakata S. Sala and C. Traverso",
  4678. PAGES = "361--365",
  4679. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4680. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4681. YEAR = "2009"
  4682. }
  4683. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1giorgetti,
  4684. AUTHOR = "M. Giorgetti",
  4685. TITLE = {About the nth-root codes: a {G}r{\"o}bner basis approach to the weight computation},
  4686. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4687. EDITOR = "M. Mora T. Perret L. Sakata S. Sala and C. Traverso",
  4688. PAGES = "357--360",
  4689. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4690. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4691. YEAR = "2009"
  4692. }
  4693. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1kim,
  4694. AUTHOR = "J. L. Kim",
  4695. TITLE = "A prize problem in coding theory",
  4696. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4697. EDITOR = "M. Mora T. Perret L. Sakata S. Sala and C. Traverso",
  4698. PAGES = "373--377",
  4699. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4700. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4701. YEAR = "2009"
  4702. }
  4703. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1lally,
  4704. AUTHOR = "K. Lally",
  4705. TITLE = {Canonical representation of quasicyclic codes using {G}r{\"o}bner basis theory},
  4706. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4707. EDITOR = "M. Mora T. Perret L. Sakata S. Sala and C. Traverso",
  4708. PAGES = "351--355",
  4709. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4710. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4711. YEAR = "2009"
  4712. }
  4713. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1guerrini,
  4714. AUTHOR = "E. Guerrini and E. Orsini and I. Simonetti",
  4715. TITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner bases for the distance distribution of systematic codes},
  4716. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4717. EDITOR = "M. Sala and T. Mora and L. Perret and S. Sakata and C. Traverso",
  4718. PAGES = "367--372",
  4719. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4720. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4721. YEAR = "2009"
  4722. }
  4723. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1augotstepanov,
  4724. AUTHOR = "D. Augot and M. Stepanov",
  4725. TITLE = "A note on the generalisation of the {G}uruswami-{S}udan list decoding algorithm to {R}eed-{M}uller codes",
  4726. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4727. EDITOR = "M. Mora T. Perret L. Sakata S. Sala and C. Traverso",
  4728. PAGES = "395--398",
  4729. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4730. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4731. YEAR = "2009"
  4732. }
  4733. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1matthews,
  4734. AUTHOR = "G. L. Matthews",
  4735. TITLE = "Viewing multipoint codes as subcodes of one-point codes",
  4736. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4737. EDITOR = "M. Mora T. Perret L. Sakata S. Sala and C. Traverso",
  4738. PAGES = "399--402",
  4739. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4740. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4741. YEAR = "2009"
  4742. }
  4743. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1beelen,
  4744. AUTHOR = "P. Beelen and K. Brander",
  4745. TITLE = "Decoding folded {R}eed-{S}olomon codes using {H}ensel lifting",
  4746. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4747. EDITOR = "M. Mora T. Perret L. Sakata S. Sala and C. Traverso",
  4748. PAGES = "389--394",
  4749. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4750. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4751. YEAR = "2009"
  4752. }
  4753. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1langfeld,
  4754. AUTHOR = "H. Gluesing-Luerssen and B. Langfeld and W. Schmale",
  4755. TITLE = "A short introduction to cyclic convolutional codes",
  4756. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4757. EDITOR = "M. Mora T. Perret L. Sakata S. Sala and C. Traverso",
  4758. PAGES = "403--408",
  4759. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4760. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4761. YEAR = "2009"
  4762. }
  4763. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-D1matsumoto,
  4764. AUTHOR = "R. Matsumoto",
  4765. TITLE = "Radical computation for small characteristics",
  4766. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4767. EDITOR = "M. Mora T. Perret L. Sakata S. Sala and C. Traverso",
  4768. PAGES = "427--430",
  4769. PUBLISHER = "RISC Book Series, Springer",
  4770. ADDRESS = "Heidelberg",
  4771. YEAR = "2009"
  4772. }
  4773. interni\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#
  4774. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Isimonetti,
  4775. AUTHOR = "I. Simonetti",
  4776. TITLE = "On the non-linearity of {B}oolean functions",
  4777. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4778. year = "2009",
  4779. pages = "409--414",
  4780. publisher = "Springer"
  4781. }
  4782. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-IGMK,
  4783. AUTHOR = "D. Gligoroski and S. Markovski and S. J. Knapskog",
  4784. TITLE = {A new measure to estimate pseudo-randomness of {B}oolean functions and relations with {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  4785. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4786. year = "2009",
  4787. pages = "421--426",
  4788. publisher = "Springer"
  4789. }
  4790. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-IGDM,
  4791. AUTHOR = "D. Gligoroski and V. Dimitrova and S. Markovski",
  4792. TITLE = {Quasigroups as {B}oolean functions, their equation systems and {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  4793. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4794. year = "2009",
  4795. pages = "415--420",
  4796. publisher = "Springer"
  4797. }
  4798. \%moeller
  4799. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-IBBM,
  4800. AUTHOR = "M. Borges-Quintana and M. A. Borges-Trenard and E. Martinez-Moro",
  4801. TITLE = {An application of {M}{\"o}ller's algorithm to coding theory},
  4802. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4803. year = "2009",
  4804. pages = "379--384",
  4805. publisher = "Springer"
  4806. }
  4807. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Imororuano,
  4808. AUTHOR = "E. Martinez-Moro and D. Ruano",
  4809. TITLE = "Mattson-{S}olomon transform and algebra codes",
  4810. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4811. year = "2009",
  4812. pages = "385--388",
  4813. publisher = "Springer"
  4814. }
  4815. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Ibulyginpellikaan,
  4816. AUTHOR = "S. Bulygin and R. Pellikaan",
  4817. TITLE = {Decoding linear error-correcting codes up to half the minimum distance with {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  4818. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4819. year = "2009",
  4820. pages = "361--368",
  4821. publisher = "Springer"
  4822. }
  4823. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Igiorgetti,
  4824. AUTHOR = "M. Giorgetti",
  4825. TITLE = {About the nth-root codes: a {G}r{\"o}bner basis approach to the weight computation},
  4826. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4827. year = "2009",
  4828. pages = "357--360",
  4829. publisher = "Springer"
  4830. }
  4831. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Ikim,
  4832. AUTHOR = "J. L. Kim",
  4833. TITLE = "A prize problem in coding theory",
  4834. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4835. year = "2009",
  4836. pages = "373--378",
  4837. publisher = "Springer"
  4838. }
  4839. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Ilally,
  4840. AUTHOR = "K. Lally",
  4841. TITLE = {Canonical representation of quasicyclic codes using {G}r{\"o}bner basis theory},
  4842. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4843. year = "2009",
  4844. pages = "351--356",
  4845. publisher = "Springer"
  4846. }
  4847. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Iguerrini,
  4848. AUTHOR = "E. Guerrini and E. Orsini and I. Simonetti",
  4849. TITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner bases for the distance distribution of systematic codes},
  4850. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4851. year = "2009",
  4852. pages = "367--372",
  4853. publisher = "Springer"
  4854. }
  4855. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Iaugotstepanov,
  4856. AUTHOR = "D. Augot and M. Stepanov",
  4857. TITLE = "A note on the generalisation of the {G}uruswami-{S}udan list decoding algorithm to {R}eed-{M}uller codes",
  4858. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4859. year = "2009",
  4860. pages = "395--398",
  4861. publisher = "Springer"
  4862. }
  4863. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Imatthews,
  4864. AUTHOR = "G. L. Matthews",
  4865. TITLE = "Viewing multipoint codes as subcodes of one-point codes",
  4866. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4867. year = "2009",
  4868. pages = "399--402",
  4869. publisher = "Springer"
  4870. }
  4871. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Ibeelen,
  4872. AUTHOR = "P. Beelen and K. Brander",
  4873. TITLE = "Decoding folded {R}eed-{S}olomon codes using {H}ensel lifting",
  4874. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4875. year = "2009",
  4876. pages = "389--394",
  4877. publisher = "Springer"
  4878. }
  4879. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Ilangfeld,
  4880. AUTHOR = "H. Gluesing-Luerssen and B. Langfeld and W. Schmale",
  4881. TITLE = "A short introduction to cyclic convolutional codes",
  4882. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4883. year = "2009",
  4884. pages = "403--408",
  4885. publisher = "Springer"
  4886. }
  4887. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-inbook-Imatsumoto,
  4888. AUTHOR = "R. Matsumoto",
  4889. TITLE = "Radical computation for small characteristics",
  4890. BOOKTITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  4891. year = "2009",
  4892. pages = "427--430",
  4893. publisher = "Springer"
  4894. }
  4895. \%CGC-alg-phdthesis-buchberger,CGC-cd-inbook-buchberger85,CGC-alg-art-thesisbuchbergerEN
  4896. \%CGC-alg-phdthesis-buchberger,CGC-alg-art-buch70,CGC-cd-inbook-buchberger85,CGC-alg-art-buch70EN,CGC-alg-art-thesisbuchbergerEN,
  4897. \%
  4898. @PhDThesis{ CGC-alg-phdthesis-buchberger,
  4899. author = "Bruno Buchberger",
  4900. title = "Ein {A}lgorithmus zum {A}uffinden der {B}asiselemente des {R}estklassenringes nach einem nulldimensionalen {P}olynomideal",
  4901. school = "Innsbruck",
  4902. year = "1965"
  4903. }
  4904. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-thesisbuchbergerEN,
  4905. author = "B. Buchberger",
  4906. title = "Bruno {B}uchberger's {P}h{D} thesis 1965: {A}n algorithm for finding the basis elements of the residue class ring of a zero dimensional polynomial ideal",
  4907. journal = "J. Symb. Comput.",
  4908. volume = "41",
  4909. number = "3-4",
  4910. year = "2006",
  4911. pages = "475--511"
  4912. }
  4913. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-buch70,
  4914. AUTHOR = "B. Buchberger",
  4915. TITLE = {Ein algorithmisches {K}riterium f{\"u}r die {L}{\"o}sbarkeit eines algebraischen {G}leichungssystems},
  4916. JOURNAL = "Aequationes Math.",
  4917. FJOURNAL = "Aequationes Mathematicae",
  4918. VOLUME = "4",
  4919. YEAR = "1970",
  4920. PAGES = "374--383"
  4921. }
  4922. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-buch70EN,
  4923. AUTHOR = "B. Buchberger",
  4924. TITLE = "An algorithmical criterion for the solvability of algebraic systems of equations",
  4925. JOURNAL = "London Math. Soc. LNS",
  4926. FJOURNAL = "London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series",
  4927. VOLUME = "251",
  4928. YEAR = "1998",
  4929. PAGES = "535--545"
  4930. }
  4931. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-inbook-buchberger85,
  4932. AUTHOR = "B. Buchberger",
  4933. TITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner-Bases: An Algorithmic Method in Polynomial Ideal Theory},
  4934. BOOKTITLE = "Multidimensional systems theory",
  4935. PAGES = "184--232",
  4936. PUBLISHER = "Reidel Publishing Comp.",
  4937. YEAR = "1985"
  4938. }
  4939. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-art-buchberger79,
  4940. AUTHOR = "B. Buchberger",
  4941. TITLE = {A criterion for detecting unnecessary reductions in the construction of {G}r{\"o}bner-bases},
  4942. BOOKTITLE = "Symbolic and algebraic computation ({EUROSAM} 1979)",
  4943. SERIES = "{LNCS}",
  4944. VOLUME = "72",
  4945. PAGES = "3--21",
  4946. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  4947. ADDRESS = "Berlin",
  4948. YEAR = "1979"
  4949. }
  4950. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-art-galligo74,
  4951. AUTHOR = "A. Galligo",
  4952. TITLE = "{\`A} propos du th{\'e}or{\`e}me de-pr{\'e}paration de {W}eierstrass",
  4953. BOOKTITLE = "Fonctions de plusieurs variables complexes",
  4954. PAGES = "543--579. LNM. 409",
  4955. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  4956. YEAR = "1974"
  4957. }
  4958. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-caboarasilvestri,
  4959. AUTHOR = "M. Caboara and M. Silvestri",
  4960. TITLE = "Classification of compatible module orderings",
  4961. JOURNAL = "J. Pure Appl. Algebra",
  4962. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra",
  4963. VOLUME = "142",
  4964. YEAR = "1999",
  4965. NUMBER = "1",
  4966. PAGES = "13--24"
  4967. }
  4968. \%carra ferro
  4969. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-art-carrasit,
  4970. AUTHOR = "G. {Carr{\`a} Ferro} and W. Y. Sit",
  4971. TITLE = "On term-orderings and rankings",
  4972. BOOKTITLE = "Computational algebra ({F}airfax, {VA}, 1993)",
  4973. SERIES = "Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math.",
  4974. VOLUME = "151",
  4975. PAGES = "31--77",
  4976. PUBLISHER = "Dekker",
  4977. YEAR = "1994"
  4978. }
  4979. @Unpublished{ CGC-alg-art-gebauermoeller85,
  4980. author = {R. Gebauer and H. M. M{\"o}ller},
  4981. title = "A fast variant of {B}uchbgerger's algorithm",
  4982. note = "preprint",
  4983. year = "1985"
  4984. }
  4985. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-gerdtblinkov98,
  4986. AUTHOR = "V. P. Gerdt and Y. A. Blinkov",
  4987. TITLE = "Involutive bases of polynomial ideals",
  4988. JOURNAL = "Math. Comput. Simulation",
  4989. FJOURNAL = "Mathematics and Computers in Simulation",
  4990. VOLUME = "45",
  4991. YEAR = "1998",
  4992. NUMBER = "5-6",
  4993. PAGES = "519--541"
  4994. }
  4995. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-gerdtblinkov98a,
  4996. AUTHOR = "V. P. Gerdt and Y. A. Blinkov",
  4997. TITLE = "Minimal involutive bases",
  4998. JOURNAL = "Math. Comput. Simulation",
  4999. FJOURNAL = "Mathematics and Computers in Simulation",
  5000. VOLUME = "45",
  5001. YEAR = "1998",
  5002. NUMBER = "5-6",
  5003. PAGES = "543--560"
  5004. }
  5005. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-sugar,
  5006. author = "A. Giovini and T. Mora and G. Niesi and L. Robbiano and C. Traverso",
  5007. title = {"{O}ne {S}ugar cube, Please" or selection strategies in the {B}uchberger algorithm},
  5008. year = "1991",
  5009. editor = "",
  5010. pages = "49--54",
  5011. booktitle = "Proceedings of ISSAC~1991",
  5012. publisher = "ACM"
  5013. }
  5014. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-gordan,
  5015. author = "P. Gordan",
  5016. title = "Les invariants des formes binaries",
  5017. journal = "Journal de Math{\'e}matiques Pure et Appli{\'e}s",
  5018. year = "1900",
  5019. volume = "6",
  5020. pages = "141--156"
  5021. }
  5022. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-janet,
  5023. author = "M. Janet",
  5024. title = "Sur les syst{\`e}mes d'{\'e}quations aux d{\'e}riv{\'e}es partielles",
  5025. journal = "Journal de Math{\'e}matiques Pure et Appli{\'e}s",
  5026. year = "1920",
  5027. volume = "3",
  5028. pages = "65--151"
  5029. }
  5030. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-macaulay13,
  5031. AUTHOR = "F. S. Macaulay",
  5032. TITLE = "On the resolution of a given modular system into primary systems including some properties of {H}ilbert numbers",
  5033. JOURNAL = "Math. Ann.",
  5034. FJOURNAL = "Mathematische Annalen",
  5035. VOLUME = "74",
  5036. YEAR = "1913",
  5037. NUMBER = "1",
  5038. PAGES = "66--121"
  5039. }
  5040. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-moeller88,
  5041. AUTHOR = {H. M. M{\"o}ller},
  5042. TITLE = {On the construction of {G}r{\"o}bner bases using syzygies},
  5043. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  5044. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  5045. VOLUME = "6",
  5046. YEAR = "1988",
  5047. NUMBER = "2-3",
  5048. PAGES = "345--359"
  5049. }
  5050. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-donatotraverso,
  5051. author = "C. Traverso and L. Donato",
  5052. title = {Experimenting the {G}r{\"o}bner basis algorithm with {A}l{P}{I} system},
  5053. year = "1989",
  5054. pages = "192--198",
  5055. booktitle = "Proc. of ISSAC~1989",
  5056. publisher = "ACM"
  5057. }
  5058. \%faugere
  5059. @InProceedings{ CGC-alg-art-basiriLLL,
  5060. AUTHOR = "A. Basiri and J. C. Faug{\`e}re",
  5061. TITLE = {Changing the ordering of {G}r{\"o}bner bases with {LLL}: case of two variables},
  5062. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of ISSAC~2003",
  5063. PAGES = "23--29",
  5064. PUBLISHER = "ACM",
  5065. YEAR = "2003"
  5066. }
  5067. \%birkhauser
  5068. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-zarkovMEGA94,
  5069. author = "A. Y. Zarkov",
  5070. title = "Solving zero-dimensional involutive systems",
  5071. year = "1996",
  5072. pages = "389--399",
  5073. booktitle = "Proc. of MEGA~1994",
  5074. publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user}
  5075. }
  5076. \%birkhauser
  5077. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-alonsoMEGA94,
  5078. AUTHOR = {M.-E. Alonso and E. Becker and M.-F. Roy and T. W{\"o}rmann},
  5079. TITLE = "Zeros, multiplicities, and idempotents for zero-dimensional systems",
  5080. booktitle = "Proceedings of MEGA~1994",
  5081. PAGES = "1--15",
  5082. PUBLISHER = {Birkh{\"a}user},
  5083. YEAR = "1996"
  5084. }
  5085. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-duality1,
  5086. AUTHOR = "M. E. Alonso and M. G. Marinari and T. Mora",
  5087. TITLE = {The big mother of all dualities: {M}{\"o}ller algorithm},
  5088. JOURNAL = "Comm. Algebra",
  5089. FJOURNAL = "Communications in Algebra",
  5090. VOLUME = "31",
  5091. YEAR = "2003",
  5092. NUMBER = "2",
  5093. PAGES = "783--818"
  5094. }
  5095. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-duality1-noTeo,
  5096. AUTHOR = "M. E. Alonso and M. G. Marinari",
  5097. TITLE = {The big mother of all dualities: {M}{\"o}ller algorithm},
  5098. JOURNAL = "Comm. Algebra",
  5099. FJOURNAL = "Communications in Algebra",
  5100. VOLUME = "31",
  5101. YEAR = "2003",
  5102. NUMBER = "2",
  5103. PAGES = "783--818"
  5104. }
  5105. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-duality2,
  5106. AUTHOR = "M. E. Alonso and M. G. Marinari and T. Mora",
  5107. TITLE = "The big mother of all dualities. {II}. {M}acaulay bases",
  5108. JOURNAL = "AAECC",
  5109. FJOURNAL = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  5110. VOLUME = "17",
  5111. YEAR = "2006",
  5112. NUMBER = "6",
  5113. PAGES = "409--451"
  5114. }
  5115. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-duality2-noTeo,
  5116. AUTHOR = "M. E. Alonso and M. G. Marinari",
  5117. TITLE = "The big mother of all dualities. {II}. {M}acaulay bases",
  5118. JOURNAL = "AAECC",
  5119. FJOURNAL = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  5120. VOLUME = "17",
  5121. YEAR = "2006",
  5122. NUMBER = "6",
  5123. PAGES = "409--451"
  5124. }
  5125. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-augotbardet03,
  5126. author = "D. Augot and M. Bardet and J.-C. Faug{\`e}re",
  5127. title = {Efficient decoding of (binary) cyclic codes above the correction capacity of the code using {G}r{\"o}bner bases,},
  5128. pages = "362--362",
  5129. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISIT}~2003",
  5130. year = "2003"
  5131. }
  5132. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-augotbardet07,
  5133. author = "D. Augot and M. Bardet and J.-C. Faug{\`e}re",
  5134. title = "On formulas for decoding binary cyclic codes",
  5135. pages = "2646--2650",
  5136. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISIT}~2007",
  5137. year = "2007"
  5138. }
  5139. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-borges0,
  5140. AUTHOR = "M. A. Borges-Trenard and M. Borges-Quintana and T. Mora",
  5141. TITLE = {Computing {G}r{\"o}bner bases by {FGLM} techniques in a non-commutative setting},
  5142. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  5143. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  5144. VOLUME = "30",
  5145. YEAR = "2000",
  5146. NUMBER = "4",
  5147. PAGES = "429--449"
  5148. }
  5149. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-borges0-noTeo,
  5150. AUTHOR = "M. A. Borges-Trenard and M. Borges-Quintana and T. Mora",
  5151. TITLE = {Computing {G}r{\"o}bner bases by {FGLM} techniques in a non-commutative setting},
  5152. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  5153. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  5154. VOLUME = "30",
  5155. YEAR = "2000",
  5156. NUMBER = "4",
  5157. PAGES = "429--449"
  5158. }
  5159. \%martinez
  5160. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-borges1,
  5161. AUTHOR = "M. Borges-Quintana and M. A. Borges-Trenard and E. Martinez-Moro",
  5162. TITLE = "A general framework for applying {FGLM} techniques to linear codes",
  5163. journal = "{LNCS}",
  5164. VOLUME = "3857",
  5165. PAGES = "76--86",
  5166. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  5167. YEAR = "2006"
  5168. }
  5169. \%martinez
  5170. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-borges2,
  5171. title = {Gr{\"o}bner bases and combinatorics for binary codes},
  5172. author = "M. Borges-Quintana and MA Borges-Trenard and P. Fitzpatrick and E. Martinez-Moro",
  5173. journal = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  5174. volume = "19",
  5175. number = "5",
  5176. pages = "393--411",
  5177. year = "2008",
  5178. publisher = "Springer"
  5179. }
  5180. \%martinez
  5181. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-borges3,
  5182. AUTHOR = "M. Borges-Quintana and M. A. Borges-Trenard and E. Martinez-Moro",
  5183. TITLE = {On a {G}r{\"o}bner bases structure associated to linear codes},
  5184. JOURNAL = "J. Discrete Math. Sci. Cryptogr.",
  5185. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences \& Cryptography",
  5186. VOLUME = "10",
  5187. YEAR = "2007",
  5188. NUMBER = "2",
  5189. PAGES = "151--191"
  5190. }
  5191. @Unpublished{ CGC-alg-art-cerlienco1,
  5192. author = "L. Cerlienco and M. Mureddu",
  5193. title = "L'interpolazione polinomiale in dimensione $\geq$ 2",
  5194. year = "1990",
  5195. note = "preprint"
  5196. }
  5197. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-cerlienco2,
  5198. AUTHOR = "L. Cerlienco and M. Mureddu",
  5199. TITLE = "From algebraic sets to monomial linear bases by means of combinatorial algorithms",
  5200. JOURNAL = "Disc. Math.",
  5201. FJOURNAL = "Discrete Mathematics",
  5202. VOLUME = "139",
  5203. YEAR = "1995",
  5204. NUMBER = "1-3",
  5205. PAGES = "73--87"
  5206. }
  5207. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-cerlienco3,
  5208. AUTHOR = "L. Cerlienco and M. Mureddu",
  5209. TITLE = "Multivariate interpolation and standard bases for {M}acaulay modules",
  5210. JOURNAL = "J. Algebra",
  5211. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Algebra",
  5212. VOLUME = "251",
  5213. YEAR = "2002",
  5214. NUMBER = "2",
  5215. PAGES = "686--726"
  5216. }
  5217. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-cioffi1,
  5218. AUTHOR = "F. Cioffi",
  5219. TITLE = "Minimally generating ideals of fat points in polynomial time using linear algebra",
  5220. JOURNAL = "Ricerche di Mat.",
  5221. FJOURNAL = "Ricerche di Matematica",
  5222. VOLUME = "XLVII",
  5223. YEAR = "1999",
  5224. PAGES = "55--63"
  5225. }
  5226. @InProceedings{ CGC-alg-art-cioffi2,
  5227. AUTHOR = "F. Cioffi and F. Orecchia",
  5228. TITLE = "Computation of minimal generators of ideals of fat points",
  5229. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of ISSAC~2001",
  5230. PAGES = "72--76",
  5231. PUBLISHER = "ACM",
  5232. YEAR = "2001"
  5233. }
  5234. @Unpublished{ CGC-alg-art-CMK,
  5235. author = "S. Collard and and D. Mall and M. Kalkbrener",
  5236. title = {The {G}r{\"o}bner walk},
  5237. note = "preprint",
  5238. year = "1993"
  5239. }
  5240. \%rath ronyai
  5241. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-felszeghy,
  5242. AUTHOR = "B. Felszeghy and B. R{\'a}th and L. R{\'o}nyai",
  5243. TITLE = "The lex game and some applications",
  5244. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  5245. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  5246. VOLUME = "41",
  5247. YEAR = "2006",
  5248. NUMBER = "6",
  5249. PAGES = "663--681"
  5250. }
  5251. \%
  5252. @Unpublished{ CGC-alg-art-gaorrodrigues,
  5253. author = "S. Gao and V. M. Rodrigues and J. Stroomer",
  5254. title = {Gr{\"o}bner basis structure of finite sets of points},
  5255. year = "1993",
  5256. note = "preprint"
  5257. }
  5258. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-art-giannidecoding,
  5259. author = "P. Gianni and B. Trager",
  5260. title = "Incremental Decoding",
  5261. booktitle = "Proc. of LMCS2002",
  5262. year = "2002",
  5263. volume = "02-60",
  5264. pages = "138--146"
  5265. }
  5266. @InProceedings{ CGC-alg-art-licciardi,
  5267. author = "S. Licciardi and T. Mora",
  5268. title = "Implicitization of Hypersurfaces and Curves by the {P}rimbasissatz and Basis Conversion",
  5269. booktitle = "Proc of ISSAC1994",
  5270. year = "1994",
  5271. pages = "191--196",
  5272. publisher = "ACM"
  5273. }
  5274. @InProceedings{ CGC-alg-art-licciardi-noTeo,
  5275. author = "S. Licciardi",
  5276. title = "Implicitization of Hypersurfaces and Curves by the {P}rimbasissatz and Basis Conversion",
  5277. booktitle = "Proc of ISSAC1994",
  5278. year = "1994",
  5279. pages = "191--196",
  5280. publisher = "ACM"
  5281. }
  5282. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-mac13,
  5283. AUTHOR = "F. S. Macaulay",
  5284. TITLE = "On the resolution of a given modular system into primary systems including some properties of {H}ilbert numbers",
  5285. JOURNAL = "Math. Ann.",
  5286. FJOURNAL = "Mathematische Annalen",
  5287. VOLUME = "74",
  5288. YEAR = "1913",
  5289. NUMBER = "1",
  5290. PAGES = "66--121"
  5291. }
  5292. \%moeller
  5293. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-MMM,
  5294. AUTHOR = {M. G. Marinari and H. M. M{\"o}ller and T. Mora},
  5295. TITLE = "On multiplicities in polynomial system solving",
  5296. JOURNAL = "Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.",
  5297. FJOURNAL = "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society",
  5298. VOLUME = "348",
  5299. YEAR = "1996",
  5300. NUMBER = "8",
  5301. PAGES = "3283--3321"
  5302. }
  5303. \%moeller
  5304. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-MMM-noTeo,
  5305. AUTHOR = {M. G. Marinari and H. M. M{\"o}ller},
  5306. TITLE = "On multiplicities in polynomial system solving",
  5307. JOURNAL = "Trans. AMS",
  5308. FJOURNAL = "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society",
  5309. VOLUME = "348",
  5310. YEAR = "1996",
  5311. NUMBER = "8",
  5312. PAGES = "3283--3321"
  5313. }
  5314. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-remark,
  5315. AUTHOR = "M. G. Marinari and T. Mora",
  5316. TITLE = "A remark on a remark by {M}acaulay or enhancing {L}azard structural theorem",
  5317. JOURNAL = "Bull. Iranian Math. Soc.",
  5318. FJOURNAL = "Iranian Mathematical Society. Bulletin",
  5319. VOLUME = "29",
  5320. YEAR = "2003",
  5321. NUMBER = "1",
  5322. PAGES = "1--45"
  5323. }
  5324. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-remark-noTeo,
  5325. AUTHOR = "M. G. Marinari",
  5326. TITLE = "A remark on a remark by {M}acaulay or enhancing {L}azard structural theorem",
  5327. JOURNAL = "Bull. Iranian Math. Soc.",
  5328. FJOURNAL = "Iranian Mathematical Society. Bulletin",
  5329. VOLUME = "29",
  5330. YEAR = "2003",
  5331. NUMBER = "1",
  5332. PAGES = "1--45"
  5333. }
  5334. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-cuba-noTeo,
  5335. AUTHOR = "M. G. Marinari",
  5336. TITLE = "Cerlienco--{M}ureddu Correpondence and {L}azard Structural Theorem",
  5337. JOURNAL = "Investigaciones Mat.",
  5338. FJOURNAL = "Investigaciones Mathematicas",
  5339. VOLUME = "27",
  5340. YEAR = "2006",
  5341. PAGES = "155--178"
  5342. }
  5343. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-cuba,
  5344. AUTHOR = "M. G. Marinari and T. Mora",
  5345. TITLE = "Cerlienco--{M}ureddu correpondence and {L}azard structural theorem",
  5346. JOURNAL = "Investigaciones Mat.",
  5347. FJOURNAL = "Investigaciones Mathematicas",
  5348. VOLUME = "27",
  5349. YEAR = "2006",
  5350. PAGES = "155--178"
  5351. }
  5352. \%moeller
  5353. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-buchmoeller,
  5354. AUTHOR = {H. M. M{\"o}ller and B. Buchberger},
  5355. TITLE = "The construction of multivariate polynomials with preassigned zeros",
  5356. journal = "{LNCS}",
  5357. VOLUME = "144",
  5358. PAGES = "24--31",
  5359. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  5360. YEAR = "1982"
  5361. }
  5362. \%moeller
  5363. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-moeller93,
  5364. AUTHOR = {H. M. M{\"o}ller},
  5365. TITLE = "Systems of Algebraic Equations Solved by Means of Endomorphisms",
  5366. journal = "{LNCS}",
  5367. VOLUME = "673",
  5368. PAGES = "43--56",
  5369. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  5370. YEAR = "1993"
  5371. }
  5372. \%moeller
  5373. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-moellerstetter95,
  5374. AUTHOR = {H. M. M{\"o}ller and H. J. Stetter},
  5375. TITLE = "Multivariate polynomial equations with multiple zeros solved by matrix eigenproblems",
  5376. JOURNAL = "Numer. Math.",
  5377. FJOURNAL = "Numerische Mathematik",
  5378. VOLUME = "70",
  5379. YEAR = "1995",
  5380. NUMBER = "3",
  5381. PAGES = "311--329"
  5382. }
  5383. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-mourrain05,
  5384. AUTHOR = "B. Mourrain",
  5385. TITLE = "Bezoutian and quotient ring structure",
  5386. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  5387. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  5388. VOLUME = "39",
  5389. YEAR = "2005",
  5390. NUMBER = "3-4",
  5391. PAGES = "397--415"
  5392. }
  5393. @InProceedings{ CGC-alg-art-reinert98,
  5394. author = "B. Reinert and K. Madlener and T. Mora",
  5395. title = "A Note on {N}ielsen Reduction and Coset Enumeration",
  5396. booktitle = "Proc. of ISSAC1998",
  5397. year = "1998",
  5398. pages = "171--178",
  5399. publisher = "ACM"
  5400. }
  5401. @InProceedings{ CGC-alg-art-reinert98-noTeo,
  5402. author = "B. Reinert and K. Madlener",
  5403. title = "A Note on {N}ielsen Reduction and Coset Enumeration",
  5404. booktitle = "Proc. of ISSAC1998",
  5405. year = "1998",
  5406. pages = "171--178",
  5407. publisher = "ACM"
  5408. }
  5409. @Unpublished{ CGC-alg-art-salazanoni,
  5410. author = "M. Sala and A. Zanoni",
  5411. year = "2004",
  5412. title = "personal communication"
  5413. }
  5414. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-toddcoxeter,
  5415. author = "J. A. Todd and H. S. M. Coxeter",
  5416. title = "{A practical method for enumerating cosets of a finite abstract group.}",
  5417. journal = "Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc., II. Ser. ",
  5418. volume = "5",
  5419. pages = "26--34",
  5420. year = "1936"
  5421. }
  5422. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-traverso96,
  5423. AUTHOR = "C. Traverso",
  5424. TITLE = "Hilbert functions and the {B}uchberger algorithm",
  5425. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  5426. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  5427. VOLUME = "22",
  5428. YEAR = "1996",
  5429. NUMBER = "4",
  5430. PAGES = "355--376"
  5431. }
  5432. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-leonard01,
  5433. AUTHOR = "D. A. Leonard",
  5434. TITLE = "Finding the defining functions for one-point algebraic-geometry codes",
  5435. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  5436. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  5437. VOLUME = "47",
  5438. YEAR = "2001",
  5439. NUMBER = "6",
  5440. PAGES = "2566--2573"
  5441. }
  5442. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-leonard03,
  5443. AUTHOR = "D. A. Leonard and R. Pellikaan",
  5444. TITLE = "Integral closures and weight functions over finite fields",
  5445. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  5446. FJOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  5447. VOLUME = "9",
  5448. YEAR = "2003",
  5449. NUMBER = "4",
  5450. PAGES = "479--504"
  5451. }
  5452. @Unpublished{ CGC-alg-art-leonard05,
  5453. author = "D. A. Leonard",
  5454. title = "A module view of integral closures",
  5455. year = "2005",
  5456. note = "preprint"
  5457. }
  5458. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-beelengarcia06,
  5459. AUTHOR = "P. Beelen and A. Garcia and H. Stichtenoth",
  5460. TITLE = "Towards a classification of recursive towers of function fields over finite fields",
  5461. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  5462. FJOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  5463. VOLUME = "12",
  5464. YEAR = "2006",
  5465. NUMBER = "1",
  5466. PAGES = "56--77"
  5467. }
  5468. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-garcia05,
  5469. AUTHOR = "A. Garcia and H. Stichtenoth",
  5470. TITLE = "Asymptotics for the genus and the number of rational places in towers of function fields over a finite field",
  5471. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  5472. FJOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  5473. VOLUME = "11",
  5474. YEAR = "2005",
  5475. NUMBER = "3",
  5476. PAGES = "434--450"
  5477. }
  5478. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-garcia96,
  5479. AUTHOR = "A. Garcia and H. Stichtenoth",
  5480. TITLE = "On the asymptotic behaviour of some towers of function fields over finite fields",
  5481. JOURNAL = "J. Number Theory",
  5482. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Number Theory",
  5483. VOLUME = "61",
  5484. YEAR = "1996",
  5485. NUMBER = "2",
  5486. PAGES = "248--273"
  5487. }
  5488. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-augotpecquet00,
  5489. AUTHOR = "D. Augot and L. Pecquet",
  5490. TITLE = "A {H}ensel lifting to replace factorization in list-decoding of algebraic-geometric and {R}eed-{S}olomon codes",
  5491. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  5492. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  5493. VOLUME = "46",
  5494. YEAR = "2000",
  5495. NUMBER = "7",
  5496. PAGES = "2605--2614"
  5497. }
  5498. \%hoeholdt
  5499. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-hoeholdtnielsen99,
  5500. author = "T. H{\o}holdt and R. R. Nielsen",
  5501. title = "Decoding {H}ermitian codes with {S}udan's algorithm",
  5502. journal = "{LNCS}",
  5503. volume = "1719",
  5504. year = "1999",
  5505. pages = "260--270",
  5506. publisher = "Springer"
  5507. }
  5508. \%hoeholdt
  5509. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-art-nielsen98,
  5510. AUTHOR = "R. R. Nielsen and T. H{\o}holdt",
  5511. TITLE = "Decoding {R}eed-{S}olomon codes beyond half the minimum distance",
  5512. BOOKTITLE = "Coding theory, cryptography and related areas ({G}uanajuato, 1998)",
  5513. PAGES = "221--236",
  5514. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  5515. YEAR = "2000"
  5516. }
  5517. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-wusiegel01,
  5518. AUTHOR = "X. W. Wu and P. H. Siegel",
  5519. TITLE = "Efficient root-finding algorithm with application to list decoding of algebraic-geometric codes",
  5520. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  5521. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  5522. VOLUME = "47",
  5523. YEAR = "2001",
  5524. NUMBER = "6",
  5525. PAGES = "2579--2587"
  5526. }
  5527. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-chabanne92,
  5528. AUTHOR = "H. Chabanne",
  5529. TITLE = "Permutation decoding of {A}belian codes",
  5530. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  5531. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  5532. VOLUME = "38",
  5533. YEAR = "1992",
  5534. NUMBER = "6",
  5535. PAGES = "1826--1829"
  5536. }
  5537. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-chenduursma03,
  5538. AUTHOR = "C. Y. Chen and I. M. Duursma",
  5539. TITLE = "Geometric {R}eed-{S}olomon codes of length 64 and 65 over {${\mathbb{F}}\sb 8$}",
  5540. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  5541. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  5542. VOLUME = "49",
  5543. YEAR = "2003",
  5544. NUMBER = "5",
  5545. PAGES = "1351--1353"
  5546. }
  5547. \%groebner
  5548. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-chenlu04,
  5549. title = {A serial-in-serial-out hardware architecture for systematic encoding of {H}ermitian codes via {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  5550. author = "J. P. Chen and C. C. Lu",
  5551. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Comm.",
  5552. year = "2004",
  5553. volume = "52",
  5554. number = "8",
  5555. pages = "1322--1332"
  5556. }
  5557. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-hansenstich90,
  5558. AUTHOR = "J. P. Hansen and H. Stichtenoth",
  5559. TITLE = "Group codes on certain algebraic curves with many rational points",
  5560. JOURNAL = "AAECC",
  5561. FJOURNAL = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  5562. VOLUME = "1",
  5563. YEAR = "1990",
  5564. NUMBER = "1",
  5565. PAGES = "67--77"
  5566. }
  5567. \%rueck, ruck
  5568. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-stichtenothruck94,
  5569. AUTHOR = {H. G. R{\"u}ck and H. Stichtenoth},
  5570. TITLE = "A characterization of {H}ermitian function fields over finite fields",
  5571. JOURNAL = "J. Reine Angew. Math.",
  5572. FJOURNAL = {Journal f{\"u}r die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik},
  5573. VOLUME = "457",
  5574. YEAR = "1994",
  5575. PAGES = "185--188"
  5576. }
  5577. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-joynerksir06,
  5578. AUTHOR = "D. Joyner and A. Ksir",
  5579. TITLE = "Automorphism groups of some {AG} codes",
  5580. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  5581. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  5582. VOLUME = "52",
  5583. YEAR = "2006",
  5584. NUMBER = "7",
  5585. PAGES = "3325--3329"
  5586. }
  5587. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-little95,
  5588. author = "J. Little",
  5589. title = "The Algebraic Structure of Some {AG} {G}oppa Codes",
  5590. pages = "492--500",
  5591. booktitle = "Proc. of the 33rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing",
  5592. year = "1995",
  5593. publisher = "University of Illinois"
  5594. }
  5595. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-littlesaintsheegard97,
  5596. AUTHOR = "J. Little and K. Saints and C. Heegard",
  5597. TITLE = "On the structure of {H}ermitian codes",
  5598. JOURNAL = "J. Pure Appl. Algebra",
  5599. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra",
  5600. VOLUME = "121",
  5601. YEAR = "1997",
  5602. NUMBER = "3",
  5603. PAGES = "293--314"
  5604. }
  5605. \%groebner
  5606. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-matsuimita07,
  5607. title = {Encoding via {G}r{\"o}bner bases and discrete {F}ourier transforms for several types of algebraic codes},
  5608. author = "H. Matsui and S. Mita",
  5609. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISIT}~2007",
  5610. year = "2007",
  5611. pages = "2656--2660"
  5612. }
  5613. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-matsumotooishi01,
  5614. AUTHOR = "R. Matsumoto and M. Oishi and K. Sakaniwa",
  5615. TITLE = "On the structure of {H}ermitian codes",
  5616. JOURNAL = "IEICE Trans. Fundamentals",
  5617. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra",
  5618. VOLUME = "121",
  5619. YEAR = "1997",
  5620. NUMBER = "3",
  5621. PAGES = "293--314"
  5622. }
  5623. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-poli,
  5624. AUTHOR = "A. Poli and L. Huguet",
  5625. TITLE = "Error correcting codes. {T}heory and {A}pplications",
  5626. PUBLISHER = "Prentice Hall International",
  5627. YEAR = "1992",
  5628. PAGES = "xvi+512"
  5629. }
  5630. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-ikai69,
  5631. AUTHOR = "T. Ikai and H. Kosako and Y. Kojima",
  5632. TITLE = "Basic theory of two-dimensional cyclic codes -- Generator polynomials and the position of check symbols",
  5633. JOURNAL = "IEICE Trans. Fundamentals",
  5634. VOLUME = "J59-A",
  5635. YEAR = "1969",
  5636. PAGES = "311--318"
  5637. }
  5638. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-sakata78,
  5639. AUTHOR = "S. Sakata",
  5640. TITLE = "General theory of doubly periodic arrays over an arbitrary finite field and its applications",
  5641. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  5642. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  5643. VOLUME = "24",
  5644. YEAR = "1978",
  5645. NUMBER = "6",
  5646. PAGES = "719--730"
  5647. }
  5648. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-sakata81,
  5649. AUTHOR = "S. Sakata",
  5650. TITLE = "On determining the independent point set for doubly periodic arrays and encoding two-dimensional cyclic codes and their duals",
  5651. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  5652. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  5653. VOLUME = "27",
  5654. YEAR = "1981",
  5655. NUMBER = "5",
  5656. PAGES = "556--565"
  5657. }
  5658. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-sakata88,
  5659. AUTHOR = "S. Sakata",
  5660. TITLE = "Finding a minimal set of linear recurring relations capable of generating a given finite two-dimensional array",
  5661. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  5662. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  5663. VOLUME = "5",
  5664. YEAR = "1988",
  5665. NUMBER = "3",
  5666. PAGES = "321--337"
  5667. }
  5668. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-sakata89,
  5669. AUTHOR = "S. Sakata",
  5670. TITLE = "{$n$}-dimensional {B}erlekamp-{M}assey algorithm for multiple arrays and construction of multivariate polynomials with preassigned zeros",
  5671. journal = "{LNCS}",
  5672. VOLUME = "357",
  5673. PAGES = "356--376",
  5674. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  5675. YEAR = "1989"
  5676. }
  5677. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-sakata90,
  5678. AUTHOR = "S. Sakata",
  5679. TITLE = "Extension of the {B}erlekamp-{M}assey algorithm to {$N$} dimensions",
  5680. JOURNAL = "Inform. and Comput.",
  5681. FJOURNAL = "Information and Computation",
  5682. VOLUME = "84",
  5683. YEAR = "1990",
  5684. NUMBER = "2",
  5685. PAGES = "207--239"
  5686. }
  5687. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-sakata91,
  5688. AUTHOR = "S. Sakata",
  5689. TITLE = "Finding a minimal polynomial vector set of a vector of {$n$}{D} arrays",
  5690. journal = "{LNCS}",
  5691. VOLUME = "539",
  5692. PAGES = "414--425",
  5693. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  5694. YEAR = "1991"
  5695. }
  5696. \%hoeholdt
  5697. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-sjh95,
  5698. AUTHOR = "S. Sakata and H. E. Jensen and T. H{\o}holdt",
  5699. TITLE = "Generalized {B}erlekamp-{M}assey decoding of algebraic-geometric codes up to half the {F}eng-{R}ao bound",
  5700. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  5701. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  5702. VOLUME = "41",
  5703. YEAR = "1995",
  5704. NUMBER = "6, part 1",
  5705. PAGES = "1762--1768"
  5706. }
  5707. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-sakata95,
  5708. AUTHOR = "S. Sakata",
  5709. TITLE = "Shift register synthesis on convex cones and cylinders and fast decoding of general one-point {AG} codes",
  5710. JOURNAL = "Bull. Univ. Electro-Comm.",
  5711. FJOURNAL = "Bulletin of the University of Electro-Communications",
  5712. VOLUME = "8",
  5713. YEAR = "1995",
  5714. NUMBER = "2",
  5715. PAGES = "187--203"
  5716. }
  5717. sa03} S.~Sakata (2003) Efficient factorization methods for list decoding of code from curves, Proc. of 2003 IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory, 363, Yokohama, Japan, June 29--July 4
  5718. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-sakata03,
  5719. title = "Efficient factorization methods for list decoding of code from curves",
  5720. author = "S. Sakata",
  5721. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISIT}~2003",
  5722. year = "2003",
  5723. pages = "363--363"
  5724. }
  5725. @Unpublished{ CGC-cd-art-sakata07,
  5726. author = "S. Sakata",
  5727. title = "Fast decoding of two-point {H}ermitian codes",
  5728. year = "2007",
  5729. note = "preprint"
  5730. }
  5731. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-sugiyama86,
  5732. AUTHOR = "Y. Sugiyama",
  5733. TITLE = "An algorithm for solving discrete-time {W}iener-{H}opf equations based upon {E}uclid's algorithm",
  5734. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  5735. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  5736. VOLUME = "32",
  5737. YEAR = "1986",
  5738. NUMBER = "3",
  5739. PAGES = "394--409"
  5740. }
  5741. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-augot02,
  5742. title = "A parallel version of a special case of the {S}udan list decoding algorithm",
  5743. author = "D. Augot",
  5744. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISIT}~2002",
  5745. year = "2002",
  5746. pages = "86--86"
  5747. }
  5748. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-blackburn96,
  5749. title = "Some remarks on an algorithm of {F}itzpatrick",
  5750. author = "S. R. Blackburn and W. G. Chambers",
  5751. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  5752. year = "1996",
  5753. volume = "42",
  5754. number = "4",
  5755. pages = "1269--1271"
  5756. }
  5757. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-fujisawasakata05,
  5758. title = "On a fast method of bounded-distance decoding based on {S}udan's algorithm for one-point algebraic geometry code",
  5759. author = "M. Fujisawa and S. Sakata",
  5760. booktitle = "Proc. of SITA2005",
  5761. year = "2005",
  5762. pages = "543--546"
  5763. }
  5764. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-fujisawasakata06,
  5765. title = "With a higher probability one can correct error up to the designed distance for primal codes from curves",
  5766. author = "M. Fujisawa and H. Matsui and M. Kurihara and S. Sakata",
  5767. booktitle = "Proc. of SITA2006",
  5768. year = "2006",
  5769. pages = "101--104"
  5770. }
  5771. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-fujisawasakata06b,
  5772. title = "{W}{B}-like decoding algorithm of one-point codes from curves",
  5773. author = "S. Sakata and M. Fujisawa",
  5774. booktitle = "Proc. of SITA2006",
  5775. year = "2006",
  5776. pages = "93--96"
  5777. }
  5778. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-justesen04,
  5779. AUTHOR = "J. Justesen and T. H{\o}holdt",
  5780. TITLE = "A course in error-correcting codes",
  5781. SERIES = "EMS Textbooks in Mathematics",
  5782. PUBLISHER = "EMS",
  5783. YEAR = "2004",
  5784. PAGES = "x+194"
  5785. }
  5786. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-koetter,
  5787. author = {Ralph K{\"o}tter},
  5788. school = {Link{\"o}ping University},
  5789. title = "On decoding of algebraic-geometric and cyclic codes",
  5790. year = "1996"
  5791. }
  5792. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-leemike08,
  5793. AUTHOR = "K. Lee and M. E. O'Sullivan",
  5794. TITLE = {List decoding of {R}eed-{S}olomon codes from a {G}r{\"o}bner basis perspective},
  5795. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  5796. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  5797. VOLUME = "43",
  5798. YEAR = "2008",
  5799. NUMBER = "9",
  5800. PAGES = "645--658"
  5801. }
  5802. @TechReport{ CGC-alg-art-leemike06,
  5803. author = "K. Lee and M. E. O'Sullivan",
  5804. title = {Sudan's list decoding of {RS} codes from a {G}r{\"o}bner basis perspective},
  5805. year = "2006",
  5806. type = "preprint",
  5807. note = "{arXiv:math/0601022}"
  5808. }
  5809. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-numakami00,
  5810. AUTHOR = "Y. Numakami and M. Fujisawa and S. Sakata",
  5811. TITLE = "Fast interpolation methods for list decoding of {R}{S} codes",
  5812. JOURNAL = "IEICE Trans. Fundamentals",
  5813. VOLUME = "J83",
  5814. YEAR = "2000",
  5815. PAGES = "1309--1317"
  5816. }
  5817. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-pellikaan89,
  5818. AUTHOR = "R. Pellikaan",
  5819. TITLE = "On a decoding algorithm for codes on maximal curves",
  5820. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  5821. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  5822. VOLUME = "35",
  5823. YEAR = "1989",
  5824. NUMBER = "6",
  5825. PAGES = "1228--1232"
  5826. }
  5827. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-art-pellikaan93,
  5828. AUTHOR = "R. Pellikaan",
  5829. TITLE = "On the efficient decoding of algebraic-geometric codes",
  5830. BOOKTITLE = "Eurocode '92",
  5831. SERIES = "CISM Courses and Lectures",
  5832. VOLUME = "339",
  5833. PAGES = "231--253",
  5834. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  5835. YEAR = "1993"
  5836. }
  5837. \%hoeholdt, hoholdt
  5838. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-sakatamadelung95,
  5839. AUTHOR = "S. Sakata and J. Justesen and Y. Madelung and H. E. Jensen and T. H{\o}holdt",
  5840. TITLE = "A fast decoding method of {AG} codes from {M}iura-{K}amiya curves {$C\sb {ab}$} up to half the {F}eng-{R}ao bound",
  5841. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  5842. FJOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  5843. VOLUME = "1",
  5844. YEAR = "1995",
  5845. NUMBER = "1",
  5846. PAGES = "83--101"
  5847. }
  5848. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-sakata01,
  5849. title = "On fast interpolation method for {G}uruswami-{S}udan list decoding of one-point {A}{G} codes",
  5850. author = "S. Sakata",
  5851. booktitle = "Proc. of AAECC2001",
  5852. year = "2001",
  5853. pages = "172--181",
  5854. series = "LNCS",
  5855. volume = "2227"
  5856. }
  5857. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-saisita06,
  5858. author = "S. Sakata",
  5859. title = "A comparison between {WB} algorithm and {BM} algorithm",
  5860. note = "to appear",
  5861. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISITA}~2006",
  5862. year = "2006"
  5863. }
  5864. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-BZshen,
  5865. author = "B. Z. Shen",
  5866. school = "Eindhoven Univ. Tech.",
  5867. title = "Algebraic-geometric codes and their decoding algorithm",
  5868. year = "1992"
  5869. }
  5870. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-skorobogatovladut90,
  5871. AUTHOR = "A. N. Skorobogatov and S. G. Vl\u{a}du{\c{t}}",
  5872. TITLE = "On the decoding of algebraic-geometric codes",
  5873. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  5874. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  5875. VOLUME = "36",
  5876. YEAR = "1990",
  5877. NUMBER = "5",
  5878. PAGES = "1051--1060"
  5879. }
  5880. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-potter92,
  5881. AUTHOR = "S. C. Porter and B. Z. Shen and R. Pellikaan",
  5882. TITLE = "Decoding geometric {G}oppa codes using an extra place",
  5883. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  5884. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  5885. VOLUME = "38",
  5886. YEAR = "1992",
  5887. NUMBER = "6",
  5888. PAGES = "1663--1676"
  5889. }
  5890. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-apel00,
  5891. AUTHOR = "J. Apel",
  5892. TITLE = "Computational ideal theory in finitely generated extension rings",
  5893. JOURNAL = "Theoret. Comput. Sci.",
  5894. FJOURNAL = "Theoretical Computer Science",
  5895. VOLUME = "244",
  5896. YEAR = "2000",
  5897. NUMBER = "1-2",
  5898. PAGES = "1--33"
  5899. }
  5900. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-armand05a,
  5901. AUTHOR = "M. A. Armand",
  5902. TITLE = "Improved list decoding of generalized {R}eed-{S}olomon and alternant codes over {G}alois rings",
  5903. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  5904. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  5905. VOLUME = "51",
  5906. YEAR = "2005",
  5907. NUMBER = "2",
  5908. PAGES = "728--733"
  5909. }
  5910. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-armand05,
  5911. AUTHOR = "M. A. Armand",
  5912. TITLE = "List decoding of generalized {R}eed-{S}olomon codes over commutative rings",
  5913. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  5914. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  5915. VOLUME = "51",
  5916. YEAR = "2005",
  5917. NUMBER = "1",
  5918. PAGES = "411--419"
  5919. }
  5920. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-Assi,
  5921. author = "A Assi",
  5922. school = "Grenoble",
  5923. title = "Effective constructions in commutative algebra",
  5924. year = "1991"
  5925. }
  5926. \%groebner
  5927. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-beckerweis93,
  5928. AUTHOR = "T. Becker and V. Weispfenning",
  5929. TITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner bases},
  5930. SERIES = "Graduate Texts in Mathematics",
  5931. VOLUME = "141",
  5932. NOTE = "A computational approach to commutative algebra, In cooperation with Heinz Kredel",
  5933. PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag",
  5934. YEAR = "1993"
  5935. }
  5936. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-byrne08,
  5937. AUTHOR = "E. Byrne and M. Greferath and T. Honold",
  5938. TITLE = "Ring geometries, two-weight codes, and strongly regular graphs",
  5939. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  5940. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  5941. VOLUME = "48",
  5942. YEAR = "2008",
  5943. NUMBER = "1",
  5944. PAGES = "1--16"
  5945. }
  5946. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-byrne01,
  5947. AUTHOR = "E. Byrne",
  5948. TITLE = "Lifting Decoding Schemes over a {G}alois Ring",
  5949. journal = "{LNCS}",
  5950. VOLUME = "2227",
  5951. PAGES = "323--332",
  5952. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  5953. YEAR = "2001"
  5954. }
  5955. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-byrne02,
  5956. AUTHOR = "E. Byrne",
  5957. TITLE = "Decoding a class of {L}ee metric codes over a {G}alois ring",
  5958. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th,",
  5959. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  5960. VOLUME = "48",
  5961. YEAR = "2002",
  5962. NUMBER = "4",
  5963. PAGES = "966--975"
  5964. }
  5965. @TechReport{ CGC-alg-art-eliaslist,
  5966. author = "P. Elias",
  5967. title = "List decoding for noisy channels",
  5968. institution = "MIT",
  5969. year = "1957",
  5970. number = "335",
  5971. address = "Cambridge, MA",
  5972. type = "Tech. Rep."
  5973. }
  5974. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-gilmer,
  5975. AUTHOR = "R. Gilmer",
  5976. TITLE = "Multiplicative ideal theory",
  5977. NOTE = "Pure and Applied Mathematics, No. 12",
  5978. PUBLISHER = "Marcel Dekker Inc.",
  5979. YEAR = "1972",
  5980. PAGES = "x+609"
  5981. }
  5982. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-interlando95,
  5983. author = "J. C. Interlando and R. J. Palazzo",
  5984. title = "Multisequence generation and decoding of cyclic codes over \textbf{Z}$\_{q}$",
  5985. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISIT}~1995",
  5986. pages = "1--6",
  5987. year = "1995"
  5988. }
  5989. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-kapur88,
  5990. AUTHOR = "A. Kandri-Rody and D. Kapur",
  5991. TITLE = {Computing a {G}r{\"o}bner basis of a polynomial ideal over a {E}uclidean domain},
  5992. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  5993. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  5994. VOLUME = "6",
  5995. YEAR = "1988",
  5996. NUMBER = "1",
  5997. PAGES = "37--57"
  5998. }
  5999. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-kurakin99,
  6000. AUTHOR = "V. Kurakin and A. Kuzmin and V. Markov and A. Mikhalev and A. Nechaev",
  6001. TITLE = "Linear codes and polylinear recurrences over finite rings and modules (a survey)",
  6002. journal = "{LNCS}",
  6003. VOLUME = "1719",
  6004. PAGES = "365--391",
  6005. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  6006. YEAR = "1999"
  6007. }
  6008. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-lauer76,
  6009. author = "M. Lauer",
  6010. title = "Canonical Representative for Residue Classes of a Polynomial Ideal",
  6011. booktitle = "Proc. of ACM SSAC1976",
  6012. pages = "339--345",
  6013. year = "1976"
  6014. }
  6015. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-neachev01,
  6016. AUTHOR = "A. A. Nechaev and D. A. Mikha{\u\i}lov",
  6017. TITLE = "A canonical system of generators of a unitary polynomial ideal over a commutative {A}rtinian chain ring",
  6018. JOURNAL = "Discrete Math. Appl.",
  6019. FJOURNAL = "Discrete Math. Appl.",
  6020. VOLUME = "11",
  6021. YEAR = "2001",
  6022. NUMBER = "6",
  6023. PAGES = "545--586"
  6024. }
  6025. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-pan89,
  6026. AUTHOR = "L. Pan",
  6027. TITLE = "On the {D}-bases of polynomial ideals over principal ideal domains",
  6028. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  6029. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  6030. VOLUME = "7",
  6031. YEAR = "1989",
  6032. NUMBER = "1",
  6033. PAGES = "55--69"
  6034. }
  6035. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-pritchard,
  6036. AUTHOR = "F. L. Pritchard",
  6037. TITLE = "The ideal membership problem in non-commutative polynomial rings",
  6038. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  6039. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  6040. VOLUME = "22",
  6041. YEAR = "1996",
  6042. NUMBER = "1",
  6043. PAGES = "27--48"
  6044. }
  6045. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-ratnakar05,
  6046. AUTHOR = "N. Ratnakar and R. Koetter",
  6047. TITLE = "Exponential error bounds for algebraic soft-decision decoding of {R}eed-{S}olomon codes",
  6048. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  6049. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  6050. VOLUME = "51",
  6051. YEAR = "2005",
  6052. NUMBER = "11",
  6053. PAGES = "3899--3917"
  6054. }
  6055. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-spear77,
  6056. author = "D. A. Spear",
  6057. title = "A constructive approach to commutative ring theory",
  6058. booktitle = "Proc. of the 1977 MACSYMA Users' Conference",
  6059. publisher = "NASA CP-2012",
  6060. pages = "369--376",
  6061. year = "1977"
  6062. }
  6063. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-szerekes52,
  6064. AUTHOR = "G. Szekeres",
  6065. TITLE = "A canonical basis for the ideals of a polynomial domain",
  6066. JOURNAL = "Amer. Math. Monthly",
  6067. FJOURNAL = "The American Mathematical Monthly",
  6068. VOLUME = "59",
  6069. YEAR = "1952",
  6070. PAGES = "379--386"
  6071. }
  6072. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-udaya99,
  6073. AUTHOR = "P. Udaya and A. Bonnecaze",
  6074. TITLE = "Decoding of cyclic codes over {$F\sb 2+uF\sb 2$}",
  6075. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  6076. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  6077. VOLUME = "45",
  6078. YEAR = "1999",
  6079. NUMBER = "6",
  6080. PAGES = "2148--2157"
  6081. }
  6082. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-volochwalker99,
  6083. AUTHOR = "J. F. Voloch and J. L. Walker",
  6084. TITLE = "Codes over rings from curves of higher genus",
  6085. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  6086. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  6087. VOLUME = "45",
  6088. YEAR = "1999",
  6089. NUMBER = "6",
  6090. PAGES = "1768--1776"
  6091. }
  6092. \%G. Zacharias, "Generalized Gr¨bner bases in commutative polynomial rings", Bachelor's thesis, M.I.T. (1978)
  6093. o
  6094. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-zacharias,
  6095. author = "G. Zacharias",
  6096. school = "MIT",
  6097. title = {Generalized {G}r{\"o}bner bases in commutative polynomial rings},
  6098. year = "1978"
  6099. }
  6100. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-samuelzariski58,
  6101. AUTHOR = "O. Zariski and P. Samuel",
  6102. TITLE = "Commutative algebra, {V}olume {I}",
  6103. PUBLISHER = "D. Van Nostrand Company",
  6104. YEAR = "1958",
  6105. PAGES = "xi+329"
  6106. }
  6107. \%groebenr
  6108. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-giannitragerzacharias88,
  6109. AUTHOR = "P. Gianni and B. Trager and G. Zacharias",
  6110. TITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner bases and primary decomposition of polynomial ideals},
  6111. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  6112. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  6113. VOLUME = "6",
  6114. YEAR = "1988",
  6115. NUMBER = "2-3",
  6116. PAGES = "149--167"
  6117. }
  6118. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-macaulay16,
  6119. author = "F. S. Macaulay",
  6120. PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press",
  6121. TITLE = "{The Algebraic Theory of Modular Systems}",
  6122. YEAR = "1916"
  6123. }
  6124. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-canteaut_2002,
  6125. author = "A. Canteaut and E. Filiol",
  6126. title = "On the influence of the filtering function on the performance of fast correlation attacks on filter generators",
  6127. booktitle = "Proc. of Symposium on Information Theory 2002",
  6128. year = "2002"
  6129. }
  6130. \%kunzli,kuenzli
  6131. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-ArmCGKMR06,
  6132. author = {F. Armknecht and C. Carlet and P. Gaborit and S. K{\"u}nzli and W. Meier and O. Ruatta},
  6133. title = "Efficient Computation of Algebraic Immunity for Algebraic and Fast Algebraic Attacks",
  6134. series = "LNCS",
  6135. volume = "4004",
  6136. pages = "147--164",
  6137. booktitle = "Proc. of Eurocrypt 2006",
  6138. year = "2006"
  6139. }
  6140. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-ArmK03,
  6141. author = "F. Armknecht and M. Krause",
  6142. title = "Algebraic Attacks on Combiners with Memory",
  6143. booktitle = "Proc. of CRYPTO~2003",
  6144. year = "2003",
  6145. series = "LNCS",
  6146. volume = "2729",
  6147. pages = "162--175"
  6148. }
  6149. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-Arm04a,
  6150. author = "F. Armknecht",
  6151. title = "Improving Fast Algebraic Attacks.",
  6152. year = "2004",
  6153. pages = "65--82",
  6154. booktitle = "Proc. of FSE~2004",
  6155. publisher = "Springer",
  6156. series = "LNCS",
  6157. volume = "3017"
  6158. }
  6159. @Article{ cd-cry-art-ArmLP04,
  6160. author = "F. Armknecht and J. Lano and B. Preneel",
  6161. title = "Extending the Resynchronization Attack.",
  6162. journal = "LNCS",
  6163. volme = "3357",
  6164. year = "2005",
  6165. pages = "19--38"
  6166. }
  6167. @Misc{ CGC-cry-prep-Arm04b,
  6168. author = "F. Armknecht",
  6169. title = "On the Existence of low-degree Equations for Algebraic Attacks",
  6170. howpublished = "Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2004/185",
  6171. year = "2004",
  6172. note = "\texttt{}"
  6173. }
  6174. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-Arm05a,
  6175. author = "F. Armknecht",
  6176. title = "Algebraic Attacks and Annihilators",
  6177. booktitle = "Proc. of WEWORC~2005",
  6178. year = "2005",
  6179. series = "LNI",
  6180. volume = "74",
  6181. pages = "13--21"
  6182. }
  6183. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-ArmA05,
  6184. author = "F. Armknecht and G. {G. Ars}",
  6185. title = "Introducing a New Variant of Fast Algebraic Attacks and Minimizing Their Successive Data Complexity.",
  6186. booktitle = "Proc. of Mycrypt",
  6187. publisher = "Springer",
  6188. series = "LNCS",
  6189. volume = "3715",
  6190. year = "2005",
  6191. pages = "16--32"
  6192. }
  6193. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cry-phdthesis-Arm06,
  6194. author = "Frederick Armknecht",
  6195. title = "Algebraic attacks on certain stream ciphers",
  6196. school = "University Mannheim, Germany",
  6197. year = "2006"
  6198. }
  6199. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cry-phdthesis-ArsG05,
  6200. author = "Gw{\'e}nol{\'e} Ars",
  6201. title = {Applications of {G}r{\"o}bner {B}ases to {C}ryptography},
  6202. school = "University of Rennes I",
  6203. year = "2005"
  6204. }
  6205. \%faugere
  6206. @Misc{ CGC-cry-prep-ArsF03,
  6207. author = "G. Ars and J. C. Faug{\`e}re",
  6208. title = {An Algebraic Cryptanalysis of Nonlinear Filter Generators using {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  6209. howpublished = "INRIA Report 4739",
  6210. year = "2003",
  6211. note = "\texttt{}"
  6212. }
  6213. \%faugere
  6214. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-prep-ArsF05,
  6215. author = "G. Ars and J. C. Faug{\`e}re",
  6216. keywords = "algebraic-immunity",
  6217. year = "2005",
  6218. institution = "INRIA",
  6219. title = "Algebraic Immunities of functions over finite fields",
  6220. note = ""
  6221. }
  6222. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-CanF00,
  6223. author = "A. Canteaut and E. Filiol",
  6224. title = "Ciphertext Only Reconstruction of Stream Ciphers Based on Combination Generators.",
  6225. booktitle = "Proc. of FSE~2000",
  6226. publisher = "Springer",
  6227. series = "LNCS",
  6228. volume = "1978",
  6229. year = "2000",
  6230. pages = "165--180"
  6231. }
  6232. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-ChoP04,
  6233. author = "J. Cho and J. Pieprzyk",
  6234. title = "Algebraic Attacks on {SOBER-t32} and {SOBER-t16} without Stuttering.",
  6235. year = "2004",
  6236. booktitle = "Proc. of FSE~2004",
  6237. publisher = "Springer",
  6238. series = "LNCS",
  6239. volume = "3017",
  6240. pages = "49--64"
  6241. }
  6242. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-CouM03,
  6243. author = "N. Courtois and W. Meier",
  6244. title = "Algebraic Attacks on Stream Ciphers with Linear Feedback.",
  6245. booktitle = "Proc. of {EUROCRYPT}~2003",
  6246. year = "2003",
  6247. pages = "345--359",
  6248. publisher = "Springer",
  6249. series = "LNCS",
  6250. volume = "2656"
  6251. }
  6252. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-Cou03,
  6253. author = "N. Courtois",
  6254. title = "Fast Algebraic Attacks on Stream Ciphers with Linear Feedback.",
  6255. booktitle = "Proc. of CRYPTO~2003",
  6256. year = "2003",
  6257. pages = "176--194",
  6258. publisher = "Springer",
  6259. series = "LNCS",
  6260. volume = "2656"
  6261. }
  6262. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-DidT06,
  6263. author = "F. Didier and J. Tillich",
  6264. title = "Computing the Algebraic Immunity Efficiently",
  6265. booktitle = "Proc. of {FSE}~2006",
  6266. year = "2006",
  6267. pages = "359--374",
  6268. publisher = "Springer",
  6269. series = "LNCS",
  6270. volume = "4047"
  6271. }
  6272. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-Fil00,
  6273. author = "E. Filiol",
  6274. title = "Decimation Attack of Stream Ciphers",
  6275. booktitle = "Proc. of INDOCRYPT",
  6276. year = "2000",
  6277. pages = "31--42",
  6278. publisher = "Springer",
  6279. series = "LNCS",
  6280. volume = "1977"
  6281. }
  6282. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-FluMS01,
  6283. author = "S. Fluhrer and I. Mantin and A. Shamir",
  6284. title = "Weaknesses in the Key Scheduling Algorithm of {RC}4",
  6285. booktitle = "Proc. of SAC~2001",
  6286. publisher = "Springer",
  6287. year = "2001",
  6288. pages = "1--24"
  6289. }
  6290. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-Gef73,
  6291. author = "P. Geffe",
  6292. title = "How to protect data with ciphers that are really hard to break",
  6293. journal = "Electronics",
  6294. volume = "46",
  6295. number = "1",
  6296. year = "1973",
  6297. pages = "99--101"
  6298. }
  6299. \%hastad
  6300. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-HasPS93,
  6301. author = "J. H{\aa}stad and S. Phillips and S. Safra",
  6302. title = "A well-characterized approximation problem",
  6303. journal = "Inf. Process. Lett.",
  6304. volume = "47",
  6305. number = "6",
  6306. year = "1993",
  6307. pages = "301--305"
  6308. }
  6309. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-HawR04,
  6310. author = "P. Hawkes and G. Rose",
  6311. title = "Rewriting Variables: The Complexity of Fast Algebraic Attacks on Stream Ciphers.",
  6312. booktitle = "Proc. of CRYPTO~2004",
  6313. year = "2004",
  6314. pages = "390--406",
  6315. series = "LNCS",
  6316. volume = "3152",
  6317. publisher = "Springer"
  6318. }
  6319. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-Ker83,
  6320. author = "A. Kerckhoffs",
  6321. title = "La cryptographie militaire",
  6322. journal = "Journal des Sciences Militaires",
  6323. year = "1883",
  6324. pages = "161--191"
  6325. }
  6326. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-Ker83b,
  6327. author = "A. Kerckhoffs",
  6328. title = "La cryptographie militaire",
  6329. journal = "Journal des sciences militaires",
  6330. year = "1883",
  6331. volume = "IX",
  6332. pages = "3--72"
  6333. }
  6334. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-LeeKHHM04,
  6335. author = "D. Lee and J. Kim and J. Hong and J. Han and D. Moon",
  6336. title = "Algebraic Attacks on Summation Generators.",
  6337. booktitle = "Proc. of FSE2004",
  6338. year = "2004",
  6339. pages = "34--48",
  6340. publisher = "Springer",
  6341. series = "LNCS",
  6342. volume = "3017"
  6343. }
  6344. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-MeiPC04,
  6345. author = "W. Meier and E. Pasalic and C. Carlet",
  6346. title = "Algebraic Attacks and Decomposition of {B}oolean Functions.",
  6347. booktitle = "Proc. of EUROCRYPT~2004",
  6348. year = "2004",
  6349. pages = "474--491",
  6350. publisher = "Springer",
  6351. series = "LNCS",
  6352. volume = "3027"
  6353. }
  6354. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-Rue85,
  6355. author = "R. Rueppel",
  6356. title = "Correlation immunity and the summation generator",
  6357. booktitle = "Proc. of CRYPTO~1985",
  6358. year = "1985",
  6359. pages = "260--272",
  6360. publisher = "Springer",
  6361. series = "LNCS",
  6362. volume = "218"
  6363. }
  6364. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-Rue89,
  6365. author = "R. Rueppel",
  6366. title = "Security models and notions for stream ciphers",
  6367. booktitle = "Proc. of 2nd IMA Conference on Cryptography and Coding",
  6368. pages = "213--230",
  6369. year = "1989",
  6370. publisher = "Oxford University Press"
  6371. }
  6372. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-Rue92,
  6373. author = "R. Rueppel",
  6374. title = "Stream ciphers",
  6375. booktitle = "Contemporary cryptology - The science of information integrity",
  6376. pages = "65--134",
  6377. year = "1992",
  6378. publisher = "IEEE Press"
  6379. }
  6380. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-Str69,
  6381. author = "V. Strassen",
  6382. title = "Gaussian Elimination is Not Optimal",
  6383. journal = "Numerische Mathematik",
  6384. volume = "13",
  6385. year = "1969",
  6386. pages = "354--356"
  6387. }
  6388. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-Wol86,
  6389. author = "S. Wolfram",
  6390. title = "Random sequence generation by cellular automata",
  6391. journal = "Advances in Applied Mathematics",
  6392. volume = "7",
  6393. year = "1986",
  6394. pages = "123--169"
  6395. }
  6396. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cry-phdthesis-Zen04,
  6397. author = "E. Zenner",
  6398. title = "On cryptographic properties of {LFSR}-based pseudorandom generators",
  6399. school = {Universit{\"a}t Mannheim},
  6400. year = "2004"
  6401. }
  6402. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-ZenWL00,
  6403. author = "E. Zenner and R. Weis and S. Lucks",
  6404. title = {Sicherheit des {GSM}-{V}erschl{\"u}sselungsstandards {A5}.},
  6405. journal = "Datenschutz und Datensicherheit",
  6406. volume = "24",
  6407. number = "7",
  6408. year = "2000",
  6409. pages = "405--407"
  6410. }
  6411. \%groebner
  6412. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-ackkreuzer06,
  6413. AUTHOR = "P. Ackermann and M. Kreuzer",
  6414. TITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner basis cryptosystems},
  6415. JOURNAL = "AAECC",
  6416. FJOURNAL = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  6417. VOLUME = "17",
  6418. YEAR = "2006",
  6419. NUMBER = "3-4",
  6420. PAGES = "173--194"
  6421. }
  6422. \%groebner
  6423. @Unpublished{ CGC-cd-art-alonsomarinari08,
  6424. author = "M. E. Alonso and M. G. Marinari",
  6425. title = {Oracle-Supported Drawing of the {G}r{\"o}bner {\'e}scalier},
  6426. note = "preprint",
  6427. year = "2008"
  6428. }
  6429. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-Banks,
  6430. author = "W. Banks and D. Lieman and I. Shparlinski",
  6431. title = "Cryptographic Applications of Sparse Polynomials over Finite Rings",
  6432. booktitle = "Proc. of {ICISC}~2000",
  6433. series = "LNCS",
  6434. volume = "2015",
  6435. year = "2001",
  6436. publisher = "Spinger",
  6437. pages = "206--220"
  6438. }
  6439. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-BDGSSW,
  6440. author = "F. Bao and R. H. Deng and W. Geiselmann and G. Schnorr and Steinwand~R. and H. Wu",
  6441. title = "Cryptanalysis of two Sparse Polynomial Based Public Key Cryptosystems",
  6442. booktitle = "Proc. of PKC~2001",
  6443. series = "LNCS",
  6444. volume = "1992",
  6445. year = "2001",
  6446. publisher = "Spinger",
  6447. pages = "153--164"
  6448. }
  6449. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-BCEMR,
  6450. AUTHOR = "B. Barkee and D. C. Can and J. Ecks and T. Moriarty and R. F. Ree",
  6451. TITLE = {Why you cannot even hope to use {G}r{\"o}bner bases in public key cryptography: an open letter to a scientist who failed and a challenge to those who have not yet failed},
  6452. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  6453. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  6454. VOLUME = "18",
  6455. YEAR = "1994",
  6456. NUMBER = "6",
  6457. PAGES = "497--501"
  6458. }
  6459. @InProceedings{ CGC-alg-art-Ben-T,
  6460. author = "M. Ben-Or and P. Tiwari",
  6461. title = "A Deterministic Algorithm for Sparse Multivariate Polynomial Interpolation",
  6462. booktitle = "Proc. of ACM Symp. Theory Comput.",
  6463. pages = "301--309",
  6464. year = "1988",
  6465. publisher = "ACM"
  6466. }
  6467. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-bigatti99,
  6468. AUTHOR = "A. M. Bigatti and R. {La Scala} and L. Robbiano",
  6469. TITLE = "Computing toric ideals",
  6470. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  6471. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  6472. VOLUME = "27",
  6473. YEAR = "1999",
  6474. NUMBER = "4",
  6475. PAGES = "351--365"
  6476. }
  6477. \%groebner
  6478. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-caruso08,
  6479. author = "M. Caboara and F. Caruso and C. Traverso",
  6480. title = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases in Public Key Cryptography},
  6481. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISSAC}~2008",
  6482. pages = "",
  6483. year = "2008",
  6484. publisher = "to appear"
  6485. }
  6486. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-CU,
  6487. author = "S. Cojocaru and V. Ufnarovski",
  6488. title = {Noncommutative {G}r{\"o}bner Basis, {H}ilbert series, {A}nick's Resolution and {BERGMAN} under {MS-DOS}},
  6489. journal = "Computer Science Journal of Moldova",
  6490. volume = "3",
  6491. year = "1995",
  6492. pages = "24--39"
  6493. }
  6494. @InProceedings{ CGC-alg-art-contiT92,
  6495. author = "P. Conti and C. Traverso",
  6496. title = "Buchberger's Algorithm and Integer Programming",
  6497. booktitle = "Proc. of AAECC",
  6498. series = "LNCS",
  6499. volume = "539",
  6500. year = "1992",
  6501. publisher = "Spinger",
  6502. pages = "130--139"
  6503. }
  6504. @Misc{ CGC-misc-CaCoT,
  6505. author = "F. Caruso and P. Conti and C. Traverso",
  6506. title = "{N}on-commutative Factorisation and {GCD} with applications to public-key cryptography",
  6507. note = "Proc. of {D}ifferential {A}lgebra and {R}elated {C}omputer {A}lgebra, Le Matematiche, LXIII (1), pp.~37--39",
  6508. year = "2008"
  6509. }
  6510. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-davenport81,
  6511. author = "J. H. Davenport",
  6512. title = "{On the Integration of Algebraic Functions}",
  6513. publisher = "Springer",
  6514. series = "LNCS",
  6515. volume = "102",
  6516. year = "1981"
  6517. }
  6518. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-DFGS,
  6519. AUTHOR = "A. Dickenstein and N. Fitchas and M. Giusti and C. Sessa",
  6520. TITLE = "The membership problem for unmixed polynomial ideals is solvable in single exponential time",
  6521. JOURNAL = "Discrete Appl. Math.",
  6522. FJOURNAL = "Discrete Applied Mathematics. The Journal of Combinatorial Algorithms, Informatics and Computational Sciences",
  6523. VOLUME = "33",
  6524. YEAR = "1991",
  6525. NUMBER = "1-3",
  6526. PAGES = "73--94"
  6527. }
  6528. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-St1,
  6529. AUTHOR = "R. Endsuleit and W. Geiselmann and R. Steinwandt",
  6530. TITLE = "Attacking a Polynomial-Based Cryptosystem: {P}olly {C}racker",
  6531. JOURNAL = "Int. J. Inf. Secur.",
  6532. VOLUME = "1",
  6533. YEAR = "2002",
  6534. NUMBER = "3",
  6535. PAGES = "143--148"
  6536. }
  6537. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-St2,
  6538. title = {A "differential" attack on {P}olly {C}racker},
  6539. author = "D. Hofheinz and R. Steinwandt",
  6540. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISIT}~2002",
  6541. year = "2002",
  6542. pages = "211--211"
  6543. }
  6544. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-FK3,
  6545. AUTHOR = "M. Fellows and N. Koblitz",
  6546. TITLE = "Combinatorial cryptosystems galore!",
  6547. journal = "Contemp. Math.",
  6548. VOLUME = "168",
  6549. PAGES = "51--61",
  6550. YEAR = "1994"
  6551. }
  6552. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-SG1,
  6553. AUTHOR = "R. Steinwandt and W. Geiselmann",
  6554. TITLE = "Cryptanalysis of {P}olly {C}racker",
  6555. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  6556. VOLUME = "48",
  6557. YEAR = "2002",
  6558. NUMBER = "11",
  6559. PAGES = "2990--2991"
  6560. }
  6561. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-EnRoot,
  6562. author = "D. Grant and K. Krastev and D. Lieman and I. Shparlinski",
  6563. booktitle = "Proc. of {ICCC}~1998",
  6564. title = "A Public Key Cryptosystem based on Sparse Polynomials",
  6565. year = "2000",
  6566. publisher = "Spinger",
  6567. pages = "114--121"
  6568. }
  6569. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-art-freaks,
  6570. AUTHOR = "E. Green and T. Mora and V. Ufnarovski",
  6571. TITLE = {The non-commutative {G}r{\"o}bner freaks},
  6572. BOOKTITLE = "Symbolic rewriting techniques",
  6573. SERIES = "Progr. Comput. Sci. Appl. Logic",
  6574. VOLUME = "15",
  6575. PAGES = "93--104",
  6576. PUBLISHER = {Birkh{\"a}user},
  6577. YEAR = "1998"
  6578. }
  6579. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-GKS,
  6580. AUTHOR = "D. Y. Grigoriev and M. Karpinski and M. F. Singer",
  6581. TITLE = "Fast parallel algorithms for sparse multivariate polynomial interpolation over finite fields",
  6582. JOURNAL = "SIAM J. Comput.",
  6583. FJOURNAL = "SIAM Journal on Computing",
  6584. VOLUME = "19",
  6585. YEAR = "1990",
  6586. NUMBER = "6",
  6587. PAGES = "1059--1063"
  6588. }
  6589. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-KT,
  6590. AUTHOR = "E. Kaltofen and B. M. Trager",
  6591. TITLE = "Computing with polynomials given by black boxes for their evaluations: greatest common divisors, factorization, separation of numerators and denominators",
  6592. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  6593. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  6594. VOLUME = "9",
  6595. YEAR = "1990",
  6596. NUMBER = "3",
  6597. PAGES = "301--320"
  6598. }
  6599. @Book{ CGC-cry-book-koblitz98,
  6600. AUTHOR = "N. Koblitz",
  6601. TITLE = "Algebraic aspects of cryptography",
  6602. SERIES = "Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics",
  6603. VOLUME = "3",
  6604. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  6605. YEAR = "1998",
  6606. PAGES = "x+206"
  6607. }
  6608. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-art-vehelPerret04,
  6609. AUTHOR = "F. {Levy-dit-Vehel} and L. Perret",
  6610. TITLE = "A {P}olly {C}racker system based on satisfiability",
  6611. BOOKTITLE = "Coding, cryptography and combinatorics",
  6612. SERIES = "Progr. Comput. Sci. Appl. Logic",
  6613. VOLUME = "23",
  6614. PAGES = "177--192",
  6615. PUBLISHER = {Birkh{\"a}user},
  6616. YEAR = "2004"
  6617. }
  6618. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-ly06,
  6619. AUTHOR = "L. V. Ly",
  6620. TITLE = "Polly {T}wo: a new algebraic polynomial-based public-key scheme",
  6621. JOURNAL = "AAECC",
  6622. FJOURNAL = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  6623. VOLUME = "17",
  6624. YEAR = "2006",
  6625. NUMBER = "3-4",
  6626. PAGES = "267--283"
  6627. }
  6628. \%groebner
  6629. @InProceedings{ CGC-alg-art-reinert93,
  6630. author = "K. Madlener and B. Reinert",
  6631. title = {Computing {G}r{\"o}bner Bases in Monoid and Group Rings},
  6632. booktitle = "Proc. of ISSAC~1993",
  6633. year = "1993",
  6634. pages = "254--263",
  6635. publisher = "ACM"
  6636. }
  6637. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-imaimatsu85,
  6638. author = "T. Matsumoto and H. Imai",
  6639. title = "Algebraic Methods for Constructing Asymmetric Cryptosystems",
  6640. booktitle = "Proc. of {AAECC}",
  6641. series = "LNCS",
  6642. volume = "229",
  6643. year = "1985",
  6644. publisher = "Spinger",
  6645. pages = "108--119"
  6646. }
  6647. \%groebner
  6648. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-mora03,
  6649. AUTHOR = "F. Mora",
  6650. TITLE = {De nugis {G}roebnerialium. {II}. {A}pplying {M}acaulay's trick in order to easily write a {G}r{\"o}bner basis},
  6651. JOURNAL = "AAECC",
  6652. FJOURNAL = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  6653. VOLUME = "13",
  6654. YEAR = "2003",
  6655. NUMBER = "6",
  6656. PAGES = "437--446"
  6657. }
  6658. \%groebner
  6659. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cry-phdthesis-Rai04,
  6660. author = "T. S. Rai",
  6661. title = {Infinite {G}r{\"o}bner bases and Noncommutative {P}olly {C}racker Cryptosystems},
  6662. school = "Virginia Polytech. Inst. and State Univ.",
  6663. year = "2004"
  6664. }
  6665. \%groebner
  6666. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cry-phdthesis-reinert95,
  6667. author = "B. Reinert",
  6668. title = {On {G}r{\"o}bner Bases in Monoid and Group Rings},
  6669. school = "Kaiserslautern",
  6670. year = "1995"
  6671. }
  6672. \%groebner
  6673. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cry-phdthesis-reinert03,
  6674. author = "B. Reinert",
  6675. title = {A systematic Study of {G}r{\"o}bner Basis Methods},
  6676. school = "Kaiserslautern",
  6677. year = "2003",
  6678. note = "Habilitationschrift"
  6679. }
  6680. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-Bogdanov2007,
  6681. author = "A. Bogdanov and L. R. Knudsen and G. Leander and C. Paar and A. Poschmann and M. Robshaw and Y. Seurin and C. Vikkelsoe",
  6682. title = "{PRESENT}: An Ultra-Lightweight Block Cipher",
  6683. booktitle = "Proc. of {CHES}~2007",
  6684. year = "2007",
  6685. volume = "7427",
  6686. series = "LNCS",
  6687. pages = "450--466",
  6688. publisher = "Springer"
  6689. }
  6690. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cry-phdthesis-biryukov,
  6691. author = "Alex Biryukov",
  6692. title = "Methods of Cryptanalysis",
  6693. school = "Technion",
  6694. year = "1999"
  6695. }
  6696. @Book{ CGC-cry-book-aesbook,
  6697. author = "J. Daemen and V. Rijmen",
  6698. title = "{The Design of {Rijndael}}",
  6699. year = "2002",
  6700. publisher = "Springer"
  6701. }
  6702. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-feistel73,
  6703. author = "H. Feistel",
  6704. title = "Cryptography and Computer Privacy",
  6705. journal = "Scientific American",
  6706. year = "1973",
  6707. volume = "228",
  6708. number = "5",
  6709. pages = "15--23"
  6710. }
  6711. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-IDEA,
  6712. author = "X. Lai and J. L. Massey",
  6713. title = "A Proposal for a New Block Encryption Standard",
  6714. booktitle = "Proc. of {EUROCRYPT}~1990",
  6715. volume = "473",
  6716. publisher = "Springer",
  6717. series = "LNCS",
  6718. pages = "55--70",
  6719. year = "1991"
  6720. }
  6721. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-blowfish,
  6722. author = "B. Schneier",
  6723. title = "The {Blowfish} Encryption Algorithm",
  6724. journal = "Dr. Dobb's Journal",
  6725. year = "1994",
  6726. pages = "38--40"
  6727. }
  6728. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-XSL_BES,
  6729. author = "C. W. Lim and K. Khoo",
  6730. title = "Detailed {A}nalysis on {XSL} Applied to {BES}",
  6731. booktitle = "Proc. of {FSE}~2007",
  6732. series = "LNCS",
  6733. volume = "4593",
  6734. pages = "242--253",
  6735. year = "2007",
  6736. publisher = "Springer"
  6737. }
  6738. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-cidMurphyRobshaw05,
  6739. author = "C. Cid and S. Murphy and M. J. B. Robshaw",
  6740. title = "Small Scale Variants of the {AES}",
  6741. booktitle = "Proc. of {FSE}~2005",
  6742. year = "2005",
  6743. volume = "3557",
  6744. series = "LNCS",
  6745. pages = "145--162",
  6746. publisher = "Springer"
  6747. }
  6748. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-toli05,
  6749. author = "I. Toli and A. Zanoni",
  6750. title = "An Algebraic Interpretation of {AES-128}",
  6751. booktitle = "Proc. of {AES}~2004",
  6752. year = "2005",
  6753. volume = "3373",
  6754. series = "LNCS",
  6755. pages = "84--97",
  6756. publisher = "Springer"
  6757. }
  6758. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-cidMurphyRobshaw05b,
  6759. author = "C. Cid and S. Murphy and M. J. B. Robshaw",
  6760. title = "An Algebraic Framework for Cipher Embeddings",
  6761. pages = "278--289",
  6762. booktitle = "Proc. of 10th IMA International Conference on Coding and Cryptography",
  6763. series = "LNCS",
  6764. volume = "3796",
  6765. year = "2005",
  6766. publisher = "Springer"
  6767. }
  6768. @MastersThesis{ CGC-cry-thesis-albrecht,
  6769. author = "M. Albrecht",
  6770. title = "Algebraic Attacks on the {Courtois Toy Cipher}",
  6771. school = {Diplomarbeit - Universit{\"a}t Bremen},
  6772. year = "2007"
  6773. }
  6774. @Book{ CGC-cry-book-cidMurphyRobshaw,
  6775. author = "C. Cid and S. Murphy and M. J. B. Robshaw",
  6776. title = "Algebraic Aspects of the {A}dvanced {E}ncryption {S}tandard",
  6777. year = "2007",
  6778. publisher = "Springer"
  6779. }
  6780. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-bihamShamir93,
  6781. author = "E. Biham and A. Shamir",
  6782. title = "Differential Cryptanalysis of {DES}-like Cryptosystems",
  6783. journal = "J. of Cryptology",
  6784. year = "1993",
  6785. volume = "4",
  6786. pages = "3--72"
  6787. }
  6788. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-jakobsen97,
  6789. author = "T. Jakobsen and L. R. Knudsen",
  6790. title = "The Interpolation Attack on Block Ciphers",
  6791. booktitle = "Proc. of {FSE}~1997",
  6792. year = 1997,
  6793. pages = "28--40",
  6794. volume = "1267",
  6795. series = "LNCS",
  6796. publisher = "Springer"
  6797. }
  6798. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-desquadratic98,
  6799. author = "T. Shimoyama and T. Kaneko",
  6800. title = "Quadratic Relation of {S-box} and Its Application to the Linear Attack of Full Round {DES}",
  6801. booktitle = "Proc. of {CRYPTO}~1998",
  6802. year = "1998",
  6803. pages = "200--211",
  6804. volume = "1462",
  6805. series = "LNCS",
  6806. publisher = "Springer"
  6807. }
  6808. \%groebner
  6809. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-bpw06a,
  6810. author = "J. Buchmann and A. Pyshkin and R. P. Weinmann",
  6811. title = {Block Ciphers Sensitive to {Gr{\"o}bner} Basis Attacks},
  6812. booktitle = "Proc. of {CT-RSA}~2006",
  6813. volume = "3860",
  6814. series = "LNCS",
  6815. year = "2006",
  6816. pages = "313--331",
  6817. publisher = "Springer"
  6818. }
  6819. \%groebner
  6820. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-bpw06b,
  6821. author = "J. Buchmann and A. Pyshkin and R. P. Weinmann",
  6822. title = {A Zero-Dimensional {Gr{\"o}bner} Basis for {AES-128}},
  6823. booktitle = "Proc. of {FSE}~2006",
  6824. volume = "4047",
  6825. series = "LNCS",
  6826. year = "2006",
  6827. pages = "78--88",
  6828. publisher = "Springer"
  6829. }
  6830. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-groebnerwalk,
  6831. author = "S. {St{\'e}phane Collart} and M. Kalkbrener and D. Mall",
  6832. title = {Converting Bases with the {Gr{\"o}bner Walk}},
  6833. journal = "J. of Symbolic Comput.",
  6834. volume = "24",
  6835. number = "3/4",
  6836. year = "1997",
  6837. pages = "465--469"
  6838. }
  6839. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-nyberg93,
  6840. author = "K. Nyberg",
  6841. title = "Differentially Uniform Mappings for Cryptography",
  6842. booktitle = "Proc. of {EUROCRYPT}~1993",
  6843. publisher = "Springer",
  6844. series = "LNCS",
  6845. volume = "765",
  6846. year = "1994",
  6847. pages = "55--64"
  6848. }
  6849. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-bcFSE03,
  6850. author = "A. {Alex Biryukov} and C. {De Canni{\`e}re}",
  6851. title = "Block Ciphers and Systems of Quadratic Equations",
  6852. booktitle = "Proc. of {FSE}~2003",
  6853. publisher = "Springer",
  6854. series = "LNCS",
  6855. volume = "2887",
  6856. year = "2003",
  6857. pages = "274--289"
  6858. }
  6859. @Misc{ CGC-cry-prep-courtois02,
  6860. author = "N. Courtois and J. Piepryzk",
  6861. title = "Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers with Overdefined Systems of Equations",
  6862. howpublished = "{\emph{Cryptology ePrint Archive} 2002/044}",
  6863. year = "2002",
  6864. note = "\url{}"
  6865. }
  6866. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-courtois02b,
  6867. author = "N. Courtois and J. Pieprzyk",
  6868. title = "Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers with Overdefined Systems of Equations",
  6869. booktitle = "Proc. of {ASIACRYPT}~2002",
  6870. year = "2002",
  6871. pages = "267--287",
  6872. publisher = "Springer",
  6873. series = "LNCS",
  6874. volume = "2501"
  6875. }
  6876. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-BES,
  6877. author = "S. Murphy and M. J. B. Robshaw",
  6878. title = "Essential Algebraic Structure within the {AES}",
  6879. booktitle = "Proc. of {CRYPTO}~2002",
  6880. year = "2002",
  6881. pages = "1--16",
  6882. publisher = "Springer",
  6883. series = "LNCS",
  6884. volume = "2442"
  6885. }
  6886. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-cidLeurent05,
  6887. author = "C. Cid and G. Leurent",
  6888. title = "An Analysis of the {XSL} Algorithm",
  6889. booktitle = "Proc. of {ASIACRYPT}~2005",
  6890. year = "2005",
  6891. pages = "333--352",
  6892. publisher = "Springer",
  6893. series = "LNCS",
  6894. volume = "3788"
  6895. }
  6896. @Misc{ CGC-cry-prep-semaev06,
  6897. author = "H. Raddum and I. Semaev",
  6898. title = "New Technique for Solving Sparse Equation Systems",
  6899. howpublished = "Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2006/475",
  6900. year = "2006",
  6901. note = "\url{}"
  6902. }
  6903. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-semaev07,
  6904. author = "H. Raddum and I. Semaev",
  6905. title = "Solving {MRHS} linear equations",
  6906. booktitle = "Proc. of {WCC}~2007",
  6907. year = "2007",
  6908. pages = "323--332",
  6909. publisher = "INRIA"
  6910. }
  6911. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-bard07,
  6912. author = "N.~T. Courtois and G. V. Bard",
  6913. title = "Algebraic Cryptanalysis of the Data Encryption Standard",
  6914. booktitle = "Cryptography and Coding",
  6915. year = "2007",
  6916. pages = "152--169",
  6917. publisher = "Springer",
  6918. series = "LNCS",
  6919. volume = "4887"
  6920. }
  6921. @Unpublished{ CGC-cry-talk-faugere07,
  6922. author = "J. C. Faug{\`e}re",
  6923. title = {Gr{\"o}bner bases. {A}pplications in cryptology},
  6924. year = "2007",
  6925. note = "Talk at {FSE}~2007"
  6926. }
  6927. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-Lee1959,
  6928. author = "C. Y. Lee",
  6929. journal = "Bell System Technical Journal",
  6930. pages = "985--999",
  6931. title = "Representation of Switching Circuits by Binary-Decision Programs",
  6932. volume = "38",
  6933. year = "1959"
  6934. }
  6935. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-Akers1978,
  6936. author = "S. B. Akers",
  6937. journal = "{IEEE} Trans. on Computers",
  6938. number = "6",
  6939. pages = "509--516",
  6940. title = "Binary Decision Diagrams",
  6941. volume = "27",
  6942. year = "1978"
  6943. }
  6944. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-courtoisKeeloq08,
  6945. author = "N. Courtois and G. V. Bard and D. Wagner",
  6946. title = "Algebraic and Slide Attacks on {K}ee{L}oq",
  6947. booktitle = "Proc. of {FSE}~2008",
  6948. year = "2008",
  6949. pages = "97--115",
  6950. publisher = "Springer",
  6951. series = "LNCS",
  6952. volume = "5086"
  6953. }
  6954. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-prep-ctc,
  6955. author = "N.~T. Courtois",
  6956. title = "How Fast can be Algebraic Attacks on Block Ciphers?",
  6957. institution = "Crypto. ePrint Arch.",
  6958. number = "Rep. 2006/168",
  6959. year = "2006",
  6960. note = "\url{}"
  6961. }
  6962. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-prep-ctc2,
  6963. author = "N.~T. Courtois",
  6964. title = "{CTC2} and Fast Algebraic Attacks on Block Ciphers Revisited",
  6965. institution = "Crypto. ePrint Arch.",
  6966. number = "Rep. 2007/152",
  6967. year = "2007",
  6968. note = "\url{}"
  6969. }
  6970. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-art-ctcKeller,
  6971. author = "O. Dunkelman and N. Keller",
  6972. title = "Linear cryptanalysis of {CTC}",
  6973. institution = "Crypto. ePrint Arch.",
  6974. number = "Rep. 2006/250",
  6975. year = "2006",
  6976. note = "\url{}"
  6977. }
  6978. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-musa03,
  6979. author = "M. A. Musa and E. F. Schaefer and S. Wedig",
  6980. title = "A Simplified {AES} Algorithm and its Linear and Differential Cryptanalysis",
  6981. journal = "Cryptologia",
  6982. volume = "XXVII",
  6983. number = "2",
  6984. year = "2003",
  6985. pages = "148--177"
  6986. }
  6987. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-phan02,
  6988. author = "R. C. W. Phan",
  6989. title = "Mini {A}dvanced {E}ncryption {S}tandard ({Mini-AES}): A Testbed for Cryptanalysis Students",
  6990. journal = "Cryptologia",
  6991. volume = "XXVI",
  6992. number = "4",
  6993. year = "2002",
  6994. pages = "283--306"
  6995. }
  6996. @Book{ CGC-alg-art-novikovRU,
  6997. AUTHOR = "P. S. Novikov",
  6998. TITLE = "Ob algoritmi\v cesko\u\i\ nerazre\v simosti problemy to\v zdestva slov v teorii grupp",
  6999. SERIES = "Trudy Mat. Inst. im. Steklov. no. 44",
  7000. PUBLISHER = "Izdat. Akad. Nauk SSSR",
  7001. YEAR = "1955",
  7002. PAGES = "143"
  7003. }
  7004. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-art-novikovEN,
  7005. AUTHOR = "P. S. Novikov",
  7006. TITLE = "On the algorithmic insolvability of the word problem in group theory",
  7007. BOOKTITLE = "AMS {T}ranslations, {S}er 2, {V}ol. 9",
  7008. PAGES = "1--122",
  7009. PUBLISHER = "AMS",
  7010. YEAR = "1958"
  7011. }
  7012. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-prep-gligo05,
  7013. author = "D. Gligoroski",
  7014. title = "Candidate One-Way Functions and One-Way Permutations Based on Quasigroup String Transformations",
  7015. institution = "Crypto. ePrint Arch., Rep. 2005/352",
  7016. year = "2005",
  7017. note = "\url{}"
  7018. }
  7019. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-D1_JSC,
  7020. TITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner Bases Techniques in Cryptography and Coding Theory},
  7021. EDITOR = "Augot D. and J. C. Faug{\`e}re and L. Perret",
  7022. PAGES = "1605--1765",
  7023. series = "Special Issue of Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  7024. PUBLISHER = "Elsevier",
  7025. YEAR = "2009"
  7026. }
  7027. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-giannitrager96,
  7028. AUTHOR = "P. Gianni and B. Trager",
  7029. TITLE = "Square-free algorithms in positive characteristic",
  7030. JOURNAL = "AAECC",
  7031. FJOURNAL = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  7032. VOLUME = "7",
  7033. YEAR = "1996",
  7034. NUMBER = "1",
  7035. PAGES = "1--14"
  7036. }
  7037. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-carvalho05,
  7038. AUTHOR = "C. Carvalho and F. Torres",
  7039. TITLE = "On {G}oppa codes and {W}eierstrass gaps at several points",
  7040. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  7041. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  7042. VOLUME = "35",
  7043. YEAR = "2005",
  7044. NUMBER = "2",
  7045. PAGES = "211--225"
  7046. }
  7047. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-deJong98,
  7048. AUTHOR = "T. de Jong",
  7049. TITLE = "An algorithm for computing the integral closure",
  7050. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  7051. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  7052. VOLUME = "26",
  7053. YEAR = "1998",
  7054. NUMBER = "3",
  7055. PAGES = "273--277"
  7056. }
  7057. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-kemper02,
  7058. AUTHOR = "G. Kemper",
  7059. TITLE = "The calculation of radical ideals in positive characteristic",
  7060. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  7061. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  7062. VOLUME = "34",
  7063. YEAR = "2002",
  7064. NUMBER = "3",
  7065. PAGES = "229--238"
  7066. }
  7067. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-art-kricklogar91,
  7068. author = "T. Krick and A. Logar",
  7069. title = "An algorithm for the computation of the radical of an ideal in the ring of polynomials",
  7070. booktitle = "Proc. of {AAECC}~1991",
  7071. publisher = "Springer",
  7072. year = "1991",
  7073. volume = "539",
  7074. series = "LNCS",
  7075. pages = "195--205"
  7076. }
  7077. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-matsumoto01,
  7078. AUTHOR = "R. Matsumoto",
  7079. TITLE = "Computing the radical of an ideal in positive characteristic",
  7080. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  7081. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  7082. VOLUME = "32",
  7083. YEAR = "2001",
  7084. NUMBER = "3",
  7085. PAGES = "263--271"
  7086. }
  7087. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-conwaysloane90,
  7088. AUTHOR = "J. H. Conway and N. J. A. Sloane",
  7089. TITLE = "A new upper bound on the minimal distance of self-dual codes",
  7090. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7091. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  7092. VOLUME = "36",
  7093. YEAR = "1990",
  7094. NUMBER = "6",
  7095. PAGES = "1319--1333"
  7096. }
  7097. \%sole
  7098. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-kim07,
  7099. AUTHOR = "S. T. Dougherty and J. L. Kim and P. Sol{\'e}",
  7100. TITLE = "Double circulant codes from two class association schemes",
  7101. JOURNAL = "Adv. Math. Commun.",
  7102. FJOURNAL = "Advances in Mathematics of Communications",
  7103. VOLUME = "1",
  7104. YEAR = "2007",
  7105. NUMBER = "1",
  7106. PAGES = "45--64"
  7107. }
  7108. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-kim03,
  7109. AUTHOR = "T. A. Gulliver and M. Harada and J. L. Kim",
  7110. TITLE = "Construction of new extremal self-dual codes",
  7111. JOURNAL = "Discrete Math.",
  7112. FJOURNAL = "Discrete Mathematics",
  7113. VOLUME = "263",
  7114. YEAR = "2003",
  7115. NUMBER = "1-3",
  7116. PAGES = "81--91"
  7117. }
  7118. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-houghten,
  7119. AUTHOR = "S. K. Houghten and C. W. H. Lam and L. H. Thiel and J. A. Parker",
  7120. TITLE = "The extended quadratic residue code is the only {$(48,24,12)$} self-dual doubly-even code",
  7121. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7122. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  7123. VOLUME = "49",
  7124. YEAR = "2003",
  7125. NUMBER = "1",
  7126. PAGES = "53--59"
  7127. }
  7128. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-huffman05,
  7129. AUTHOR = "W. C. Huffman",
  7130. TITLE = "On the classification and enumeration of self-dual codes",
  7131. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  7132. FJOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  7133. VOLUME = "11",
  7134. YEAR = "2005",
  7135. NUMBER = "3",
  7136. PAGES = "451--490"
  7137. }
  7138. \%sole
  7139. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-kimsole08,
  7140. AUTHOR = "J. L. Kim and P. Sol{\'e}",
  7141. TITLE = "Skew {H}adamard designs and their codes",
  7142. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  7143. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography",
  7144. VOLUME = "49",
  7145. YEAR = "2008",
  7146. NUMBER = "1-3",
  7147. PAGES = "1--11"
  7148. }
  7149. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-rains98,
  7150. AUTHOR = "E. M. Rains",
  7151. TITLE = "Shadow bounds for self-dual codes",
  7152. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7153. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  7154. VOLUME = "44",
  7155. YEAR = "1998",
  7156. NUMBER = "1",
  7157. PAGES = "134--139"
  7158. }
  7159. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-art-rainsSloane98,
  7160. author = "E. M. Rains and N. J. A. Sloane",
  7161. title = "Self-dual codes",
  7162. booktitle = "Handbook of Coding Theory",
  7163. publisher = "Elsevier",
  7164. year = "1998",
  7165. pages = "177--294",
  7166. editor = "V. Pless and W.C. Huffman"
  7167. }
  7168. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-sloane73,
  7169. AUTHOR = "N. J. A. Sloane",
  7170. TITLE = "Is there a {$(72,36)d=16$} self-dual code?",
  7171. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7172. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  7173. VOLUME = "19",
  7174. YEAR = "1973",
  7175. NUMBER = "2",
  7176. PAGES = "251--251"
  7177. }
  7178. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-zhang99,
  7179. AUTHOR = "S. Zhang",
  7180. TITLE = "On the nonexistence of extremal self-dual codes",
  7181. JOURNAL = "Discrete Appl. Math.",
  7182. FJOURNAL = "Discrete Applied Mathematics. The Journal of Combinatorial Algorithms, Informatics and Computational Sciences",
  7183. VOLUME = "91",
  7184. YEAR = "1999",
  7185. NUMBER = "1-3",
  7186. PAGES = "277--286"
  7187. }
  7188. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-nebeRainsSloane06,
  7189. author = "G. Nebe and E. M. Rains and N. J. A. Sloane",
  7190. year = "2006",
  7191. title = "Self-Dual Codes and Invariant Theory",
  7192. series = "Algor. and Comput. in Math.",
  7193. volume = "17",
  7194. publisher = "Springer"
  7195. }
  7196. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-chillag95,
  7197. AUTHOR = "D. Chillag",
  7198. TITLE = "Regular representations of semisimple algebras, separable field extensions, group characters, generalized circulants, and generalized cyclic codes",
  7199. JOURNAL = "Linear Algebra Appl.",
  7200. FJOURNAL = "Linear Algebra and its Applications",
  7201. VOLUME = "218",
  7202. YEAR = "1995",
  7203. PAGES = "147--183"
  7204. }
  7205. \%martinez
  7206. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-edgar04,
  7207. AUTHOR = "E. Mart{\'i}nez-Moro",
  7208. TITLE = {Regular representations of finite-dimensional separable semisimple algebras and {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  7209. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  7210. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  7211. VOLUME = "37",
  7212. YEAR = "2004",
  7213. NUMBER = "5",
  7214. PAGES = "575--587"
  7215. }
  7216. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-edgar07,
  7217. AUTHOR = "E. Mart{\'i}nez-Moro",
  7218. TITLE = "On semisimple algebra codes: generator theory",
  7219. JOURNAL = "Algebra Discrete Math.",
  7220. FJOURNAL = "Algebra and Discrete Mathematics",
  7221. YEAR = "2007",
  7222. NUMBER = "3",
  7223. PAGES = "99--112"
  7224. }
  7225. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-piret76,
  7226. AUTHOR = "P. Piret",
  7227. TITLE = "Structure and constructions of cyclic convolutional codes",
  7228. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7229. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  7230. VOLUME = "22",
  7231. YEAR = "1976",
  7232. NUMBER = "2",
  7233. PAGES = "147--155"
  7234. }
  7235. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-roos79,
  7236. AUTHOR = "C. Roos",
  7237. TITLE = "On the structure of convolutional and cyclic convolutional codes",
  7238. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7239. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  7240. VOLUME = "25",
  7241. YEAR = "1979",
  7242. NUMBER = "6",
  7243. PAGES = "676--683"
  7244. }
  7245. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-huffmanPless03,
  7246. AUTHOR = "W. C. Huffman and V. Pless",
  7247. TITLE = "Fundamentals of error-correcting codes",
  7248. PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press",
  7249. YEAR = "2003",
  7250. PAGES = "xviii+646"
  7251. }
  7252. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-solomonVantilborg79,
  7253. AUTHOR = "G. Solomon and H. C. A. van Tilborg",
  7254. TITLE = "A connection between block and convolutional codes",
  7255. JOURNAL = "SIAM J. Appl. Math.",
  7256. FJOURNAL = "SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics",
  7257. VOLUME = "37",
  7258. YEAR = "1979",
  7259. NUMBER = "2",
  7260. PAGES = "358--369"
  7261. }
  7262. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-langfeld06a,
  7263. AUTHOR = "H. Gluesing-Luerssen and B. Langfeld",
  7264. TITLE = "On the algebraic parameters of convolutional codes with cyclic structure",
  7265. JOURNAL = "J. Algebra Appl.",
  7266. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Algebra and its Applications",
  7267. VOLUME = "5",
  7268. YEAR = "2006",
  7269. NUMBER = "1",
  7270. PAGES = "53--76"
  7271. }
  7272. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-langfeld06b,
  7273. AUTHOR = "H. Gluesing-Luerssen and B. Langfeld",
  7274. TITLE = "A class of one-dimensional {MDS} convolutional codes",
  7275. JOURNAL = "J. Algebra Appl.",
  7276. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Algebra and its Applications",
  7277. VOLUME = "5",
  7278. YEAR = "2006",
  7279. NUMBER = "4",
  7280. PAGES = "505--520"
  7281. }
  7282. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-schmale04,
  7283. AUTHOR = "H. Gluesing-Luerssen and W. Schmale",
  7284. TITLE = "On cyclic convolutional codes",
  7285. JOURNAL = "Acta Appl. Math.",
  7286. FJOURNAL = "Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. An International Survey Journal on Applying Mathematics and Mathematical Applications",
  7287. VOLUME = "82",
  7288. YEAR = "2004",
  7289. NUMBER = "2",
  7290. PAGES = "183--237"
  7291. }
  7292. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-schmale06,
  7293. AUTHOR = "H. Gluesing-Luerssen and W. Schmale",
  7294. TITLE = "On doubly-cyclic convolutional codes",
  7295. JOURNAL = "AAECC",
  7296. FJOURNAL = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  7297. VOLUME = "17",
  7298. YEAR = "2006",
  7299. NUMBER = "2",
  7300. PAGES = "151--170"
  7301. }
  7302. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-vantilborg78,
  7303. AUTHOR = "H. C. A. van Tilborg",
  7304. TITLE = "On quasi-cyclic codes with rate {$1/m$}",
  7305. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7306. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  7307. VOLUME = "24",
  7308. YEAR = "1978",
  7309. NUMBER = "5",
  7310. PAGES = "628--630"
  7311. }
  7312. @TechReport{ CGC-alg-art-seguindrolet90,
  7313. author = "G. E. S{\'e}guin and G. Drolet",
  7314. title = "The theory of 1-generator quasi-cyclic codes",
  7315. year = "1990",
  7316. institution = "{Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario}"
  7317. }
  7318. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-gulliver91,
  7319. AUTHOR = "T. A. Gulliver and V. K. Bhargava",
  7320. TITLE = "Some best rate {$1/p$} and rate {$(p-1)/p$} systematic quasi-cyclic codes",
  7321. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7322. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  7323. VOLUME = "37",
  7324. YEAR = "1991",
  7325. NUMBER = "3, part 1",
  7326. PAGES = "552--555"
  7327. }
  7328. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-gaboritZemor08,
  7329. title = "Asymptotic Improvement of the {G}ilbert-{V}arshamov Bound for Linear Codes",
  7330. author = "P. Gaborit and G. Zemor",
  7331. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7332. year = "2008",
  7333. volume = "54",
  7334. number = "9",
  7335. pages = "3865--3872"
  7336. }
  7337. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-fossorier04,
  7338. AUTHOR = "M. P. C. Fossorier",
  7339. TITLE = "Quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check codes from circulant permutation matrices",
  7340. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7341. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  7342. VOLUME = "50",
  7343. YEAR = "2004",
  7344. NUMBER = "8",
  7345. PAGES = "1788--1793"
  7346. }
  7347. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-vuwu,
  7348. author = "V. Vu and L. Wu",
  7349. title = "Improving the {G}ilbert-{V}arshamov bound for q-ary codes",
  7350. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7351. volume = "51",
  7352. year = "2005",
  7353. pages = "3200--3208"
  7354. }
  7355. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-Gaborit-Zemor06,
  7356. title = "Asymptotic improvement of the {G}ilbert-{V}arshamov bound for binary linear codes",
  7357. author = "P. Gaborit and G. Zemor",
  7358. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISIT}~2006",
  7359. pages = "287--291",
  7360. year = "2006"
  7361. }
  7362. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-prep-RS,
  7363. author = "H. Raddum and I. Semaev",
  7364. title = "New Technique for Solving Sparse Equation System",
  7365. institution = "Crypto. ePrint Arch.",
  7366. number = "Rep. 2006/475",
  7367. year = "2006",
  7368. note = ""
  7369. }
  7370. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-prep-MB,
  7371. author = "A. Maximov and A. Biryukov",
  7372. title = "Two trivial attacks on {T}rivium",
  7373. institution = "Crypto. ePrint Arch.",
  7374. number = "Rep. 2007/021",
  7375. year = "2007",
  7376. note = ""
  7377. }
  7378. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-prep-MCP,
  7379. author = "C. McDonald and C. Chernes and J. Pieprzyk",
  7380. title = "An Algebraic Analysis of Trivium Ciphers based on the Boolean Satisfiability Problem",
  7381. institution = "Crypto. ePrint Arch.",
  7382. number = "Rep. 2007/129",
  7383. year = "2007",
  7384. note = ""
  7385. }
  7386. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-prep-Rad,
  7387. author = "H. Raddum",
  7388. title = "Cryptanalytic Results on Trivium",
  7389. institution = "ECRYPT Stream Cipher Project",
  7390. year = "2006",
  7391. note = ""
  7392. }
  7393. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-bihamkeller03,
  7394. title = "{D}ifferential-{L}inear {C}ryptanalysis of {S}erpent",
  7395. booktitle = "Proc. of {FSE}~2003",
  7396. series = "LNCS",
  7397. author = "E. Biham and O. Dunkelman and N. Keller",
  7398. publisher = "Springer",
  7399. pages = "9--21",
  7400. volume = "2887",
  7401. year = "2003"
  7402. }
  7403. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-bihamkeller08,
  7404. title = "A {D}ifferential-{L}inear {A}ttack on $12$-{R}ound {S}erpent",
  7405. booktitle = "Proc. of {INDOCRYPT}~2008",
  7406. series = "LNCS",
  7407. author = "O. Dunkelman and S. Indesteege and N. Keller",
  7408. publisher = "Springer",
  7409. pages = "308--321",
  7410. volume = "5365",
  7411. year = "2008"
  7412. }
  7413. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-bihamkeller02,
  7414. title = "Linear cryptanalysis of reduced round {S}erpent",
  7415. booktitle = "Proc. of {FSE}~2001",
  7416. series = "LNCS",
  7417. author = "E. Biham and O. Dunkelman and N. Keller",
  7418. publisher = "Springer",
  7419. pages = "16--27",
  7420. volume = "2355",
  7421. year = "2002"
  7422. }
  7423. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-bihamkeller02a,
  7424. title = "New {R}esults on {B}oomerang and {R}ectangle {A}ttacks",
  7425. booktitle = "Proc. of {FSE}~2002",
  7426. series = "LNCS",
  7427. author = "E. Biham and O. Dunkelman and N. Keller",
  7428. publisher = "Springer",
  7429. pages = "1--16",
  7430. volume = "2365",
  7431. year = "2002"
  7432. }
  7433. @Misc{ CGC-cry-prep-JiquiangLu,
  7434. title = "New {M}ethodologies for {D}ifferential-{L}inear {C}ryptanalysis and {I}ts {E}xtensions",
  7435. author = "J. Lu",
  7436. howpublished = "Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2010/025",
  7437. year = "2010"
  7438. }
  7439. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-LP07,
  7440. title = "On the Classification of 4 Bit S-Boxes",
  7441. booktitle = "Proc. of WAIFI~2007",
  7442. series = "LNCS",
  7443. author = "G. Leander and A. Poschmann",
  7444. publisher = "Springer",
  7445. pages = "159--176",
  7446. volume = "4547",
  7447. year = "2007"
  7448. }
  7449. @Misc{ CGC-cry-art-wernsdorf2,
  7450. title = "The round functions of {SERPENT} generate the alternating group",
  7451. author = "R. Wernsdorf",
  7452. year = "2000",
  7453. note = ""
  7454. }
  7455. @Misc{ CGC-cry-misc-serpent,
  7456. title = "{SERPENT}: A proposal for the {A}dvanced {E}ncryption {S}tandard",
  7457. author = "R.J. Anderson and E. Biham and L. Knudsen",
  7458. howpublished = "NIST AES Proposal",
  7459. year = "1998"
  7460. }
  7461. @Misc{ CGC-cry-misc-parker03,
  7462. title = " Generalised $S$-box nonlinearity",
  7463. author = "M.G. Parker",
  7464. howpublished = "NESSIE Public Document - NES/DOC/UIB/WP5/020/A,",
  7465. year = "2003",
  7466. note = "SBoxLin.tex, 11.02.03"
  7467. }
  7468. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-nyberg91,
  7469. title = "Perfect nonlinear {S}-boxes",
  7470. booktitle = "Proc. of {EUROCRYPT}~1991",
  7471. series = "LNCS",
  7472. author = "K. Nyberg",
  7473. publisher = "Springer",
  7474. pages = "378--386",
  7475. volume = "547",
  7476. year = "1991"
  7477. }
  7478. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-prep-Singh09,
  7479. title = "On algebraic relations of {SERPENT} {S}-boxes",
  7480. author = "B. Singh and L. Alexander and S. Burman",
  7481. institution = "IACR ePrint Report, 2009/038",
  7482. year = "2009"
  7483. }
  7484. @Misc{ CGC-cry-misc-Dillon,
  7485. title = "APN polynomials: an unpdate",
  7486. author = "J. Dillon",
  7487. howpublished = "Fq9, the 9th international Conference of Finite Fields and applications",
  7488. month = "July",
  7489. year = "2009",
  7490. note = "Fq9, the 9th International Conference of Finite Fields and Applications"
  7491. }
  7492. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-Hou2,
  7493. title = "Affinity of permutations of $\mathbb{F}\_2^n$",
  7494. author = "X.-D. Hou",
  7495. journal = "Discrete Appl. Math.",
  7496. pages = "313--325",
  7497. volume = "154",
  7498. number = "2",
  7499. year = "2006"
  7500. }
  7501. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-carantisalaONan,
  7502. title = "An application of the {O}'{N}an-{S}cott theorem to the group generated by the round functions of an {AES}-like cipher ",
  7503. author = "A. Caranti and F. {Dalla Volta} and M. Sala",
  7504. journal = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography",
  7505. pages = "293--301",
  7506. volume = "52",
  7507. number = "3",
  7508. year = "2009"
  7509. }
  7510. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-LubyRackoff88,
  7511. title = "How to construct pseudorandom permutations from pseudorandom functions ",
  7512. author = "M. Luby and C. Rackoff",
  7513. journal = "SIAM J. Comput.",
  7514. pages = "373--386",
  7515. volume = "17",
  7516. number = "2",
  7517. year = "1988"
  7518. }
  7519. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-AndersonBiham96,
  7520. title = "Two practical and provably secure block ciphers: {BEAR} and {LION}",
  7521. booktitle = "Proc. of {FSE}~1996",
  7522. series = "{LNCS}",
  7523. author = "R. Anderson and E. Biham",
  7524. editor = "",
  7525. publisher = "Springer",
  7526. pages = "113--120",
  7527. volume = "1039",
  7528. year = "1996"
  7529. }
  7530. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-Morin96,
  7531. title = "Provably secure and efficient block ciphers",
  7532. booktitle = "Proc. of SAC~1996",
  7533. author = "P. Morin",
  7534. pages = "30--37",
  7535. year = "1996"
  7536. }
  7537. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-Lucks96,
  7538. title = "Faster {L}uby-{R}ackoff {C}iphers",
  7539. booktitle = "Proc. of {FSE}~1996",
  7540. series = "LNCS",
  7541. author = "S. Lucks",
  7542. publisher = "Springer",
  7543. pages = "189--203",
  7544. volume = "1039",
  7545. year = "1996"
  7546. }
  7547. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-LucksBeast96,
  7548. title = "{BEAST}: A fast block cipher for arbitrary blocksizes",
  7549. booktitle = "Proc. of {IFIP} 1996",
  7550. series = "Chapman \& Hall",
  7551. author = "S. Lucks",
  7552. pages = "144--153",
  7553. year = "1996"
  7554. }
  7555. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-coppersmith98,
  7556. title = "Attacking four-round {L}uby-{R}ackoff ciphers",
  7557. author = "D. Coppersmith",
  7558. journal = "Cryptologia",
  7559. pages = "266--278",
  7560. volume = "22",
  7561. number = "3",
  7562. year = "1998"
  7563. }
  7564. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-ggm86,
  7565. title = "How to construct random functions",
  7566. author = "O. Goldreich and S. Goldwasser and S. Micali",
  7567. journal = "J. ACM",
  7568. pages = "792--807",
  7569. volume = "33",
  7570. number = "4",
  7571. year = "1986",
  7572. fjournal = "Journal of the ACM"
  7573. }
  7574. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-Micheloni08,
  7575. title = "Error Correction Codes for Non-Volatile Memories",
  7576. author = "R. Micheloni and A. Marelli and R. Ravasio",
  7577. publisher = "Springer",
  7578. year = "2008"
  7579. }
  7580. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-maines,
  7581. author = "L. Maines and A. Rimoldi and M. Sala",
  7582. title = "On a weak notion of group representations",
  7583. journal = "work in progress",
  7584. year = "2010",
  7585. pages = "20"
  7586. }
  7587. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-RS,
  7588. AUTHOR = "I. S. Reed and G. Solomon",
  7589. TITLE = "Polynomial codes over certain finite fields",
  7590. JOURNAL = "J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math.",
  7591. VOLUME = "8",
  7592. YEAR = "1960",
  7593. PAGES = "300--304"
  7594. }
  7595. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-YaotsChung10,
  7596. title = "Algebraic Decoding of a Class of Binary Cyclic Codes Via {L}agrange Interpolation Formula",
  7597. author = "Y. Chang and C. Lee",
  7598. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7599. fjournal = "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory",
  7600. pages = "130--139",
  7601. volume = "56",
  7602. year = "2010"
  7603. }
  7604. ////////////////////////messi da Ema
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  7609. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-osullivan2,
  7610. author = "M. E. O'Sullivan",
  7611. title = {On {K}{\"o}tter's Algorithm and the Computation of Error Values},
  7612. journal = "Des., Codes and Crypt.",
  7613. fjournal = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography",
  7614. volume = "31",
  7615. year = "2004",
  7616. pages = "169--188"
  7617. }
  7618. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-DinhLopPerm04AAECC,
  7619. AUTHOR = "H. Dinh and S. L{\'o}pez-Permouth",
  7620. TITLE = "On the equivalence of codes over finite rings",
  7621. JOURNAL = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  7622. VOLUME = "15",
  7623. YEAR = "2004",
  7624. PAGES = "37--50"
  7625. }
  7626. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-DinhLopPerm04FFA,
  7627. AUTHOR = "H. Dinh and S. L{\'o}pez-Permouth",
  7628. TITLE = "On the equivalence of codes over rings and modules",
  7629. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  7630. VOLUME = "10",
  7631. YEAR = "2004",
  7632. PAGES = "615--625"
  7633. }
  7634. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-book-LoChenDillLopPerm97,
  7635. AUTHOR = "Lo and Chen and Dill and L{\'o}pez-Permouth",
  7636. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 4th international symposium on Communication Theory and Applications, Ambleside, UK",
  7637. pages = "59--63",
  7638. TITLE = "The encoder design of a new Trellis-coded modulation with State permutation structure",
  7639. YEAR = "1997"
  7640. }
  7641. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-book-LopPermLindDill00,
  7642. AUTHOR = "L{\'o}pez-Permouth and Lindsey and Dill",
  7643. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of International Conference on Telecommunications 2000, Acapulco, MEXICO",
  7644. TITLE = "On a Trellis Coded Modulation Design with a Strong Tail Biting Constraint",
  7645. YEAR = "2000"
  7646. }
  7647. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-book-CurrLindDillLopPerm01,
  7648. AUTHOR = "Curry and Lindsey and Dill and L{\'o}pez-Permouth",
  7649. BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of SPIE Digital Wireless Communication Conference, Orlando, FL",
  7650. TITLE = "A Group Theoretic Generalization of Circular Trellis Coded Modulation",
  7651. YEAR = "2001",
  7652. pages = "47--56"
  7653. }
  7654. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-RosWang00,
  7655. author = "J. Rosenthal and X. Wang",
  7656. title = "Eigenvalue Completions by Affine Varieties",
  7657. journal = "Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.",
  7658. volume = "128",
  7659. number = "3",
  7660. month = "mar",
  7661. pages = "643--646",
  7662. year = "2000"
  7663. }
  7664. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-book-RosVont00,
  7665. AUTHOR = "J. Rosenthal and P. O. Vontobel",
  7666. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 38-th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing",
  7667. pages = "248--257",
  7668. TITLE = "Constructions of {LDPC} Codes using Ramanujan Graphs and Ideas from {M}argulis",
  7669. YEAR = "2000"
  7670. }
  7671. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-book-Ros01,
  7672. author = "J. Rosenthal",
  7673. title = "Connections between Linear Systems and Convolutional Codes",
  7674. booktitle = "Codes, Systems and Graphical Models",
  7675. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  7676. year = "2001",
  7677. pages = "39--66",
  7678. editor = "B. Marcus and J. Rosenthal",
  7679. series = "{IMA} Vol. 123"
  7680. }
  7681. @TechReport{ CGC-alg-art-RosWang01S,
  7682. author = "J. Rosenthal and X. Wang",
  7683. title = "The Multiplicative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem over an Algebraically Closed Field",
  7684. year = "2001",
  7685. institution = "arXiv",
  7686. type = "arXiv preprint",
  7687. number = " arXiv:math/0009163v1"
  7688. }
  7689. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-RosZel01,
  7690. author = "J. Rosenthal and A. Zelevinsky",
  7691. title = "Multiplicities of Points on {S}chubert Varieties in {G}rassmannians",
  7692. journal = "Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics",
  7693. year = "2001",
  7694. volume = "13",
  7695. pages = "213--218"
  7696. }
  7697. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-book-RosVont01,
  7698. AUTHOR = "J. Rosenthal and P. O. Vontobel",
  7699. BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory",
  7700. pages = "4",
  7701. TITLE = "Constructions of Regular and Irregular {LDPC} Codes using {R}amanujan Graphs and Ideas from {M}argulis",
  7702. YEAR = "2001"
  7703. }
  7704. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-book-SmarRos98a,
  7705. AUTHOR = "R. Smarandache and J. Rosenthal",
  7706. ADDRESS = "Killarney, Kerry, Ireland",
  7707. BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Information Theory Workshop on Information Theory",
  7708. Month = "jun",
  7709. PAGES = "116--117",
  7710. TITLE = "A State Space Approach for Constructing {MDS} Rate $1/n$ Convolutional Codes",
  7711. YEAR = "1998"
  7712. }
  7713. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-book-SmarRos98b,
  7714. AUTHOR = "R. Smarandache and J. Rosenthal",
  7715. ADDRESS = "Boston, MA",
  7716. BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory",
  7717. PAGES = "308",
  7718. TITLE = "Convolutional Code Constructions Resulting in Maximal or near Maximal Free Distance",
  7719. YEAR = "1998"
  7720. }
  7721. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-book-sSmarGluesLuerRos98,
  7722. author = "R. Smarandache and H. Gluesing-Luerssen and J. Rosenthal",
  7723. title = "Generalized First order Descriptions and Canonical Forms for Convolutional Codes",
  7724. booktitle = "Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems",
  7725. pages = "1091--1094",
  7726. year = "1998",
  7727. editor = "A. Beghi and L. Finesso and G. Picci",
  7728. month = "jul",
  7729. note = "Proceedings of the MTNS-98 Symposium held in Padova, Italy"
  7730. }
  7731. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-book-SmarGluesLuerRos00,
  7732. author = "R. Smarandache and H. Gluesing-Luerssen and J. Rosenthal",
  7733. title = "Construction Results for {MDS}-Convolutional Codes",
  7734. booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory",
  7735. year = "2000",
  7736. PAGES = "294",
  7737. address = "Sorrento, Italy"
  7738. }
  7739. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-book-Smar01SV,
  7740. author = "R. Smarandache",
  7741. title = "Unit Memory Convolutional Codes with Maximum Distance",
  7742. booktitle = "Codes, Systems and Graphical Models",
  7743. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  7744. year = "2001",
  7745. pages = "381--396",
  7746. editor = "B. Marcus and J. Rosenthal",
  7747. series = "{IMA} Vol. 123"
  7748. }
  7749. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-SmarGLuesLuerRos01,
  7750. author = "R. Smarandache and H. Gluesing-Luerssen and J. Rosenthal",
  7751. title = "Constructions for {MDS}-Convolutional Codes",
  7752. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7753. year = "2001",
  7754. volume = "47",
  7755. number = "5",
  7756. pages = "2045--2049"
  7757. }
  7758. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-Smar01,
  7759. author = "R. Smarandache",
  7760. title = "Maximum Distance Separable Convolutional Codes, Construction and Decoding",
  7761. school = "University of Notre Dame",
  7762. year = "2001",
  7763. month = "aug",
  7764. note = "Available at\~{}rosen/preprints.html"
  7765. }
  7766. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Just73,
  7767. AUTHOR = "J. Justesen",
  7768. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7769. NUMBER = "2",
  7770. PAGES = "220--225",
  7771. TITLE = "New Convolutional Code Constructions and a Class of Asymptotically Good Time-Varying Codes",
  7772. VOLUME = "IT-19",
  7773. YEAR = "1973"
  7774. }
  7775. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-JustHugh74,
  7776. AUTHOR = "J. Justesen and L. R. Hughes",
  7777. TITLE = "On maximum-distance-separable convolutional codes",
  7778. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. Information Theory",
  7779. VOLUME = "IT-20",
  7780. YEAR = "1974",
  7781. PAGES = "288"
  7782. }
  7783. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Just75,
  7784. AUTHOR = "J. Justesen",
  7785. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7786. NUMBER = "1",
  7787. PAGES = "577--580",
  7788. TITLE = "An Algebraic Construction of Rate $1/{\nu}$ Convolutional Codes",
  7789. VOLUME = "IT-21",
  7790. YEAR = "1975"
  7791. }
  7792. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-JustPaaskBall90,
  7793. AUTHOR = "J. Justesen and E. Paaske and M. Ballan",
  7794. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7795. NUMBER = "3",
  7796. PAGES = "540--547",
  7797. TITLE = "Quasi-Cyclic Unit Memory Convolutional Codes",
  7798. VOLUME = "IT-36",
  7799. YEAR = "1990"
  7800. }
  7801. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-MassCostJust73,
  7802. AUTHOR = "J. L. Massey and D. J. {Costello Jr.} and J. Justesen",
  7803. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7804. NUMBER = "1",
  7805. PAGES = "101--110",
  7806. TITLE = "Polynomial Weights and Code Constructions",
  7807. VOLUME = "IT-19",
  7808. YEAR = "1973"
  7809. }
  7810. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Lauer79,
  7811. author = "G. S. Lauer",
  7812. title = "Some Optimal Partial-Unit-Memory Codes",
  7813. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7814. year = "1979",
  7815. volume = "25",
  7816. pages = "240--243"
  7817. }
  7818. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-MassSain67,
  7819. AUTHOR = "J. L. Massey and M. K. Sain",
  7820. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7821. NUMBER = "6",
  7822. PAGES = "644--650",
  7823. TITLE = "Codes, Automata, and Continuous Systems: Explicit Interconnections",
  7824. VOLUME = "AC-12",
  7825. YEAR = "1967"
  7826. }
  7827. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-MacLBirk67,
  7828. AUTHOR = "G. MacLane and G. Birkhoff",
  7829. ADDRESS = "New York",
  7830. PUBLISHER = "Macmillan",
  7831. TITLE = "Algebra",
  7832. YEAR = "1967",
  7833. KEYWORDS = "systems, algebra"
  7834. }
  7835. @Article{ CGC-misc-art-MassSain68,
  7836. AUTHOR = "J. L. Massey and M. K. Sain",
  7837. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7838. NUMBER = "4",
  7839. PAGES = "330--337",
  7840. TITLE = "Inverses of Linear Sequential Circuits",
  7841. VOLUME = "C-17",
  7842. YEAR = "1968"
  7843. }
  7844. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Forn88,
  7845. AUTHOR = "G. D. {Forney, Jr.}",
  7846. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7847. NUMBER = "5",
  7848. PAGES = "1123--1151",
  7849. TITLE = "Coset Codes {I}. {I}ntroduction and Geometric Classification",
  7850. VOLUME = "IT-34",
  7851. YEAR = "1988"
  7852. }
  7853. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-SolAvgHOnHeis98,
  7854. AUTHOR = "F. I. Solov{\cprime}eva and S. V. Avgustinovich and T. Honold and W. Heise",
  7855. TITLE = "On the extendability of code isometries",
  7856. JOURNAL = "J. Geom.",
  7857. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Geometry",
  7858. VOLUME = "61",
  7859. YEAR = "1998",
  7860. NUMBER = "1-2",
  7861. PAGES = "3--16",
  7862. ISSN = "0047-2468",
  7863. CODEN = "JGMAY3",
  7864. MRCLASS = "94B25 (51E99)",
  7865. MRNUMBER = "99a:94053",
  7866. MRREVIEWER = "Italo Jos{\'e} Dejter"
  7867. }
  7868. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-Hon96,
  7869. AUTHOR = "T. Honold",
  7870. TITLE = "A proof of {M}ac{W}illiams' identity",
  7871. JOURNAL = "J. Geom.",
  7872. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Geometry",
  7873. VOLUME = "57",
  7874. YEAR = "1996",
  7875. NUMBER = "1-2",
  7876. PAGES = "120--122"
  7877. }
  7878. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-KonstKhauiz97,
  7879. AUTHOR = "I. Konstantinesku and V. {Kha\u{\i} ze}",
  7880. TITLE = "A metric for codes over residue class rings of integers",
  7881. JOURNAL = "Problemy Peredachi Informatsii",
  7882. FJOURNAL = "Rossi\u\i skaya Akademiya Nauk. Problemy Peredachi Informatsii",
  7883. VOLUME = "33",
  7884. YEAR = "1997",
  7885. NUMBER = "3",
  7886. PAGES = "22--28"
  7887. }
  7888. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-HouLeungMa03,
  7889. AUTHOR = "X. Hou and K. H. Leung and S. L. Ma",
  7890. TITLE = "On the groups of units of finite commutative chain rings",
  7891. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl",
  7892. VOLUME = "9",
  7893. PAGES = "20--38",
  7894. YEAR = "2003"
  7895. }
  7896. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-LeungLingXing02,
  7897. AUTHOR = "K. H. Leung and S. Ling and C. Xing",
  7898. TITLE = "New binary linear codes from algebraic curves",
  7899. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7900. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  7901. VOLUME = "48",
  7902. YEAR = "2002",
  7903. NUMBER = "1",
  7904. PAGES = "285--287"
  7905. }
  7906. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-VOssHohldt97,
  7907. AUTHOR = "C. Voss and T. H{\o}holdt",
  7908. TITLE = "An explicit construction of a sequence of codes attaining the {T}sfasman-{V}l\u adut-{Z}ink bound: the first steps",
  7909. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7910. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  7911. VOLUME = "43",
  7912. YEAR = "1997",
  7913. NUMBER = "1",
  7914. PAGES = "128--135"
  7915. }
  7916. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-FagnZamp01,
  7917. AUTHOR = "F. Fagnani and S. Zampieri",
  7918. TITLE = "System-theoretic properties of convolutional codes over rings",
  7919. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7920. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  7921. VOLUME = "47",
  7922. YEAR = "2001",
  7923. NUMBER = "6",
  7924. PAGES = "2256--2274"
  7925. }
  7926. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-LoelMitt96,
  7927. AUTHOR = "H.-A. Loeliger and T. Mittelholzer",
  7928. TITLE = "Convolutional codes over groups",
  7929. NOTE = "Codes and complexity",
  7930. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7931. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  7932. VOLUME = "42",
  7933. YEAR = "1996",
  7934. NUMBER = "6, part 1",
  7935. PAGES = "1660--1686"
  7936. }
  7937. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-JohannWanWitt98,
  7938. AUTHOR = "R. Johannesson and Z.-X. Wan and E. Wittenmark",
  7939. TITLE = "Some structural properties of convolutional codes over rings",
  7940. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7941. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  7942. VOLUME = "44",
  7943. YEAR = "1998",
  7944. NUMBER = "2",
  7945. PAGES = "839--845"
  7946. }
  7947. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-book-SullGrefSmar02,
  7948. AUTHOR = "M. E. O'Sullivan and M. Greferath and R. Smarandache",
  7949. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 38-th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing",
  7950. PAGES = "",
  7951. TITLE = "Construction of LDPC Codes from Affine Permutation Matrices",
  7952. YEAR = 2002
  7953. }
  7954. \%lopez
  7955. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-KanwLopPer97,
  7956. AUTHOR = "P. Kanwar and S. R. L{\'o}pez-Permouth",
  7957. TITLE = "Cyclic codes over the integers modulo {$p\sp m$}",
  7958. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  7959. FJOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  7960. VOLUME = "3",
  7961. YEAR = "1997",
  7962. NUMBER = "4",
  7963. PAGES = "334--352"
  7964. }
  7965. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-GrefNechWisb04,
  7966. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath and A. Nechaev and R. Wisbauer",
  7967. TITLE = "Finite quasi-{F}robenius modules and linear codes",
  7968. JOURNAL = "J. Algebra Appl.",
  7969. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Algebra and its Applications",
  7970. VOLUME = "3",
  7971. YEAR = "2004",
  7972. NUMBER = "3",
  7973. PAGES = "247--272"
  7974. }
  7975. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Blak75,
  7976. AUTHOR = "I. F. Blake",
  7977. TITLE = "Codes over integer residue rings",
  7978. JOURNAL = "Information and Control",
  7979. VOLUME = "29",
  7980. YEAR = "1975",
  7981. NUMBER = "4",
  7982. PAGES = "295--300"
  7983. }
  7984. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-CaldSloan95,
  7985. AUTHOR = "A. R. Calderbank and N. J. A. Sloane",
  7986. TITLE = "Modular and {$p$}-adic cyclic codes",
  7987. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  7988. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  7989. VOLUME = "6",
  7990. YEAR = "1995",
  7991. NUMBER = "1",
  7992. PAGES = "21--35"
  7993. }
  7994. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Shank79,
  7995. AUTHOR = "P. Shankar",
  7996. TITLE = "On {BCH} codes over arbitrary integer rings",
  7997. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  7998. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  7999. VOLUME = "25",
  8000. YEAR = "1979",
  8001. NUMBER = "4",
  8002. PAGES = "480--483"
  8003. }
  8004. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Hell68,
  8005. AUTHOR = "J. A. Heller",
  8006. TITLE = "Short constraint length convolutional codes",
  8007. JOURNAL = "CALTECH Space Programs Summary",
  8008. FJOURNAL = "Jet Propulsion Lab, California Inst. Technol.",
  8009. VOLUME = "3",
  8010. YEAR = "1968",
  8011. PAGES = "171--177"
  8012. }
  8013. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-RosSchumYork96,
  8014. author = "J. Rosenthal and J. M. Schumacher and E. V. York",
  8015. title = "On Behaviors and Convolutional Codes",
  8016. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  8017. year = "1996",
  8018. volume = "42",
  8019. number = "6, part 1",
  8020. pages = "1881--1891"
  8021. }
  8022. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Smar00,
  8023. AUTHOR = "R. Smarandache",
  8024. TITLE = "Unit memory convolutional codes with maximum distance",
  8025. JOURNAL = "Codes, Systems and Graphical Models",
  8026. VOLUME = "123",
  8027. YEAR = "2000",
  8028. NUMBER = "6",
  8029. PAGES = "381--396"
  8030. }
  8031. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-book-McEl98,
  8032. author = "R. J. McEliece",
  8033. title = "The Algebraic Theory of Convolutional Codes",
  8034. booktitle = "Handbook of Coding Theory",
  8035. publisher = "Elsevier",
  8036. year = "1998",
  8037. volume = "1",
  8038. pages = "1065--1138"
  8039. }
  8040. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Loel94,
  8041. AUTHOR = "H. A. Loeliger",
  8042. TITLE = "An upper bound on the volume of discrete spheres",
  8043. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  8044. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  8045. VOLUME = "40",
  8046. YEAR = "1994",
  8047. NUMBER = "6",
  8048. PAGES = "2071--2073"
  8049. }
  8050. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-RosSott98,
  8051. AUTHOR = "J. Rosenthal and F. Sottile",
  8052. TITLE = "Some remarks on real and complex output feedback",
  8053. JOURNAL = "Systems Control Lett.",
  8054. FJOURNAL = "Systems \& Control Letters",
  8055. VOLUME = "33",
  8056. YEAR = "1998",
  8057. NUMBER = "2",
  8058. PAGES = "73--80"
  8059. }
  8060. @InCollection{ CGC-misc-book-ROsWill98,
  8061. author = "J. Rosenthal and J. C. Willems",
  8062. title = "Open Problems in the Area of Pole Placement",
  8063. booktitle = "Open Problems in Mathematical Systems and Control Theory",
  8064. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  8065. pages = "181--191",
  8066. chapter = "37",
  8067. year = "1998",
  8068. editor = "V. D. Blondel and E. D. Sontag and M. Vidyasagar and J. C. Willems",
  8069. address = "London, Berlin, New York"
  8070. }
  8071. @InCollection{ CGC-misc-book-ROsWill98b,
  8072. author = "J. Rosenthal",
  8073. title = "An Optimal Control Theory for Systems defined over Finite Rings",
  8074. booktitle = "Open Problems in Mathematical Systems and Control Theory",
  8075. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  8076. pages = "193--201",
  8077. chapter = "37",
  8078. year = "1998",
  8079. editor = "V. D. Blondel and E. D. Sontag and M. Vidyasagar and J. C. Willems",
  8080. address = "London, Berlin, New York"
  8081. }
  8082. @InProceedings{ CGC-misc-book-RosSmar98,
  8083. AUTHOR = "J. Rosenthal and R. Smarandache",
  8084. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 36-th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing",
  8085. pages = "576--583",
  8086. TITLE = "On the Dual of {MDS} Convolutional Codes",
  8087. YEAR = "1998"
  8088. }
  8089. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-ROsSmar98,
  8090. title = "Maximum distance separable convolutional codes",
  8091. author = "J. Rosenthal and R. Smarandache",
  8092. journal = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  8093. volume = "10",
  8094. number = "1",
  8095. pages = "15--32",
  8096. year = "1999",
  8097. publisher = "Springer"
  8098. }
  8099. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-book-Ros99,
  8100. author = "J. Rosenthal",
  8101. title = "An Algebraic Decoding Algorithm for Convolutional Codes",
  8102. booktitle = "Dynamical Systems, Control, Coding, Computer Vision: New Trends, Interfaces, and Interplay",
  8103. pages = "343--360",
  8104. publisher = {Birk{\"a}user},
  8105. editor = "G. Picci and D.S. Gilliam",
  8106. address = "Boston-Basel-Berlin",
  8107. isbn = "3-7643-6060-7",
  8108. year = "1999"
  8109. }
  8110. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-RosYork99,
  8111. author = "J. Rosenthal and E. V. York",
  8112. title = "{BCH} Convolutional Codes",
  8113. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  8114. year = "1999",
  8115. volume = "45",
  8116. number = "6",
  8117. pages = "1833--1844"
  8118. }
  8119. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-RosSmar99,
  8120. author = "J. Rosenthal and R. Smarandache",
  8121. title = "Maximum Distance Separable Convolutional Codes",
  8122. journal = "AAECC",
  8123. year = "1999",
  8124. volume = "10",
  8125. number = "1",
  8126. pages = "15--32"
  8127. }
  8128. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-book-HonLand01,
  8129. AUTHOR = "T. Honold and I. Landjev",
  8130. TITLE = "Mac{W}illiams identities for linear codes over finite {F}robenius rings",
  8131. BOOKTITLE = "Finite fields and applications (Augsburg, 1999)",
  8132. PAGES = "276--292",
  8133. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  8134. ADDRESS = "Berlin",
  8135. YEAR = "2001"
  8136. }
  8137. \%hono00,
  8138. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-Hon01,
  8139. AUTHOR = "T. Honold",
  8140. TITLE = "Characterization of finite {F}robenius rings",
  8141. JOURNAL = "Arch. Math. (Basel)",
  8142. FJOURNAL = "Archiv der Mathematik. Archives of Mathematics. Archives Math{\'e}matiques",
  8143. VOLUME = "76",
  8144. YEAR = "2001",
  8145. NUMBER = "6",
  8146. PAGES = "406--415"
  8147. }
  8148. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-NechKhon99,
  8149. AUTHOR = "A. A. Nechaev and T. Khonol{\cprime}d",
  8150. TITLE = "Fully weighted modules and representations of codes",
  8151. JOURNAL = "Problemy Peredachi Informatsii",
  8152. FJOURNAL = "Rossi\u\i skaya Akademiya Nauk. Problemy Peredachi Informatsii",
  8153. VOLUME = "35",
  8154. YEAR = "1999",
  8155. NUMBER = "3",
  8156. PAGES = "18--39"
  8157. }
  8158. @Misc{ CGC-alg-misc-GreuelPfistSchn07,
  8159. author = {G.-M. Greuel and G. Pfister and H. Sch{\"o}nemann},
  8160. title = "Singular 3.0. {A} computer algebra system for polynomial computations",
  8161. note = "{Centre for Computer Algebra, University of Kaiserslautern}",
  8162. howpublished = "",
  8163. year = "2007"
  8164. }
  8165. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-PrenGovVar91,
  8166. author = "B. Preneel and R. Govaerts and J. Varitlevalle",
  8167. year = "1991",
  8168. title = "Boolean functions satisfying higher order propagation criteria",
  8169. booktitle = "Proc. of {EUROCRYPTO}1991",
  8170. publisher = "Springer",
  8171. volume = "547",
  8172. series = "LNCS",
  8173. pages = "141--152"
  8174. }
  8175. @Misc{ CGC-cry-miscQuSebXia01,
  8176. author = "C. Qu and J. Seberry and T. Xia",
  8177. year = "2001",
  8178. title = "Boolean {F}unctions in {C}ryptography",
  8179. note = ""
  8180. }
  8181. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-BihamChen05,
  8182. author = "E. Biham and R. Chen",
  8183. year = "2004",
  8184. title = "Near-Collision of {SHA-0}",
  8185. booktitle = "Proc. of CRYPTO~2004",
  8186. publisher = "Springer",
  8187. volume = "3152",
  8188. series = "LNCS",
  8189. editor = "M. Franklin",
  8190. pages = "290"
  8191. }
  8192. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-bookBihamChenJouxCarrLemJalby05,
  8193. AUTHOR = "E. Biham and R. Chen and A. Joux and P. Carribault and C. Lemuet and W. Jalby",
  8194. TITLE = "Collisions of {SHA}-0 and reduced {SHA}-1",
  8195. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of {EUROCRYPT}~2005",
  8196. SERIES = "LNCS",
  8197. VOLUME = "3494",
  8198. PAGES = "36--57",
  8199. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  8200. YEAR = "2005"
  8201. }
  8202. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-WangYinYu05,
  8203. AUTHOR = "X. Wang and Y. L. Yin and H. Yu",
  8204. TITLE = "Finding collisions in the full {SHA}-1",
  8205. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of {CRYPTO}~2005",
  8206. SERIES = "LNCS",
  8207. VOLUME = "3621",
  8208. PAGES = "17--36",
  8209. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  8210. YEAR = "2005"
  8211. }
  8212. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-WangYuYinCRYPTO05,
  8213. AUTHOR = "X. Wang and H. Yu and Y. L. Yin",
  8214. TITLE = "Efficient collision search attacks on {SHA}-0",
  8215. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of {CRYPTO}~2005",
  8216. SERIES = "LNCS",
  8217. VOLUME = "3621",
  8218. PAGES = "1--16",
  8219. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  8220. YEAR = "2005"
  8221. }
  8222. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-MarkGligMark05,
  8223. AUTHOR = "S. Markovski and D. Gligoroski and J. Markovski",
  8224. TITLE = "Classification of quasigroups by random walk on torus",
  8225. JOURNAL = "J. Appl. Math. Comput.",
  8226. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Applied Mathematics \& Computing",
  8227. VOLUME = "19",
  8228. YEAR = "2005",
  8229. NUMBER = "1-2",
  8230. PAGES = "57--75",
  8231. ISSN = "1598-5865"
  8232. }
  8233. @Book{ CGC-misc-book-Pomm05,
  8234. AUTHOR = "K. Pommerening",
  8235. TITLE = "Fourier Analysis of {B}oolean Maps. {A} Tutorial",
  8236. ADDRESS = "Mainz",
  8237. YEAR = "2005",
  8238. publisher = "white paper"
  8239. }
  8240. @Book{ CGC-misc-book-DenKeed74,
  8241. AUTHOR = "J. D{\'e}nes and A. D. Keedwell",
  8242. TITLE = "Latin squares and their applications",
  8243. PUBLISHER = "Academic Press",
  8244. ADDRESS = "New York",
  8245. YEAR = "1974",
  8246. PAGES = "547"
  8247. }
  8248. @Article{ CGC-misc-art-McKWanl05,
  8249. AUTHOR = "B. D. McKay and I. M. Wanless",
  8250. TITLE = "On the number of {L}atin squares",
  8251. JOURNAL = "Ann. Comb.",
  8252. FJOURNAL = "Annals of Combinatorics",
  8253. VOLUME = "9",
  8254. YEAR = "2005",
  8255. NUMBER = "3",
  8256. PAGES = "335--344",
  8257. ISSN = "0218-0006"
  8258. }
  8259. @MastersThesis{ CGC-alg-thesis-Dim05,
  8260. author = "V. Dimitrova",
  8261. title = "Kvazigrupni Transformacii i Nivni Primeni ({Q}uasigroup Transformations and Their Applications)",
  8262. school = "Ss. Cyril and Methodius University",
  8263. year = "2005",
  8264. type = "MSc thesis",
  8265. address = "Skopje"
  8266. }
  8267. @Book{ CGC-misc-book-ColbDin96,
  8268. AUTHOR = "C. J. Colbourn and J. Dinitz",
  8269. TITLE = "{CRC Handbook of Combinatorial Design}",
  8270. PUBLISHER = "CRC Press",
  8271. ADDRESS = "Boca Raton",
  8272. YEAR = "1996"
  8273. }
  8274. @Misc{ CGC-misc-misc-DesignTheory,
  8275. title = "{The Encyclopaedia of Design Theory}",
  8276. author = "white paper {white paper}",
  8277. note = " {}"
  8278. }
  8279. @Misc{ CGC-misc-misc-McKayLatinSq,
  8280. author = "B. McKay",
  8281. title = "Latin squares",
  8282. note = "˜bdm/data/latin.html"
  8283. }
  8284. @Misc{ CGC-alg-misc-poli,
  8285. title = "The software package {P}oly{B}ori - {P}olynomials over {B}oolean {R}ings",
  8286. key = "pol",
  8287. note = ""
  8288. }
  8289. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-And07,
  8290. AUTHOR = "H. E. Andersen",
  8291. TITLE = "On puncturing of codes from norm-trace curves",
  8292. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  8293. FJOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  8294. VOLUME = "13",
  8295. YEAR = "2007",
  8296. NUMBER = "1",
  8297. PAGES = "136--157"
  8298. }
  8299. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-AssmMatt63,
  8300. AUTHOR = "Jr. E. F. Assmus and H. F. Mattson",
  8301. TITLE = "Error-correcting codes: {A}n axiomatic approach",
  8302. JOURNAL = "Information and Control",
  8303. FJOURNAL = "Information and Computation",
  8304. VOLUME = "6",
  8305. YEAR = "1963",
  8306. PAGES = "315--330"
  8307. }
  8308. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-JiangDingHu07,
  8309. author = "X. Jiang and J. Ding and L. Hu",
  8310. title = "{Kipnis-Shamir's attack on HFE revisited}",
  8311. booktitle = "Inscrypt~2007",
  8312. publisher = "Springer",
  8313. editor = "D. Feng and Y. Zhang",
  8314. year = "2007",
  8315. series = "LNCS"
  8316. }
  8317. @Article{ CGC-misc-art-Thier00,
  8318. author = "T. Thierauf",
  8319. title = "The Computational Complexity of Equivalence and Isomorphism Problems",
  8320. volume = "1852",
  8321. journal = "LNCS",
  8322. publisher = "Springer",
  8323. pages = "1--135",
  8324. year = "2000"
  8325. }
  8326. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-CabCarTrav08,
  8327. author = "M. Caboara and F. Caruso and C. Traverso",
  8328. title = {{G}r{\"o}bner Bases for Public Key Cryptography},
  8329. year = "2008",
  8330. editor = "L. Gonzalez-Vega",
  8331. booktitle = "Proc. of ISSAC~2008",
  8332. publisher = "ACM"
  8333. }
  8334. @PhDThesis{ CGC-alg-phdthesis-Dick89,
  8335. author = "M. T. Dickerson",
  8336. title = "The Functional Decomposition of Polynomials",
  8337. year = "1989",
  8338. school = "Cornell University",
  8339. address = "Ithaca, NY, USA"
  8340. }
  8341. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-GathGutRub03,
  8342. author = "J. von zur Gathen and J. Gutierrez and R. Rubio",
  8343. title = "Multivariate Polynomial Decomposition",
  8344. journal = "Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput.",
  8345. volume = "14",
  8346. number = "1",
  8347. year = "2003",
  8348. pages = "11--31"
  8349. }
  8350. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-FellKobl94,
  8351. author = "M. Fellows and N. Koblitz",
  8352. title = "Combinatorial cryptosystems galore!",
  8353. booktitle = "Finite Fields: Theory, Applications, and Algorithms",
  8354. series = "Contemporary Mathematics",
  8355. volume = "168",
  8356. publisher = "AMS",
  8357. year = "1994",
  8358. editor = "G. L. Mullen and P. J.-S. Shiue",
  8359. pages = "51--61"
  8360. }
  8361. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-FouqMacStern08,
  8362. author = "P.-A. Fouque and G. Macario-Rat and J. Stern",
  8363. title = "Key Recovery on Hidden Monomial Multivariate Schemes",
  8364. year = "2008",
  8365. pages = "19--30",
  8366. editor = "N. P. Smart",
  8367. booktitle = "EUROCRYPT~2008",
  8368. publisher = "Springer",
  8369. series = "LNCS",
  8370. volume = "4965"
  8371. }
  8372. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-FouqMacPerrStern08,
  8373. author = "P. A. Fouque and G. Macario-Rat and L. Perret and J. Stern",
  8374. title = "Total Break of the {\it }-{IC} Signature Scheme",
  8375. year = "2008",
  8376. pages = "1--17",
  8377. booktitle = "PKC~2008",
  8378. publisher = "Springer",
  8379. series = "LNCS",
  8380. volume = "4939"
  8381. }
  8382. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-DingWolfYang07,
  8383. author = "J. Ding and C. Wolf and B.-Y. Yang",
  8384. title = "-invertible Cycles for {Multivariate Quadratic} ({MQ}) Public Key Cryptography$\ell$",
  8385. pages = "266--281",
  8386. editor = "T. Okamoto and X. Wang",
  8387. booktitle = "PKC~2007",
  8388. publisher = "Springer",
  8389. series = "LNCS",
  8390. volume = "4450",
  8391. year = "2007"
  8392. }
  8393. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-DingHuNieLiWagn07,
  8394. author = "J. Ding and L. Hu and X. Nie and J. Li and J. Wagner",
  8395. title = "{High Order Linearization Equation (HOLE)} Attack on Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems",
  8396. booktitle = "PKC~2007",
  8397. editor = "T. Okamoto and X. Wang",
  8398. year = "2007",
  8399. publisher = "Springer",
  8400. series = "LNCS"
  8401. }
  8402. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-WangYangHuLai06,
  8403. author = "L.-C. Wang and B.-Y. Yang and Y.-H. Hu and F. Lai",
  8404. title = "A {``Medium-Field''} Multivariate Public-Key Encryption Scheme",
  8405. year = "2006",
  8406. pages = "132--149",
  8407. editor = "D. Pointcheval",
  8408. booktitle = "CT-RSA~2006",
  8409. publisher = "Springer",
  8410. series = "LNCS",
  8411. volume = "3860"
  8412. }
  8413. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-DingSchm04,
  8414. author = "J. Ding and D. Schmidt",
  8415. title = "The New implementation schemes of the {TTM} cryptosystem are Not Secure",
  8416. journal = "Progr. Comput. Sci. Appl. Logic",
  8417. volume = "23",
  8418. PUBLISHER = {Birkh{\"a}user},
  8419. year = "2004",
  8420. PAGES = "113--127"
  8421. }
  8422. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-Moh99,
  8423. author = "T. T. Moh",
  8424. title = "A Fast Public Key System With Signature And Master Key Functions",
  8425. booktitle = "{Proc. of CrypTEC99}",
  8426. year = "1999",
  8427. publisher = "{Hong Kong City press}"
  8428. }
  8429. @Misc{ CGC-cry-misc-FaugArs03,
  8430. author = "J. Faug{\`e}re and G. Ars",
  8431. title = {An Algebraic Cryptanalysis of Nonlinear Filter Generators using {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  8432. note = "INRIA Research Report 4739, 2003"
  8433. }
  8434. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-CourtMeier03,
  8435. author = "N. Courtois and W. Meier",
  8436. title = "Algebraic Attacks on Stream Ciphers with Linear Feedback",
  8437. year = "2003",
  8438. pages = "345--359",
  8439. editor = "E. Biham",
  8440. booktitle = "EUROCRYPT~2003",
  8441. publisher = "Springer",
  8442. series = "LNCS",
  8443. volume = "2656"
  8444. }
  8445. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-ChRiv88,
  8446. author = "B. Chor and R. Rivest",
  8447. title = "{A knapsack-type public key cryptosystem based on arithmetic in finite fields}",
  8448. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  8449. volume = "IT-34",
  8450. year = "1988",
  8451. pages = "901--909"
  8452. }
  8453. @Misc{ CGC-cry-misc-WolfPren05,
  8454. author = "C. Wolf and B. Preneel",
  8455. title = "{Taxonomy of Public Key Schemes Based on the Problem of Multivariate Quadratic Equations}",
  8456. howpublished = "Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2005/077",
  8457. year = "2005",
  8458. note = "{}"
  8459. }
  8460. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-RSA78,
  8461. author = "R. L. Rivest and A. Shamir and L. M. Adleman",
  8462. title = "{A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems}",
  8463. journal = "Commun. ACM",
  8464. volume = "21",
  8465. number = "2",
  8466. year = "1978",
  8467. pages = "120--126",
  8468. publisher = "ACM Press"
  8469. }
  8470. @TechReport{ CGC-cry-art-Rab79,
  8471. author = "M. O. Rabin",
  8472. title = "{Digital signatures and public-key functions as intractable as factorization}",
  8473. institution = "MIT laboratory for computer science",
  8474. month = "01",
  8475. number = "MIT/LCS/TR-212",
  8476. year = "1979"
  8477. }
  8478. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-LidlNied03,
  8479. author = "R. Lidl and H. Niederreiter",
  8480. title = "{Finite fields}",
  8481. publisher = "Cambridge university press",
  8482. year = "2003",
  8483. series = "Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications",
  8484. volume = "20"
  8485. }
  8486. @Book{ CGC-misc-book-Knuth97,
  8487. edition = "{Third}",
  8488. title = "{The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms}",
  8489. volume = "2",
  8490. author = "D. E. Knuth",
  8491. editor = "Addison-Wesley",
  8492. publisher = "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics",
  8493. year = "1997"
  8494. }
  8495. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-GathSh92,
  8496. author = "J. von zur Gathen and V. Shoup",
  8497. title = "{Computing Frobenius Maps and Factoring Polynomials}",
  8498. journal = "Computational Complexity",
  8499. volume = "2",
  8500. year = "1992",
  8501. pages = "187--224"
  8502. }
  8503. @MastersThesis{ CGC-alg-tesi5-maines,
  8504. author = "Lara Maines",
  8505. title = "Una debole rappresentazione del gruppo simmetrico",
  8506. school = "University of Trento",
  8507. year = "2009",
  8508. type = "Master's thesis (Laurea specialistica)",
  8509. address = "Department of Mathematics"
  8510. }
  8511. @MastersThesis{ CGC-cd-tesi4-bresnan,
  8512. author = "Richard Bresnan",
  8513. title = "Novel code construction and decoding thecniques for LDPC codes",
  8514. school = "University College Cork",
  8515. year = "2004",
  8516. type = "Master's thesis",
  8517. address = "Department of Electronic Engeneering"
  8518. }
  8519. @MastersThesis{ CGC-cd-tesi4-giorgetti,
  8520. author = "Marta Giorgetti",
  8521. title = "An investigation of {LDPC} decoding for {G}oppa Codes",
  8522. school = "University of Milano Bicocca",
  8523. year = "2003",
  8524. type = "Master's thesis {S}{A}{M}{I}/ {M}{A}{M}{I}",
  8525. address = "Department of Mathematics and Appl."
  8526. }
  8527. @MastersThesis{ CGC-cd-tesi4-orsini,
  8528. author = "Emmanuela Orsini",
  8529. title = "Costruzione di codici Goppa {LDPC}",
  8530. school = "University of Milano Bicocca",
  8531. year = "2004",
  8532. type = "Master's thesis {SAMI}/{MAMI}",
  8533. address = "Department of Mathematics and Appl"
  8534. }
  8535. @MastersThesis{ CGC-cry-tesi3-rimoldi,
  8536. author = "Anna Rimoldi",
  8537. title = "Coppersmith's algorithm using {F}itzpatrick techniques",
  8538. school = "University of Milano- Bicocca",
  8539. year = "2005",
  8540. type = "Master's thesis (Laurea specialistica)",
  8541. address = "Department of Mathematics and Applications"
  8542. }
  8543. @MastersThesis{ CGC-cd-tesi2-guerrini,
  8544. author = "Eleonora Guerrini",
  8545. title = "On distance and optimality in non-linear codes",
  8546. school = "Univ. of Pisa",
  8547. year = "2005",
  8548. type = "Master's thesis (Laurea)",
  8549. address = "Dept. of Math."
  8550. }
  8551. \%\%NUOVI
  8552. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-BER84,
  8553. title = "Algebraic coding theory (Revised Edition)",
  8554. publisher = "Aegean Park Press",
  8555. year = "1984",
  8556. author = "E. R. Berlekamp",
  8557. pages = "474",
  8558. address = "Walnut Creek, Canada"
  8559. }
  8560. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-Castagnoli:AAECC1989,
  8561. title = "On the asymptotic badness of cyclic codes with block-lengths composed from a fixed set of prime factors",
  8562. booktitle = "LNCS",
  8563. volume = "357",
  8564. publisher = "Springer",
  8565. year = "1989",
  8566. pages = "164--168",
  8567. address = "Berlin / Heidelberg",
  8568. author = "G. Castagnoli"
  8569. }
  8570. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-CHI64,
  8571. author = "R. T. Chien",
  8572. title = "Cyclic Decoding Procedure for the Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem Codes",
  8573. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  8574. year = "1964",
  8575. volume = "10",
  8576. pages = "357--363"
  8577. }
  8578. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-HAMM,
  8579. author = "R. W. Hamming",
  8580. title = "Error detecting and error correcting codes",
  8581. journal = "Bell Systems Technical Journal",
  8582. year = "1950",
  8583. volume = "29",
  8584. pages = "147--160"
  8585. }
  8586. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-PLE82,
  8587. title = "Introduction to the theory of Error-Correcting codes",
  8588. publisher = "John Wiley",
  8589. year = "1982",
  8590. author = "V. Pless",
  8591. pages = "xi+169",
  8592. address = "New York"
  8593. }
  8594. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-SIN64,
  8595. AUTHOR = "R. C. Singleton",
  8596. TITLE = "Maximum distance {$q$}-nary codes",
  8597. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. Information Theory",
  8598. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  8599. VOLUME = "IT-10",
  8600. YEAR = "1964",
  8601. PAGES = "116--118",
  8602. ISSN = "0018-9448"
  8603. }
  8604. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-KaLiPe68,
  8605. AUTHOR = "T. Kasami and S. Lin and W. W. Peterson",
  8606. TITLE = "New generalizations of the {R}eed-{M}uller codes. {I}. {P}rimitive codes",
  8607. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  8608. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  8609. VOLUME = "14",
  8610. YEAR = "1968",
  8611. PAGES = "189--199"
  8612. }
  8613. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-PellWu04,
  8614. AUTHOR = "R. Pellikaan and X.-W. Wu",
  8615. TITLE = "List decoding of {$q$}-ary {R}eed-{M}uller codes",
  8616. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  8617. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  8618. VOLUME = "50",
  8619. YEAR = "2004",
  8620. NUMBER = "4",
  8621. PAGES = "679--682",
  8622. ISSN = "0018-9448"
  8623. }
  8624. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-Schw80,
  8625. AUTHOR = "J. T. Schwartz",
  8626. TITLE = "Fast probabilistic algorithms for verification of polynomial identities",
  8627. JOURNAL = "J. Assoc. Comput. Mach.",
  8628. FJOURNAL = "Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery",
  8629. VOLUME = "27",
  8630. YEAR = "1980",
  8631. NUMBER = "4",
  8632. PAGES = "701--717",
  8633. ISSN = "0004-5411"
  8634. }
  8635. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Krachkovsky03,
  8636. author = "V. Y. Krachkovsky",
  8637. title = "{R}eed--{S}olomon Codes for Correcting Phased Error Bursts",
  8638. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  8639. volume = "49",
  8640. number = "11",
  8641. year = "2003",
  8642. pages = "2975--2984"
  8643. }
  8644. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-GuruswamiRudra08,
  8645. author = "V. Guruswami and A. Rudra",
  8646. title = "Explicit Codes Achieving List Decoding Capacity: Error-Correction With Optimal Redundancy",
  8647. journal = "IEEE Trans. On Inf. Th.",
  8648. volume = "54",
  8649. number = "1",
  8650. pages = "135--150",
  8651. year = "2008"
  8652. }
  8653. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-art-Zip79,
  8654. AUTHOR = "R. Zippel",
  8655. TITLE = "Probabilistic algorithms for sparse polynomials",
  8656. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of {EUROSAM}~1979",
  8657. SERIES = "LNCS",
  8658. VOLUME = "72",
  8659. PAGES = "216--226",
  8660. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  8661. YEAR = "1979"
  8662. }
  8663. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-quad,
  8664. author = "C. Berbain and H. Gilbert and J. Patarin",
  8665. title = "{QUAD}: A Practical Stream Cipher with Provable Security",
  8666. year = "2006",
  8667. pages = "109--128",
  8668. editor = "S. Vaudenay",
  8669. booktitle = "EUROCRYPT~2006",
  8670. publisher = "Springer",
  8671. series = "LNCS",
  8672. volume = "4004"
  8673. }
  8674. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-ivquad,
  8675. author = "C. Berbain and H. Gilbert",
  8676. title = "On the Security of {IV} Dependent Stream Ciphers",
  8677. year = "2007",
  8678. pages = "254--273",
  8679. editor = "A. Biryukov",
  8680. booktitle = "FSE~2007",
  8681. publisher = "Springer",
  8682. series = "LNCS",
  8683. volume = "4593"
  8684. }
  8685. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-mqhash,
  8686. author = "O. Billet and M. J. B. Robshaw and T. Peyrin",
  8687. title = "On Building Hash Functions from Multivariate Quadratic Equations",
  8688. year = "2007",
  8689. pages = "82--95",
  8690. editor = "J. Pieprzyk and H. Ghodosi and E. Dawson",
  8691. booktitle = "ACISP~2007",
  8692. publisher = "Springer",
  8693. series = "LNCS",
  8694. volume = "4586"
  8695. }
  8696. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-yesha,
  8697. author = "A. S. Fraenkel and Y. Yesha",
  8698. title = "Complexity of Solving Algebraic Equations",
  8699. journal = "Inf. Process. Lett.",
  8700. volume = "10",
  8701. number = "4/5",
  8702. year = "1980",
  8703. pages = "178--179"
  8704. }
  8705. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Nied98,
  8706. author = "H. Niederreiter",
  8707. title = "Knapsack-type cryptosystems and algebraic coding theory",
  8708. journal = "Problems Control Inform. Theory/Problemy Upravlen. Teor. Inform.",
  8709. volume = "15",
  8710. number = "2",
  8711. pages = "159--166",
  8712. year = "1986"
  8713. }
  8714. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-NGSt01,
  8715. author = "P. Q. Nguyen and J. Stern",
  8716. title = "The Two Faces of Lattices in {C}ryptology",
  8717. year = "2001",
  8718. pages = "146--180",
  8719. editor = "J. H. Silverman",
  8720. booktitle = "CaLC~2001",
  8721. publisher = "Springer",
  8722. series = "LNCS",
  8723. volume = "2146"
  8724. }
  8725. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-Reg06,
  8726. author = "O. Regev",
  8727. title = "Lattice-Based Cryptography",
  8728. year = "2006",
  8729. pages = "131--141",
  8730. editor = "C. Dwork",
  8731. booktitle = "Proc. of {CRYPTO2006}",
  8732. publisher = "Springer",
  8733. series = "LNCS",
  8734. volume = "4117"
  8735. }
  8736. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-art-Ch96,
  8737. author = "K. Chen",
  8738. title = "A New Identification Algorithm",
  8739. editor = "E. Dawson and J. Goli{\'c}",
  8740. booktitle = "Cryptography: Policy and Algorithms",
  8741. series = "LNCS",
  8742. volume = "1029",
  8743. year = "1996",
  8744. pages = "244--249"
  8745. }
  8746. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-SC96,
  8747. author = "J. Stern and F. Chabaud",
  8748. title = "{The Cryptographic Security of the Syndrome Decoding Problem for Rank Distance Codes}",
  8749. booktitle = "ASIACRYPT~'96",
  8750. editor = "K. Kim and T. Matsumoto",
  8751. year = "1996",
  8752. volume = "1163",
  8753. pages = "368--381",
  8754. publisher = "Springer",
  8755. series = "LNCS"
  8756. }
  8757. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-CSV93,
  8758. author = "D. Coppersmith and J. Stern and S. Vaudenay",
  8759. title = "Attacks on the Birational Permutation Signature Schemes",
  8760. booktitle = "{CRYPTO93}",
  8761. editor = "D. R. Stinson",
  8762. year = "1993",
  8763. volume = "773",
  8764. pages = "435--443",
  8765. publisher = "Springer",
  8766. series = "LNCS"
  8767. }
  8768. @Book{ CGC-cry-book-Koblitz99,
  8769. author = "N. Koblitz",
  8770. title = "Algebraic Aspects of {C}ryptography",
  8771. publisher = "Springer",
  8772. series = "{Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics}",
  8773. volume = "3",
  8774. year = "1999",
  8775. ISBN = "3-540-63446-0"
  8776. }
  8777. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-FellDiff85,
  8778. author = "H. J. Fell and W. Diffie",
  8779. title = "Analysis of a Public Key Approach Based on Polynomial Substitution",
  8780. booktitle = "CRYPTO~85",
  8781. editor = "H. C. Williams",
  8782. year = "1985",
  8783. volume = "218",
  8784. pages = "340--349",
  8785. publisher = "Springer",
  8786. series = "LNCS"
  8787. }
  8788. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-MI85,
  8789. author = "H. Imai and T. Matsumoto",
  8790. title = "Algebraic Methods for Constructing Asymmetric Cryptosystems",
  8791. booktitle = "Proc. of {AAECC~3}",
  8792. year = "1985",
  8793. volume = "229",
  8794. pages = "108--119",
  8795. publisher = "Springer",
  8796. series = "LNCS"
  8797. }
  8798. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-BulPell09,
  8799. author = "S. Bulygin and R. Pellikaan",
  8800. title = {Bounded decoding of linear error-correcting codes with {G}r{\"o}bner bases},
  8801. journal = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  8802. fjournal = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  8803. volume = "44",
  8804. pages = "1626--1643",
  8805. year = "2009"
  8806. }
  8807. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-AaugBarFaug09,
  8808. author = "D. Augot and M. Bardet and J.-C. Faug{\`e}re",
  8809. title = "On the decoding of cyclic codes with {N}ewton identities",
  8810. journal = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  8811. fjournal = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  8812. volume = "44",
  8813. pages = "1608--1625",
  8814. year = "2009"
  8815. }
  8816. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  8817. ////////Fields made by Emanuele Bellini, which didn't have 'chiocciola' ////
  8818. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  8819. per ripristinarli allo stato precedente basta eliminare la riga che inizia con 'chiocciola'..
  8820. ///come faccio a capire se ho book, inproceeding, incollection o inbook
  8821. \%faugere, groebner
  8822. >FIKSA,
  8823. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-book-FIKSA,
  8824. author = "G. Ars and J. C. Faug{\`e}re and H. Imai and M. Kawazoe and M. Sugita",
  8825. title = {Comparison Between {XL} and {G}r{\"o}bner Basis Algorithms},
  8826. year = "2004",
  8827. pages = "338--353",
  8828. editor = "P. J. Lee",
  8829. booktitle = "Proc. of {Asiacrypt}~2004",
  8830. publisher = "Springer",
  8831. series = "LNCS",
  8832. volume = "3329"
  8833. }
  8834. >ACGD,
  8835. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-ACGD03,
  8836. author = "M.-L. Akkar and N.~T. Courtois and L. Goubin and R. Duteuil",
  8837. title = "{A fast and secure implementation of SFLASH}",
  8838. booktitle = "Public key cryptography -- PKC~2003",
  8839. editor = "G. Y. Desmedt",
  8840. year = "2003",
  8841. volume = "2567",
  8842. pages = "267--278",
  8843. publisher = "Springer",
  8844. series = "LNCS"
  8845. }
  8846. >BG,
  8847. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-BilGil03,
  8848. author = "O. Billet and H. Gilbert",
  8849. title = "A Traceable Block Cipher",
  8850. booktitle = "Asiacrypt~2003",
  8851. editor = "C. S. Laih",
  8852. year = "2003",
  8853. volume = "2894",
  8854. pages = "331--346",
  8855. publisher = "Springer",
  8856. series = "LNCS"
  8857. }
  8858. >S,
  8859. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-Sha93,
  8860. author = "A. Shamir",
  8861. title = "Efficient Signature Schemes Based on Birational Permutations",
  8862. booktitle = "CRYPTO93",
  8863. editor = "D. R. Stinson",
  8864. year = "1993",
  8865. volume = "773",
  8866. pages = "1--12",
  8867. publisher = "Springer",
  8868. series = "LNCS"
  8869. }
  8870. >P,
  8871. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-Pat97,
  8872. author = "J. Patarin",
  8873. title = "The {O}il and {V}inegar Signature Scheme",
  8874. booktitle = "Proc. of Dagstuhl Workshop on Cryptography",
  8875. year = "1997"
  8876. }
  8877. >BG,
  8878. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-BilGil06,
  8879. author = "O. Billet and H. Gilbert",
  8880. title = "Cryptanalysis of {R}ainbow",
  8881. year = "2006",
  8882. pages = "336--347",
  8883. editor = "R. De Prisco and M. Yung",
  8884. booktitle = "SCN~2006",
  8885. publisher = "Springer",
  8886. series = "LNCS",
  8887. volume = "4116"
  8888. }
  8889. >DS,
  8890. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-book-DiSchm05,
  8891. author = "J. Ding and D. Schmidt",
  8892. title = "{Rainbow}, a New Multivariable Polynomial Signature Scheme",
  8893. pages = "164--175",
  8894. editor = "J. Ioannidis and A. D. Keromytis and M. Yung",
  8895. booktitle = "ACNS~2005",
  8896. series = "LNCS",
  8897. volume = "3531",
  8898. year = "2005",
  8899. publisher = "Springer"
  8900. }
  8901. >GJS,
  8902. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-book-GrJoSt06,
  8903. author = "L. Granboulan and A. Joux and J. Stern",
  8904. title = "Inverting {HFE} is Quasipolynomial",
  8905. pages = "345--356",
  8906. editor = "C. Dwork",
  8907. booktitle = "CRYPTO2006",
  8908. publisher = "Springer",
  8909. series = "LNCS",
  8910. volume = "4117",
  8911. year = "2006"
  8912. }
  8913. >C,
  8914. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-Court01,
  8915. author = "N.~T. Courtois",
  8916. title = "The Security of {Hidden Field Equations} ({HFE})",
  8917. booktitle = "Proc. of CT-RSA~2001",
  8918. editor = "D. Naccache",
  8919. year = "2001",
  8920. volume = "2020",
  8921. pages = "266--281",
  8922. publisher = "Springer",
  8923. series = "LNCS"
  8924. }
  8925. >CDF,
  8926. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-CoDaFe03,
  8927. author = "N.~T. Courtois and M. Daum and P. Felke",
  8928. title = "On the Security of {HFE}, {HFEv-} and {Q}uartz.",
  8929. booktitle = "PKC~2003",
  8930. editor = "Y. G. Desmedt",
  8931. year = "2003",
  8932. volume = "2567",
  8933. pages = "337--350",
  8934. publisher = "Springer",
  8935. series = "LNCS"
  8936. }
  8937. >CG,
  8938. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-GouCou76,
  8939. author = "L. Goubin and N.~T. Courtois",
  8940. title = "Cryptanalysis of the {TTM} Cryptosystem",
  8941. booktitle = "ASIACRYPT~2000",
  8942. editor = "T. Okamoto",
  8943. year = "2000",
  8944. volume = "1976",
  8945. pages = "44--57",
  8946. publisher = "Springer",
  8947. series = "LNCS"
  8948. }
  8949. >PF,
  8950. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-art-Fel04,
  8951. author = "P. Felke",
  8952. affiliation = "CITS Research Group, Ruhr-University Bochum, D-44780 Bochum",
  8953. title = "On the Affine Transformations of {HFE}-Cryptosystems and Systems with Branches",
  8954. booktitle = "Coding and Cryptography",
  8955. series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  8956. editor = "{\O}yvind Ytrehus",
  8957. publisher = "Springer Berlin / Heidelberg",
  8958. isbn = "",
  8959. pages = "229--241",
  8960. volume = "3969",
  8961. url = "",
  8962. note = "10.1007/11779360\_19",
  8963. year = "2006"
  8964. }
  8965. @InCollection{ springerlink:10.1007/11779360_19
  8966. }
  8967. >CP,
  8968. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-CourPat03,
  8969. author = "N.~T. Courtois and J. Patarin",
  8970. title = "About the {XL} Algorithm over $GF(2)$",
  8971. booktitle = "CT-RSA~2003",
  8972. editor = "M. Joye",
  8973. year = "2003",
  8974. volume = "2612",
  8975. pages = "141--157",
  8976. publisher = "Springer",
  8977. series = "LNCS"
  8978. }
  8979. >D,
  8980. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-Diem04,
  8981. author = "C. Diem",
  8982. title = "The {XL}-Algorithm and a Conjecture from Commutative Algebra",
  8983. booktitle = "ASIACRYPT~2004",
  8984. editor = "P. J. Lee",
  8985. year = "2004",
  8986. volume = "3329",
  8987. pages = "323--337",
  8988. publisher = "Springer",
  8989. series = "LNCS"
  8990. }
  8991. >C,
  8992. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-Cou02,
  8993. author = "N.~T. Courtois",
  8994. title = "{Higher Order Correlation Attacks, XL Algorithm and Cryptanalysis of Toyocrypt}",
  8995. booktitle = "Information Security and Cryptology -- ICISC~2002",
  8996. editor = "P. J. Lee and C. H. Lim",
  8997. year = "2002",
  8998. volume = "2587",
  8999. pages = "182--199",
  9000. publisher = "Springer",
  9001. series = "LNCS"
  9002. }
  9003. >FP,
  9004. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-FaugPerr08,
  9005. author = "J.-C. Faug{\`e}re and L. Perret",
  9006. title = "{Cryptanalysis of MinRank}",
  9007. pages = "280--296",
  9008. editor = "D. Wagner",
  9009. booktitle = "CRYPTO~2008",
  9010. publisher = "Springer",
  9011. series = "LNCS",
  9012. volume = "5157",
  9013. year = "2008"
  9014. }
  9015. >WP1,
  9016. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-WolfPrenLARGE05,
  9017. author = "C. Wolf and B. Preneel",
  9018. title = "Large Superfluous Keys in Multivariate Quadratic Asymmetric Systems",
  9019. year = "2005",
  9020. pages = "275--287",
  9021. editor = "S. Vaudenay",
  9022. booktitle = "Public key cryptography -- PKC~2005",
  9023. publisher = "Springer",
  9024. series = "LNCS",
  9025. volume = "3386"
  9026. }
  9027. >WP2,
  9028. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-WolfPreEQ05,
  9029. author = "C. Wolf and B. Preneel",
  9030. title = "Equivalent keys in \hfe, ${C}^*$, and variations",
  9031. booktitle = "MyCrypt 2005",
  9032. editor = "E. P. Dawson and S. Vaudenay",
  9033. year = "2005",
  9034. volume = "3715",
  9035. pages = "33--49",
  9036. publisher = "Springer",
  9037. series = "LNCS"
  9038. }
  9039. >FGS,
  9040. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-FouqGranb05,
  9041. author = "P.-A. Fouque and L. Granboulan and J. Stern",
  9042. title = "{Differential cryptanalysis for multivariate schemes}",
  9043. booktitle = "EUROCRYPT~2005",
  9044. editor = "R. Cramer",
  9045. year = "2005",
  9046. volume = "3494",
  9047. pages = "341--353",
  9048. publisher = "Springer",
  9049. series = "LNCS"
  9050. }
  9051. >DGS,
  9052. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-DoubGranbSt07,
  9053. author = "V. Dubois and L. Granboulan and J. Stern",
  9054. title = "Cryptanalysis of HFE with internal perturbation",
  9055. booktitle = "{PKC~2007}",
  9056. editor = "T. Okamoto and X. Wang",
  9057. year = "2007",
  9058. volume = "3494",
  9059. publisher = "Springer",
  9060. series = "LNCS"
  9061. }
  9062. >FP,
  9063. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-book-FaugPerrPOLYN06,
  9064. author = "J. C. Faug{\`e}re and L. Perret",
  9065. title = "Polynomial Equivalence Problems: algorithmic and Theoretical Aspects",
  9066. year = "2006",
  9067. pages = "30--47",
  9068. booktitle = "EUROCRYPT~2006",
  9069. publisher = "Springer",
  9070. series = "LNCS",
  9071. volume = "4004"
  9072. }
  9073. >FP,
  9074. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-FaugPerrCRYPT06,
  9075. author = "J. C. Faug{\`e}re and L. Perret",
  9076. title = "{Cryptanalysis of 2R$^{\mbox{-}}$ schemes}",
  9077. pages = "357--372",
  9078. editor = "C. Dwork",
  9079. booktitle = "CRYPTO~2006",
  9080. publisher = "Springer",
  9081. series = "LNCS",
  9082. volume = "4117",
  9083. year = "2006"
  9084. }
  9085. >P,
  9086. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-Perret05,
  9087. author = "L. Perret",
  9088. title = "A Fast Cryptanalysis of the Isomorphism of Polynomials with One Secret Problem",
  9089. year = "2005",
  9090. pages = "354--370",
  9091. editor = "R. Cramer",
  9092. booktitle = "EUROCRYPT~2005",
  9093. publisher = "Springer",
  9094. series = "LNCS",
  9095. volume = "3494"
  9096. }
  9097. >D,
  9098. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-Ding04,
  9099. author = "J. Ding",
  9100. title = "A New Variant of the {M}atsumoto-{I}mai Cryptosystem through Perturbation",
  9101. booktitle = "{PKC~2004}",
  9102. editor = "F. Bao and J. Zhou and R. Deng",
  9103. year = "2004",
  9104. volume = "2947",
  9105. pages = "305--318",
  9106. publisher = "Springer",
  9107. series = "LNCS"
  9108. }
  9109. >DS,
  9110. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-DingSchm05,
  9111. author = "J. Ding and D. Schmidt",
  9112. title = "Cryptanalysis of {HVE}{v} and internal perturbation of {HFE}",
  9113. booktitle = "PKC~2005",
  9114. editor = "S. Vaudenay",
  9115. year = "2005",
  9116. volume = "3386",
  9117. pages = "288",
  9118. publisher = "Springer",
  9119. series = "LNCS"
  9120. }
  9121. >LP,
  9122. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-LavyPerr03,
  9123. author = "F. {Levy-dit-Vehel} and L. Perret",
  9124. title = "Polynomial Equivalence Problems and Applications to Multivariate Cryptosystems",
  9125. year = "2003",
  9126. pages = "235--251",
  9127. editor = "T. Johansson and S. Maitra",
  9128. booktitle = "INDOCRYPT~2003",
  9129. publisher = "Springer",
  9130. series = "LNCS",
  9131. volume = "2904"
  9132. }
  9133. >GM,
  9134. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-GilbMin02,
  9135. author = "H. Gilbert and M. Minier",
  9136. title = "Cryptanalysis of {SFLASH}",
  9137. booktitle = "EUROCRYPT~2002",
  9138. editor = "L. R. Knudsen",
  9139. year = "2002",
  9140. volume = "2332",
  9141. pages = "288--298",
  9142. publisher = "Springer",
  9143. series = "LNCS"
  9144. }
  9145. >NESSIE,
  9146. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-PatGoubCourt,
  9147. author = "J. Patarin and L. Goubin and N.~T. Courtois",
  9148. title = "{SFLASH, a Fast Asymmetric Signature Scheme for Low Cost Smart-Cards}",
  9149. note = "{}"
  9150. }
  9151. >AP,
  9152. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-GeisSteinBeth01,
  9153. author = "W. Geiselmann and R. Steinwandt and T. Beth",
  9154. title = "Attacking the Affine Parts of {SFLASH}",
  9155. booktitle = "Cryptography and coding -- IMA~2001",
  9156. year = "2001",
  9157. pages = "355--359",
  9158. publisher = "Springer"
  9159. }
  9160. >PGC,
  9161. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-PatGoubCourtCHM98,
  9162. author = "J. Patarin and L. Goubin and N.~T. Courtois",
  9163. title = "{$C^{*-+}$ and HM: variations around two schemes of T.~Matsumoto and H.~Imai}",
  9164. booktitle = "{ASIACRYPT~'98}",
  9165. editor = "K. Ohta and D. Pei",
  9166. year = "1998",
  9167. volume = "1514",
  9168. pages = "35--49",
  9169. publisher = "Springer",
  9170. series = "LNCS"
  9171. }
  9172. >CGP,
  9173. institution = "Cryptology ePrint Archive",
  9174. type = "Cryptology ePrint Archive preprint",
  9175. number = ""
  9176. }
  9177. >SK,
  9178. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-KipnSham98,
  9179. author = "A. Kipnis and A. Shamir",
  9180. title = "Cryptanalysis of the {O}il \& {V}inegar Signature Scheme",
  9181. booktitle = "{CRYPTO~'98}",
  9182. year = "1998",
  9183. volume = "1462",
  9184. pages = "257--266",
  9185. publisher = "Springer",
  9186. series = "LNCS"
  9187. }
  9188. >KPG,
  9189. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-KipnPatGoub99,
  9190. author = "A. Kipnis and J. Patarin and L. Goubin",
  9191. title = "Unbalanced {O}il \& {V}inegar signature schemes",
  9192. booktitle = "EUROCRYPT~'99",
  9193. editor = "J. Stern",
  9194. year = "1999",
  9195. volume = "1592",
  9196. pages = "206--222",
  9197. publisher = "Springer",
  9198. series = "LNCS"
  9199. }
  9200. >L,
  9201. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-Lidl84,
  9202. author = "R. Lidl",
  9203. title = "{On cryptosystems based on polynomials and finite fields}",
  9204. booktitle = "{EUROCRYPT~84}",
  9205. editor = "T. Beth and I. Ingemarsson and N. Cot",
  9206. year = "1984",
  9207. volume = "209",
  9208. pages = "10--15",
  9209. publisher = "Springer",
  9210. series = "LNCS"
  9211. }
  9212. >JLN,
  9213. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-JamLidlNied86,
  9214. author = "N. S. James and R. Lidl and H. Niederreiter",
  9215. title = "{Breaking the cade cipher}",
  9216. booktitle = "{CRYPTO~86}",
  9217. editor = "A. M. Odlyzko",
  9218. year = "1986",
  9219. volume = "263",
  9220. pages = "60--63",
  9221. publisher = "Springer",
  9222. series = "LNCS"
  9223. }
  9224. >I,
  9225. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-Cade85,
  9226. author = "J. J. Cade",
  9227. title = "{A new public-key cipher which allows signatures}",
  9228. booktitle = "SIAM conference on applied linear algebra",
  9229. year = "1985"
  9230. }
  9231. >II,
  9232. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-Cade86,
  9233. author = "J. J. Cade",
  9234. title = "{A modification of a broken public-key cipher}",
  9235. booktitle = "{CRYPTO~86}",
  9236. editor = "A. M. Odlyzko",
  9237. year = "1986",
  9238. volume = "263",
  9239. pages = "64--83",
  9240. publisher = "Springer",
  9241. series = "LNCS"
  9242. }
  9243. >P,
  9244. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-Pat95,
  9245. author = "J. Patarin",
  9246. title = "Cryptoanalysis of the {Matsumoto and Imai} Public Key Scheme of {Eurocrypt~'88}",
  9247. booktitle = "{CRYPTO~95}",
  9248. editor = "D. Coppersmith",
  9249. year = "1995",
  9250. volume = "963",
  9251. pages = "248--261",
  9252. publisher = "Springer",
  9253. series = "LNCS"
  9254. }
  9255. >P,
  9256. @InCollection{ CGC-cry-book-Pat96,
  9257. author = "J. Patarin",
  9258. title = "Asymmetric Cryptography with a Hidden Monomial",
  9259. booktitle = "CRYPTO96",
  9260. editor = "N. Koblitz",
  9261. year = "1996",
  9262. volume = "1109",
  9263. pages = "45--60",
  9264. publisher = "Springer",
  9265. series = "LNCS"
  9266. }
  9267. >IP,
  9268. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-Pat96b,
  9269. author = "J. Patarin",
  9270. title = "{Hidden fields equations (HFE) and Isomorphisms of Polynomials (IP):} Two New Families of Asymmetric Algorithms",
  9271. booktitle = "EUROCRYPT~'96",
  9272. editor = "U. M. Maurer",
  9273. year = "1996",
  9274. volume = "1070",
  9275. pages = "33--48",
  9276. publisher = "Springer",
  9277. series = "LNCS"
  9278. }
  9279. >PGC,
  9280. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-PatGoubCourt98,
  9281. author = "J. Patarin and L. Goubin and N.~T. Courtois",
  9282. title = "Improved Algorithms for Isomorphisms of Polynomials",
  9283. booktitle = "EUROCRYPT~98",
  9284. editor = "K. Nyberg",
  9285. year = "1998",
  9286. volume = "1403",
  9287. pages = "184--200",
  9288. publisher = "Springer",
  9289. series = "LNCS"
  9290. }
  9291. >KS,
  9292. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-KipnSh99,
  9293. author = "A. Kipnis and A. Shamir",
  9294. title = "Cryptanalysis of the {HFE} Public Key Cryptosystem by Relinearization",
  9295. booktitle = "CRYPTO~99",
  9296. editor = "M. J. Wiener",
  9297. year = "1999",
  9298. volume = "1666",
  9299. pages = "19--30",
  9300. publisher = "Springer",
  9301. series = "LNCS"
  9302. }
  9303. \%faugere
  9304. >FJ,
  9305. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-FaugJoux03,
  9306. author = "J. C. Faug{\`e}re and A. Joux",
  9307. title = {Algebraic Cryptanalysis of {Hidden Field Equation} ({H}{F}{E}) Cryptosystems using {Gr{\"o}bner} Bases},
  9308. year = "2003",
  9309. volume = "2729",
  9310. pages = "44--60",
  9311. publisher = "Springer",
  9312. journal = "{LNCS}"
  9313. }
  9314. >B,
  9315. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-Berl67,
  9316. author = "E. R. Berlekamp",
  9317. title = "{Factoring Polynomials over Finite Fields}",
  9318. journal = "{Bell System Tech. J.}",
  9319. volume = "46",
  9320. year = "1967",
  9321. pages = "1853--1859"
  9322. }
  9323. >Sa,
  9324. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-GathPan01,
  9325. author = "J. von~zur Gathen and D. Panario",
  9326. year = "2001",
  9327. title = "{Factoring polynomials over finite fields: A survey.}",
  9328. journal = "J. Symb. Comp.",
  9329. volume = "31",
  9330. number = "1-2",
  9331. pages = "3--17"
  9332. }
  9333. >a,
  9334. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-SchnSh84,
  9335. author = "H. Ong and C.-P. Schnorr and A. Shamir",
  9336. title = "{An efficient signature scheme based on quadratic equations}",
  9337. booktitle = "ACM symposium on theory of computing -- STOC~'84",
  9338. year = "1984",
  9339. pages = "208--216",
  9340. publisher = "ACM Press"
  9341. }
  9342. >b,
  9343. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-SchnShCRYPTO84,
  9344. author = "H. Ong and C.-P. Schnorr and A. Shamir",
  9345. title = "{Efficient signature schemes based on polynomial equations}",
  9346. booktitle = "{CRYPTO~84}",
  9347. editor = "G. R. Blakley and D. L. Chaum",
  9348. year = "1984",
  9349. volume = "196",
  9350. pages = "37--46",
  9351. publisher = "Springer",
  9352. series = "LNCS"
  9353. }
  9354. >PS,
  9355. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-PollSchn87,
  9356. author = "J. M. Pollard and C.-P. Schnorr",
  9357. title = "{An efficient solution of the congruence $x^2 + ky^2 = m \pmod{n}$}",
  9358. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  9359. fjournal = "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory",
  9360. volume = "IT-33",
  9361. number = "5",
  9362. year = "1987",
  9363. pages = "702--709"
  9364. }
  9365. >AEC,
  9366. @Article{ CGC-alg-artAdlEstMcC87,
  9367. author = "L.M. Adleman and D.R. Estes and K.S. McCurley",
  9368. title = "{Solving bivariate quadratic congruences in random polynomial time}",
  9369. journal = "Math. Comp.",
  9370. volume = "48",
  9371. year = "1987",
  9372. pages = "17--28"
  9373. }
  9374. >S,
  9375. @TechReport{ CGC-alg-art-Shall84,
  9376. author = "J. O. Shallit",
  9377. title = "{An Exposition of {Pollard's} Algorithm for Quadratic Congruences}",
  9378. institution = "University of Chicago, department of computer science",
  9379. number = "84-006",
  9380. year = "1984"
  9381. }
  9382. >rep,
  9383. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-Nacc93,
  9384. author = "D. Naccache",
  9385. title = "{Can O.S.S. be repaired? Proposal for a new practical signature scheme}",
  9386. booktitle = "EUROCRYPT~'93",
  9387. editor = "T. Helleseth",
  9388. year = "1993",
  9389. volume = "765",
  9390. pages = "233--239",
  9391. publisher = "Springer"
  9392. }
  9393. >3,
  9394. @Article{ CGC-cry-artShann51,
  9395. author = "C. E. Shannon",
  9396. title = "{Prediction and entropy of printed english}",
  9397. journal = "Bell system technical journal",
  9398. volume = "30",
  9399. year = "1951",
  9400. pages = "50--64"
  9401. }
  9402. >C,
  9403. @InProceedings{ CGC-misc-book-Cook71,
  9404. author = "S. A. Cook",
  9405. title = "{The complexity of theorem-proving procedures}",
  9406. booktitle = "ACM symposium on theory of computing -- STOC~'71",
  9407. year = "1971",
  9408. pages = "151--158",
  9409. publisher = "ACM Press"
  9410. }
  9411. >FY,
  9412. @Article{ CGC-misc-art-FraenkYesh79,
  9413. author = "A. S. Fraenkel and Y. Yesha",
  9414. title = "{Complexity of problems in games, graphs and algebraic equations}",
  9415. journal = "Discr. Appl. Math.",
  9416. volume = "1",
  9417. year = "1979",
  9418. pages = "15--30"
  9419. }
  9420. >S,
  9421. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-Shor97,
  9422. author = "P. W. Shor",
  9423. title = "Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms on a Quantum Computer",
  9424. JOURNAL = "SIAM J. Comput.",
  9425. FJOURNAL = "SIAM Journal on Computing",
  9426. volume = "26",
  9427. pages = "1484--1509",
  9428. year = "1997"
  9429. }
  9430. >YLDjoc,
  9431. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-YeDaiLam01,
  9432. author = "D.-F. Ye and Z.-D. Dai and K.-Y. Lam",
  9433. title = "Decomposing Attacks on Asymmetric Cryptography Based on Mapping Compositions",
  9434. journal = "J. of Cryptology",
  9435. volume = "14",
  9436. number = "2",
  9437. year = "2001",
  9438. pages = "137--150"
  9439. }
  9440. >YLD,
  9441. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-YeDaiLam99,
  9442. author = "D.-F. Ye and K.-Y. Lam and Z.-D. Dai",
  9443. title = "Cryptanalysis of {``2~R''} Schemes",
  9444. year = "1999",
  9445. pages = "315--325",
  9446. booktitle = "CRYPTO~99",
  9447. publisher = "Springer",
  9448. series = "LNCS",
  9449. volume = "1666"
  9450. }
  9451. >PG,
  9452. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-PatGoub97,
  9453. author = "J. Patarin and L. Goubin",
  9454. title = "Asymmetric Cryptography with {S}-{B}oxes",
  9455. year = "1997",
  9456. pages = "369--380",
  9457. booktitle = "{ICICS~97}",
  9458. publisher = "Springer",
  9459. series = "LNCS",
  9460. volume = "1334"
  9461. }
  9462. >T,
  9463. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-Ton91,
  9464. author = "A. Tonelli",
  9465. title = "{Bemerkung {\~A}¼ber die Aufl{\~A}¶sung quadratischer Congruenzen.}",
  9466. journal = "{G{\~A}¶ttingen Nachrichten}",
  9467. year = "1891",
  9468. pages = "344--346"
  9469. }
  9470. >HCWL,
  9471. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-HuChouWangLai06,
  9472. author = "Y.-H. Hu and C.-Y. Chou and L.-C. Wang and F. Lai",
  9473. title = "{Cryptanalysis of Variants of UOV}",
  9474. pages = "161--170",
  9475. editor = "Sokratis K. Katsikas and Javier Lopez and Michael Backes and Stefanos Gritzalis and Bart Preneel",
  9476. booktitle = "Information Security -- ISC~2006",
  9477. publisher = "Springer",
  9478. series = "LNCS",
  9479. volume = "4176",
  9480. year = "2006"
  9481. }
  9482. >Ca,
  9483. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-NieHuUpdDing06,
  9484. author = "X. Nie and L. Hu and J. Li and C. Updegrove and J. Ding",
  9485. title = "{Breaking a New Instance of TTM Cryptosystems}",
  9486. pages = "210--225",
  9487. editor = "Jianying Zhou and Moti Yung and Feng Bao",
  9488. booktitle = "Applied Cryptography and Network Security -- ACNS~2006",
  9489. series = "LNCS",
  9490. volume = "3989",
  9491. year = "2006"
  9492. }
  9493. >CFN,
  9494. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-ChorFiatNaor94,
  9495. author = "B. Chor and A. Fiat and M. Naor",
  9496. title = "{Tracing traitors}",
  9497. booktitle = "{CRYPTO~94}",
  9498. editor = "Y. G. Desmedt",
  9499. year = "1994",
  9500. volume = "839",
  9501. pages = "257--270",
  9502. publisher = "Springer"
  9503. }
  9504. >J,
  9505. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-Jord72,
  9506. author = "C. Jordan",
  9507. title = "{Sur la forme canonique des congruences du second degr{\'e} et le nombre de leurs solutions}",
  9508. journal = "Journal de math{\'e}matiques pures et appliqu{\'e}s",
  9509. volume = "17",
  9510. number = "2",
  9511. year = "1872",
  9512. pages = "368--402"
  9513. }
  9514. >D,
  9515. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-Dick99,
  9516. author = "L. E. Dickson",
  9517. title = "Determination of the structure of all linear homogeneous groups in a {G}alois field which are defined by a quadratic invariant",
  9518. journal = "American journal of mathematics",
  9519. volume = "21",
  9520. year = "1899",
  9521. pages = "193--256"
  9522. }
  9523. >B,
  9524. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-Brass79,
  9525. author = "G. Brassard",
  9526. title = "{A Note on the Complexity of Cryptography}",
  9527. journal = "{IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.}",
  9528. volume = "25",
  9529. number = "2",
  9530. year = "1979",
  9531. pages = "232--233"
  9532. }
  9533. >S,
  9534. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-Sham84,
  9535. author = "A. Shamir",
  9536. title = "{A polynomial time algorithm for breaking the basic Merkle-Hellman cryptosystem}",
  9537. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  9538. volume = "IT-30",
  9539. year = "1984",
  9540. pages = "699--704"
  9541. }
  9542. >MH,
  9543. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-MerklHellm78,
  9544. author = "R. C. Merkle and M. E. Hellman",
  9545. title = "{Hiding information and signatures in trapdoor knapsacks}",
  9546. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  9547. volume = "24",
  9548. year = "1978",
  9549. pages = "525--530"
  9550. }
  9551. >B,
  9552. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-Brick84,
  9553. author = "E. F. Brickell",
  9554. title = "{Breaking iterated knapsacks}",
  9555. booktitle = "CRYPTO~84",
  9556. editor = "G. R. Blakley and D. L. Chaum",
  9557. year = "1984",
  9558. volume = "196",
  9559. pages = "342--358",
  9560. publisher = "Springer"
  9561. }
  9562. >GKL,
  9563. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-GaoKaltLaud04,
  9564. author = "S. Gao and E. Kaltofen and A. Lauder",
  9565. title = "{Deterministic distinct degree factorization for polynomials over finite fields}",
  9566. journal = "J. Symb. Comp.",
  9567. volume = "38",
  9568. number = "6",
  9569. pages = "1461--1470",
  9570. year = "2004"
  9571. }
  9572. >GMR,
  9573. @Article{ CGC-misc-art-GoldMicRack89,
  9574. author = "S. Goldwasser and S. Micali and C. Rackoff",
  9575. title = "{The knowledge complexity of interactive proof systems}",
  9576. journal = "SIAM J. Comput.",
  9577. volume = "18",
  9578. number = "1",
  9579. year = "1989",
  9580. pages = "186--208"
  9581. }
  9582. >Bip,
  9583. @InProceedings{ CGC-alg-book-Bab85,
  9584. author = "L. Babai",
  9585. title = "Trading group theory for randomness",
  9586. booktitle = "Symposium on theory of computing -- STOC~'85",
  9587. year = "1985",
  9588. pages = "421--429",
  9589. publisher = "ACM Press"
  9590. }
  9591. >D>HN,
  9592. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-Dick71,
  9593. author = "L. E. Dickson",
  9594. title = "History of the theory of numbers",
  9595. volume = "3",
  9596. publisher = "Chelsea",
  9597. year = "1971"
  9598. }
  9599. >Ca,
  9600. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-Carl53,
  9601. author = "L. Carlitz",
  9602. title = "Invariantive theory of equations in a finite field",
  9603. journal = "Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.",
  9604. volume = "75",
  9605. year = "1953",
  9606. pages = "405--427"
  9607. }
  9608. >KR,
  9609. @InProceedings{ CGC-misc-book-Karp72,
  9610. author = "R. M. Karp",
  9611. title = "{Reducibility among combinatorial problems}",
  9612. booktitle = "Complexity of computer computations",
  9613. editor = "R. E. Miller and J. W. Thatcher",
  9614. publisher = "Plenum Press",
  9615. pages = "85--103",
  9616. year = "1972"
  9617. }
  9618. >MG,
  9619. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-MaGath95,
  9620. author = "K. Ma and J. von zur Gathen",
  9621. title = "{Tests for permutation functions}",
  9622. journal = "Finite fields and their applications",
  9623. volume = "1",
  9624. year = "1995",
  9625. pages = "31--56"
  9626. }
  9627. >K,
  9628. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-Kedl01,
  9629. author = "K. S. Kedlaya",
  9630. title = "{Counting points on hyperelliptic curves using Monsky-Washnitzer cohomology}",
  9631. journal = "Journal of the Ramanujan mathematical society",
  9632. volume = "16",
  9633. year = "2001",
  9634. pages = "323--338"
  9635. }
  9636. >KSa,
  9637. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-KlimSham05,
  9638. author = "A. Klimov and A. Shamir",
  9639. title = "New applications of {T}-functions in block ciphers and hash functions",
  9640. booktitle = "Proc. of {FSE}~2005",
  9641. editor = "H. Gilbert and H. Handschuh",
  9642. year = "2005",
  9643. volume = "3557",
  9644. pages = "18--31",
  9645. publisher = "Springer",
  9646. series = "LNCS"
  9647. }
  9648. >KSb,
  9649. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-KlimSham04,
  9650. author = "A. Klimov and A. Shamir",
  9651. title = "New cryptographic primitives based on multiword {T}-functions",
  9652. booktitle = "FSE~2004",
  9653. editor = "W. Meier and R. Bimal",
  9654. year = "2004",
  9655. volume = "3017",
  9656. pages = "1",
  9657. publisher = "Springer",
  9658. series = "LNCS"
  9659. }
  9660. >KSc,
  9661. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-KlimSham03,
  9662. author = "A. Klimov and A. Shamir",
  9663. title = "Cryptographic applications of {T}-functions",
  9664. booktitle = "SAC~2003",
  9665. editor = "M. Matsui and R. Zuccherato",
  9666. year = "2003",
  9667. volume = "3006",
  9668. pages = "248--261",
  9669. publisher = "Springer",
  9670. series = "LNCS"
  9671. }
  9672. >KSd,
  9673. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-KlimSham02,
  9674. author = "A. Klimov and A. Shamir",
  9675. title = "A new class of invertible mappings",
  9676. booktitle = "CHES~2002",
  9677. editor = "B. S. Jr. Kaliski and {\~A}‡etin Kaya Ko{\~A}§ and Christof Paar",
  9678. year = "2002",
  9679. volume = "2523",
  9680. pages = "470--483",
  9681. publisher = "Springer",
  9682. series = "LNCS"
  9683. }
  9684. >W,
  9685. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-Wolf04,
  9686. author = "C. Wolf",
  9687. title = "Efficient public key generation for \hfe\ and variations",
  9688. year = "2004",
  9689. booktitle = "Cryptographic algorithms and their uses 2004",
  9690. pages = "78--93",
  9691. editor = "E. Dawson and W. Klemm",
  9692. publisher = "Queensland University of Technology"
  9693. }
  9694. >YCC,
  9695. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-YangChenChen04,
  9696. author = "B.-Y. Yang and J.-M. Chen and Y.-H. Chen",
  9697. title = "{TTS: High-speed signatures on a low-cost smart card}",
  9698. booktitle = "CHES~2004",
  9699. year = "2004",
  9700. pages = "371--385",
  9701. editor = "M. Joye and J. J. Quisquater",
  9702. publisher = "Springer",
  9703. series = "LNCS",
  9704. volume = "3156"
  9705. }
  9706. >YC,
  9707. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-YangChen05,
  9708. author = "B.-Y. Yang and J.-M. Chen",
  9709. title = "Building Secure Tame-like Multivariate Public-Key Cryptosystems: The New {TTS}",
  9710. pages = "518--531",
  9711. editor = "C. Boyd and J. M. G. Nieto",
  9712. booktitle = "ACISP~2005",
  9713. publisher = "Springer",
  9714. series = "LNCS",
  9715. volume = "3574",
  9716. year = "2005"
  9717. }
  9718. >LW,
  9719. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-LangWeil54,
  9720. author = "S. Lang and A. Weil",
  9721. title = "{Number of points of varieties over finite fields}",
  9722. journal = "Amer. J. Math.",
  9723. volume = "76",
  9724. year = "1954",
  9725. pages = "819--827"
  9726. }
  9727. >S,
  9728. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-ShamirCRYPTo93,
  9729. author = "A. Shamir",
  9730. title = "Efficient Signature Schemes Based on Birational Permutations",
  9731. booktitle = "CRYPTO93",
  9732. editor = "D. R. Stinson",
  9733. year = "1993",
  9734. volume = "773",
  9735. pages = "1--12",
  9736. publisher = "Springer",
  9737. series = "LNCS"
  9738. }
  9739. >YG,
  9740. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-YoussGong01,
  9741. author = "A. M. Youssef and G. Gong",
  9742. title = "Cryptanalysis of {I}mai and {M}atsumoto scheme {\sc b} asymmetric cryptosystem",
  9743. booktitle = "INDOCRYPT~2001",
  9744. editor = "C. P. Rangan and C. Ding",
  9745. year = "2001",
  9746. volume = "2247",
  9747. pages = "214--222",
  9748. publisher = "Springer",
  9749. series = "LNCS"
  9750. }
  9751. >FP,
  9752. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-FaugPerrUOV08,
  9753. author = "J.-C. Faug{\`e}re and L. Perret",
  9754. title = "On the Security of {UOV}",
  9755. booktitle = "SCC~2008",
  9756. editor = "D. Wang and J. C. Faug{\`e}re",
  9757. year = "2008"
  9758. }
  9759. >BPS,
  9760. @InProceedings{ CGC-alg-book-BillPatSeur08,
  9761. author = "O. Billet and J. Patarin and Y. Seurin",
  9762. title = "{Analysis of Intermediate Field Systems}",
  9763. booktitle = "SCC~2008",
  9764. editor = "D. Wang and J.-C. Faug{\`e}re",
  9765. year = "2008"
  9766. }
  9767. >DFSS,
  9768. @InProceedings{ CGC-cry-book-DubFouqShamStern07,
  9769. author = "V. Dubois and P.-A. Fouque and A. Shamir and J. Stern",
  9770. title = "Practical Cryptanalysis of {SFLASH}",
  9771. pages = "1--12",
  9772. editor = "A. Menezes",
  9773. booktitle = "{CRYPTO~2007}",
  9774. publisher = "Springer",
  9775. series = "LNCS",
  9776. volume = "4622",
  9777. year = "2007"
  9778. }
  9779. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-HonLand00,
  9780. AUTHOR = "T. Honold and I. Landjev",
  9781. TITLE = "Linear codes over finite chain rings",
  9782. JOURNAL = "Electron. J. Combin.",
  9783. FJOURNAL = "Electronic Journal of Combinatorics",
  9784. VOLUME = "7",
  9785. YEAR = "2000",
  9786. PAGES = "Research Paper 11, 22"
  9787. }
  9788. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-HonLand99,
  9789. AUTHOR = "T. Honold and I. Landjev",
  9790. TITLE = "All {R}eed-{M}uller codes are linearly representable over the ring of dual numbers over {$Z\sb 2$}",
  9791. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  9792. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  9793. VOLUME = "45",
  9794. YEAR = "1999",
  9795. NUMBER = "2",
  9796. PAGES = "700--701"
  9797. }
  9798. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-HonLand99b,
  9799. AUTHOR = "T. Honold and I. Landjev",
  9800. TITLE = "Linearly representable codes over chain rings",
  9801. JOURNAL = "Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg",
  9802. FJOURNAL = {Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universit{\"a}t Hamburg},
  9803. VOLUME = "69",
  9804. YEAR = "1999",
  9805. PAGES = "187--203"
  9806. }
  9807. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-HonLand01a,
  9808. author = "T. Honold and I. Landjev",
  9809. title = "Arcs in Projective {H}jelmslev Planes",
  9810. year = "2001",
  9811. journal = "Discrete Mathematics and Applications",
  9812. volume = "11",
  9813. number = "1",
  9814. pages = "53--70",
  9815. note = "Originally published in Diskretnaya Matematika (2001) 13, No.~1, 90--109 (in Russian)"
  9816. }
  9817. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-HonLand01b,
  9818. author = "T. Honold and I. Landjev",
  9819. title = "On Arcs in Projective {H}jelmslev Planes",
  9820. year = "2001",
  9821. journal = "Discrete Mathematics",
  9822. volume = "231",
  9823. pages = "265--278",
  9824. OPTnote = "Seventeenth British Combinatorial Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury"
  9825. }
  9826. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-FarlSchm00,
  9827. AUTHOR = "J. D. Farley and S. E. Schmidt",
  9828. TITLE = "Posets that locally resemble distributive lattices. {A}n extension of {S}tanley's theorem (with connections to buildings and diagram geometries)",
  9829. JOURNAL = "J. Combin. Theory Ser. A",
  9830. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A",
  9831. VOLUME = "92",
  9832. YEAR = "2000",
  9833. NUMBER = "2",
  9834. PAGES = "119--137"
  9835. }
  9836. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-Gratz98,
  9837. AUTHOR = {G. Gr{\"a}tzer},
  9838. TITLE = "General lattice theory",
  9839. EDITION = "Second",
  9840. NOTE = "New appendices by the author with B. A. Davey, R. Freese, B. Ganter, M. Greferath, P. Jipsen, H. A. Priestley, H. Rose, E. T. Schmidt, S. E. Schmidt, F. Wehrung and R. Wille",
  9841. PUBLISHER = {Birkh{\"a}user Verlag},
  9842. ADDRESS = "Basel",
  9843. YEAR = "1998",
  9844. PAGES = "xx+663"
  9845. }
  9846. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-Schm95,
  9847. AUTHOR = "S. E. Schmidt",
  9848. TITLE = "Grundlegungen zu einer allgemeinen affinen {G}eometrie",
  9849. PUBLISHER = {Birkh{\"a}user Verlag},
  9850. ADDRESS = "Basel",
  9851. YEAR = "1995",
  9852. PAGES = "viii+118"
  9853. }
  9854. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-SchmStein96,
  9855. AUTHOR = "S. E. Schmidt and R. Steinitz",
  9856. TITLE = "The coordinatization of affine planes by rings",
  9857. JOURNAL = "Geom. Dedicata",
  9858. FJOURNAL = "Geometriae Dedicata",
  9859. VOLUME = "62",
  9860. YEAR = "1996",
  9861. NUMBER = "3",
  9862. PAGES = "299--317"
  9863. }
  9864. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-KuzmNech01,
  9865. AUTHOR = "A. Kuzmin and A. Nechaev",
  9866. TITLE = "Complete weight enumerators of generalized {K}erdock code and related linear codes over {G}alois ring",
  9867. JOURNAL = "Discrete Appl. Math.",
  9868. FJOURNAL = "Discrete Applied Mathematics. Combinatorial Algorithms, Optimization and Computer Science",
  9869. VOLUME = "111",
  9870. YEAR = "2001",
  9871. NUMBER = "1-2",
  9872. PAGES = "117--137"
  9873. }
  9874. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-NechKuzmMark97,
  9875. AUTHOR = "A. A. Nechaev and A. S. Kuz{\cprime}min and V. T. Markov",
  9876. TITLE = "Linear codes over finite rings and modules",
  9877. NOTE = "Functional analysis, differential equations and their applications (Russian) (Puebla, 1995)",
  9878. JOURNAL = "Fundam. Prikl. Mat.",
  9879. FJOURNAL = "Fundamental\cprime naya i Prikladnaya Matematika",
  9880. VOLUME = "3",
  9881. YEAR = "1997",
  9882. NUMBER = "1",
  9883. PAGES = "195--254"
  9884. }
  9885. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-KuzmKurMarkMikhNech99,
  9886. AUTHOR = "A. S. Kuz{\cprime}min and V. L. Kurakin and V. T. Markov and A. V. Mikhalev and A. A. Nechaev",
  9887. TITLE = "Codes and recurrences over finite rings and modules",
  9888. JOURNAL = "Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. I Mat. Mekh.",
  9889. FJOURNAL = "Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya I. Matematika, Mekhanika",
  9890. YEAR = "1999",
  9891. NUMBER = "5",
  9892. PAGES = "18--31, 80"
  9893. }
  9894. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-book-NechKuzm97,
  9895. AUTHOR = "A. A. Nechaev and A. S. Kuzmin",
  9896. TITLE = "Trace-function on a {G}alois ring in coding theory",
  9897. BOOKTITLE = "Applied algebra, algebraic algorithms and error-correcting codes (Toulouse, 1997)",
  9898. SERIES = "LNCS",
  9899. VOLUME = "1255",
  9900. PAGES = "277--290",
  9901. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  9902. YEAR = "1997"
  9903. }
  9904. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-book-Wisb02,
  9905. AUTHOR = "R. Wisbauer",
  9906. TITLE = "On the category of comodules over corings",
  9907. BOOKTITLE = "Mathematics \& mathematics education (Bethlehem, 2000)",
  9908. PAGES = "325--336",
  9909. PUBLISHER = "World Sci. Publishing",
  9910. ADDRESS = "River Edge, NJ",
  9911. YEAR = "2002"
  9912. }
  9913. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-AbuhlGomTorrWisb00,
  9914. AUTHOR = "J. Y. Abuhlail and J. G{\'o}mez-Torrecillas and R. Wisbauer",
  9915. TITLE = "Dual coalgebras of algebras over commutative rings",
  9916. JOURNAL = "J. Pure Appl. Algebra",
  9917. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra",
  9918. VOLUME = "153",
  9919. YEAR = "2000",
  9920. NUMBER = "2",
  9921. PAGES = "107--120"
  9922. }
  9923. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-ClarkWisb98,
  9924. AUTHOR = "J. Clark and R. Wisbauer",
  9925. TITLE = "Polyform and projective {$\Sigma$}-extending modules",
  9926. JOURNAL = "Algebra Colloq.",
  9927. FJOURNAL = "Algebra Colloquium",
  9928. VOLUME = "5",
  9929. YEAR = "1998",
  9930. NUMBER = "4",
  9931. PAGES = "391--408"
  9932. }
  9933. @Article{ CGC-alg-artBrodsSalLeVThuyWisb98,
  9934. AUTHOR = "G. M. Brodskii and M. Saleh and Le Van Thuyet and R. Wisbauer",
  9935. TITLE = "On weak injectivity of direct sums of modules",
  9936. JOURNAL = "Vietnam J. Math.",
  9937. FJOURNAL = "Vietnam Journal of Mathematics",
  9938. VOLUME = "26",
  9939. YEAR = "1998",
  9940. NUMBER = "2",
  9941. PAGES = "121--127"
  9942. }
  9943. @Article{ CGC-misc-art-BussFrandsShall99,
  9944. author = "J. F. Buss and G. S. Frandsen and J. O. Shallit",
  9945. title = "The Computational Complexity of some Problems of Linear Algebra",
  9946. journal = "{J. Comput. Syst. Sci.}",
  9947. volume = "58",
  9948. number = "3",
  9949. year = "1999",
  9950. pages = "572--596"
  9951. }
  9952. @Misc{ CGC-cry-misc-DingSchm03,
  9953. author = "J. Ding and D. Schmidt",
  9954. title = "{A Defect of the Implementation Schemes of the TTM Cryptosystem}",
  9955. howpublished = "Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2003/085",
  9956. year = "2003"
  9957. }
  9958. >G,
  9959. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Gab85,
  9960. author = "E. M. Gabidulin",
  9961. title = "{Theory of Codes with Maximum Rank Distance}",
  9962. journal = "{Problems of Information Transmission}",
  9963. year = "1985",
  9964. pages = "1--12",
  9965. volume = "21"
  9966. }
  9967. >JoC,
  9968. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-CoppSternVaud97,
  9969. author = "D. Coppersmith and J. Stern and S. Vaudenay",
  9970. title = "The Security of the Birational Permutation Signature Schemes",
  9971. journal = "Journal of Cryptology",
  9972. volume = "10",
  9973. number = "3",
  9974. year = "1997",
  9975. pages = "207--221"
  9976. }
  9977. >GM,
  9978. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-GebMoll88,
  9979. author = {R. Gebauer and H. M. M{\"o}ller},
  9980. title = "On an installation of {B}uchberger's algorithm",
  9981. journal = "J. Symb. Comp.",
  9982. volume = "6",
  9983. number = "2/3",
  9984. year = "1988",
  9985. pages = "275--286"
  9986. }
  9987. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-ShumAlKumStDeol01,
  9988. author = "I. Aleshnikov P.V. Kumar H. Stichtenoth V. Deolalikar {K.W. Shum}",
  9989. title = "A low-complexity algorithm for the construction of algebraic-geometric codes better than the {G}ilbert-{V}arshamov bound",
  9990. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  9991. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  9992. VOLUME = "47",
  9993. YEAR = "2001",
  9994. NUMBER = "6",
  9995. PAGES = "2225--2241",
  9996. ISSN = "0018-9448",
  9997. CODEN = "IETTAW",
  9998. MRCLASS = "94B27 (14G50 94B65)",
  9999. MRNUMBER = "1 873 198"
  10000. }
  10001. >RS,
  10002. @Misc{ CGC-cry-misc-BerlWelch86,
  10003. author = "E. R. Berlekamp and L. R. Welch",
  10004. title = "{Error correction of algebraic block codes}",
  10005. howpublished = "US Patent 4633470",
  10006. year = "1986"
  10007. }
  10008. >BFS,
  10009. @Misc{ CGC-cry-misc-BardFaugSalvy,
  10010. author = "M. Bardet and J.-C. Faug{\`e}re and B. Salvy",
  10011. title = {{On the complexity of {G}r{\"o}bner basis computation of regular and semi-regular overdetermined algebraic equations}},
  10012. howpublished = "submitted to J. Symb. Comp."
  10013. }
  10014. >DG,
  10015. @Misc{ CGC-cry-misc-DIngGow05,
  10016. author = "J. Ding and J. E. Gower",
  10017. title = "{Inoculating Multivariate Schemes against Differential Attacks}",
  10018. howpublished = "Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2005/255",
  10019. year = "2005"
  10020. }
  10021. >G,
  10022. @Unpublished{ CGC-cry-misc-GoubNOTE,
  10023. author = "L. Goubin",
  10024. title = "{Th{\'e}orie et Pratique de la Cryptologie sur Carte {\`a} Microprocesseur}",
  10025. note = "M{\'e}moire d'habilitation {\`a} diriger des recherches."
  10026. }
  10027. >Daum,
  10028. @Unpublished{ CGC-cry-misc-Daum01NOTE,
  10029. author = "M. Daum",
  10030. title = "{Das Kryptosystem HFE und quadratische Gleichungssysteme {\~A}¼berendlichen K{\~A}¶rpern, Diplomarbeit, Universit{\~A}¤t Dortmund, 2001}",
  10031. note = "{\hbox to\hsize{\hfill~} {}}"
  10032. }
  10033. >challenge,
  10034. @Unpublished{ CGC-cry-misc-PatNOTE,
  10035. author = "J. Patarin",
  10036. title = "Challenge {HFE}",
  10037. note = "{\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\#challenge}"
  10038. }
  10054. @Article{ CGC-fo88a,
  10055. AUTHOR = "G. D. {Forney, Jr.}",
  10056. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10057. NUMBER = "5",
  10058. PAGES = "1152--1187",
  10059. TITLE = "Coset Codes {II}. Binary Lattices and related Codes",
  10060. VOLUME = "IT-34",
  10061. YEAR = "1988"
  10062. }
  10063. @Article{ CGC-fo89,
  10064. AUTHOR = "G. D. {Forney, Jr.}",
  10065. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10066. NUMBER = "4",
  10067. PAGES = "906--909",
  10068. TITLE = "A Bounded-Distance Decoding Algorithm for the Leech Lattice, with generalizations",
  10069. VOLUME = "IT-35",
  10070. YEAR = "1989"
  10071. }
  10072. @Article{ CGC-fo89b,
  10073. AUTHOR = "G. D. {Forney, Jr.}",
  10074. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10075. NUMBER = "5",
  10076. PAGES = "925--943",
  10077. TITLE = "Coset Codes for partial Response Channels; or, Coset Codes with Spectral Nulls",
  10078. VOLUME = "IT-35",
  10079. YEAR = "1989"
  10080. }
  10081. @Book{ CGC-fo90,
  10082. AUTHOR = "C. Foias and T. T. Georgiou and M. C. Smith",
  10083. ADDRESS = "Piscataway, NJ",
  10084. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 29th Conf. Dec. Contr., Honolulu, Dec. 1990",
  10085. PAGES = "2868--2873",
  10086. PUBLISHER = "IEEE Press",
  10087. TITLE = "Geometric techniques for robust stabilization of linear time-varying systems",
  10088. YEAR = "1990"
  10089. }
  10090. @Article{ CGC-fo91,
  10091. AUTHOR = "G. D. {Forney, Jr.}",
  10092. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10093. PAGES = "1241--1260",
  10094. TITLE = "Geometrically Uniform Codes",
  10095. VOLUME = "IT-37",
  10096. YEAR = "1991"
  10097. }
  10098. @InCollection{ CGC-fo91a,
  10099. AUTHOR = "G. D. {Forney, Jr.}",
  10100. ADDRESS = "Berlin",
  10101. BOOKTITLE = "Mathematical System Theory: The Influence of {R.E. Kalman}",
  10102. EDITOR = "A.C. Antoulas",
  10103. PAGES = "527--557",
  10104. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  10105. TITLE = "Algebraic Structure of Convolutional Codes, and algebraic system theory",
  10106. YEAR = "1991"
  10107. }
  10108. @Article{ CGC-fo93,
  10109. AUTHOR = "G. D. {Forney, Jr.} and M. D. Trott",
  10110. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10111. PAGES = "1491--1513",
  10112. TITLE = "The Dynamics of Group Codes: State Space, Trellis Diagrams and Canonical Encoders",
  10113. VOLUME = "IT-39",
  10114. YEAR = "1993"
  10115. }
  10116. @Article{ CGC-fo94,
  10117. AUTHOR = "G. D. {Forney, Jr.}",
  10118. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10119. NUMBER = "6",
  10120. PAGES = "1741--1752",
  10121. TITLE = "Dimension/Length Profiles and Trellis Complexity of Linear Block Codes,",
  10122. VOLUME = "IT-40",
  10123. YEAR = "1994"
  10124. }
  10125. @Article{ CGC-fo94a1,
  10126. AUTHOR = "E. Fornasini and M. E. Valcher",
  10127. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10128. NUMBER = "4",
  10129. PAGES = "1068--1082",
  10130. TITLE = "Algebraic Aspects of 2{D} Convolutional Codes",
  10131. VOLUME = "IT-40",
  10132. YEAR = "1994"
  10133. }
  10134. @InCollection{ CGC-fo95,
  10135. AUTHOR = "G. D. {Forney, Jr.} and B. Marcus and N. T. Sindhushayana and M. Trott",
  10136. BOOKTITLE = "Different Aspects of Coding Theory",
  10137. SERIES = "Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics",
  10138. NUMBER = "50",
  10139. PAGES = "109--138",
  10140. PUBLISHER = "American Mathematical Society",
  10141. TITLE = "A Multilingual Dictionary: System Theory, Coding Theory, Symbolic Dynamics and Automata Theory",
  10142. YEAR = "1995"
  10143. }
  10144. @Article{ CGC-wi91,
  10145. AUTHOR = "J. C. Willems",
  10146. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. Automat. Control",
  10147. NUMBER = "3",
  10148. PAGES = "259--294",
  10149. TITLE = "Paradigms and Puzzles in the Theory of Dynamical Systems",
  10150. VOLUME = "AC-36",
  10151. YEAR = "1991"
  10152. }
  10153. @Article{ CGC-wi91a,
  10154. AUTHOR = "J. C. Willems and J. W. Nieuwenhuis",
  10155. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. Automat. Control",
  10156. NUMBER = "5",
  10157. PAGES = "528--538",
  10158. TITLE = "Continuity of Latent Variable Models",
  10159. VOLUME = "AC-36",
  10160. YEAR = "1991"
  10161. }
  10162. @InProceedings{ CGC-wi91p,
  10163. AUTHOR = "J. C. Willems",
  10164. ADDRESS = "New York",
  10165. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Brighton, England)",
  10166. TITLE = "Lyapunov functions for systems described by high order differential equations",
  10167. YEAR = "1991"
  10168. }
  10169. @InCollection{ CGC-wi91a1,
  10170. AUTHOR = "J. C. Willems",
  10171. TITLE = "Dynamical systems, controllability, and observability: a post-modern point of view",
  10172. BOOKTITLE = "Mathematical system theory",
  10173. PAGES = "17--37",
  10174. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  10175. ADDRESS = "Berlin",
  10176. YEAR = "1991"
  10177. }
  10178. @InCollection{ CGC-wi92,
  10179. AUTHOR = "J. C. Willems",
  10180. ADDRESS = "Capri",
  10181. BOOKTITLE = "Systems, Models and Feedback: Theory and Applications",
  10182. NOTE = "Proceedings of a U.S.- Italy Workshop in honor of Professor Antonio Ruberti",
  10183. PAGES = "179--191",
  10184. PUBLISHER = {Birkh{\"a}user Verlag},
  10185. TITLE = "Feedback in a Behavioral Setting",
  10186. YEAR = "1992"
  10187. }
  10188. @PhDThesis{ CGC-yo97t,
  10189. AUTHOR = "E. V. York",
  10190. SCHOOL = "University of Notre Dame",
  10191. TITLE = "Algebraic Description and Construction of Error Correcting Codes, a Systems Theory Point of View.",
  10192. NOTE = "Available at\~{}rosen/preprints.html",
  10193. YEAR = "1997",
  10194. KEYWORDS = "coding theory"
  10195. }
  10196. @Article{ CGC-MR50:12441,
  10197. AUTHOR = "J. H. van Lint",
  10198. TITLE = "A survey of perfect codes",
  10199. JOURNAL = "Rocky Mountain J. Math.",
  10200. VOLUME = "5",
  10201. YEAR = "1975",
  10202. PAGES = "199--224",
  10203. MRCLASS = "94A10",
  10204. MRNUMBER = "50 \#12441",
  10205. MRREVIEWER = "Ian Blake"
  10206. }
  10207. @Article{ CGC-MR48:3609,
  10208. AUTHOR = {A. Tiet{\"a}v{\"a}inen},
  10209. TITLE = "On the nonexistence of perfect codes over finite fields",
  10210. JOURNAL = "SIAM J. Appl. Math.",
  10211. VOLUME = "24",
  10212. YEAR = "1973",
  10213. PAGES = "88--96",
  10214. MRCLASS = "94A10",
  10215. MRNUMBER = "48 \#3609",
  10216. MRREVIEWER = "N. J. A. Sloane"
  10217. }
  10218. @Article{ CGC-MR99c:94042,
  10219. AUTHOR = "P. Gaborit",
  10220. TITLE = "Mass formulas for self-dual codes over ${Z}\sb 4$ and ${\bf {F}}\sb q+u{\bf {F}}\sb q$ rings",
  10221. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10222. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  10223. VOLUME = "42",
  10224. YEAR = "1996",
  10225. NUMBER = "4",
  10226. PAGES = "1222--1228",
  10227. ISSN = "0018-9448",
  10228. CODEN = "IETTAW",
  10229. MRCLASS = "94B05",
  10230. MRNUMBER = "99c:94042"
  10231. }
  10232. @InCollection{ CGC-MR2002c:94045,
  10233. AUTHOR = "V. Olshevsky and M. A. Shokrollahi",
  10234. TITLE = "A displacement approach to efficient decoding of algebraic-geometric codes",
  10235. BOOKTITLE = "Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (Atlanta, GA, 1999)",
  10236. PAGES = "235--244 (electronic)",
  10237. PUBLISHER = "ACM",
  10238. ADDRESS = "New York",
  10239. YEAR = "1999"
  10240. }
  10241. @Article{ CGC-MR30:4805,
  10242. AUTHOR = "H. Bass",
  10243. TITLE = "-theory and stable algebra${K}$",
  10244. JOURNAL = "Inst. Hautes {\'E}tudes Sci. Publ. Math.",
  10245. NUMBER = "22",
  10246. YEAR = "1964",
  10247. PAGES = "5--60"
  10248. }
  10249. @Article{ CGC-MR2002g:94047,
  10250. AUTHOR = "T. Helleseth and C. Rong and K. Yang",
  10251. TITLE = "On $t$-designs from codes over ${Z}\sb 4$",
  10252. NOTE = "Designs, codes and finite geometries (Shanghai, 1999)",
  10253. JOURNAL = "Discrete Math.",
  10254. FJOURNAL = "Discrete Mathematics",
  10255. VOLUME = "238",
  10256. YEAR = "2001",
  10257. NUMBER = "1-3",
  10258. PAGES = "67--80"
  10259. }
  10260. @Article{ CGC-MR2002f:94056,
  10261. AUTHOR = "T. Helleseth and V. Zinoviev",
  10262. TITLE = "On coset weight distributions of the ${Z}\sb 4$-linear {G}oethals codes",
  10263. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10264. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  10265. VOLUME = "47",
  10266. YEAR = "2001",
  10267. NUMBER = "5",
  10268. PAGES = "1758--1772"
  10269. }
  10270. @Article{ CGC-MR2002b:94039,
  10271. AUTHOR = "T. Helleseth and V. Zinoviev",
  10272. TITLE = "Codes with the same coset weight distributions as the ${Z}\sb 4$-linear {G}oethals codes",
  10273. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10274. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  10275. VOLUME = "47",
  10276. YEAR = "2001",
  10277. NUMBER = "4",
  10278. PAGES = "1589--1595"
  10279. }
  10280. @Article{ CGC-MR2000h:94045,
  10281. AUTHOR = "C. Rong and T. Helleseth and J. Lahtonen",
  10282. TITLE = "On algebraic decoding of the ${Z}\sb 4$-linear {C}alderbank-{M}c{G}uire code",
  10283. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10284. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  10285. VOLUME = "45",
  10286. YEAR = "1999",
  10287. NUMBER = "5",
  10288. PAGES = "1423--1434"
  10289. }
  10290. @Article{ CGC-MR97b:94042,
  10291. AUTHOR = "T. Helleseth and P. V. Kumar",
  10292. TITLE = "The algebraic decoding of the ${Z}\sb 4$-linear {G}oethals codes",
  10293. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10294. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  10295. VOLUME = "41",
  10296. YEAR = "1995",
  10297. NUMBER = "6, part 2",
  10298. PAGES = "2040--2048"
  10299. }
  10300. @Article{ CGC-MR97k:94077,
  10301. AUTHOR = "A. R. Calderbank and G. M. McGuire",
  10302. TITLE = "Construction of a $(64,2\sp {37},12)$ code via {G}alois rings",
  10303. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  10304. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  10305. VOLUME = "10",
  10306. YEAR = "1997",
  10307. NUMBER = "2",
  10308. PAGES = "157--165"
  10309. }
  10310. @Article{ CGC-MR1866341,
  10311. AUTHOR = "S. T. Dougherty and M. Harada and P. Sol{\'e}",
  10312. TITLE = "Shadow codes over $\mathbb {Z}\sb 4$",
  10313. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  10314. FJOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  10315. VOLUME = "7",
  10316. YEAR = "2001",
  10317. NUMBER = "4",
  10318. PAGES = "507--529"
  10319. }
  10320. @Article{ CGC-gref-bogart,
  10321. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath",
  10322. TITLE = "Orthogonality Matrices for Modules over Finite Frobenius Rings and MacWilliams' Equivalence Theorem",
  10323. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  10324. FJOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  10325. VOLUME = "8",
  10326. YEAR = "2002",
  10327. PAGES = "323--331"
  10328. }
  10329. @Article{ CGC-MR1864608,
  10330. AUTHOR = "S. Ling and P. Sol{\'e}",
  10331. TITLE = "Duadic codes over ${\bf {F}}\sb 2+u{\bf {F}}\sb 2$",
  10332. JOURNAL = "Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput.",
  10333. FJOURNAL = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  10334. VOLUME = "12",
  10335. YEAR = "2001",
  10336. NUMBER = "5",
  10337. PAGES = "365--379"
  10338. }
  10339. @Article{ CGC-MR2001j:94055,
  10340. AUTHOR = "P. Langevin and P. Sol{\'e}",
  10341. TITLE = "Duadic ${Z}\sb 4$-codes",
  10342. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  10343. FJOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  10344. VOLUME = "6",
  10345. YEAR = "2000",
  10346. NUMBER = "4",
  10347. PAGES = "309--326"
  10348. }
  10349. @Article{ CGC-MR2001g:05021,
  10350. AUTHOR = "A. Bonnecaze and E. Rains and P. Sol{\'e}",
  10351. TITLE = "-colored $3$-designs and $5$-codes${Z}\sb 4$",
  10352. JOURNAL = "J. Statist. Plann. Inference",
  10353. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference",
  10354. VOLUME = "86",
  10355. YEAR = "2000",
  10356. NUMBER = "2",
  10357. PAGES = "349--368"
  10358. }
  10359. @InCollection{ CGC-MR2001c:11074,
  10360. AUTHOR = "M. Harada and P. Sol{\'e} and P. Gaborit",
  10361. TITLE = "Self-dual codes over ${Z}\sb 4$ and unimodular lattices: a survey",
  10362. BOOKTITLE = "Algebras and combinatorics (Hong Kong, 1997)",
  10363. PAGES = "255--275",
  10364. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  10365. ADDRESS = "Singapore",
  10366. YEAR = "1999",
  10367. MRCLASS = "11H71 (11H31 94B75)",
  10368. MRNUMBER = "2001c:11074",
  10369. MRREVIEWER = "John Karlof"
  10370. }
  10371. @Article{ CGC-MR2000i:94088,
  10372. AUTHOR = "A. Bonnecaze and P. Gaborit and M. Harada and M. Kitazume and P. Sol{\'e}",
  10373. TITLE = "Niemeier lattices and type {I}{I} codes over ${Z}\sb 4$",
  10374. JOURNAL = "Discrete Math.",
  10375. FJOURNAL = "Discrete Mathematics",
  10376. VOLUME = "205",
  10377. YEAR = "1999",
  10378. NUMBER = "1-3",
  10379. PAGES = "1--21"
  10380. }
  10381. @Article{ CGC-MR2000h:94053,
  10382. AUTHOR = "S. T. Dougherty and P. Gaborit and M. Harada and P. Sol{\'e}",
  10383. TITLE = "Type {I}{I} codes over ${\bf {F}}\sb 2+u{\bf {F}}\sb 2$",
  10384. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10385. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  10386. VOLUME = "45",
  10387. YEAR = "1999",
  10388. NUMBER = "1",
  10389. PAGES = "32--45"
  10390. }
  10391. \%\%DONE\_4\_OCT
  10392. @Article{ MR2000f:94070,
  10393. AUTHOR = "T. Aoki and P. Gaborit and M. Harada and M. Ozeki and P. Sol{\'e}",
  10394. TITLE = "On the covering radius of ${Z}\sb 4$-codes and their lattices",
  10395. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10396. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  10397. VOLUME = "45",
  10398. YEAR = "1999",
  10399. NUMBER = "6",
  10400. PAGES = "2162--2168"
  10401. }
  10402. @Article{ CGC-MR98e:94025,
  10403. AUTHOR = "A. Bonnecaze and P. Sol{\'e} and C. Bachoc and B. Mourrain",
  10404. TITLE = "Type {I}{I} codes over ${Z}\sb 4$",
  10405. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10406. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  10407. VOLUME = "43",
  10408. YEAR = "1997",
  10409. NUMBER = "3",
  10410. PAGES = "969--976"
  10411. }
  10412. @Article{ CGC-MR97m:94036,
  10413. AUTHOR = "V. Pless and P. Sol{\'e} and Z. Qian",
  10414. TITLE = "Cyclic self-dual ${Z}\sb 4$-codes",
  10415. NOTE = "With an appendix by Pieter Moree",
  10416. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  10417. FJOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  10418. VOLUME = "3",
  10419. YEAR = "1997",
  10420. NUMBER = "1",
  10421. PAGES = "48--69"
  10422. }
  10423. @Article{ CGC-MR96b:94027,
  10424. AUTHOR = "A. Bonnecaze and P. Sol{\'e} and A. R. Calderbank",
  10425. TITLE = "Quaternary quadratic residue codes and unimodular lattices",
  10426. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10427. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  10428. VOLUME = "41",
  10429. YEAR = "1995",
  10430. NUMBER = "2",
  10431. PAGES = "366--377"
  10432. }
  10433. @Article{ CGC-MR1901586,
  10434. AUTHOR = "K.-H. Zimmermann",
  10435. TITLE = "Efficient {D}{N}{A} sticker algorithms for {N}{P}-complete graph problems",
  10436. JOURNAL = "Comput. Phys. Comm.",
  10437. FJOURNAL = "Computer Physics Communications. An International Journal and Program Library for Computational Physics and Physical Chemistry",
  10438. VOLUME = "144",
  10439. YEAR = "2002",
  10440. NUMBER = "3",
  10441. PAGES = "297--309"
  10442. }
  10443. @Article{ CGC-MR1891260,
  10444. AUTHOR = "K.-H. Zimmermann",
  10445. TITLE = "On applying molecular computation to binary linear codes",
  10446. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10447. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  10448. VOLUME = "48",
  10449. YEAR = "2002",
  10450. NUMBER = "2",
  10451. PAGES = "505--510"
  10452. }
  10453. @InCollection{ CGC-MR1851957,
  10454. AUTHOR = "T. Rehfinger and N. {Suresh B.} and K.-H. Zimmermann",
  10455. TITLE = "New good codes via {C}{Q}uest---a system for the silicon search of linear codes",
  10456. BOOKTITLE = {Algebraic combinatorics and applications (G{\"o}{\ss}weinstein, 1999)},
  10457. PAGES = "294--306",
  10458. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  10459. ADDRESS = "Berlin",
  10460. YEAR = "2001"
  10461. }
  10462. @Article{ CGC-MR97b:94040,
  10463. AUTHOR = "K.-H. Zimmermann",
  10464. TITLE = "On generalizations of repeated-root cyclic codes",
  10465. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10466. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  10467. VOLUME = "42",
  10468. YEAR = "1996",
  10469. NUMBER = "2",
  10470. PAGES = "641--649",
  10471. ISSN = "0018-9448",
  10472. CODEN = "IETTAW",
  10473. MRCLASS = "94B15",
  10474. MRNUMBER = "97b:94040"
  10475. }
  10476. @Article{ CGC-MR95m:20012,
  10477. AUTHOR = "R. A. Liebler and K.-H. Zimmermann",
  10478. TITLE = "Combinatorial ${S}\sb n$-modules as codes",
  10479. JOURNAL = "J. Algebraic Combin.",
  10480. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics. An International Journal",
  10481. VOLUME = "4",
  10482. YEAR = "1995",
  10483. NUMBER = "1",
  10484. PAGES = "47--68"
  10485. }
  10486. @Article{ CGC-MR95h:94035,
  10487. AUTHOR = "K.-H. Zimmermann",
  10488. TITLE = {Beitr{\"a}ge zur algebraischen {C}odierungstheorie mittels modularer {D}arstellungstheorie},
  10489. JOURNAL = "Bayreuth. Math. Schr.",
  10490. FJOURNAL = "Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften",
  10491. NUMBER = "48",
  10492. YEAR = "1994",
  10493. PAGES = "vi+278"
  10494. }
  10495. @Article{ CGC-MR95h:20057,
  10496. AUTHOR = "K.-H. Zimmermann",
  10497. TITLE = "On weight spaces of polynomial representations of the general linear group as linear codes",
  10498. JOURNAL = "J. Combin. Theory Ser. A",
  10499. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A",
  10500. VOLUME = "67",
  10501. YEAR = "1994",
  10502. NUMBER = "1",
  10503. PAGES = "1--22",
  10504. ISSN = "0097-3165"
  10505. }
  10506. @InCollection{ CGC-MR95b:94038,
  10507. AUTHOR = "K.-H. Zimmermann",
  10508. TITLE = "On the construction of majority-logic decodable group codes",
  10509. BOOKTITLE = "Cryptography and coding, III (Cirencester, 1991)",
  10510. PAGES = "367--377",
  10511. PUBLISHER = "Oxford Univ. Press",
  10512. ADDRESS = "New York",
  10513. YEAR = "1993"
  10514. }
  10515. @InCollection{ CGC-MR95b:94030,
  10516. AUTHOR = "K.-H. Zimmermann",
  10517. TITLE = "On the exponent of indecomposable abelian group codes",
  10518. BOOKTITLE = "Coding theory, design theory, group theory (Burlington, VT, 1990)",
  10519. PAGES = "291--295",
  10520. PUBLISHER = "Wiley",
  10521. ADDRESS = "New York",
  10522. YEAR = "1993"
  10523. }
  10524. @Article{ CGC-MR94i:94023,
  10525. AUTHOR = "K.-H. Zimmermann",
  10526. TITLE = "On the decoding of indecomposable binary group codes",
  10527. JOURNAL = "Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena",
  10528. FJOURNAL = "Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell'Universit{\`a} di Modena",
  10529. VOLUME = "41",
  10530. YEAR = "1993",
  10531. NUMBER = "2",
  10532. PAGES = "445--455"
  10533. }
  10534. @Article{ CGC-MR94i:94021,
  10535. AUTHOR = "K.-H. Zimmermann",
  10536. TITLE = "On the majority decodable distance of codes in filtrations of characteristic $p>0$",
  10537. JOURNAL = "Arch. Math. (Basel)",
  10538. FJOURNAL = "Archiv der Mathematik. Archives of Mathematics. Archives Math{\'e}matiques",
  10539. VOLUME = "61",
  10540. YEAR = "1993",
  10541. NUMBER = "5",
  10542. PAGES = "434--443"
  10543. }
  10544. @Article{ CGC-MR93h:94022,
  10545. AUTHOR = "K.-H. Zimmermann",
  10546. TITLE = "On a complete decoding scheme for binary radical codes",
  10547. JOURNAL = "Arch. Math. (Basel)",
  10548. FJOURNAL = "Archiv der Mathematik. Archives of Mathematics. Archives Math{\'e}matiques",
  10549. VOLUME = "59",
  10550. YEAR = "1992",
  10551. NUMBER = "5",
  10552. PAGES = "513--520"
  10553. }
  10554. @Article{ CGC-MR93e:94015,
  10555. AUTHOR = "K.-H. Zimmermann",
  10556. TITLE = "The weight distribution of indecomposable cyclic codes over $2$-groups",
  10557. JOURNAL = "J. Combin. Theory Ser. A",
  10558. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A",
  10559. VOLUME = "60",
  10560. YEAR = "1992",
  10561. NUMBER = "1",
  10562. PAGES = "85--103"
  10563. }
  10564. @Article{ CGC-MR92g:94016,
  10565. AUTHOR = "K.-H. Zimmermann",
  10566. TITLE = "On indecomposable abelian codes and their vertices",
  10567. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10568. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  10569. VOLUME = "37",
  10570. YEAR = "1991",
  10571. NUMBER = "6",
  10572. PAGES = "1723--1731"
  10573. }
  10574. @Book{ CGC-MR89a:68110,
  10575. AUTHOR = "K.-H. Zimmermann",
  10576. TITLE = "Pipeline-{A}utomaten",
  10577. PUBLISHER = {Friedrich-Alexander-Universit{\"a}t zu Erlangen-N{\"u}rnberg},
  10578. ADDRESS = "Erlangen",
  10579. YEAR = "1987",
  10580. PAGES = "viii+113"
  10581. }
  10582. @Article{ CGC-zimmermann,
  10583. AUTHOR = "N. S. Babu and K.-H. Zimmermann",
  10584. TITLE = "Decoding of linear codes over {G}alois rings",
  10585. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10586. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  10587. VOLUME = "47",
  10588. YEAR = "2001",
  10589. NUMBER = "4",
  10590. PAGES = "1599--1603",
  10591. ISSN = "0018-9448",
  10592. CODEN = "IETTAW",
  10593. MRCLASS = "94B35",
  10594. MRNUMBER = "1 830 108"
  10595. }
  10596. @InCollection{ CGC-MR1441591,
  10597. AUTHOR = "K.-H. Zimmermann and W. Achtziger",
  10598. TITLE = "Synthesizing regular arrays from single affine recurrences via quadratic and branching parametric linear programming",
  10599. BOOKTITLE = "Parcella '96 (Berlin, 1996)",
  10600. PAGES = "224--231",
  10601. PUBLISHER = "Akademie Verlag",
  10602. ADDRESS = "Berlin",
  10603. YEAR = "1996",
  10604. MRCLASS = "68Q22 (68Q35 90C05)",
  10605. MRNUMBER = "1 441 591"
  10606. }
  10607. @Article{ CGC-MR1846041,
  10608. AUTHOR = "I. Landzhev and T. Khonol{\cprime}d",
  10609. TITLE = "Arcs in projective {H}jelmslev planes",
  10610. JOURNAL = "Diskret. Mat.",
  10611. FJOURNAL = "Diskretnaya Matematika",
  10612. VOLUME = "13",
  10613. YEAR = "2001",
  10614. NUMBER = "1",
  10615. PAGES = "90--109",
  10616. ISSN = "0234-0860",
  10617. MRCLASS = "51E21 (51C05 51E15)",
  10618. MRNUMBER = "1 846 041",
  10619. MRREVIEWER = "A. Schleiermacher"
  10620. }
  10621. @Article{ CGC-MR2002c:51003,
  10622. AUTHOR = "T. Honold and I. Landjev",
  10623. TITLE = "On arcs in projective {H}jelmslev planes",
  10624. NOTE = "17th British Combinatorial Conference (Canterbury, 1999)",
  10625. JOURNAL = "Discrete Math.",
  10626. FJOURNAL = "Discrete Mathematics",
  10627. VOLUME = "231",
  10628. YEAR = "2001",
  10629. NUMBER = "1-3",
  10630. PAGES = "265--278"
  10631. }
  10632. @Article{ CGC-MR1867370,
  10633. AUTHOR = "J. A. Wood",
  10634. TITLE = "The structure of linear codes of constant weight",
  10635. JOURNAL = "Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.",
  10636. FJOURNAL = "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society",
  10637. VOLUME = "354",
  10638. YEAR = "2002",
  10639. NUMBER = "3",
  10640. PAGES = "1007--1026 (electronic)"
  10641. }
  10642. @InCollection{ CGC-MR2001a:20112,
  10643. AUTHOR = "J. A. Wood",
  10644. TITLE = "Factoring the semigroup determinant of a finite commutative chain ring",
  10645. BOOKTITLE = "Coding theory, cryptography and related areas (Guanajuato, 1998)",
  10646. PAGES = "249--259",
  10647. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  10648. ADDRESS = "Berlin",
  10649. YEAR = "2000"
  10650. }
  10651. @InCollection{ CGC-MR2000b:94024,
  10652. AUTHOR = "J. A. Wood",
  10653. TITLE = "Weight functions and the extension theorem for linear codes over finite rings",
  10654. BOOKTITLE = "Finite fields: theory, applications, and algorithms (Waterloo, ON, 1997)",
  10655. PAGES = "231--243",
  10656. PUBLISHER = "Amer. Math. Soc.",
  10657. ADDRESS = "Providence, RI",
  10658. YEAR = "1999",
  10659. MRCLASS = "94B05 (13M05)",
  10660. MRNUMBER = "2000b:94024",
  10661. MRREVIEWER = "L. R. Vermani"
  10662. }
  10663. @InCollection{ CGC-MR99h:94062,
  10664. AUTHOR = "J. A. Wood",
  10665. TITLE = "Extension theorems for linear codes over finite rings",
  10666. BOOKTITLE = "Applied algebra, algebraic algorithms and error-correcting codes (Toulouse, 1997)",
  10667. PAGES = "329--340",
  10668. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  10669. YEAR = "1997"
  10670. }
  10671. @Article{ CGC-MR98g:55019,
  10672. AUTHOR = "J. A. Wood",
  10673. TITLE = "The {C}hern character for classical matrix groups",
  10674. JOURNAL = "Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.",
  10675. FJOURNAL = "Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society",
  10676. VOLUME = "126",
  10677. YEAR = "1998",
  10678. NUMBER = "4",
  10679. PAGES = "1237--1244",
  10680. ISSN = "0002-9939",
  10681. CODEN = "PAMYAR",
  10682. MRCLASS = "55R40 (57R20 57T10)",
  10683. MRNUMBER = "98g:55019",
  10684. MRREVIEWER = "V. P. Snaith"
  10685. }
  10686. @Article{ CGC-MR96i:94028,
  10687. AUTHOR = "H. N. Ward and J. A. Wood",
  10688. TITLE = "Characters and the equivalence of codes",
  10689. JOURNAL = "J. Combin. Theory Ser. A",
  10690. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A",
  10691. VOLUME = "73",
  10692. YEAR = "1996",
  10693. NUMBER = "2",
  10694. PAGES = "348--352",
  10695. ISSN = "0097-3165",
  10696. CODEN = "JCBTA7",
  10697. MRCLASS = "94B05 (11T71)",
  10698. MRNUMBER = "96i:94028"
  10699. }
  10700. @Article{ CGC-MR95m:55023,
  10701. AUTHOR = "D. J. Benson and J. A. Wood",
  10702. TITLE = "Integral invariants and cohomology of ${B}{\rm {S}pin}(n)$",
  10703. JOURNAL = "Topology",
  10704. FJOURNAL = "Topology. An International Journal of Mathematics",
  10705. VOLUME = "34",
  10706. YEAR = "1995",
  10707. NUMBER = "1",
  10708. PAGES = "13--28",
  10709. ISSN = "0040-9383",
  10710. CODEN = "TPLGAF",
  10711. MRCLASS = "55R40 (55R35)",
  10712. MRNUMBER = "95m:55023",
  10713. MRREVIEWER = "Hideaki {\=O}shima"
  10714. }
  10715. @InCollection{ CGC-MR95b:55020,
  10716. AUTHOR = "J. A. Wood",
  10717. TITLE = "Nilpotent elements in the {B}ockstein spectral sequence for ${B}{\rm {S}pin}(n)$",
  10718. BOOKTITLE = "Algebraic topology (Oaxtepec, 1991)",
  10719. PAGES = "453--469",
  10720. PUBLISHER = "Amer. Math. Soc.",
  10721. ADDRESS = "Providence, RI",
  10722. YEAR = "1993",
  10723. MRCLASS = "55T99 (55N20 55R40)",
  10724. MRNUMBER = "95b:55020"
  10725. }
  10726. @Article{ CGC-MR93e:11048,
  10727. AUTHOR = "J. A. Wood",
  10728. TITLE = "Witt's extension theorem for mod four valued quadratic forms",
  10729. JOURNAL = "Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.",
  10730. FJOURNAL = "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society",
  10731. VOLUME = "336",
  10732. YEAR = "1993",
  10733. NUMBER = "1",
  10734. PAGES = "445--461",
  10735. ISSN = "0002-9947",
  10736. CODEN = "TAMTAM",
  10737. MRCLASS = "11E12 (15A63 57R67)",
  10738. MRNUMBER = "93e:11048",
  10739. MRREVIEWER = "Jorge F. Morales"
  10740. }
  10741. @InCollection{ CGC-MR91e:94032,
  10742. AUTHOR = "J. A. Wood",
  10743. TITLE = "Self-orthogonal codes and the topology of spinor groups",
  10744. BOOKTITLE = "Coding theory and design theory, Part I",
  10745. PAGES = "219--239",
  10746. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  10747. ADDRESS = "New York",
  10748. YEAR = "1990",
  10749. MRCLASS = "94B27 (11T71 22E15 57T99)",
  10750. MRNUMBER = "91e:94032",
  10751. MRREVIEWER = "J. J. Ucci"
  10752. }
  10753. @InCollection{ CGC-MR91d:22007,
  10754. AUTHOR = "J. A. Wood",
  10755. TITLE = "Maximal abelian subgroups of spinor groups and error-correcting codes",
  10756. BOOKTITLE = "Algebraic topology (Evanston, IL, 1988)",
  10757. PAGES = "333--350",
  10758. PUBLISHER = "Amer. Math. Soc.",
  10759. ADDRESS = "Providence, RI",
  10760. YEAR = "1989",
  10761. MRCLASS = "22E15 (20F38 94B60)",
  10762. MRNUMBER = "91d:22007",
  10763. MRREVIEWER = "Hans-Jochen Bartels"
  10764. }
  10765. @Article{ CGC-MR90i:20040,
  10766. AUTHOR = "J. A. Wood",
  10767. TITLE = "Spinor groups and algebraic coding theory",
  10768. JOURNAL = "J. Combin. Theory Ser. A",
  10769. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A",
  10770. VOLUME = "51",
  10771. YEAR = "1989",
  10772. NUMBER = "2",
  10773. PAGES = "277--313"
  10774. }
  10775. @Article{ CGC-MR86e:14029,
  10776. AUTHOR = "J. A. Wood",
  10777. TITLE = "Osculation by algebraic hypersurfaces",
  10778. JOURNAL = "J. Differential Geom.",
  10779. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Differential Geometry",
  10780. VOLUME = "18",
  10781. YEAR = "1983",
  10782. NUMBER = "3",
  10783. PAGES = "563--573"
  10784. }
  10785. @Article{ CGG-MR85d:14069,
  10786. AUTHOR = "J. A. Wood",
  10787. TITLE = "A simple criterion for local hypersurfaces to be algebraic",
  10788. JOURNAL = "Duke Math. J.",
  10789. FJOURNAL = "Duke Mathematical Journal",
  10790. VOLUME = "51",
  10791. YEAR = "1984",
  10792. NUMBER = "1",
  10793. PAGES = "235--237"
  10794. }
  10795. @InCollection{ CGC-MR1846492,
  10796. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath and S. E. Schmidt",
  10797. TITLE = "Linear codes and rings of matrices",
  10798. BOOKTITLE = "Applied algebra, algebraic algorithms and error-correcting codes (Honolulu, HI, 1999)",
  10799. PAGES = "160--169",
  10800. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  10801. ADDRESS = "Berlin",
  10802. YEAR = "1999",
  10803. MRCLASS = "94B05 (16S50)",
  10804. MRNUMBER = "1 846 492"
  10805. }
  10806. @Article{ CGC-MR1823470,
  10807. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath",
  10808. TITLE = "Zur {R}olle der {R}inge und {M}oduln in der algebraischen {C}odierungstheorie und {K}ryptologie",
  10809. NOTE = {Habilitationsschrift, Gerhard-Mercator-Universit{\"a}t-Gesamthochschule, Duisburg, Duisburg, 2000},
  10810. JOURNAL = "Mitt. Math. Sem. Giessen",
  10811. FJOURNAL = "Mitteilungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar Giessen",
  10812. NUMBER = "245",
  10813. YEAR = "2001",
  10814. PAGES = "ii+71"
  10815. }
  10816. @Article{ CGC-monomial,
  10817. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath and S. E. Schmidt",
  10818. TITLE = "Finite-ring combinatorics and {M}ac{W}illiams' equivalence theorem",
  10819. JOURNAL = "J. Combin. Theory Ser. A",
  10820. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A",
  10821. VOLUME = "92",
  10822. YEAR = "2000",
  10823. NUMBER = "1",
  10824. PAGES = "17--28"
  10825. }
  10826. @Article{ CGC-MR2001f:94020,
  10827. AUTHOR = "I. M. Duursma and M. Greferath and S. E. Schmidt",
  10828. TITLE = "On the optimal ${Z}\sb 4$ codes of type {I}{I} and length 16",
  10829. JOURNAL = "J. Combin. Theory Ser. A",
  10830. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A",
  10831. VOLUME = "92",
  10832. YEAR = "2000",
  10833. NUMBER = "1",
  10834. PAGES = "77--82"
  10835. }
  10836. @InCollection{ CGC-MR2001f:06017,
  10837. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath",
  10838. TITLE = "On {A}rtinian and {N}oetherian projective lattice geometries",
  10839. BOOKTITLE = "Algebra and its applications (Athens, OH, 1999)",
  10840. PAGES = "241--246",
  10841. PUBLISHER = "Amer. Math. Soc.",
  10842. ADDRESS = "Providence, RI",
  10843. YEAR = "2000"
  10844. }
  10845. @Article{ CGC-MR2000h:94061,
  10846. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath and S. E. Schmidt",
  10847. TITLE = "Gray isometries for finite chain rings and a nonlinear ternary $(36,\ 3\sp {12},\ 15)$ code",
  10848. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10849. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  10850. VOLUME = "45",
  10851. YEAR = "1999",
  10852. NUMBER = "7",
  10853. PAGES = "2522--2524"
  10854. }
  10855. @Article{ CGC-MR2000h:94056,
  10856. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath and E. Viterbo",
  10857. TITLE = "On ${Z}\sb 4$- and ${Z}\sb 9$-linear lifts of the {G}olay codes",
  10858. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10859. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  10860. VOLUME = "45",
  10861. YEAR = "1999",
  10862. NUMBER = "7",
  10863. PAGES = "2524--2527"
  10864. }
  10865. @Article{ CGC-decod98,
  10866. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath and U. Vellbinger",
  10867. TITLE = "Efficient decoding of ${Z}\sb {p\sp k}$-linear codes",
  10868. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  10869. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  10870. VOLUME = "44",
  10871. YEAR = "1998",
  10872. NUMBER = "3",
  10873. PAGES = "1288--1291"
  10874. }
  10875. @Article{ CGC-MR97c:06008,
  10876. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath",
  10877. TITLE = "A geometric approach to free left modules over right {B}ezout domains",
  10878. JOURNAL = "Geom. Dedicata",
  10879. FJOURNAL = "Geometriae Dedicata",
  10880. VOLUME = "60",
  10881. YEAR = "1996",
  10882. NUMBER = "2",
  10883. PAGES = "219--224",
  10884. ISSN = "0046-5755",
  10885. CODEN = "GEMDAT",
  10886. MRCLASS = "06C05 (16U10 51C05)",
  10887. MRNUMBER = "97c:06008",
  10888. MRREVIEWER = "Dirk Keppens"
  10889. }
  10890. @InCollection{ CGC-alg-book-BrehmGrefSchm95,
  10891. AUTHOR = "U. Brehm and M. Greferath and S. E. Schmidt",
  10892. TITLE = "Projective geometry on modular lattices",
  10893. BOOKTITLE = "Handbook of incidence geometry",
  10894. PAGES = "1115--1142",
  10895. PUBLISHER = "North-Holland",
  10896. ADDRESS = "Amsterdam",
  10897. YEAR = "1995",
  10898. MRCLASS = "51D30 (06C05 51C05)",
  10899. MRNUMBER = "96j:51008",
  10900. MRREVIEWER = "Andrea Blunck"
  10901. }
  10902. @Article{ CGC-promo,
  10903. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath",
  10904. TITLE = "Zur {S}trukturtheorie der projektiven {V}erbandsgeometrie",
  10905. JOURNAL = "Mitt. Math. Sem. Giessen",
  10906. FJOURNAL = "Mitteilungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar Giessen",
  10907. NUMBER = "217",
  10908. YEAR = "1994",
  10909. PAGES = "ii+55",
  10910. ISSN = "0373-8221",
  10911. CODEN = "MMUGAU",
  10912. MRCLASS = "51D25 (06C05)",
  10913. MRNUMBER = "95k:51011",
  10914. MRREVIEWER = "Norbert Knarr"
  10915. }
  10916. @Article{ CGC-MR95f:51002,
  10917. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath and S. E. Schmidt",
  10918. TITLE = "On stable geometries",
  10919. JOURNAL = "Geom. Dedicata",
  10920. FJOURNAL = "Geometriae Dedicata",
  10921. VOLUME = "51",
  10922. YEAR = "1994",
  10923. NUMBER = "2",
  10924. PAGES = "181--199",
  10925. ISSN = "0046-5755",
  10926. CODEN = "GEMDAT",
  10927. MRCLASS = "51C05",
  10928. MRNUMBER = "95f:51002",
  10929. MRREVIEWER = "F. D. Veldkamp"
  10930. }
  10931. @Article{ CGC-MR95e:51009,
  10932. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath and S. E. Schmidt",
  10933. TITLE = "On point-irreducible projective lattice geometries",
  10934. JOURNAL = "J. Geom.",
  10935. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Geometry",
  10936. VOLUME = "50",
  10937. YEAR = "1994",
  10938. NUMBER = "1-2",
  10939. PAGES = "73--83",
  10940. ISSN = "0047-2468",
  10941. CODEN = "JGMAY3",
  10942. MRCLASS = "51D99 (13E10)",
  10943. MRNUMBER = "95e:51009",
  10944. MRREVIEWER = "Maria Scafati Tallini"
  10945. }
  10946. @Article{ CGC-MR94f:51009,
  10947. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath",
  10948. TITLE = "Global-affine morphisms of projective lattice geometries",
  10949. JOURNAL = "Results Math.",
  10950. FJOURNAL = "Results in Mathematics. Resultate der Mathematik",
  10951. VOLUME = "24",
  10952. YEAR = "1993",
  10953. NUMBER = "1-2",
  10954. PAGES = "76--83",
  10955. ISSN = "0378-6218",
  10956. MRCLASS = "51D25",
  10957. MRNUMBER = "94f:51009",
  10958. MRREVIEWER = "F. D. Veldkamp"
  10959. }
  10960. @Article{ CGC-MR94c:51017b,
  10961. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath and S. E. Schmidt",
  10962. TITLE = "On {B}arbilian spaces in projective lattice geometries",
  10963. JOURNAL = "Geom. Dedicata",
  10964. FJOURNAL = "Geometriae Dedicata",
  10965. VOLUME = "43",
  10966. YEAR = "1992",
  10967. NUMBER = "3",
  10968. PAGES = "337--349",
  10969. ISSN = "0046-5755",
  10970. CODEN = "GEMDAT",
  10971. MRCLASS = "51C05 (51A05 51D25)",
  10972. MRNUMBER = "94c:51017b",
  10973. MRREVIEWER = "J. W. Lorimer"
  10974. }
  10975. @Article{ CGC-MR94c:51017a,
  10976. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath and S. E. Schmidt",
  10977. TITLE = "A unified approach to projective lattice geometries",
  10978. JOURNAL = "Geom. Dedicata",
  10979. FJOURNAL = "Geometriae Dedicata",
  10980. VOLUME = "43",
  10981. YEAR = "1992",
  10982. NUMBER = "3",
  10983. PAGES = "243--264",
  10984. ISSN = "0046-5755",
  10985. CODEN = "GEMDAT",
  10986. MRCLASS = "51C05 (51A05 51D25)",
  10987. MRNUMBER = "94c:51017a",
  10988. MRREVIEWER = "J. W. Lorimer"
  10989. }
  10990. @Article{ CGC-MR92m:51006,
  10991. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath",
  10992. TITLE = "Zur {H}yperebenenalgebraisierung in {D}esarguesschen projektiven {V}erbandsgeometrien",
  10993. JOURNAL = "J. Geom.",
  10994. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Geometry",
  10995. VOLUME = "42",
  10996. YEAR = "1991",
  10997. NUMBER = "1-2",
  10998. PAGES = "100--108",
  10999. ISSN = "0047-2468",
  11000. CODEN = "JGMAY3",
  11001. MRCLASS = "51D25 (51A30)",
  11002. MRNUMBER = "92m:51006",
  11003. MRREVIEWER = "Franz B. Kalhoff"
  11004. }
  11005. @Article{ CGC-MR1830107,
  11006. AUTHOR = "I. M. Duursma and M. Greferath and Simon N. Litsyn and S. E. Schmidt",
  11007. TITLE = "A ${\mathbb {Z}}\sb 8$-linear lift of the binary {G}olay code and a nonlinear binary $(96,2\sp {37},24)$-code",
  11008. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11009. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  11010. VOLUME = "47",
  11011. YEAR = "2001",
  11012. NUMBER = "4",
  11013. PAGES = "1596--1598"
  11014. }
  11015. @Article{ CGC-MR1664107,
  11016. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath and U. Vellbinger",
  11017. TITLE = "On the extended error-correcting capabilities of the quaternary {P}reparata codes",
  11018. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11019. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  11020. VOLUME = "44",
  11021. YEAR = "1998",
  11022. NUMBER = "5",
  11023. PAGES = "2018--2019",
  11024. ISSN = "0018-9448",
  11025. CODEN = "IETTAW",
  11026. MRCLASS = "94B60",
  11027. MRNUMBER = "1 664 107"
  11028. }
  11029. @Article{ CGC-MR1483452,
  11030. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath",
  11031. TITLE = "Cyclic codes over finite rings",
  11032. JOURNAL = "Discrete Math.",
  11033. FJOURNAL = "Discrete Mathematics",
  11034. VOLUME = "177",
  11035. YEAR = "1997",
  11036. NUMBER = "1-3",
  11037. PAGES = "273--277"
  11038. }
  11039. @Article{ CGC-MR1791449,
  11040. AUTHOR = "K. Shiromoto",
  11041. TITLE = "Singleton bounds for codes over finite rings",
  11042. JOURNAL = "J. Algebraic Combin.",
  11043. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics. An International Journal",
  11044. VOLUME = "12",
  11045. YEAR = "2000",
  11046. NUMBER = "1",
  11047. PAGES = "95--99"
  11048. }
  11049. @Article{ CGC-MR1889975,
  11050. AUTHOR = "E. Byrne and P. Fitzpatrick",
  11051. TITLE = "Hamming metric decoding of alternant codes over {G}alois rings",
  11052. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11053. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  11054. VOLUME = "48",
  11055. YEAR = "2002",
  11056. NUMBER = "3",
  11057. PAGES = "683--694"
  11058. }
  11059. @Article{ CGC-MR2002d:13036,
  11060. AUTHOR = "E. Byrne and P. Fitzpatrick",
  11061. TITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner bases over {G}alois rings with an application to decoding alternant codes},
  11062. JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Comput.",
  11063. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
  11064. VOLUME = "31",
  11065. YEAR = "2001",
  11066. NUMBER = "5",
  11067. PAGES = "565--584"
  11068. }
  11069. @Article{ CGC-MR99j:94070,
  11070. AUTHOR = "A. A. de Andrade and Jr. R. Palazzo",
  11071. TITLE = "Construction and decoding of {B}{C}{H} codes over finite commutative rings",
  11072. JOURNAL = "Linear Algebra Appl.",
  11073. FJOURNAL = "Linear Algebra and its Applications",
  11074. VOLUME = "286",
  11075. YEAR = "1999",
  11076. NUMBER = "1-3",
  11077. PAGES = "69--85",
  11078. ISSN = "0024-3795",
  11079. CODEN = "LAAPAW",
  11080. MRCLASS = "94B15 (94B35)",
  11081. MRNUMBER = "99j:94070",
  11082. MRREVIEWER = "Margreet Kuijper"
  11083. }
  11084. @Article{ CGC-MR98m:94054,
  11085. AUTHOR = "B.-Z. Shen and Kenneth K. Tzeng",
  11086. TITLE = "Decoding geometric {G}oppa codes up to designed minimum distance by solving a key equation in a ring",
  11087. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11088. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  11089. VOLUME = "41",
  11090. YEAR = "1995",
  11091. NUMBER = "6, part 1",
  11092. PAGES = "1694--1702"
  11093. }
  11094. @Article{ CGC-MR98e:94042,
  11095. AUTHOR = "J. C. Interlando and Jr. R. Palazzo and M. Elia",
  11096. TITLE = "On the decoding of {R}eed-{S}olomon and {B}{C}{H} codes over integer residue rings",
  11097. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11098. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  11099. VOLUME = "43",
  11100. YEAR = "1997",
  11101. NUMBER = "3",
  11102. PAGES = "1013--1021"
  11103. }
  11104. @Article{ CGC-MR93g:16055,
  11105. AUTHOR = "P. R. Fuchs",
  11106. TITLE = "A decoding method for planar near-ring codes",
  11107. JOURNAL = "Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma (4)",
  11108. FJOURNAL = "Rivista di Matematica della Universit{\`a} di Parma. Serie IV",
  11109. VOLUME = "17",
  11110. YEAR = "1991",
  11111. PAGES = "325--331 (1992)",
  11112. ISSN = "0035-6298",
  11113. MRCLASS = "16Y30 (05B05)",
  11114. MRNUMBER = "93g:16055",
  11115. MRREVIEWER = "Gordon Mason"
  11116. }
  11117. @InCollection{ CGC-MR1861839,
  11118. AUTHOR = "G. H. Norton and A. S\u{a}l\u{a}gean",
  11119. TITLE = "On efficient decoding of alternant codes over a commutative ring",
  11120. BOOKTITLE = "Cryptography and coding (Cirencester, 1999)",
  11121. PAGES = "173--178",
  11122. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  11123. ADDRESS = "Berlin",
  11124. YEAR = "1999",
  11125. MRCLASS = "94B35",
  11126. MRNUMBER = "1 861 839"
  11127. }
  11128. @Article{ CGC-jackmartokee96a,
  11129. AUTHOR = "W.-A. Jackson and K. M. Martin and C. M. O'Keefe",
  11130. TITLE = "A construction for multisecret threshold schemes",
  11131. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  11132. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  11133. VOLUME = "9",
  11134. YEAR = "1996",
  11135. NUMBER = "3",
  11136. PAGES = "287--303",
  11137. ISSN = "0925-1022",
  11138. CODEN = "DCCREC",
  11139. MRCLASS = "94A60",
  11140. MRNUMBER = "97k:94032"
  11141. }
  11142. @Book{ CGC-maple,
  11143. AUTHOR = "M. Kofler",
  11144. TITLE = "Maple {V}, {R}elease 4",
  11145. NOTE = {Einf{\"u}hrung und Leitfaden f{\"u}r den Praktiker},
  11146. PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley",
  11147. YEAR = "1996",
  11148. PAGES = "582",
  11149. ISBN = "3-89319-903-9"
  11150. }
  11151. @Article{ CGC-conwsloa93,
  11152. AUTHOR = "{J. H.} Conway and {N. J. A.} Sloane",
  11153. TITLE = "Codes over the Integers Modulo $4$",
  11154. JOURNAL = "J.\ Comb.\ Theory, Ser.\ A.",
  11155. VOLUME = "62",
  11156. YEAR = "1993",
  11157. PAGES = "31--45"
  11158. }
  11159. @Unpublished{ CGC-duur95,
  11160. AUTHOR = "{I. M.} Duursma",
  11161. TITLE = "Preparata Codes through Lattices",
  11162. NOTE = "Preprint",
  11163. YEAR = "1995"
  11164. }
  11165. @Unpublished{ CGC-muegge-dip,
  11166. AUTHOR = "{T.} Muegge",
  11167. TITLE = {Existenzschranken f{\"u}r {B}lockcodes {\"u}ber endlichen {F}robeniusringen},
  11168. NOTE = "Diplomarbeit",
  11169. YEAR = "2002"
  11170. }
  11171. @Article{ CGC-grefmosulliv,
  11172. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath and M. E. O'Sullivan",
  11173. TITLE = "On bounds for codes over {F}robenius rings under homogeneous weights",
  11174. JOURNAL = "Discrete Math.",
  11175. FJOURNAL = "Discrete Mathematics",
  11176. VOLUME = "289",
  11177. YEAR = "2004",
  11178. NUMBER = "1-3",
  11179. PAGES = "11--24"
  11180. }
  11181. @Article{ CGC-horimoto-storme,
  11182. AUTHOR = "K. Shiromoto and L. Storme",
  11183. TITLE = "A {G}riesmer bound for linear codes over finite quasi-{F}robenius rings",
  11184. NOTE = "WCC 2001",
  11185. JOURNAL = "Discrete Appl. Math.",
  11186. FJOURNAL = "Discrete Applied Mathematics. Combinatorial Algorithms, Optimization and Computer Science",
  11187. VOLUME = "128",
  11188. YEAR = "2003",
  11189. NUMBER = "1",
  11190. PAGES = "263--274"
  11191. }
  11192. @Article{ CGC-field96,
  11193. AUTHOR = "J. Fields and P. Gaborit and {J. S.} Leon and V. Pless",
  11194. TITLE = "All self-dual ${\mathbb Z}\_4$ codes of length $15$ or less are known",
  11195. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11196. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  11197. VOLUME = "44",
  11198. YEAR = "1998",
  11199. NUMBER = "1",
  11200. PAGES = "311--322"
  11201. }
  11202. @Article{ CGC-pless97,
  11203. AUTHOR = "V. Pless and J. S. Leon and J. Fields",
  11204. TITLE = "All ${\mathbb Z}\_4$ Codes of Type {II} and Length $16$ are known",
  11205. JOURNAL = "J.\ Comb.\ Theory, Ser.\ A",
  11206. VOLUME = "78",
  11207. YEAR = "1997",
  11208. PAGES = "32--50"
  11209. }
  11210. @Unpublished{ CGC-rain97,
  11211. AUTHOR = "E. Rains",
  11212. TITLE = "Optimal Self-Dual Codes over ${\mathbb Z}\_4$",
  11213. NOTE = "Preprint",
  11214. YEAR = "1997"
  11215. }
  11216. @Unpublished{ CGC-walkvolo97,
  11217. AUTHOR = "J. Walker and J. F. Voloch",
  11218. TITLE = "Lee weights of ${\mathbb Z}/4{\mathbb Z}$-Codes from Elliptic Curves",
  11219. NOTE = "Preprint",
  11220. YEAR = "1007"
  11221. }
  11222. @Article{ CGC-suzu68,
  11223. AUTHOR = "Y. Suzuki",
  11224. TITLE = "On automorphisms of an injective module",
  11225. JOURNAL = "Proc. Japan Acad.",
  11226. VOLUME = "44",
  11227. YEAR = "1968",
  11228. PAGES = "120--124"
  11229. }
  11230. @InCollection{ CGC-blancmari98,
  11231. AUTHOR = "Blanco Martin and Maria Francisca",
  11232. TITLE = "A geometric construction of a secret-sharing scheme",
  11233. BOOKTITLE = "XV Congress on Differential Equations and Applications/V Congress on Applied Mathematics, Vol.\ I, II (Spanish) (Vigo, 1997)",
  11234. PAGES = "587--592",
  11235. PUBLISHER = "Univ. Vigo, Vigo",
  11236. YEAR = "1998"
  11237. }
  11238. @InCollection{ CGC-jackmart93,
  11239. AUTHOR = "W.-A. Jackson and K. M. Martin",
  11240. TITLE = "Cumulative arrays and geometric secret sharing schemes",
  11241. BOOKTITLE = "{AUSCRYPT92}",
  11242. PAGES = "48--55",
  11243. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  11244. YEAR = "1993"
  11245. }
  11246. @Article{ CGC-ples68,
  11247. AUTHOR = "V. Pless",
  11248. TITLE = "On the uniqueness of the {G}olay codes",
  11249. JOURNAL = "J. Combinatorial Theory",
  11250. VOLUME = "5",
  11251. YEAR = "1968",
  11252. PAGES = "215--228"
  11253. }
  11254. @Article{ CGC-wolf80,
  11255. AUTHOR = "J. Wolfmann",
  11256. TITLE = "A new construction of the binary {G}olay code $(24,\,12,\,8)$\ using a group algebra over a finite field",
  11257. JOURNAL = "Discrete Math.",
  11258. FJOURNAL = "Discrete Mathematics",
  11259. VOLUME = "31",
  11260. YEAR = "1980",
  11261. NUMBER = "3",
  11262. PAGES = "337--338",
  11263. ISSN = "0012-365X",
  11264. CODEN = "DSMHA4"
  11265. }
  11266. @Article{ CGC-pasq80,
  11267. AUTHOR = "G. Pasquier",
  11268. TITLE = "The binary {Golay} code obtained from an extended cyclic code over ${F}\sb{8}$",
  11269. JOURNAL = "European J. Combin.",
  11270. FJOURNAL = "European Journal of Combinatorics",
  11271. VOLUME = "1",
  11272. YEAR = "1980",
  11273. NUMBER = "4",
  11274. PAGES = "369--370",
  11275. ISSN = "0195-6698"
  11276. }
  11277. @Article{ CGC-xingfeng91,
  11278. AUTHOR = "C. P. Xing and K. Q. Feng",
  11279. TITLE = "A secret-sharing system which is based on algebraic-geometric codes",
  11280. JOURNAL = "Gaoxiao Yingyong Shuxue Xuebao",
  11281. FJOURNAL = "Gaoxiao Yingyong Shuxue Xuebao. Applied Mathematics. A Journal of Chinese Universities",
  11282. VOLUME = "6",
  11283. YEAR = "1991",
  11284. NUMBER = "3",
  11285. PAGES = "427--430",
  11286. ISSN = "1000-4424"
  11287. }
  11288. @Article{ CGC-jackmart94,
  11289. AUTHOR = "W.-A. Jackson and K. M. Martin",
  11290. TITLE = "Geometric secret sharing schemes and their duals",
  11291. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  11292. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  11293. VOLUME = "4",
  11294. YEAR = "1994",
  11295. NUMBER = "1",
  11296. PAGES = "83--95",
  11297. ISSN = "0925-1022",
  11298. CODEN = "DCCREC"
  11299. }
  11300. @Article{ CGC-seym92,
  11301. AUTHOR = "P. D. Seymour",
  11302. TITLE = "On secret-sharing matroids",
  11303. JOURNAL = "J. Combin. Theory Ser. B",
  11304. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B",
  11305. VOLUME = "56",
  11306. YEAR = "1992",
  11307. NUMBER = "1",
  11308. PAGES = "69--73"
  11309. }
  11310. @InCollection{ CGC-bricdave89,
  11311. AUTHOR = "E. F. Brickell and D. M. Davenport",
  11312. TITLE = "On the classification of ideal secret sharing schemes (extended abstract)",
  11313. BOOKTITLE = "{CRYPTO89}",
  11314. PAGES = "278--285",
  11315. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  11316. YEAR = "1990"
  11317. }
  11318. @Unpublished{ CGC-grefschm98b,
  11319. author = "M. Greferath and S. E. Schmidt",
  11320. title = "Secret Sharing Schemes Realizing Access Hierarchies",
  11321. note = "Preprint",
  11322. year = "2000"
  11323. }
  11324. \%
  11325. @Article{ CGC-grefdiss,
  11326. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath",
  11327. TITLE = "Zur {S}trukturtheorie der projektiven {V}erbandsgeometrie",
  11328. JOURNAL = "Mitt. Math. Sem. Gie{\ss}en",
  11329. FJOURNAL = "Mitteilungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar Giessen",
  11330. NUMBER = "217",
  11331. YEAR = "1994",
  11332. PAGES = "ii+55",
  11333. ISSN = "0373-8221",
  11334. CODEN = "MMUGAU"
  11335. }
  11336. @InProceedings{ CGC-grefschm98a,
  11337. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath and S. E. Schmidt",
  11338. TITLE = "Secret Sharing on Partially Ordered Sets",
  11339. booktitle = "Proc. of {ISIT}~1998",
  11340. YEAR = "1998"
  11341. }
  11342. @Article{ CGC-caldsloa96,
  11343. AUTHOR = "A. R. Calderbank and N. J. A. Sloane",
  11344. TITLE = "The ternary {G}olay code, the integers mod $9$, and the {C}oxeter-{T}odd lattice",
  11345. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11346. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  11347. VOLUME = "42",
  11348. YEAR = "1996",
  11349. NUMBER = "2",
  11350. PAGES = "636--637",
  11351. ISSN = "0018-9448",
  11352. CODEN = "IETTAW"
  11353. }
  11354. @Article{ CGC-klem89b,
  11355. AUTHOR = "M. Klemm",
  11356. TITLE = {Selbstduale {C}odes {\"u}ber dem {R}ing der ganzen {Z}ahlen modulo $4$},
  11357. JOURNAL = "Arch. Math. (Basel)",
  11358. FJOURNAL = "Archiv der Mathematik. Archives of Mathematics. Archives Math{\'e}matiques",
  11359. VOLUME = "53",
  11360. YEAR = "1989",
  11361. NUMBER = "2",
  11362. PAGES = "201--207",
  11363. ISSN = "0003-889X",
  11364. CODEN = "ACVMAL"
  11365. }
  11366. @Article{ CGC-klem84,
  11367. AUTHOR = "M. Klemm",
  11368. TITLE = {{\"U}ber die {W}urzelschranke f{\"u}r das {M}inimalgewicht von {C}odes},
  11369. JOURNAL = "J. Combin. Theory Ser. A",
  11370. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A",
  11371. VOLUME = "36",
  11372. YEAR = "1984",
  11373. NUMBER = "3",
  11374. PAGES = "364--372",
  11375. ISSN = "0097-3165",
  11376. CODEN = "JCBTA7"
  11377. }
  11378. @Article{ CGC-rudo67,
  11379. author = "L. D. Rudolph",
  11380. title = "A class of Majority-Logic Decodable Codes",
  11381. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11382. year = "1967",
  11383. volume = "13",
  11384. pages = "305--307"
  11385. }
  11386. \%
  11387. @Article{ CGC-grahmacw66,
  11388. author = "R. Graham and F. J. MacWilliams",
  11389. title = "On the number of Parity Checks in Difference-Set Cyclic Codes",
  11390. journal = "Bell-Systems Technical Journal",
  11391. year = "1966",
  11392. volume = "45",
  11393. pages = "1045--1055"
  11394. }
  11395. \%
  11396. @Article{ CGC-goetdels68,
  11397. author = "J. M. Goethals and P. Delsarte",
  11398. title = "On a Class of Majority-Logic Decodable Cyclic Codes",
  11399. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11400. year = "1968",
  11401. volume = "14",
  11402. pages = "182--189"
  11403. }
  11404. \%
  11405. @Article{ CGC-chow68,
  11406. author = "D. Chow",
  11407. title = "On Threshold Decoding of Cyclic Codes",
  11408. journal = "Information and Control",
  11409. year = "1968",
  11410. volume = "13",
  11411. pages = "471--483"
  11412. }
  11413. \%
  11414. @Article{ CGC-bonnduur97,
  11415. author = "A. Bonnecaze and I. M. Duursma",
  11416. title = "Translates of Linear Codes Over ${\mathbb Z}\_4$",
  11417. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11418. year = "1997",
  11419. volume = "43",
  11420. pages = "1218--1230"
  11421. }
  11422. \%
  11423. @Article{ CGC-carl98,
  11424. author = "C. Carlet",
  11425. title = "-Linear Codes${\mathbb Z}\_{2^k}$",
  11426. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11427. year = "1998",
  11428. volume = "44",
  11429. pages = "1543--1547"
  11430. }
  11431. \%
  11432. @Article{ CGC-gold86,
  11433. AUTHOR = "D. Y. Goldberg",
  11434. TITLE = "Reconstructing the ternary {G}olay code",
  11435. JOURNAL = "J. Combin. Theory Ser. A",
  11436. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A",
  11437. VOLUME = "42",
  11438. YEAR = "1986",
  11439. NUMBER = "2",
  11440. PAGES = "296--299",
  11441. ISSN = "0097-3165",
  11442. CODEN = "JCBTA7"
  11443. }
  11444. @Article{ CGC-gold80,
  11445. AUTHOR = "D. Y. Goldberg",
  11446. TITLE = "A generalized weight for linear codes and a {W}itt-{M}ac{W}illiams theorem",
  11447. JOURNAL = "J. Combin. Theory Ser. A",
  11448. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A",
  11449. VOLUME = "29",
  11450. YEAR = "1980",
  11451. NUMBER = "3",
  11452. PAGES = "363--367",
  11453. ISSN = "0097-3165",
  11454. CODEN = "JCBTA7"
  11455. }
  11456. @Article{ CGC-bogagoldgord78,
  11457. author = "K. P. Bogart and D. Goldberg and J. Gordon",
  11458. title = "An elementary proof of the {M}ac{W}illiams Theorem on Equivalence of Codes",
  11459. journal = "Information and Control",
  11460. year = "1978",
  11461. volume = "37",
  11462. pages = "19--22"
  11463. }
  11464. \%
  11465. @Article{ CGC-naka39,
  11466. author = "T. Nakayama",
  11467. title = "On {F}robeniusean Algebras {I}",
  11468. journal = "Annals of Math.",
  11469. year = "1939",
  11470. volume = "40",
  11471. pages = "611--633"
  11472. }
  11473. \%
  11474. @Article{ CGC-scho68,
  11475. author = {J. Sch{\"o}nheim},
  11476. title = "On linear and nonlinear single-error-correcting $q$-nary perfect codes",
  11477. journal = "Inf. Control",
  11478. year = "1968",
  11479. volume = "12",
  11480. pages = "23--26"
  11481. }
  11482. \%
  11483. @Article{ CGC-herzscho71,
  11484. author = {M. Herzog and J. Sch{\"o}nheim},
  11485. title = "Linear and nonlinear single-error-correcting perfect mixed codes",
  11486. journal = "Inf. Control",
  11487. year = "1971",
  11488. volume = "18",
  11489. pages = "364--368"
  11490. }
  11491. \%
  11492. @Article{ CGC-naka41,
  11493. author = "T. Nakayama",
  11494. title = "On {F}robeniusean Algebras {II}",
  11495. journal = "Annals of Math.",
  11496. year = "1941",
  11497. volume = "42",
  11498. pages = "1--21"
  11499. }
  11500. \%
  11501. @Article{ CGC-kasalin91,
  11502. author = "T. Kasami and S. Lin",
  11503. title = "On Majority-Logic Decoding for Duals of Primitive Polynomial Codes",
  11504. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11505. year = "1971",
  11506. volume = "17",
  11507. pages = "322--331"
  11508. }
  11509. \%
  11510. @Article{ CGC-vasi65,
  11511. author = "J. L. Vasil'ev",
  11512. title = "On nongroup close-packed codes",
  11513. journal = "Probleme der Kybernetik",
  11514. year = "1965",
  11515. volume = "8",
  11516. pages = "375--378"
  11517. }
  11518. \%
  11519. @Article{ fish42,
  11520. author = "R. A. Fisher",
  11521. title = "The theory of confounding in factorial experiments in relation to the theory of groups",
  11522. journal = "Ann. Eugenics",
  11523. year = "1942",
  11524. volume = "11",
  11525. pages = "341--353"
  11526. }
  11527. \%
  11528. @Article{ CGC-macw63,
  11529. author = "F. J. MacWilliams",
  11530. title = "A theorem on the distribution of weights in a systematic code",
  11531. journal = "Bell System Tech. J.",
  11532. year = "1963",
  11533. volume = "42",
  11534. pages = "79--94"
  11535. }
  11536. \%
  11537. @Article{ CGC-macw61,
  11538. author = "F. J. MacWilliams",
  11539. title = "Error-Correcting Codes for Multiple-Level Transmission",
  11540. journal = "Bell System Tech. J.",
  11541. year = "1961",
  11542. volume = "40",
  11543. pages = "281--308"
  11544. }
  11545. \%
  11546. @Article{ CGC-vate94,
  11547. author = "H. Vater",
  11548. title = "Binary Coding by Integration of Polynomials",
  11549. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11550. year = "1994",
  11551. volume = "40",
  11552. pages = "1417--1424"
  11553. }
  11554. \%
  11555. @Article{ CGC-conwsloa94,
  11556. author = "J. H. Conway and N. J. A. Sloane",
  11557. title = "Quaternary Constructions for the Binary Single-Error-Correcting Codes of {J}ulin, {B}est and Others",
  11558. journal = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography",
  11559. year = "1994",
  11560. volume = "4",
  11561. pages = "31--42"
  11562. }
  11563. \%
  11564. @Article{ CGC-gabo96,
  11565. author = "P. Gaborit",
  11566. title = "Mass Formulas for Self-Dual Codes Over {${\mathbb Z}\_4$} and {$F\_q+uF\_q$} Rings",
  11567. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11568. year = "1996",
  11569. volume = "42",
  11570. pages = "1222--1228"
  11571. }
  11572. \%
  11573. @Article{ CGC-schnboss95,
  11574. author = "G. Schnabl and M. Bossert",
  11575. title = "Soft-Decision Decoding of {R}eed-{M}uller codes as Generalized Multiple Concatenated Codes",
  11576. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11577. year = "1995",
  11578. volume = "41",
  11579. pages = "304--308"
  11580. }
  11581. \%
  11582. @Article{ CGC-mazu75,
  11583. author = "L. E. Mazur",
  11584. title = "Codes Correcting Errors of Large Weight in {L}ee Metric",
  11585. journal = "Problems of Inf. Transmission",
  11586. year = "1973",
  11587. volume = "9",
  11588. pages = "169--171"
  11589. }
  11590. \%
  11591. @Article{ CGC-grush90,
  11592. AUTHOR = "I. I. Grushko",
  11593. TITLE = "Majority decoding of generalized {R}eed-{M}uller codes",
  11594. JOURNAL = "Problemy Peredachi Informatsii",
  11595. FJOURNAL = "Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Institut Problem Peredachi Informatsii Akademii Nauk SSSR. Problemy Peredachi Informatsii",
  11596. VOLUME = "26",
  11597. YEAR = "1990",
  11598. NUMBER = "3",
  11599. PAGES = "12--20",
  11600. ISSN = "0555-2923"
  11601. }
  11602. @Article{ CGC-wood97a,
  11603. AUTHOR = "J. A. Wood",
  11604. TITLE = "Duality for modules over finite rings and applications to coding theory",
  11605. JOURNAL = "Amer. J. Math.",
  11606. FJOURNAL = "American Journal of Mathematics",
  11607. VOLUME = "121",
  11608. YEAR = "1999",
  11609. NUMBER = "3",
  11610. PAGES = "555--575"
  11611. }
  11612. \%
  11613. @Article{ CGC-hels60,
  11614. AUTHOR = "C. W. Helstrom",
  11615. TITLE = "Single error-correcting codes for nonbinary balanced channels",
  11616. JOURNAL = "IRE Trans.",
  11617. VOLUME = "IT-7",
  11618. YEAR = "1961",
  11619. PAGES = "2--7"
  11620. }
  11621. \%
  11622. @Article{ CGC-sidepersh92,
  11623. AUTHOR = "V. M. Sidel{\cprime}nikov and A. S. Pershakov",
  11624. TITLE = "Decoding {R}eed-{M}uller codes with a large number of errors",
  11625. JOURNAL = "Problemy Peredachi Informatsii",
  11626. FJOURNAL = "Rossi\u\i skaya Akademiya Nauk. Problemy Peredachi Informatsii",
  11627. VOLUME = "28",
  11628. YEAR = "1992",
  11629. NUMBER = "3",
  11630. PAGES = "80--94",
  11631. ISSN = "0555-2923"
  11632. }
  11633. @Article{ CGC-ashilits96,
  11634. author = "A. E. Ashikhmin and S. N. Litsyn",
  11635. title = "Fast Decoding Algorithms for First Order {R}eed-{M}uller and Related Codes",
  11636. journal = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography",
  11637. year = "1996",
  11638. volume = "7",
  11639. pages = "187--214"
  11640. }
  11641. \%
  11642. @Article{ CGC-gnat89,
  11643. AUTHOR = "L. A. Gnativ and A. D. Kozhukhovskiy and A. I. Litvin",
  11644. TITLE = "Fast-transform algorithms for {R}eed-{M}uller and {H}amming codes",
  11645. JOURNAL = "Soviet J. Automat. Inform. Sci.",
  11646. FJOURNAL = "Soviet Journal of Automation and Information Sciences",
  11647. VOLUME = "23",
  11648. YEAR = "1990",
  11649. NUMBER = "4",
  11650. PAGES = "79--82 (1991)",
  11651. ISSN = "0882-570X"
  11652. }
  11653. @Article{ CGC-luchan96,
  11654. author = "E.-H. Lu and T. Chang",
  11655. title = "New decoder for double-error-correcting binary {BCH} codes",
  11656. journal = "IEE Proc-Commun.",
  11657. year = "1996",
  11658. volume = "143",
  11659. pages = "129--132"
  11660. }
  11661. \%
  11662. @Article{ CGC-shinswee96,
  11663. author = "S. K. Shin and P. Sweeney",
  11664. title = "Evaluation of efficient trellis methods for soft decision decoding of {R}eed-{S}olomon codes",
  11665. journal = "IEE Proc-Commun.",
  11666. year = "1996",
  11667. volume = "143",
  11668. pages = "61--67"
  11669. }
  11670. \%
  11671. @Article{ CGC-laihyang96,
  11672. author = "C.-S. Laih and C.-N. Yang",
  11673. title = "Design of efficient balanced codes with minimum distance 4",
  11674. journal = "IEE Proc-Commun.",
  11675. year = "1996",
  11676. volume = "9",
  11677. pages = "177--181"
  11678. }
  11679. \%
  11680. @Article{ CGC-reed54,
  11681. author = "I. S. Reed",
  11682. title = "A Class of Multiple-Error-Correcting Codes and the Decoding Scheme",
  11683. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11684. year = "1954",
  11685. volume = "4",
  11686. pages = "38--49"
  11687. }
  11688. \%
  11689. @Article{ CGC-ashilits96a,
  11690. author = "A. E. Ashikhmin and S. N. Litsyn",
  11691. title = "Fast Decoding of Non-Binary First Order {R}eed-{M}uller Codes",
  11692. journal = "AAECC",
  11693. year = "1996",
  11694. volume = "7",
  11695. pages = "299--308"
  11696. }
  11697. \%
  11698. @Article{ CGC-nech86,
  11699. author = "A. A. Nechaev",
  11700. title = "Similarity of matrices over commutative {A}rtinian rings",
  11701. journal = "J. of Soviet. Math.",
  11702. year = "1986",
  11703. volume = "33",
  11704. pages = "1221--1237"
  11705. }
  11706. \%
  11707. @Article{ CGC-kary87,
  11708. AUTHOR = "Y. D. Karyakin",
  11709. TITLE = "Fast correlation decoding of {R}eed\mhy {M}uller codes",
  11710. JOURNAL = "Problemy Peredachi Informatsii",
  11711. FJOURNAL = "Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Institut Problem Peredachi Informatsii Akademii Nauk SSSR. Problemy Peredachi Informatsii",
  11712. VOLUME = "23",
  11713. YEAR = "1987",
  11714. NUMBER = "2",
  11715. PAGES = "40--49",
  11716. ISSN = "0555-2923"
  11717. }
  11718. @Article{ CGC-hellekuma96,
  11719. author = "T. Helleseth and P. V. Kumar",
  11720. title = "On the weight hierarchy of the semiprimitive codes",
  11721. journal = "J. Discr. Math.",
  11722. year = "1996",
  11723. volume = "149",
  11724. pages = "185--190"
  11725. }
  11726. \%
  11727. @Article{ CGC-hou96,
  11728. author = "X. Hou",
  11729. title = "{$GL(m,2)$} Acting on {$R(r,m)/R(r-1,m)$}",
  11730. journal = "J. Discr. Math.",
  11731. year = "1996",
  11732. volume = "149",
  11733. pages = "99--122"
  11734. }
  11735. \%
  11736. @Article{ CGC-tonc96,
  11737. author = "V. D. Tonchev",
  11738. title = "The uniformly packed binary $[27,21,3]$ and $[35,29,3]$ codes",
  11739. journal = "J. Discr. Math.",
  11740. year = "1996",
  11741. volume = "149",
  11742. pages = "283--288"
  11743. }
  11744. \%
  11745. @Article{ CGC-knagagre96,
  11746. author = "P. Knagenhjelm and E. Agrell",
  11747. title = "The {H}adamard Transform -- A Tool for Index Assignment",
  11748. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11749. year = "1996",
  11750. volume = "42",
  11751. pages = "1139--1151"
  11752. }
  11753. \%
  11754. @Article{ CGC-segu95,
  11755. author = "G. E. S{\'e}guin",
  11756. title = "The $q$-ary Image of a $q^m$-ary Cyclic Code",
  11757. journal = "IEEE Transactions of Inf. Theory",
  11758. year = "1995",
  11759. volume = "41",
  11760. pages = "387--399"
  11761. }
  11762. \%
  11763. @Article{ CGC-gulli95,
  11764. author = "T. A. Gulliver",
  11765. title = "New Optimal Ternary Linear Codes",
  11766. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11767. year = "1995",
  11768. volume = "41",
  11769. pages = "1182--1194"
  11770. }
  11771. \%
  11772. @Article{ raopear96,
  11773. author = "S. Rao and W. A. Pearlman",
  11774. title = "Analysis of Linear Prediction, Coding, and Spectral Estimation from Subbands",
  11775. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11776. year = "1996",
  11777. volume = "42",
  11778. pages = "1160--1178"
  11779. }
  11780. \%
  11781. @Article{ laro96,
  11782. author = "R. Laroia",
  11783. title = "Coding ofr Intersymbol Interference Channels -- Combined Coding and Precoding",
  11784. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11785. year = "1996",
  11786. volume = "42",
  11787. pages = "1053--1061"
  11788. }
  11789. \%
  11790. @Article{ CGC-ench96,
  11791. author = "S. B. Encheva",
  11792. title = "On Binary Linear Codes which Satisfy the Two-Way Chain Condition",
  11793. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11794. year = "1996",
  11795. volume = "42",
  11796. pages = "1038--1047"
  11797. }
  11798. \%
  11799. \%
  11800. @Article{ CGC-sakakasa96,
  11801. author = "K. Sakakibara and M. Kasahara",
  11802. title = "On the Minimum Distance of a $q$-ary Image of a $q^m$-ary Cyclic Code",
  11803. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11804. year = "1996",
  11805. volume = "42",
  11806. pages = "1631--1635"
  11807. }
  11808. \%
  11809. @Article{ CGC-kraslits95,
  11810. author = "I. Krasikov and S. Litsyn",
  11811. title = "On Spectra of {BCH} Codes",
  11812. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11813. year = "1995",
  11814. volume = "41",
  11815. pages = "786--788"
  11816. }
  11817. \%
  11818. @Article{ CGC-tanwelcscho95,
  11819. author = "N. L. Tan and L. R. Welch and R. A. Scholtz",
  11820. title = "Correcting a Specified Set of Likely Error Patterns",
  11821. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11822. year = "1995",
  11823. volume = "41",
  11824. pages = "272--279"
  11825. }
  11826. \%
  11827. @Article{ CGC-dabiblak95,
  11828. author = "D. Dabiri and I. F. Blake",
  11829. title = "Fast Parallel Algorithms for Decoding {R}eed-{S}olomon Codes Based on Remainder Polynomials",
  11830. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11831. year = "1995",
  11832. volume = "41",
  11833. pages = "873--885"
  11834. }
  11835. \%
  11836. @InCollection{ CGC-fornsloatrot93,
  11837. AUTHOR = "G. D. Jr. Forney and N. J. A. Sloane and M. D. Trott",
  11838. TITLE = "The {N}ordstrom-{R}obinson code is the binary image of the {O}ctacode",
  11839. BOOKTITLE = "Coding and quantization (Piscataway, NJ, 1992)",
  11840. PAGES = "19--26",
  11841. SERIES = "DIMACS Ser. Discrete Math. Theoret. Comput. Sci.",
  11842. VOLUME = "14",
  11843. PUBLISHER = "Amer. Math. Soc.",
  11844. ADDRESS = "Providence, RI",
  11845. YEAR = "1993"
  11846. }
  11847. \%
  11848. \%
  11849. @Article{ CGC-sole95,
  11850. author = "P. Sol{\'e}",
  11851. title = "Packing Radius, covering Radius, and Dual Distance",
  11852. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11853. year = "1995",
  11854. volume = "41",
  11855. pages = "268--272"
  11856. }
  11857. \%
  11858. @Article{ CGC-yanghellkumashan96,
  11859. author = "K. Yang and T. Helleseth and P. V. Kumar and A. G. Shanbhag",
  11860. title = "On the Weight Hierarchy of {K}erdock Codes Over ${\mathbb Z}\_4$",
  11861. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11862. year = "1996",
  11863. volume = "42",
  11864. pages = "1587--1593"
  11865. }
  11866. \%
  11867. @Article{ CGC-enchjens96,
  11868. author = "S. B. Encheva and H. E. Jensen",
  11869. title = "Optimal Binary Linear Codes and ${\mathbb Z}\_4$-Linearity",
  11870. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11871. year = "1996",
  11872. volume = "42",
  11873. pages = "1216--1222"
  11874. }
  11875. \%
  11876. @Article{ CGC-suntilb95,
  11877. author = "F.-W. Sun and {H. C. A. van} Tilborg",
  11878. title = "The {L}eech Lattice, the {O}ctacode, and Decoding Algorithms",
  11879. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11880. year = "1995",
  11881. volume = "41",
  11882. pages = "1097--1106"
  11883. }
  11884. \%
  11885. @Article{ CGC-ransnyd96,
  11886. author = "M. Ran and J. Snyders",
  11887. title = "A Cyclic $[6,3,4]$ Group Code and the {H}exacode Over ${\rm GF}(4)$",
  11888. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11889. year = "1996",
  11890. volume = "42",
  11891. pages = "1250--1253"
  11892. }
  11893. \%
  11894. \%
  11895. @Article{ CGC-caldmcgukumahell96,
  11896. author = "A. R. Calderbank and G. McGuire and P. V. Kumar and T. Helleseth",
  11897. title = "Cyclic Codes over ${\mathbb Z}\_4$, Locator Polynomials, and {N}ewton's Identities",
  11898. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11899. year = "1996",
  11900. volume = "42",
  11901. pages = "217--226"
  11902. }
  11903. \%
  11904. @Article{ CGC-plesqian96,
  11905. author = "V. Pless and Z. Quian",
  11906. title = "Cyclic Codes and Quadratic Residue codes over ${\mathbb Z}\_4$",
  11907. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11908. year = "1996",
  11909. volume = "42",
  11910. pages = "1594--1600"
  11911. }
  11912. \%
  11913. @Article{ CGC-akkekoolvaes90,
  11914. author = "{J. M. van den} Akker and {J. H.} Koolen and {R. J. M.} Vaessens",
  11915. title = "Perfect Codes with Distinct Protective Radii",
  11916. journal = "J. Discr. Math.",
  11917. year = "1990",
  11918. volume = "81",
  11919. pages = "103--109"
  11920. }
  11921. \%
  11922. @Article{ CGC-carl95,
  11923. author = "C. Carlet",
  11924. title = "On ${\mathbb Z}\_4$-Duality",
  11925. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11926. year = "1995",
  11927. volume = "41",
  11928. pages = "1487--1494"
  11929. }
  11930. \%
  11931. @Article{ CGC-shankumahell96,
  11932. author = "A. G. Shanbhag and P. V. Kumar and {T.} Helleseth",
  11933. title = "Improved Binary Codes and Sequence Families from ${\mathbb Z}\_4$-Linear Codes",
  11934. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11935. year = "1996",
  11936. volume = "42",
  11937. pages = "1582--1587"
  11938. }
  11939. \%
  11940. @InCollection{ CGC-golowelc68,
  11941. AUTHOR = "S. W. Golomb and L. R. Welch",
  11942. TITLE = "Algebraic coding and the {L}ee metric",
  11943. YEAR = "1968",
  11944. BOOKTITLE = "Error Correcting Codes (Proc. Sympos. Math. Res. Center, Madison, Wis., 1968)",
  11945. PAGES = "175--194",
  11946. PUBLISHER = "John Wiley, New York"
  11947. }
  11948. \%
  11949. @Article{ CGC-winegrah68,
  11950. author = "A. D. Wyner and R. L. Graham",
  11951. title = "An Upper Bound on Minimum Distance for a $k$-ary Code",
  11952. journal = "Information and Control",
  11953. year = "1968",
  11954. volume = "13",
  11955. pages = "46--52"
  11956. }
  11957. \%
  11958. @Article{ CGC-chiawolf71,
  11959. author = "J. C.-Y. Chiang and J. K. Wolf",
  11960. title = "On Channels and Codes for the {L}ee Metric",
  11961. journal = "Information and Control",
  11962. year = "1971",
  11963. volume = "19",
  11964. pages = "159--173"
  11965. }
  11966. \%
  11967. @Article{ CGC-pire95,
  11968. author = "P. M. Piret",
  11969. title = "Algebraic Construction of Cyclic Codes over ${\mathbb Z}\_8$ with Good {E}uclidean Minimum Distance",
  11970. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11971. year = "1995",
  11972. volume = "41",
  11973. pages = "815--818"
  11974. }
  11975. \%
  11976. @Article{ CGC-rothsieg94,
  11977. author = "R. M. Roth and P. H. Siegel",
  11978. title = "{L}ee-Metric {BCH} Codes and their Application to Constrained and Partial-Response Channels",
  11979. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  11980. year = "1994",
  11981. volume = "40",
  11982. pages = "1083--1096"
  11983. }
  11984. \%
  11985. @Article{ CGC-wyne65,
  11986. author = "A. D. Wyner",
  11987. title = "Capabilities of Bounded Discrepancy Decoding",
  11988. journal = "Bell System Tech. J.",
  11989. year = "1965",
  11990. volume = "54",
  11991. pages = "1061--1122"
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  11993. \%
  11994. @Article{ CGC-golo69,
  11995. AUTHOR = "S. W. Golomb",
  11996. TITLE = "A general formulation of error metrics",
  11997. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. Information Theory",
  11998. VOLUME = "IT-15",
  11999. YEAR = "1969",
  12000. PAGES = "425--426"
  12001. }
  12002. \%
  12003. @Article{ CGC-racs86,
  12004. author = "A. Racsm{\'a}ny",
  12005. title = "On Constructing Codes with Given Distance in {L}ee-Metric",
  12006. journal = "Problems of Control and Information Theory",
  12007. year = "1986",
  12008. volume = "15",
  12009. pages = "377--384"
  12010. }
  12011. \%
  12012. @Article{ CGC-asto85,
  12013. author = "J. Astola",
  12014. title = "On Constructing Codes and the {L}ee Metric",
  12015. journal = "Ars Combinatoria",
  12016. year = "1985",
  12017. volume = "20-A",
  12018. pages = "141--152"
  12019. }
  12020. \%
  12021. @Article{ CGC-asto82,
  12022. author = "J. T. Astola",
  12023. title = "Concatenated Codes for the {L}ee Metric",
  12024. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12025. year = "1982",
  12026. volume = "28",
  12027. pages = "778--779"
  12028. }
  12029. \%
  12030. @Article{ CGC-takayamafujikasalin94,
  12031. author = "T. Takata and Y. Yamashita and T. Fujiwara and T. Kasami and S. Lin",
  12032. title = "Suboptimum Decoding of Decomposable Block Codes",
  12033. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12034. year = "1994",
  12035. volume = "40",
  12036. pages = "1392--1405"
  12037. }
  12038. \%
  12039. @Article{ CGC-landmanz92,
  12040. author = "P. Landrock and O. Manz",
  12041. title = "Classical Codes as Ideals in Group Algebras",
  12042. journal = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography",
  12043. year = "1992",
  12044. volume = "2",
  12045. pages = "273--285"
  12046. }
  12047. \%
  12048. @Article{ CGC-hamawata96,
  12049. author = "N. Hamada and Y. Watamori",
  12050. title = "The Nonexistence of some ternary Linear Codes of Dimension $6$ the bounds for $n\_3(5,d), 1 \leq d \leq 243$",
  12051. journal = "Math Japonica",
  12052. year = "1996",
  12053. volume = "43",
  12054. pages = "577--593"
  12055. }
  12056. \%
  12057. @Article{ CGC-sumi96,
  12058. author = "T. Sumiyama",
  12059. title = "On Algorithms for finite rings",
  12060. journal = "Math Japonica",
  12061. year = "1996",
  12062. volume = "44",
  12063. pages = "239--244"
  12064. }
  12065. \%
  12066. @Article{ CGC-chenchao97,
  12067. author = "J. Cheng and C. Chao",
  12068. title = "On Generalized {H}amming Weights of Binary Primitive {BCH} Codes with Minimum Distance One Less Than a Power Of Two",
  12069. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12070. year = "1997",
  12071. volume = "43",
  12072. pages = "294--299"
  12073. }
  12074. \%
  12075. @Article{ CGC-boukkaprmarufuku97,
  12076. author = "I. Boukliev and S. Kapralov and T. Maruta and M. Fukui",
  12077. title = "Optimal Linear Codes of Dimension $4$ over ${F}\_5$",
  12078. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12079. year = "1997",
  12080. volume = "43",
  12081. pages = "308--316"
  12082. }
  12083. \%
  12084. @Article{ CGC-dodudoduklov97,
  12085. author = "R. Dodunekova and S. M. Dodunekov and T. Klove",
  12086. title = "Almost-{MDS} and Near-{MDS} codes for Error Detection",
  12087. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12088. year = "1997",
  12089. volume = "43",
  12090. pages = "285--290"
  12091. }
  12092. \%
  12093. @Article{ CGC-bergchar96,
  12094. author = "T. P. Berger and P. Charpin",
  12095. title = "The Permutation Group of Affine-Invariant Extended Cyclic Codes",
  12096. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12097. year = "1996",
  12098. volume = "42",
  12099. pages = "2194--2209"
  12100. }
  12101. \%
  12102. @Article{ CGC-ster96,
  12103. author = "J. Stern",
  12104. title = "A New Paradigm for Public Key Identification",
  12105. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12106. year = "1996",
  12107. volume = "42",
  12108. pages = "1757--1768"
  12109. }
  12110. \%
  12111. @Article{ CGC-cohelitszemo96,
  12112. author = "G. D. Cohen and S. Litsyn and G. S{\'e}mor",
  12113. title = "On Greedy Algorithms in coding Theory",
  12114. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12115. year = "1996",
  12116. volume = "42",
  12117. pages = "2053--2057"
  12118. }
  12119. \%
  12120. @Article{ CGC-quatrina96,
  12121. author = "P. Quattrocchi and G. Rinaldi",
  12122. title = "Arcs in {M}inkowski Planes",
  12123. journal = "J. of Geometry",
  12124. year = "1996",
  12125. volume = "57",
  12126. pages = "151--159"
  12127. }
  12128. \%
  12129. @Article{ CGC-consheis96,
  12130. author = "I. Constantinescu and W. Heise",
  12131. title = "On the Concept of Code-Isomorphy",
  12132. journal = "J. Geometry",
  12133. year = "1996",
  12134. volume = "57",
  12135. pages = "63--69"
  12136. }
  12137. \%
  12138. @InProceedings{ CGC-consheishono96,
  12139. author = "I. Constantinescu and W. Heise and T. Honold",
  12140. title = "Monomial Extensions of Isometries between Codes over ${\mathbb Z}\_m$",
  12141. booktitle = "Proc. of ACCT '96",
  12142. year = "1996",
  12143. pages = "98--104"
  12144. }
  12145. \%
  12146. @InProceedings{ CGC-nechkuzm96,
  12147. author = "A. A. Nechaev and A. S. Kuzmin",
  12148. title = "Linearly Presentable Codes",
  12149. booktitle = "Proc. IEEE Int. Sympos. Inf. Theory Appl.",
  12150. year = "1996",
  12151. pages = "31--34",
  12152. address = "Victoria BC, Canada"
  12153. }
  12154. \%
  12155. @Article{ CGC-consheis97,
  12156. AUTHOR = "I. Constantinescu and W. Heise",
  12157. TITLE = "A metric for codes over residue class rings of integers",
  12158. JOURNAL = "Problemy Peredachi Informatsii",
  12159. FJOURNAL = "Rossi\u\i skaya Akademiya Nauk. Problemy Peredachi Informatsii",
  12160. VOLUME = "33",
  12161. YEAR = "1997",
  12162. NUMBER = "3",
  12163. PAGES = "22--28",
  12164. ISSN = "0555-2923"
  12165. }
  12166. \%
  12167. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cons95,
  12168. author = "I. Constantinescu",
  12169. title = {Lineare {C}odes {\"u}ber {R}estklassenringen ganzer {Z}ahlen und ihre {A}utomorphismen bez{\"u}glich einer verallgemeinerten {H}amming-{M}etrik},
  12170. school = {Technische Universit{\"a}t M{\"u}nchen},
  12171. year = "1995"
  12172. }
  12173. \%
  12174. @PhDThesis{ CGC-gaborit97,
  12175. author = "P. Gaborit",
  12176. title = "Codes auto-duaux sur ${\mathbb Z}\_4$ et sur {$F\_q+uF\_q$}, application aux reseaux",
  12177. school = "University of Bordeaux I",
  12178. year = "1997"
  12179. }
  12180. \%
  12181. @Article{ CGC-kasalinpete68,
  12182. author = "T. Kasami and S. Lin and W. W. Peterson",
  12183. title = "Polynomial Codes",
  12184. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12185. year = "1968",
  12186. volume = "14",
  12187. pages = "807--814"
  12188. }
  12189. \%
  12190. @Article{ CGC-weld68,
  12191. author = "E. J. Weldon",
  12192. title = "New Generalizations of the {R}eed-{M}uller Codes Part {II}: Nonprimitive Codes",
  12193. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12194. year = "1968",
  12195. volume = "14",
  12196. pages = "199--205"
  12197. }
  12198. \%
  12199. @Article{ CGC-berm67,
  12200. author = "S. D. Berman",
  12201. title = "On the Theory of Group Codes",
  12202. journal = "Kibernetika",
  12203. year = "1967",
  12204. volume = "3",
  12205. pages = "31--39"
  12206. }
  12207. \%
  12208. @Article{ CGC-kasalinpete68b,
  12209. author = "T. Kasami and S. Lin and W. W. Peterson",
  12210. title = "Some Results on Cyclic Codes which are Invariant under the Affine Group and Their Applications",
  12211. journal = "Information and Control",
  12212. year = "1968",
  12213. volume = "11",
  12214. pages = "475--496"
  12215. }
  12216. \%
  12217. @Article{ CGC-vell96,
  12218. author = "U. Vellbinger",
  12219. title = "On the minimum distance of ideals in group algebras",
  12220. journal = "Acta Math. et Inform. Universitatis Ostraviensis",
  12221. year = "1996",
  12222. volume = "4",
  12223. pages = "97--103"
  12224. }
  12225. \%
  12226. @Article{ CGC-char88,
  12227. author = "P. Charpin",
  12228. title = "Une Generalisation de la Construction de {B}erman Des Codes de {R}eed et {M}uller $p$-aires",
  12229. journal = "Communications in Algebra",
  12230. year = "1988",
  12231. volume = "16",
  12232. pages = "2231--2246"
  12233. }
  12234. \%
  12235. @Article{ CGC-char85,
  12236. author = "P. Charpin",
  12237. title = "A Description of Some Extended Cyclic Codes With Application to {R}eed-{S}olomon Codes",
  12238. journal = "Discrete Math.",
  12239. year = "1985",
  12240. volume = "56",
  12241. pages = "117--124"
  12242. }
  12243. \%
  12244. @Article{ CGC-charlevy94,
  12245. author = "P. Charpin and F. {Levy-dit-Vehel}",
  12246. title = "On Self-Dual Affine-Invariant Codes",
  12247. journal = "J. Combinat. Theory",
  12248. year = "1994",
  12249. volume = "67",
  12250. pages = "223--244"
  12251. }
  12252. \%
  12253. @Article{ CGC-char90,
  12254. author = "P. Charpin",
  12255. title = "Codes Cyclique {\'E}tendus Affines-Invariants et Antichaines D'Un Ensemble Partiellement",
  12256. journal = "Discrete Math.",
  12257. year = "1990",
  12258. volume = "80",
  12259. pages = "229--247"
  12260. }
  12261. \%
  12262. @Article{ CGc-bergchar93,
  12263. author = "T. Berger and P. Charpin",
  12264. title = "The Automorphism group of Generalized {R}eed-{M}uller Codes",
  12265. journal = "Discrete Math.",
  12266. year = "1993",
  12267. volume = "117",
  12268. pages = "1--17"
  12269. }
  12270. \%
  12271. @Article{ CGC-mulle54,
  12272. author = "D. E. Muller",
  12273. title = "Application of Boolean Algebra to Switching Circuit Design and to Error Detection",
  12274. journal = "IRE Trans. Electron. Comput.",
  12275. year = "1954",
  12276. volume = "3",
  12277. pages = "6--12"
  12278. }
  12279. \%
  12280. @Article{ CGC-assm92,
  12281. author = "E. F. Assmus",
  12282. title = "On the {R}eed-{M}uller codes",
  12283. journal = "J. Discrete Mathematics",
  12284. year = "1992",
  12285. volume = "106/107",
  12286. pages = "25--33"
  12287. }
  12288. \%
  12289. @Article{ CGC-dial86,
  12290. author = "G. Dial",
  12291. title = "Lower bounds over Codes Correcting Bursts with a Given {L}ee Weight or Intensity",
  12292. journal = "Inf. Sci.",
  12293. year = "1986",
  12294. volume = "40",
  12295. pages = "83--87"
  12296. }
  12297. \%
  12298. @Article{ CGC-racs85,
  12299. author = "A. Racsm{\'a}ny",
  12300. title = {{P}erfekte {C}odes f{\"u}r einen verallgemeinerten {H}ammingabstand},
  12301. journal = "Rostock. Math. Kolloq.",
  12302. year = "1985",
  12303. volume = "28",
  12304. pages = "61--65"
  12305. }
  12306. \%
  12307. @Article{ CGC-racs88,
  12308. author = "A. Racsm{\'a}ny",
  12309. title = {{\"U}ber {F}ehler-korrigierende {C}odekonstruktionen},
  12310. journal = "Rostock. Math. Kolloq.",
  12311. year = "1988",
  12312. volume = "35",
  12313. pages = "75--76"
  12314. }
  12315. \%
  12316. @Article{ CGC-sole91,
  12317. author = "P. Sol{\'e}",
  12318. title = "On the parameters of codes for the {L}ee and modular distance",
  12319. journal = "J. Discrete Mathematics",
  12320. year = "1991",
  12321. volume = "89",
  12322. pages = "185--194"
  12323. }
  12324. \%
  12325. @Article{ CGC-asto86,
  12326. author = "J. Astola",
  12327. title = "Convolutional Codes for Phase-Modulated Channels",
  12328. journal = "Cybernetics and Systems",
  12329. year = "1986",
  12330. volume = "17",
  12331. pages = "89--101"
  12332. }
  12333. \%
  12334. @Article{ CGC-davy93,
  12335. author = "V. A. Davydov",
  12336. title = "Codes correcting errors in the modulus metric, {L}ee metric, and Operator errors",
  12337. journal = "Probl. of Inf. Transm.",
  12338. year = "1993",
  12339. volume = "29",
  12340. pages = "209--217"
  12341. }
  12342. \%
  12343. @Article{ CGC-dialshar89,
  12344. author = "G. Dial and B. D. Sharma",
  12345. title = "Some bounds on the size of a code under {SK}-distances",
  12346. journal = "J.~Comb. Inf. and Syst. Sci",
  12347. year = "1989",
  12348. volume = "14",
  12349. pages = "13--18"
  12350. }
  12351. \%
  12352. @Article{ CGC-jens94,
  12353. author = "J. Jensen",
  12354. title = "A Class of Constacyclic Codes",
  12355. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12356. year = "1994",
  12357. volume = "40",
  12358. pages = "951--954"
  12359. }
  12360. \%
  12361. @Article{ CGC-hube94,
  12362. author = "K. Huber",
  12363. title = "Codes over {G}aussian Integers",
  12364. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12365. year = "1994",
  12366. volume = "40",
  12367. pages = "207--216"
  12368. }
  12369. \%
  12370. @Article{ CGC-jens92,
  12371. author = "J. Jensen",
  12372. title = "Cyclic Concatenated Codes with Constacyclic outer Codes",
  12373. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12374. year = "1992",
  12375. volume = "38",
  12376. pages = "950--959"
  12377. }
  12378. \%
  12379. @Article{ CGC-esmagullseco97,
  12380. author = "M. Esmaeili and {T. A.} Gulliver and {N. P.} Secird",
  12381. title = "Quasi-Cyclic Structure of {Reed-Muller} Codes and their Smallest Regular Trelis Diagram",
  12382. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12383. year = "1997",
  12384. volume = "43",
  12385. pages = "1040--1052"
  12386. }
  12387. \%
  12388. @Article{ CGC-fosslin97,
  12389. author = "{M. P. C.} Fossorier and S. Lin",
  12390. title = "Weight Distribution for Closest Coset Decoding of $|u|u+v|$ Constructed Codes",
  12391. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12392. year = "1997",
  12393. volume = "43",
  12394. pages = "1028--1030"
  12395. }
  12396. \%
  12397. @Article{ CGC-giraboutbelf97,
  12398. author = "X. Giraud and E. Boutillon and {J. C.} Belfiore",
  12399. title = "Algebraic Tools to Build Modulation Schemes for Fading Channels",
  12400. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12401. year = "1997",
  12402. volume = "43",
  12403. pages = "938--952"
  12404. }
  12405. \%
  12406. @Article{ CGC-caldlipoon97,
  12407. author = "A. R. Calderbank and {W.-C. W} Li and B. Poonen",
  12408. title = "A $2$-adic approach to the Analysis of Cyclic Codes",
  12409. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12410. year = "1997",
  12411. volume = "43",
  12412. pages = "977--986"
  12413. }
  12414. \%
  12415. @Article{ CGC-elia87,
  12416. author = "M. Elia",
  12417. title = "Algebraic Decoding for the $(23,12,7)$ {G}olay Code",
  12418. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12419. year = "1987",
  12420. volume = "33",
  12421. pages = "150--151"
  12422. }
  12423. \%
  12424. @Article{ CGC-eliavite92,
  12425. author = "M. Elia and E. Viterbo",
  12426. title = "Algebraic Decoding of the Ternary $(11,6,5)$ {G}olay Code",
  12427. journal = "Electronic Letters",
  12428. year = "1992",
  12429. volume = "28",
  12430. pages = "2021--2022"
  12431. }
  12432. \%
  12433. @Article{ CGC-roch94,
  12434. author = "{V. C. da} Rocha",
  12435. title = "On Repeated-Single-Root Constacyclic Codes",
  12436. journal = "in R. E. Blahut et al, eds: Communications and Cryptography -- Two Sides of One Tapestry",
  12437. year = "1994",
  12438. volume = "Kluwer Acad. Publ.",
  12439. pages = "93--99"
  12440. }
  12441. \%
  12442. @Article{ CGC-karzoswa90,
  12443. author = "H. Karzel and A. Oswald",
  12444. title = "Near-Rings ({MDS})- and {L}aguerre Codes",
  12445. journal = "J. Geometry",
  12446. year = "1990",
  12447. volume = "37",
  12448. pages = "105--117"
  12449. }
  12450. \%
  12451. @Book{ CGC-thom83,
  12452. author = "T. M. Thompson",
  12453. title = "From {E}rror-{C}orrecting {C}odes {T}hrough {S}phere {P}ackings to {S}imple {G}roups",
  12454. publisher = "The Mathematical Association of America Inc",
  12455. year = "1983"
  12456. }
  12457. \%
  12458. @Book{ CGC-aign97,
  12459. author = "M. Aigner",
  12460. title = "Combinatorial Theory",
  12461. publisher = "Springer",
  12462. year = "1997"
  12463. }
  12464. @Book{ CGC-grae98,
  12465. author = "G. Graetzer",
  12466. title = "General Lattice Theory",
  12467. publisher = "Birkauser",
  12468. address = "Basel, Boston, Berlin",
  12469. year = "1998"
  12470. }
  12471. \%
  12472. @Book{ CGC-crawdilw73,
  12473. author = "P. Crawley and {R.\ P.} Dilworth",
  12474. title = "Algebraic Theory of Lattices",
  12475. publisher = "Prentice-Hall",
  12476. address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ",
  12477. year = "1973"
  12478. }
  12479. \%
  12480. @Book{ CGC-lamb66,
  12481. author = "J. Lambek",
  12482. title = "Lectures on Rings and Modules",
  12483. publisher = "Blaisdell Publ. Co.",
  12484. address = "Waltham, Massachusetts -- Toronto -- London",
  12485. year = "1966"
  12486. }
  12487. \%
  12488. @Book{ CGC-lam99,
  12489. author = "{T. Y.} Lam",
  12490. title = "Lectures on Modules and Rings",
  12491. publisher = "Springer Verlag",
  12492. year = "1999"
  12493. }
  12494. \%
  12495. @Book{ CGC-lam91,
  12496. author = "{T. Y.} Lam",
  12497. title = "A first Course in Noncommutative Rings",
  12498. publisher = "Springer Verlag",
  12499. address = "New York, Berlin, Heidelberg",
  12500. year = "1991"
  12501. }
  12502. \%
  12503. @Book{ CGC-mass63,
  12504. author = "{J. L.} Massey",
  12505. title = "Threshold Decoding",
  12506. publisher = "MIT Press",
  12507. address = "Cambridge, MA",
  12508. year = "1963"
  12509. }
  12510. \%
  12511. @Book{ CGC-duskjuer77,
  12512. author = {J. Duske and H. J{\"u}rgensen},
  12513. title = "Codierungstheorie",
  12514. publisher = "BI Wissenschaftsverlag",
  12515. address = {Mannheim, Wien, Z{\"u}rich},
  12516. year = "1977"
  12517. }
  12518. \%
  12519. @Book{ CGC-hube92,
  12520. author = "J. Huber",
  12521. title = "{T}relliscodierung",
  12522. publisher = "Springer",
  12523. address = "Berlin, Heidelberg, New York",
  12524. year = "1992"
  12525. }
  12526. \%
  12527. @Book{ CGC-assmkey93,
  12528. author = "{E. F.} Assmys and {J. D.} Key",
  12529. title = "Designs and their Codes",
  12530. publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
  12531. address = "Cambridge",
  12532. year = "1993"
  12533. }
  12534. \%
  12535. @Book{ CGC-blakmull75,
  12536. author = "{I. F.} Blake and {R. C.} Mullin",
  12537. title = "The Mathematical Theory of Coding",
  12538. publisher = "Academic Press",
  12539. address = "New York, San Francisco, London",
  12540. year = "1975"
  12541. }
  12542. \%
  12543. @Book{ CGC-kopk92,
  12544. author = "H. Kopka",
  12545. title = {{\LaTeX}, eine Einf{\"u}hrung},
  12546. publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
  12547. address = {Bonn, M{\"u}nchen, Paris},
  12548. year = "1992"
  12549. }
  12550. \%
  12551. @Book{ CGC-mann69,
  12552. author = "H. B. Mann",
  12553. title = "Error-Correcting Codes",
  12554. publisher = "Wiley",
  12555. address = "New York",
  12556. year = "1969"
  12557. }
  12558. \%
  12559. @Book{ CGC-mcdo74,
  12560. author = "B. R. McDonald",
  12561. title = "Finite Rings with Identity",
  12562. publisher = "Marcel Dekker",
  12563. address = "New York",
  12564. year = "1974"
  12565. }
  12566. \%
  12567. @Book{ CGC-blah91,
  12568. author = "R. E. Blahut",
  12569. title = "Algebraic methods for Signal Processing and communications Coding",
  12570. publisher = "Springer Verlag",
  12571. address = "New York",
  12572. year = "1991"
  12573. }
  12574. \%
  12575. @Book{ CGC-ash65,
  12576. author = "R. Ash",
  12577. title = "Information Theory",
  12578. publisher = "J. Wiley and Sons: Interscience Publishers",
  12579. address = "New York",
  12580. year = "1965"
  12581. }
  12582. \%
  12583. @InBook{ CGC-bourbaki,
  12584. author = "N. Bourbaki",
  12585. chapter = "Commutative algebra",
  12586. title = "Elements of Mathematics",
  12587. publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
  12588. address = "Reading, MA",
  12589. year = "1972"
  12590. }
  12591. \%
  12592. \%\%DONE\_OCT\_6
  12593. @InBook{ CGC-nechkuszmark96,
  12594. author = "A. A. Nechaev and A. S. Kuzmin and V. T. Markov",
  12595. chapter = "Linear codes over finite rings and modules",
  12596. title = "Fundamental and Appl. Math, vol2 N3",
  12597. publisher = "CNIT Moscow State Univ.",
  12598. year = "1996"
  12599. }
  12600. \%
  12601. @InBook{ CGC-rosacolb92,
  12602. author = "A. Rosa and C. J. Colbourn",
  12603. chapter = "Colorings of Block Designs",
  12604. title = "Contemporary Design Theory",
  12605. publisher = "Wiley",
  12606. year = "1992"
  12607. }
  12608. \%
  12609. \%
  12610. @Book{ CGC-camevanl91,
  12611. AUTHOR = "P. J. Cameron and J. H. van Lint",
  12612. TITLE = "Designs, graphs, codes and their links",
  12613. PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press",
  12614. ADDRESS = "Cambridge",
  12615. YEAR = "1991",
  12616. PAGES = "x+240",
  12617. ISBN = "0-521-41325-7; 0-521-42385-6"
  12618. }
  12619. @Book{ CGC-demeyer,
  12620. author = "F. DeMeyer and E. Ingraham",
  12621. title = "Separable Algebras over Commutative Rings",
  12622. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  12623. address = "Berlin, Heidelberg, New York",
  12624. year = "1970"
  12625. }
  12626. \%
  12627. @Book{ CGC-jacobson,
  12628. author = "N. Jacobson",
  12629. title = "{Basic Algebra II}",
  12630. publisher = "W. H. Freeman and Company",
  12631. address = "New York",
  12632. year = "1989"
  12633. }
  12634. \%
  12635. @Book{ CGC-matrixbuch,
  12636. author = "F. R. Gantmacher",
  12637. title = "Matrix Theory",
  12638. publisher = "Chelsea Publ. Company",
  12639. address = "New York, NY",
  12640. year = "1990"
  12641. }
  12642. \%
  12643. @Book{ CGC-andefull92,
  12644. author = "F. W. Anderson and K. R. Fuller",
  12645. title = "Rings and Categories of Modules",
  12646. publisher = "Springer Verlag",
  12647. address = "New York, Berlin, Heidelberg",
  12648. year = "1992"
  12649. }
  12650. \%
  12651. @Book{ CGC-roma92,
  12652. author = "S. Roman",
  12653. title = "Coding and Information Theory",
  12654. publisher = "Springer",
  12655. year = "1992"
  12656. }
  12657. \%
  12658. \%
  12659. @Unpublished{ CGC-bonnuday97,
  12660. author = "A. Bonnecaze and P. Udaya",
  12661. title = "Cyclic Codes and Self-Dual Codes over {$F\_2+\overline{u}F\_2$}",
  12662. note = "Preprint",
  12663. year = "1997"
  12664. }
  12665. @Article{ CGC-linprog,
  12666. AUTHOR = "E. Byrne and M. Greferath and M. E. O'Sullivan",
  12667. TITLE = "The linear programming bound for codes over finite {F}robenius rings",
  12668. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  12669. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  12670. VOLUME = "42",
  12671. YEAR = "2007",
  12672. NUMBER = "3",
  12673. PAGES = "289--301"
  12674. }
  12675. @Unpublished{ CGC-woodneu,
  12676. author = "J. Wood",
  12677. title = "Code equivalence characterizes finite {F}robenius rings",
  12678. note = "Preprint",
  12679. year = "2006"
  12680. }
  12681. \%
  12682. \%
  12683. \%
  12684. @Article{ CGC-simo87,
  12685. author = "J. Simonis",
  12686. title = "Binary even $[25,15,6]$ codes do not exist",
  12687. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12688. volume = "33",
  12689. year = "1987",
  12690. pages = "151--153"
  12691. }
  12692. \%
  12693. @Misc{ CGC-brou02,
  12694. author = "A. E. Brouwer",
  12695. title = "Bounds on the minimum distance of linear codes \rm ({Webserver})",
  12696. howpublished = "{}",
  12697. year = "2002"
  12698. }
  12699. \%
  12700. @Book{ CGC-cohn89,
  12701. author = "P. M. Cohn",
  12702. title = "Algebra {I}",
  12703. publisher = "Wiley and Sons",
  12704. year = "1989"
  12705. }
  12706. \%
  12707. @Article{ CGC-poppop,
  12708. author = "F. Pop and H. Pop",
  12709. title = "An Extension of the {N}oether-{S}kolem Theorem",
  12710. journal = "J. Pure and Appl. Algebra",
  12711. volume = "35",
  12712. year = "1985",
  12713. pages = "321--328"
  12714. }
  12715. \%
  12716. \%
  12717. @Article{ CGC-kerd72,
  12718. AUTHOR = "A. M. Kerdock",
  12719. TITLE = "A class of low-rate nonlinear binary codes",
  12720. JOURNAL = "Information and Control",
  12721. VOLUME = "20",
  12722. YEAR = "1972",
  12723. PAGES = "182--187; ibid. {\bf 21} (1972), 395"
  12724. }
  12725. @Article{ CGC-nordrobi67,
  12726. AUTHOR = "A. W. Nordstrom and J. P. Robinson",
  12727. TITLE = "An optimum nonlinear code",
  12728. JOURNAL = "Information and Control",
  12729. VOLUME = "11",
  12730. YEAR = "1967",
  12731. PAGES = "613--616"
  12732. }
  12733. @Article{ CGC-goet74,
  12734. AUTHOR = "J.-M. Goethals",
  12735. TITLE = "Two dual families of nonlinear binary codes",
  12736. JOURNAL = "Electron. Lett.",
  12737. VOLUME = "10",
  12738. YEAR = "1974",
  12739. PAGES = "471--472"
  12740. }
  12741. @Article{ CGC-goet76,
  12742. AUTHOR = "J.-M. Goethals",
  12743. TITLE = "Nonlinear codes defined by quadratic forms over ${\rm {G}{F}}(2)$",
  12744. JOURNAL = "Information and Control",
  12745. VOLUME = "31",
  12746. YEAR = "1976",
  12747. NUMBER = "1",
  12748. PAGES = "43--74"
  12749. }
  12750. @Article{ CGC-spie77,
  12751. AUTHOR = "E. Spiegel",
  12752. TITLE = "Codes over {${\mathbb Z}\_m$}",
  12753. JOURNAL = "Information and Control",
  12754. VOLUME = "35",
  12755. YEAR = "1977",
  12756. PAGES = "48--51"
  12757. }
  12758. @Article{ CGC-delsgoet75,
  12759. AUTHOR = "P. Delsarte and J. M. Goethals",
  12760. TITLE = "Alternating bilinear forms over {${\rm GF}(q)$}",
  12761. JOURNAL = "J. Combin. Theory, Series A",
  12762. VOLUME = "19",
  12763. YEAR = "1975",
  12764. PAGES = "26--50"
  12765. }
  12766. @Article{ CGC-bach97,
  12767. AUTHOR = "C. Bachoc",
  12768. TITLE = "Applications of Coding Theory to the Construction of Modular Lattices",
  12769. JOURNAL = "J. Combin. Theory, Series A",
  12770. VOLUME = "78",
  12771. YEAR = "1997",
  12772. PAGES = "92--119"
  12773. }
  12774. @Article{ CGC-konsheis97,
  12775. AUTHOR = "I. Constantinescu and W. Heise",
  12776. TITLE = "A metric for Codes over Residue Class of Rings of Integers",
  12777. JOURNAL = "Problems of Information Transmission",
  12778. VOLUME = "33",
  12779. YEAR = "1997",
  12780. PAGES = "208--213"
  12781. }
  12782. \%\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&\&
  12783. @Article{ CGC-slep60,
  12784. AUTHOR = "D. Slepian",
  12785. TITLE = "Some further theory of group codes",
  12786. JOURNAL = "Bell System Tech. J.",
  12787. VOLUME = "39",
  12788. YEAR = "1960",
  12789. PAGES = "1219--1252"
  12790. }
  12791. @Article{ CGC-slep56,
  12792. AUTHOR = "D. Slepian",
  12793. TITLE = "A Class of binary signaling alphabets",
  12794. JOURNAL = "Bell System Tech. J.",
  12795. VOLUME = "35",
  12796. YEAR = "1956",
  12797. PAGES = "203--234"
  12798. }
  12799. @Article{ CGC-elia54,
  12800. AUTHOR = "P. Elias",
  12801. TITLE = "Error-free Coding",
  12802. JOURNAL = "IRE Trans. Inform. Theory",
  12803. VOLUME = "4",
  12804. YEAR = "1954",
  12805. PAGES = "29--37"
  12806. }
  12807. @Article{ CGC-elia55,
  12808. AUTHOR = "P. Elias",
  12809. TITLE = "Coding for Noisy Channels",
  12810. JOURNAL = "IRE Conv. Rec.",
  12811. VOLUME = "4",
  12812. YEAR = "1955",
  12813. PAGES = "37--46"
  12814. }
  12815. @Article{ CGC-gola49,
  12816. AUTHOR = "M. Golay",
  12817. TITLE = "Notes on Digital Coding",
  12818. JOURNAL = "Proc. IRE",
  12819. VOLUME = "37",
  12820. YEAR = "1949",
  12821. PAGES = "657"
  12822. }
  12823. @Article{ CGC-gilb52,
  12824. AUTHOR = "E. N. Gilbert",
  12825. TITLE = "A Comparison of Signalling Alphabets",
  12826. JOURNAL = "Bell System Tech. J.",
  12827. VOLUME = "31",
  12828. YEAR = "1952",
  12829. PAGES = "504--522"
  12830. }
  12831. @Article{ CGc-mattsolo61,
  12832. AUTHOR = "H. F. Mattson and G. Solomon",
  12833. TITLE = "A new Treatment of Bose-Chaudhuri Codes",
  12834. JOURNAL = "J. Soc. Ind. Appl. Math",
  12835. VOLUME = "9",
  12836. YEAR = "1961",
  12837. PAGES = "654--669"
  12838. }
  12839. @Article{ CGC-just72,
  12840. AUTHOR = "J. Justesen",
  12841. TITLE = "A Class of Constructive Asymptotically Good Algebraic Codes",
  12842. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  12843. VOLUME = "18",
  12844. YEAR = "1972",
  12845. PAGES = "652--656"
  12846. }
  12847. @Article{ CGC-gopp71,
  12848. AUTHOR = "V. D. Goppa",
  12849. TITLE = "Rational Presentation of Codes and $(L,g)$-Codes",
  12850. JOURNAL = "Probl. of Inf. Transm.",
  12851. VOLUME = "7",
  12852. YEAR = "1971",
  12853. PAGES = "41--49"
  12854. }
  12855. @Article{ CGC-lloy57,
  12856. AUTHOR = "S. P. Lloyd",
  12857. TITLE = "Binary Block Coding",
  12858. JOURNAL = "Bell System Tech. J.",
  12859. VOLUME = "36",
  12860. YEAR = "1957",
  12861. PAGES = "517--535"
  12862. }
  12863. @Book{ CGC-atiyah69,
  12864. TITLE = "Introduction to Commutative Algebra",
  12865. AUTHOR = "M. F. Atiyah and I. G. MacDonald",
  12866. ADDRESS = "London",
  12867. PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company",
  12868. YEAR = "1969"
  12869. }
  12870. @Book{ CGC-fait81,
  12871. TITLE = "Algebra {I}: Rings, Modules, and Categories",
  12872. AUTHOR = "C. Faith",
  12873. PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag",
  12874. YEAR = "1981"
  12875. }
  12876. @Book{ CGC-rowe91,
  12877. TITLE = "Ring Theory",
  12878. AUTHOR = "L. H. Rowen",
  12879. ADDRESS = "San Diego, CA",
  12880. PUBLISHER = "Academic Press",
  12881. YEAR = "1991"
  12882. }
  12883. @Book{ CGC-forn66,
  12884. TITLE = "Concatenated Codes",
  12885. AUTHOR = "G. D. Forney",
  12886. ADDRESS = "Cambridge, MA",
  12887. PUBLISHER = "M.I.T. Press",
  12888. YEAR = "1966"
  12889. }
  12890. @Book{ CGC-berl74,
  12891. TITLE = "Key papers in the development of coding theory",
  12892. EDITOR = "E. R. Berlekamp",
  12893. NOTE = "IEEE Press Selected Reprint Series",
  12894. PUBLISHER = "IEEE",
  12895. YEAR = "1974",
  12896. PAGES = "viii+288"
  12897. }
  12898. @InCollection{ CGC-sole88,
  12899. AUTHOR = "P. Sol{\'e}",
  12900. TITLE = "Open problem 2: Cyclic Codes over rings and $p$-adic fields",
  12901. booktitle = "Coding Theory and Applications",
  12902. editor = "G. Cohen and J. Wolfmann",
  12903. publisher = "Springer Verlag",
  12904. YEAR = "1988",
  12905. PAGES = "329"
  12906. }
  12907. @InProceedings{ CGC-blak79,
  12908. author = "G. R. Blakley",
  12909. title = "Selfguarding Cryptographic Keys",
  12910. booktitle = "Proceedings of AFIPS 1979 Nat. Computer Conference",
  12911. year = "1979",
  12912. volume = "48",
  12913. pages = "313--317"
  12914. }
  12915. \%
  12916. @Article{ CGC-sham79,
  12917. author = "A. Shamir",
  12918. title = "How to share a secret",
  12919. journal = "Communications of the ACM",
  12920. year = "1979",
  12921. volume = "22",
  12922. pages = "612--613"
  12923. }
  12924. \%
  12925. @PhDThesis{ CGC-schu95,
  12926. author = "C. Schulze",
  12927. title = "{M}ultifunktionale {S}hared {S}ecret {S}chemes",
  12928. school = {Universit{\"a}t Giessen},
  12929. year = "1995"
  12930. }
  12931. \%
  12932. @Article{ CGC-blunsantdesivacc97,
  12933. author = "C. Blundo and A. de Santis and R. de Simone and U. Vaccaro",
  12934. title = "Tight bounds on the information rate of secret sharing schemes",
  12935. journal = "Des. Codes Cryptography",
  12936. year = "1997",
  12937. volume = "11",
  12938. pages = "107--122"
  12939. }
  12940. \%
  12941. @Article{ CGC-kurookad96,
  12942. author = "K. Kurosawa and K. Okada",
  12943. title = "Combinatorial lower bounds for secret sharing schemes",
  12944. journal = "Inform. Process. Lett.",
  12945. year = "1996",
  12946. volume = "60",
  12947. pages = "301--304"
  12948. }
  12949. \%
  12950. @InProceedings{ CGC-kurookad95,
  12951. author = "K. Kurosawa and K. Okada",
  12952. title = "Combinatorial interpretation of secret sharing schemes",
  12953. booktitle = "{AsiaCrypt94}",
  12954. series = "LNCS",
  12955. publisher = "Springer Verlag",
  12956. year = "1995",
  12957. pages = "55--64"
  12958. }
  12959. \%
  12960. @Article{ CGC-blunsantgargvacc96,
  12961. author = "C. Blundo and A. de Santis and R. de Simone and U. Vaccaro",
  12962. title = "On the information rate of secret sharing schemes",
  12963. journal = "Theoret. Comput. Sci",
  12964. year = "1996",
  12965. volume = "154",
  12966. pages = "283--306"
  12967. }
  12968. \%
  12969. @Article{ CGC-krul23,
  12970. AUTHOR = "W. Krull",
  12971. TITLE = "{A}lgebraische {T}heorie der {R}inge {II}",
  12972. JOURNAL = "Math. Ann",
  12973. VOLUME = "B 91",
  12974. YEAR = "1923",
  12975. PAGES = "1--46"
  12976. }
  12977. @Article{ CGC-alkh95,
  12978. AUTHOR = "Y. Al-Khamees",
  12979. TITLE = "The enumeration of finite chain rings",
  12980. JOURNAL = "Panamer. Math. J.",
  12981. FJOURNAL = "Panamerican Mathematical Journal",
  12982. VOLUME = "5",
  12983. YEAR = "1995",
  12984. NUMBER = "4",
  12985. PAGES = "75--81"
  12986. }
  12987. @Article{ CGC-dujk97,
  12988. AUTHOR = "M. van Dijk",
  12989. TITLE = "A linear construction of secret sharing schemes",
  12990. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  12991. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  12992. VOLUME = "12",
  12993. YEAR = "1997",
  12994. NUMBER = "2",
  12995. PAGES = "161--201"
  12996. }
  12997. @Article{ CGC-jackmartokee97,
  12998. AUTHOR = "W.-A. Jackson and K. M. Martin and C. M. O'Keefe",
  12999. TITLE = "Mutually trusted authority-free secret sharing schemes",
  13000. JOURNAL = "J. Cryptology",
  13001. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Cryptology. The Journal of the International Association for Cryptologic Research",
  13002. VOLUME = "10",
  13003. YEAR = "1997",
  13004. NUMBER = "4",
  13005. PAGES = "261--289"
  13006. }
  13007. @Article{ CGC-jackmartokee96b,
  13008. AUTHOR = "W.-A. Jackson and K. M. Martin and C. M. O'Keefe",
  13009. TITLE = "Ideal secret sharing schemes with multiple secrets",
  13010. JOURNAL = "J. Cryptology",
  13011. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Cryptology. The Journal of the International Association for Cryptologic Research",
  13012. VOLUME = "9",
  13013. YEAR = "1996",
  13014. NUMBER = "4",
  13015. PAGES = "233--250"
  13016. }
  13017. @Article{ CGC-jackmart96,
  13018. AUTHOR = "W.-A. Jackson and K. M. Martin",
  13019. TITLE = "Efficient constructions for one sharing of many secrets",
  13020. JOURNAL = "Australas. J. Combin.",
  13021. FJOURNAL = "The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics",
  13022. VOLUME = "14",
  13023. YEAR = "1996",
  13024. PAGES = "283--296"
  13025. }
  13026. @Article{ CGC-obankuro96,
  13027. AUTHOR = "S. Obana and K. Kurosawa",
  13028. TITLE = "Veto is impossible in secret sharing schemes",
  13029. JOURNAL = "Inform. Process. Lett.",
  13030. FJOURNAL = "Information Processing Letters",
  13031. VOLUME = "58",
  13032. YEAR = "1996",
  13033. NUMBER = "6",
  13034. PAGES = "293--295"
  13035. }
  13036. @Article{ CGC-dijk95,
  13037. AUTHOR = "M. van Dijk",
  13038. TITLE = "On the information rate of perfect secret sharing schemes",
  13039. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  13040. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  13041. VOLUME = "6",
  13042. YEAR = "1995",
  13043. NUMBER = "2",
  13044. PAGES = "143--169"
  13045. }
  13046. @InCollection{ CGC-blakkaba93,
  13047. AUTHOR = "G. R. Blakley and G. A. Kabatianskii",
  13048. TITLE = "Linear algebra approach to secret sharing schemes",
  13049. BOOKTITLE = "Error control, cryptology, and speech compression (Moscow, 1993)",
  13050. PAGES = "33--40",
  13051. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  13052. ADDRESS = "Berlin",
  13053. YEAR = "1994"
  13054. }
  13055. @Article{ CGC-stin92,
  13056. AUTHOR = "D. R. Stinson",
  13057. TITLE = "An explication of secret sharing schemes",
  13058. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  13059. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  13060. VOLUME = "2",
  13061. YEAR = "1992",
  13062. NUMBER = "4",
  13063. PAGES = "357--390"
  13064. }
  13065. @Article{ CGC-kers92,
  13066. AUTHOR = "A. G. Kersten",
  13067. TITLE = "Shared {S}ecret {S}chemes aus geometrischer {S}icht",
  13068. NOTE = {Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universit{\"a}t Mainz, 1991},
  13069. JOURNAL = "Mitt. Math. Sem. Giessen",
  13070. FJOURNAL = "Mitteilungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar Giessen",
  13071. NUMBER = "208",
  13072. YEAR = "1992",
  13073. PAGES = "xiv+155"
  13074. }
  13075. @Article{ CGC-simmjackmart91,
  13076. AUTHOR = "G. J. Simmons and W.-A. Jackson and K. Martin",
  13077. TITLE = "The geometry of shared secret schemes",
  13078. JOURNAL = "Bull. Inst. Combin. Appl.",
  13079. FJOURNAL = "Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications",
  13080. VOLUME = "1",
  13081. YEAR = "1991",
  13082. PAGES = "71--87"
  13083. }
  13084. @Article{ CGC-itosaitnish89,
  13085. AUTHOR = "M. Ito and A. Saito and T. Nishizeki",
  13086. TITLE = "Secret sharing scheme realizing general access structure",
  13087. JOURNAL = "Electron. Comm. Japan Part III Fund. Electron. Sci.",
  13088. FJOURNAL = "Electronics and Communications in Japan. Part III: Fundamental Electronic Science",
  13089. VOLUME = "72",
  13090. YEAR = "1989",
  13091. NUMBER = "9",
  13092. PAGES = "56--63"
  13093. }
  13094. @Article{ CGC-hara87,
  13095. AUTHOR = "S. Harari",
  13096. TITLE = "Application des codes correcteurs au partage du secret",
  13097. JOURNAL = "Traitement Signal",
  13098. FJOURNAL = "Traitement du Signal",
  13099. VOLUME = "4",
  13100. YEAR = "1987",
  13101. NUMBER = "4",
  13102. PAGES = "353--356"
  13103. }
  13104. @Article{ CGC-mcelsarw81,
  13105. AUTHOR = "R. J. McEliece and D. V. Sarwate",
  13106. TITLE = "On sharing secrets and {R}eed-{S}olomon codes",
  13107. JOURNAL = "Comm. ACM",
  13108. FJOURNAL = "Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery",
  13109. VOLUME = "24",
  13110. YEAR = "1981",
  13111. NUMBER = "9",
  13112. PAGES = "583--584"
  13113. }
  13114. @InCollection{ CGC-capodesagargvacc92,
  13115. AUTHOR = "R. M. Capocelli and A. {De Santis} and L. Gargano and U. Vaccaro",
  13116. TITLE = "On the size of shares for secret sharing schemes",
  13117. BOOKTITLE = "{CRYPTO~91}",
  13118. PAGES = "101--113",
  13119. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  13120. ADDRESS = "Berlin",
  13121. YEAR = "1992"
  13122. }
  13123. @InProceedings{ CGC-davidemilipt80,
  13124. AUTHOR = "G. I. Davida and R. DeMillo and R. Lipton",
  13125. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 1980 Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland, CA)",
  13126. PAGES = "100--102",
  13127. PUBLISHER = "IEEE",
  13128. YEAR = "1980"
  13129. }
  13130. @Article{ CGC-len99,
  13131. AUTHOR = "D. A. Leonard",
  13132. TITLE = "Efficient {F}orney functions for decoding {A}{G} codes",
  13133. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13134. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  13135. VOLUME = "45",
  13136. YEAR = "1999",
  13137. NUMBER = "1",
  13138. PAGES = "260--265",
  13139. ISSN = "0018-9448",
  13140. CODEN = "IETTAW",
  13141. MRCLASS = "94B35",
  13142. MRNUMBER = "99k:94060"
  13143. }
  13144. @Article{ CGC-len96,
  13145. AUTHOR = "D. A. Leonard",
  13146. TITLE = "A generalized {F}orney formula for algebraic-geometric codes",
  13147. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13148. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  13149. VOLUME = "42",
  13150. YEAR = "1996",
  13151. NUMBER = "4",
  13152. PAGES = "1263--1268",
  13153. ISSN = "0018-9448",
  13154. CODEN = "IETTAW",
  13155. MRCLASS = "94B27",
  13156. MRNUMBER = "98a:94043"
  13157. }
  13158. @InCollection{ CGC-shen93,
  13159. AUTHOR = "B.-Z. Shen",
  13160. TITLE = "On encoding and decoding of the codes from {H}ermitian curves",
  13161. BOOKTITLE = "Cryptography and coding, III (Cirencester, 1991)",
  13162. PAGES = "337--357",
  13163. PUBLISHER = "Oxford Univ. Press",
  13164. ADDRESS = "New York",
  13165. YEAR = "1993",
  13166. MRCLASS = "94B27 (11T71 14G15)",
  13167. MRNUMBER = "95b:94037"
  13168. }
  13169. @InCollection{ CGC-ehr92lum,
  13170. AUTHOR = "D. Ehrhard",
  13171. TITLE = "Decoding algebraic-geometric codes by solving a key equation",
  13172. BOOKTITLE = "Coding theory and algebraic geometry (Luminy, 1991)",
  13173. PAGES = "18--25",
  13174. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  13175. ADDRESS = "Berlin",
  13176. YEAR = "1992",
  13177. MRCLASS = "94B27 (11T71)",
  13178. MRNUMBER = "93i:94019",
  13179. MRREVIEWER = "Simon N. Litsyn"
  13180. }
  13181. @InCollection{ CGC-va98,
  13182. author = "A. Vardy",
  13183. title = "The Trellis Structure of Codes",
  13184. booktitle = "Handbook of Coding Theory",
  13185. publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishers",
  13186. year = 1998,
  13187. volume = 1,
  13188. pages = "1989--2117",
  13189. editor = "V. Pless and W.C. Huffman",
  13190. address = "Amsterdam, The Netherlands"
  13191. }
  13192. @Article{ CGC-hankot98,
  13193. AUTHOR = {J. P. Hansen and H. E. Jensen and R. K{\"o}tter},
  13194. TITLE = "Determination of error values for algebraic-geometry codes and the {F}orney formula",
  13195. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13196. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  13197. VOLUME = "44",
  13198. YEAR = "1998",
  13199. NUMBER = "5",
  13200. PAGES = "1881--1886",
  13201. ISSN = "0018-9448",
  13202. CODEN = "IETTAW",
  13203. MRCLASS = "94B27",
  13204. MRNUMBER = "99h:94066"
  13205. }
  13206. @Book{ CGC-imkl00,
  13207. AUTHOR = "W. Imrich and S. {K}lav\v{z}ar",
  13208. TITLE = "Product graphs",
  13209. NOTE = "Structure and recognition, With a foreword by Peter Winkler",
  13210. PUBLISHER = "Wiley-Interscience, New York",
  13211. YEAR = "2000",
  13212. PAGES = "xvi+358",
  13213. ISBN = "0-471-37039-8",
  13214. MRCLASS = "05-01 (05C75 05C85 05C90 68R10)",
  13215. MRNUMBER = "2001k:05001",
  13216. MRREVIEWER = "Pranava K. Jha"
  13217. }
  13218. @InCollection{ CGC-kova02,
  13219. Author = "R. Koetter and A. Vardy",
  13220. Title = "On the theory of linear trellises",
  13221. booktitle = "Information, Coding and Mathematics",
  13222. publisher = "Kluwer Academic",
  13223. year = 2002,
  13224. pages = "425--450",
  13225. editor = "R. Koetter {R. Blahut}"
  13226. }
  13227. @Misc{ CGC-KoVa03,
  13228. Author = "R. Koetter and A. Vardy",
  13229. Title = "The structure of tail-biting trellises: minimality and basic principles",
  13230. Note = "submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory",
  13231. date = "2002"
  13232. }
  13233. @Article{ CGC-di02,
  13234. AUTHOR = "C. Di and D. Proietti and T. Richardson and E. Telatar and R. Urbanke",
  13235. TITLE = "Finite length analysis of low density parity check codes",
  13236. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13237. VOLUME = 48,
  13238. YEAR = 2002,
  13239. NUMBER = 6,
  13240. PAGES = "1570--1579"
  13241. }
  13242. @Article{ CGC-no00,
  13243. AUTHOR = "G. H. Norton and A. S\u{a}l\u{a}gean",
  13244. TITLE = "On the key equation over a commutative ring",
  13245. JOURNAL = "Des. Codes Cryptogr.",
  13246. FJOURNAL = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal",
  13247. VOLUME = "20",
  13248. YEAR = "2000",
  13249. NUMBER = "2",
  13250. PAGES = "125--141"
  13251. }
  13252. @Misc{ CGC-osdmin,
  13253. AUTHOR = "M. E. O'Sullivan",
  13254. HOWPUBLISHED = "Manuscript, ",
  13255. TITLE = "Decoding of {H}ermitian Codes: Beyond the Minimum Distance Bound",
  13256. YEAR = "1999"
  13257. }
  13258. @InProceedings{ CGC-os00al,
  13259. AUTHOR = "M. E. O'Sullivan",
  13260. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 37-th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing",
  13261. PAGES = "557--566",
  13262. TITLE = "Alternative Approaches to the Computation of Error Values for {H}ermitian Codes",
  13263. YEAR = "2000",
  13264. KEYWORDS = "decoding, key equation, error evaluator"
  13265. }
  13266. @Article{ CGC-os00,
  13267. AUTHOR = "M. E. O'Sullivan",
  13268. TITLE = "Decoding of {H}ermitian codes: the key equation and efficient error evaluation",
  13269. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13270. VOLUME = "46",
  13271. YEAR = "2000",
  13272. NUMBER = "2",
  13273. PAGES = "512--523",
  13274. KEYWORDS = "decoding, key equation, error evaluator"
  13275. }
  13276. @Article{ CGC-os02jpaa,
  13277. AUTHOR = "M. E. O'Sullivan",
  13278. TITLE = "The key equation for one-point codes",
  13279. JOURNAL = "jpaa",
  13280. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra",
  13281. VOLUME = "169",
  13282. YEAR = "2002",
  13283. NUMBER = "2-3",
  13284. PAGES = "295--320"
  13285. }
  13286. @InProceedings{ CGC-kot97al,
  13287. AUTHOR = "R. Koetter",
  13288. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 35-th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing",
  13289. TITLE = "On the determination of error values for codes from a class of maximal curves",
  13290. YEAR = "1997",
  13291. PAGES = "44--53"
  13292. }
  13293. @Unpublished{ CGC-ko01u,
  13294. AUTHOR = "Y. Kou and S. Lin and M. P. C. Fossorier",
  13295. TITLE = "Low Density Parity Check Codes based on Finite Geometries: A Rediscovery and New Results",
  13296. NOTE = "Preprint",
  13297. YEAR = "2001"
  13298. }
  13299. @Article{ CGC-ya94,
  13300. AUTHOR = "K. Yang and P. V. Kumar and H. Stichtenoth",
  13301. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13302. NUMBER = "3",
  13303. PAGES = "913--920",
  13304. TITLE = "On the Weight Hierarchy of Geometric Goppa Codes",
  13305. VOLUME = "IT-40",
  13306. YEAR = "1994"
  13307. }
  13308. @InCollection{ CGC-st01,
  13309. AUTHOR = "I. Aleshnikov and V. Deolalikar and P. V. Kumar and H. Stichtenoth",
  13310. TITLE = "Towards a basis for the space of regular functions in a tower of function fields meeting the {D}rinfeld-{V}ladut bound",
  13311. BOOKTITLE = "Finite fields and applications (Augsburg, 1999)",
  13312. PAGES = "14--24",
  13313. PUBLISHER = "Springer",
  13314. ADDRESS = "Berlin",
  13315. YEAR = "2001",
  13316. MRCLASS = "11R58 (11G20 14G50 94B27 94B65)",
  13317. MRNUMBER = "2002e:11161",
  13318. MRREVIEWER = "Martha Rzedowski-Calder{\'o}n"
  13319. }
  13320. @Article{ CGc-gast96,
  13321. AUTHOR = "A. Garcia and H. Stichtenoth",
  13322. TITLE = "On the asymptotic behaviour of some towers of function fields over finite fields",
  13323. JOURNAL = "J. Number Theory",
  13324. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Number Theory",
  13325. VOLUME = "61",
  13326. YEAR = "1996",
  13327. NUMBER = "2",
  13328. PAGES = "248--273"
  13329. }
  13330. @Article{ CGC-st95,
  13331. AUTHOR = "A. Garc{\'i}a and H. Stichtenoth",
  13332. TITLE = "A tower of {A}rtin-{S}chreier extensions of function fields attaining the {D}rinfeld-{V}l\u adu\c t bound",
  13333. JOURNAL = "Invent. Math.",
  13334. FJOURNAL = "Inventiones Mathematicae",
  13335. VOLUME = "121",
  13336. YEAR = "1995",
  13337. NUMBER = "1",
  13338. PAGES = "211--222"
  13339. }
  13340. @Article{ CGC-sa88,
  13341. AUTHOR = "S. Sakata",
  13342. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13343. NUMBER = "5",
  13344. PAGES = "1332--1340",
  13345. TITLE = "Extension of {B}erlekamp-{M}assey algorithm to $n$ dimensions",
  13346. VOLUME = "IT-34",
  13347. YEAR = "1988"
  13348. }
  13349. @Article{ CGC-fe83,
  13350. AUTHOR = "G. L. Feng and K. K. Tzeng",
  13351. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13352. NOTE = "IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, St. Jovite, PQ, Canada, 1983.",
  13353. TITLE = "Shift-register synthesis for $t$ sequences",
  13354. YEAR = "1983"
  13355. }
  13356. @Misc{ CGC-geil02,
  13357. AUTHOR = "O. Geil",
  13358. HOWPUBLISHED = "manuscript",
  13359. TITLE = "On Codes from Norm-Trace Curves",
  13360. YEAR = "2002"
  13361. }
  13362. @Article{ CGC-fe92,
  13363. AUTHOR = "G. L. Feng and K. K. Tzeng and V. K. Wei",
  13364. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13365. NUMBER = "3",
  13366. PAGES = "1125--1130",
  13367. TITLE = "On the Generalized {H}amming Weights of Several Classes of Cyclic Codes",
  13368. VOLUME = "IT-38",
  13369. YEAR = "1992"
  13370. }
  13371. @PhDThesis{ CGC-pop02t,
  13372. AUTHOR = "Emmanuel Popovici",
  13373. SCHOOL = "National University of Ireland, Cork",
  13374. TITLE = "Algorithms and architectures for decoding Reed-Solomon and {H}ermitian codes",
  13375. YEAR = "2002"
  13376. }
  13377. @InProceedings{ CGC-su97p,
  13378. AUTHOR = "M. Sudan",
  13379. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 35-th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing",
  13380. PAGES = "215--224",
  13381. TITLE = "Decoding {R}eed {S}olomon Codes beyond the error-correction Diameter",
  13382. YEAR = "1997"
  13383. }
  13384. @PhDThesis{ CGC-wa96t,
  13385. AUTHOR = "J. L. Walker",
  13386. SCHOOL = "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign",
  13387. TITLE = "Algebraic Geometric Codes over Rings",
  13388. YEAR = "1996",
  13389. KEYWORDS = "coding theory"
  13390. }
  13391. @Article{ CGC-wa97,
  13392. author = "J. L. Walker",
  13393. title = "The {N}ordstrom {R}obinson code is algebraic geometric",
  13394. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13395. year = "1997",
  13396. volume = "43",
  13397. pages = "1588--1593"
  13398. }
  13399. @Article{ CGC-wa99,
  13400. AUTHOR = "J. L. Walker",
  13401. TITLE = "Algebraic Geometric Codes over Rings",
  13402. JOURNAL = "J. Pure Appl. Algebra",
  13403. FJOURNAL = "Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra",
  13404. VOLUME = "144",
  13405. YEAR = "1999",
  13406. NUMBER = "1",
  13407. PAGES = "91--110"
  13408. }
  13409. @Article{ CGC-wavo00,
  13410. author = "J.-F. Voloch and J. L. Walker",
  13411. title = "Euclidean weights of codes from elliptic curves over rings",
  13412. journal = "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society",
  13413. volume = "352",
  13414. pages = "5063--5076",
  13415. year = "2000"
  13416. }
  13417. @InProceedings{ CGC-wa00p,
  13418. AUTHOR = "J. L. Walker",
  13419. BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 38-th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing",
  13420. PAGES = "1019--1028",
  13421. TITLE = "A Critical Look at Self-Dual Codes",
  13422. YEAR = "2000"
  13423. }
  13424. @Article{ CGC-wa01,
  13425. AUTHOR = "J. L. Walker",
  13426. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13427. PAGES = "1780--1795",
  13428. TITLE = "Constructing Critical Indecomposable Codes",
  13429. VOLUME = "47",
  13430. YEAR = "2001"
  13431. }
  13432. @Book{ CGC-stan97,
  13433. AUTHOR = "R. P. Stanley",
  13434. TITLE = "Enumerative combinatorics. {V}ol. 1",
  13435. NOTE = "With a foreword by Gian-Carlo Rota, Corrected reprint of the 1986 original",
  13436. PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press, Cambridge",
  13437. YEAR = "1997",
  13438. PAGES = "xii+325",
  13439. ISBN = "0-521-55309-1"
  13440. }
  13441. @Article{ CGC-rota64,
  13442. AUTHOR = "G.-C. Rota",
  13443. TITLE = {On the foundations of combinatorial theory. {I}. {T}heory of {M}{\"o}bius functions},
  13444. JOURNAL = "Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verw. Gebiete",
  13445. VOLUME = "2",
  13446. YEAR = "1964",
  13447. PAGES = "340--368"
  13448. }
  13449. @Unpublished{ CGC-muegge,
  13450. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath and T. Muegge",
  13451. TITLE = "On Plotkin and Elias bounds for Codes over Frobenius Rings u nder Homogeneous Weights",
  13452. NOTE = "Preprint",
  13453. YEAR = "2002"
  13454. }
  13455. @Article{ CGC-grefvite98b,
  13456. AUTHOR = "M. Greferath and E. Viterbo",
  13457. TITLE = "On ${Z}\sb 4$- and ${Z}\sb 9$-linear lifts of the {G}olay codes",
  13458. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13459. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  13460. VOLUME = "45",
  13461. YEAR = "1999",
  13462. NUMBER = "7",
  13463. PAGES = "2524--2527",
  13464. ISSN = "0018-9448",
  13465. CODEN = "IETTAW",
  13466. MRCLASS = "94B35 (94B05)",
  13467. MRNUMBER = "2000h:94056"
  13468. }
  13469. @InProceedings{ CGC-dgls01,
  13470. author = "I. M. Duursma and M. Greferath and S. Litsy and S. E. Schmidt",
  13471. title = "A ${\mathbb Z}\_9$-linear Code inducing a ternary $(72,3^{25},24)$-code",
  13472. booktitle = "Proc. of OC2001",
  13473. year = "1999"
  13474. }
  13475. \%
  13476. \%
  13477. @Article{ CGC-klem89a,
  13478. AUTHOR = "M. Klemm",
  13479. TITLE = {Eine {I}nvarianzgruppe f{\"u}r die vollst{\"a}ndige {G}ewichtsfunktion selbstdualer {C}odes},
  13480. JOURNAL = "Arch. Math. (Basel)",
  13481. FJOURNAL = "Archiv der Mathematik. Archives of Mathematics. Archives Math{\'e}matiques",
  13482. VOLUME = "53",
  13483. YEAR = "1989",
  13484. NUMBER = "4",
  13485. PAGES = "332--336",
  13486. ISSN = "0003-889X",
  13487. CODEN = "ACVMAL"
  13488. }
  13489. @Article{ CGC-klem87,
  13490. AUTHOR = "M. Klemm",
  13491. TITLE = {{\"U}ber die {I}dentit{\"a}t von {M}ac{W}illiams f{\"u}r die {G}ewichtsfunktion von {C}odes},
  13492. JOURNAL = "Arch. Math. (Basel)",
  13493. FJOURNAL = "Archiv der Mathematik. Archives of Mathematics. Archives Math{\'e}matiques",
  13494. VOLUME = "49",
  13495. YEAR = "1987",
  13496. NUMBER = "5",
  13497. PAGES = "400--406",
  13498. ISSN = "0003-889X",
  13499. CODEN = "ACVMAL"
  13500. }
  13501. \%
  13502. \%\%
  13503. \%
  13504. \%
  13505. @Article{ CGC-saty79,
  13506. author = "C. Satyanarayana",
  13507. title = "{L}ee Metric Codes over Integer Residue Rings",
  13508. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13509. year = "1979",
  13510. volume = "25",
  13511. pages = "250--253"
  13512. }
  13513. \%
  13514. \%
  13515. @Article{ CGC-nech91,
  13516. author = "A. A. Nechaev",
  13517. title = "Kerdock Codes in Cyclic Form",
  13518. journal = "Discrete Math. Appl.",
  13519. year = "1991",
  13520. volume = "1",
  13521. number = "4",
  13522. pages = "365--384"
  13523. }
  13524. \%
  13525. @Article{ CGC-raopear96,
  13526. author = "S. Rao and W. A. Pearlman",
  13527. title = "Analysis of Linear Prediction, Coding, and Spectral Estimation from Subbands",
  13528. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13529. year = "1996",
  13530. volume = "42",
  13531. pages = "1160--1178"
  13532. }
  13533. \%
  13534. @Article{ CGC-laro96,
  13535. author = "R. Laroia",
  13536. title = "Coding of r Intersymbol Interference Channels -- Combined Coding and Precoding",
  13537. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13538. year = "1996",
  13539. volume = "42",
  13540. pages = "1053--1061"
  13541. }
  13542. \%
  13543. @InCollection{ CGC-consheis95a,
  13544. author = "I. Constantinescu and W. Heise",
  13545. title = "A New Metric for Codes over Residue Class Rings of Integers",
  13546. booktitle = {Beitr{\"a}ge zur Geometrie und Algebra},
  13547. publisher = {TUM -- Technische Universit{\"a}t M{\"u}nchen},
  13548. year = "1995",
  13549. volume = "31",
  13550. pages = "1--6"
  13551. }
  13552. \%
  13553. @InCollection{ CGC-consheis95b,
  13554. author = "I. Constantinescu and W. Heise",
  13555. title = "Finite Signal Sets with a Homogeneous Metric and Discrete Memoryless Transmission Channels",
  13556. booktitle = {Beitr{\"a}ge zur Geometrie und Algebra},
  13557. publisher = {TUM -- Technische Universit{\"a}t M{\"u}nchen},
  13558. year = "1995",
  13559. volume = "1",
  13560. pages = "7--11"
  13561. }
  13562. \%
  13563. @Article{ CGC-hono96,
  13564. author = "T. Honold",
  13565. title = "A Proof of {M}ac{W}illiams' Identity",
  13566. journal = "J. Geometry",
  13567. year = "1996",
  13568. volume = "57",
  13569. pages = "120--122"
  13570. }
  13571. \%
  13572. @Article{ CGC-kasalinpete68a,
  13573. author = "T. Kasami and S. Lin and W. W. Peterson",
  13574. title = "New Generalizations of the {R}eed-{M}uller Codes Part {I}: Primitive Codes",
  13575. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13576. year = "1968",
  13577. volume = "14",
  13578. pages = "189--199"
  13579. }
  13580. \%
  13581. @Article{ CGC-hou97,
  13582. author = "X.-D. Hou",
  13583. title = "On the Norm and covering Radius of The First-Order {Reed-Muller} Codes",
  13584. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Inf.. Th.",
  13585. year = "1997",
  13586. volume = "43",
  13587. pages = "1025--1027"
  13588. }
  13589. \%
  13590. @Article{ CGC-salagean-1,
  13591. AUTHOR = "G. H. Norton and A. S\u{a}l\u{a}gean",
  13592. TITLE = {Cyclic codes and minimal strong {G}r{\"o}bner bases over a principal ideal ring},
  13593. JOURNAL = "Finite Fields Appl.",
  13594. FJOURNAL = "Finite Fields and their Applications",
  13595. VOLUME = "9",
  13596. YEAR = "2003",
  13597. NUMBER = "2",
  13598. PAGES = "237--249"
  13599. }
  13600. @Article{ CGC-salagean-2,
  13601. AUTHOR = "G. H. Norton and A. S\u{a}l\u{a}gean",
  13602. TITLE = {Gr{\"o}bner bases and products of coefficient rings},
  13603. JOURNAL = "Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.",
  13604. FJOURNAL = "Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society",
  13605. VOLUME = "65",
  13606. YEAR = "2002",
  13607. NUMBER = "1",
  13608. PAGES = "145--152"
  13609. }
  13610. @InCollection{ CGC-salagean-3,
  13611. AUTHOR = "G. H. Norton and A. S\u{a}l\u{a}gean",
  13612. TITLE = {Strong {G}r{\"o}bner bases and cyclic codes over a finite-chain ring},
  13613. BOOKTITLE = "International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (Paris, 2001)",
  13614. SERIES = "Electron. Notes Discrete Math.",
  13615. VOLUME = "6",
  13616. PAGES = "11",
  13617. PUBLISHER = "Elsevier",
  13618. YEAR = "2001"
  13619. }
  13620. @Article{ CGC-salagean-4,
  13621. AUTHOR = "G. H. Norton and A. S\u{a}l\u{a}gean",
  13622. TITLE = {Strong {G}r{\"o}bner bases for polynomials over a principal ideal ring},
  13623. JOURNAL = "Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.",
  13624. FJOURNAL = "Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society",
  13625. VOLUME = "64",
  13626. YEAR = "2001",
  13627. NUMBER = "3",
  13628. PAGES = "505--528"
  13629. }
  13630. @Article{ CGC-salagean-5,
  13631. AUTHOR = "A. S\u{a}l\u{a}gean-Mandache",
  13632. TITLE = "On the isometries between {$Z\sb {p\sp k}$} and {$Z\sp k\sb p$}",
  13633. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th.",
  13634. FJOURNAL = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Transactions on Information Theory",
  13635. VOLUME = "45",
  13636. YEAR = "1999",
  13637. NUMBER = "6",
  13638. PAGES = "2146--2148"
  13639. }
  13640. \%martinez moro edgar
  13641. @Article{ CGC-martinezrua06,
  13642. AUTHOR = "E. Mart{\'i}nez-Moro and I. F. R{\'u}a",
  13643. TITLE = "Multivariable codes over finite chain rings: serial codes",
  13644. JOURNAL = "SIAM J. Discrete Math.",
  13645. FJOURNAL = "SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics",
  13646. VOLUME = "20",
  13647. YEAR = "2006",
  13648. NUMBER = "4",
  13649. PAGES = "947--959"
  13650. }
  13651. \%
  13652. @PhDThesis{ CGC-macw62,
  13653. author = "F. J. MacWilliams",
  13654. title = "Combinatorial properties of elementary abelian groups",
  13655. school = "Radcliffe College, Cambridge MA",
  13656. year = "1962"
  13657. }
  13658. \%
  13659. @Unpublished{ CGC-bonnrainsole98,
  13660. author = "A. Bonnecaze and E. Rains and P. Sol{\'e}",
  13661. title = "-Colored $3$-Designs and $5$-Codes${\mathbb Z}\_4$",
  13662. note = "Research Report",
  13663. year = "1998"
  13664. }
  13665. \%
  13666. //una volta si chiamava CGC-conwsloa93book, per{\`o} c'{\`e} gi{\`a} una entry con quel nome..
  13667. @Book{ CGC-conwsloa93book,
  13668. author = "J. Conway and N. J. A. Sloane",
  13669. title = "Sphere {P}ackings, {L}attices and {G}roups",
  13670. publisher = "Springer Verlag",
  13671. year = "1993"
  13672. }
  13673. \%
  13674. \%
  13675. @Article{ CGC-prep68,
  13676. author = "F. P. Preparata",
  13677. title = "A Class of optimum nonlinear double-error correcting codes",
  13678. journal = "Information and Control",
  13679. volume = "13",
  13680. year = "1968",
  13681. pages = "466--473"
  13682. }
  13683. \%
  13684. @Article{ CGC-spie78,
  13685. AUTHOR = "E. Spiegel",
  13686. TITLE = "Codes over {${\mathbb Z}\_m$}, revisited",
  13687. JOURNAL = "Information and Control",
  13688. VOLUME = "37",
  13689. YEAR = "1978",
  13690. PAGES = "100--104"
  13691. }
  13692. @Article{ CGC-blak75,
  13693. AUTHOR = "I. F. Blake",
  13694. TITLE = "Codes over Integer Residue Rings",
  13695. JOURNAL = "Information and Control",
  13696. VOLUME = "29",
  13697. YEAR = "1975",
  13698. PAGES = "295--300"
  13699. }
  13700. @Article{ CGC-blak72,
  13701. AUTHOR = "I. F. Blake",
  13702. TITLE = "Codes over Certain Rings",
  13703. JOURNAL = "Information and Control",
  13704. VOLUME = "20",
  13705. YEAR = "1972",
  13706. PAGES = "396--404"
  13707. }
  13708. @Article{ CGC-clarlian73,
  13709. AUTHOR = "W. E. Clark and J. J. Liang",
  13710. TITLE = "Enumeration of finite commutative chain rings",
  13711. JOURNAL = "J. Algebra",
  13712. VOLUME = "27",
  13713. YEAR = "1973",
  13714. PAGES = "445--453"
  13715. }
  13716. @Article{ CGC-clardrak73,
  13717. AUTHOR = "W. E. Clark and D. A. Drake",
  13718. TITLE = "Finite chain rings",
  13719. JOURNAL = "Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg",
  13720. VOLUME = "39",
  13721. YEAR = "1973",
  13722. PAGES = "147--153"
  13723. }
  13724. @InProceedings{ CGC-Costa97,
  13725. author = "S. {Rodrigues Costa} and J. {Roberto Ger{\^o}nimo} and Jr. R. Palazzo and J. {Carmelo Interlando} and M. {Muniz Silva Alves}",
  13726. title = "The Symmetry Group of {${{\mathbb{Z}}\_q}^n$} in the {Lee} Space and the {${\mathbb{Z}}\_{q^n}$}-Linear Codes ",
  13727. editor = "T. Mora and H. Mattson",
  13728. number = 1255,
  13729. series = "{LNCS}",
  13730. pages = "66--77",
  13731. booktitle = "Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium, AAECC-12",
  13732. year = 1997,
  13733. publisher = "Springer"
  13734. }
  13735. @Misc{ CGC-MAGMA,
  13736. TITLE = "{MAGMA}: {Computational Algebra System for Algebra, Number Theory and Geometry}",
  13737. HOWPUBLISHED = "The University of Sydney Computational Algebra Group., {}",
  13738. key = "MAGMA software"
  13739. }
  13740. @Misc{ CGC-GAP,
  13741. KEY = "GAP",
  13742. TITLE = "The {GAP} Group",
  13743. howpublished = ""
  13744. }
  13745. \%martinez
  13746. @Misc{ CGC-GAPGBLA,
  13747. author = "M. Borges-Quintana and M. A Borges-Trenard and E. Mart{\'i}nez-Moro",
  13748. year = "2006",
  13749. title = {{GBLA\_LC}: {G}r{\"o}bner Basis by Linear Algebra and Linear Codes},
  13750. note = ""
  13751. }
  13752. @Misc{ CGC-misc-Blu99,
  13753. key = "tooth",
  13754. title = "{B}luetooth Specification v1.1",
  13755. year = "1999",
  13756. note = ""
  13757. }
  13758. @Misc{ CGC-misc-BriGW98,
  13759. author = "M. Briceno and I. Goldberg and D. Wagner",
  13760. title = "A pedagogical implementation of {A}5/1",
  13761. year = "1998",
  13762. note = ""
  13763. }
  13764. @Misc{ CGC-misc-Bergman,
  13765. author = "J. Backelin and S. Cojocaru and V. Ufnarovski",
  13766. title = "Mathematical Computations using BERGMAN",
  13767. year = "2005",
  13768. note = "Lund University, Sweden, 2005. -- 206 p."
  13769. }
  13770. @Misc{ CGC-misc-bulygin05,
  13771. author = "S. Bulygin",
  13772. title = "Chosen-Ciphertext Attack on Noncommutative {P}olly {C}racker",
  13773. year = "2005",
  13774. note = ""
  13775. }
  13776. @Misc{ CGC-misc-nsaAes,
  13777. title = "{NSA} {S}uite {B} {C}ryptography",
  13778. howpublished = "NSA web site",
  13779. year = "2005",
  13780. url = ""
  13781. }
  13782. @Misc{ CGC-misc-bulyginRai06,
  13783. author = "S. Bulygin and T. S. Rai",
  13784. title = "Countering Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks against Noncommutative {P}olly {C}racker Cryptosystems",
  13785. year = "2006",
  13786. note = {talk at Special Semester on Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Linz, Austria}
  13787. }
  13788. @Misc{ CGC-misc-CTpolly,
  13789. author = "P. Conti and C. Traverso",
  13790. title = "Homomorphism Attacks to Non-Commutative {P}olly {C}racker",
  13791. note = "preprint",
  13792. year = "2007"
  13793. }
  13794. @Misc{ CGC-misc-jhd91,
  13795. author = "J. H. Davenport",
  13796. title = "Factorisation of Polynomials in Non-Commuting Variables",
  13797. note = "Personal communication",
  13798. year = "1991"
  13799. }
  13800. @Misc{ CGC-misc-Hirsch,
  13801. author = "E. A. Hirsch",
  13802. note = ""
  13803. }
  13804. @Misc{ CGC-misc-TM,
  13805. author = "T. Mora",
  13806. note = "a 15/01/94 communication to M.R.~Fellows and N.~Koblitz"
  13807. }
  13808. @Misc{ CGC-misc-Stp2,
  13809. author = "R. Steinwandt",
  13810. title = "A Ciphertext-Only Attack on Polly Two",
  13811. note = "preprint",
  13812. year = "2006"
  13813. }
  13814. @Misc{ CGC-misc-Albrecht2008,
  13815. author = "M. Albrecht and C. Cid",
  13816. title = "Algebraic Techniques in Differential Cryptanalysis",
  13817. year = "2008",
  13818. howpublished = "Crypto. ePrint Arch., Rep. 2008/177",
  13819. note = "\url{}"
  13820. }
  13821. @Misc{ CGC-misc-nistDESfips46,
  13822. author = "{National Bureau of Standards}",
  13823. title = "{The Data Encryption Standard}",
  13824. howpublished = "{Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS) 46}",
  13825. year = "1977"
  13826. }
  13827. @Misc{ CGC-misc-nistAESfips197,
  13828. author = "{National Institute of Standards and Technology}",
  13829. title = "{The Advanced Encryption Standard}",
  13830. howpublished = "{Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS) 197}",
  13831. year = "2001"
  13832. }
  13833. @Misc{ CGC-misc-minisat,
  13834. author = "N. Een and N. Sorensson",
  13835. title = "Mini{S}at - A {SAT} Solver with Conflict-Clause Minimization",
  13836. year = "2006",
  13837. note = "\url{}"
  13838. }
  13839. @InProceedings{ CGC-misc-polybori,
  13840. author = "M. Brickenstein and A. Dreyer",
  13841. title = {{P}oly{B}o{R}i: A framework for {G}r{\"o}bner basis computations with {B}oolean polynomials},
  13842. booktitle = "Elec. Proc. of {MEGA}~2007",
  13843. year = "2007",
  13844. note = "\url{}"
  13845. }
  13846. @Manual{ CGC-misc-sage,
  13847. author = "W. Stein",
  13848. organization = "The Sage~Group",
  13849. title = "{Sage}: {O}pen {S}ource {M}athematical {S}oftware ({V}ersion 2.8.5)",
  13850. note = "{}",
  13851. Year = "2008"
  13852. }
  13853. @Misc{ CGC-misc-kotsireas,
  13854. author = "I. Kotsireas",
  13855. title = "$\sim$kotsirea/",
  13856. year = "2006"
  13857. }
  13858. @Misc{ CGC-MiniSat,
  13859. title = "MiniSat 2.0",
  13860. key = "MiniSat",
  13861. note = ""
  13862. }
  13863. @Misc{ CGC-estream,
  13864. title = "eSTREAM project",
  13865. key = "eSTREAM",
  13866. note = ""
  13867. }
  13868. @Misc{ CGC-misc-nistAESfips2,
  13869. title = "Announcing development of a federal information processing standard for advanced encryption standard ",
  13870. author = "{National Institute of Standards and Technology}",
  13871. howpublished = "{Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS) 1997}",
  13872. year = "1997",
  13873. note = "$\_$9701.txt"
  13874. }
  13875. @Misc{ CGC-misc-oai03,
  13876. title = "{NESSIE} {D20} - {NESSIE} security report",
  13877. year = "2003",
  13878. bibsource = "OAI-PMH server at",
  13879. URL = ";"
  13880. }
  13881. @Misc{ CGC-misc-MD5,
  13882. author = "R. L. Rivest",
  13883. title = "The {MD5} Message-Digest Algorithm",
  13884. howpublished = "Internet RFC 1321",
  13885. year = "1992",
  13886. src = "EW: ~/papers/bibtex",
  13887. topic = "md5[1]"
  13888. }
  13889. @Misc{ CGC-misc-mars,
  13890. author = "C. Burwick and D. Coppersmith and E. D'{A}vignon and R. Gennaro and S. Halevi and C. Jutla and S. M. Matyas and L. O'{C}onnor and M. Peyravian and D. Safford and Zunic N.",
  13891. title = "{MARS} --- {A} Candidate Cipher for {AES}",
  13892. howpublished = "NIST AES Proposal",
  13893. year = "1998"
  13894. }
  13895. @TechReport{ CGC-Pellikaan-Wu:PREPRINT2004,
  13896. author = "R. Pellikaan and X.-W. Wu",
  13897. title = "List decoding of $q$-ary {R}eed-{M}uller codes",
  13898. institution = "from the authors",
  13899. year = "2004"
  13900. }
  13901. @Unpublished{ CGC-BeelenBrander07,
  13902. author = "P. Beelen and K. Brander",
  13903. title = "Decoding of Folded Codes Using {H}ensel--Lifting",
  13904. year = "2007",
  13905. month = "April",
  13906. note = "Preprint"
  13907. }
  13908. @Unpublished{ CGC-ivan-thomas03,
  13909. author = "T. Honold and I. Landjev",
  13910. title = "On Maximal Arcs in Projective {H}jelmslev Planes over Chain Rings of Even Characteristic",
  13911. note = "Submitted",
  13912. month = "July",
  13913. year = "2003"
  13914. }
  13915. @Unpublished{ CGC-sergio-patent,
  13916. author = "S. L{\'o}pez-Permouth and J. C. Dill and A Lindsey and Y.-C. Lo and F. Alder and X Song",
  13917. title = "Apparatus and Method of CTCM encoding and decoding for a digital communication system",
  13918. note = "Patent pending",
  13919. year = "2001"
  13920. }
  13921. @Unpublished{ CGC-ro99u1,
  13922. author = "J. Rosenthal and A. Zelevinsky",
  13923. title = "Multiplicities of Points on {S}chubert Varieties in {G}rassmannians",
  13924. note = "E-print math.AG/9901057",
  13925. month = "jan",
  13926. year = "1999"
  13927. }
  13928. @Book{ CGC2-cry-book-Simm94,
  13929. author = "Gustavus J. Simmons",
  13930. title = "Contemporary Cryptology: The Science of Information Integrity",
  13931. year = "1994",
  13932. isbn = "0879422777",
  13933. publisher = "IEEE Press",
  13934. address = "Piscataway, NJ, USA"
  13935. }
  13936. @Misc{ CGC2-cry-misc-Robs95,
  13937. author = "M. J. B. Robshaw",
  13938. title = "Stream Ciphers",
  13939. year = "1995"
  13940. }
  13941. @PhDThesis{ CGC2-cry-phdthesis-arm06,
  13942. title = "Algebraic attacks on certain stream ciphers",
  13943. author = "F. Armknecht",
  13944. school = "University Mannheim",
  13945. address = "Germany",
  13946. year = "2006"
  13947. }
  13948. @PhDThesis{ CGC2-cry-phdthesis-ruep84,
  13949. title = "New Approaches to Stream Ciphers",
  13950. author = "R.A. Rueppel",
  13951. school = "SwissFederal Institute of Technology",
  13952. address = "Zurich",
  13953. year = "1984"
  13954. }
  13955. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-book-BirLEX07,
  13956. author = "Alex Biryukov",
  13957. title = "The design of a stream cipher {LEX}",
  13958. booktitle = "Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Selected areas in cryptography",
  13959. series = "SAC'06",
  13960. year = "2007",
  13961. isbn = "978-3-540-74461-0",
  13962. location = "Montreal, Canada",
  13963. pages = "67--75",
  13964. numpages = "9",
  13965. url = "",
  13966. acmid = "1756525",
  13967. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  13968. address = "Berlin, Heidelberg"
  13969. }
  13970. @TechReport{ CGC2-cry-prep-CidMurPipDodd10,
  13971. title = "{ZUC} Algorithm Evaluation Report",
  13972. author = "C. Cid and S.Murphy and F.Piper and M.Dodd",
  13973. institution = "Codes\&Ciphers Ltd",
  13974. address = "12 Duncan Road, Richmond Surrey",
  13975. number = "7",
  13976. month = "May",
  13977. year = "2010"
  13978. }
  13979. @TechReport{ CGC2-cry-prep-KnudsPrenRijm10,
  13980. title = "Evaluation of {ZUC}",
  13981. author = "B.Preneel V.Rijmen {L.R. Knudsen}",
  13982. institution = "ABT Crypto",
  13983. address = "Gl Byvej 19, 2970 Hoersholm, Denmark",
  13984. number = "7",
  13985. month = "May",
  13986. year = "2010"
  13987. }
  13988. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-DeCPr06,
  13989. author = "Christophe De Canniere and Bart Preneel",
  13990. title = "TRIVIUM Specifications",
  13991. journal = "eSTREAM, ECRYPT Stream Cipher Project",
  13992. year = "",
  13993. volume = "2006"
  13994. }
  13995. @Misc{ CGC2-cry-misc-SimPerrFaug,
  13996. author = "Ilaria Simonetti and Ludovic Perret and Jean Charles Faug{\`e}re",
  13997. title = "Algebraic Attack Against {T}rivium",
  13998. year = ""
  13999. }
  14000. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-JohMax07,
  14001. author = "Thomas Johansson and Alexander Maximov",
  14002. title = "A linear distinguishing attack on {SCREAM}",
  14003. journal = "IEEE Trans. on Information Theory",
  14004. volume = "53",
  14005. number = "9",
  14006. publisher = "IEEE Press",
  14007. pages = "3127--3144",
  14008. year = "2007"
  14009. }
  14010. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-book-DunkKell08,
  14011. title = "A New Attack on the {LEX} Stream Cipher",
  14012. booktitle = "ASIACRYPT",
  14013. pages = "539--556",
  14014. authors = "Orr Dunkelman and Nathan Keller",
  14015. year = "2008"
  14016. }
  14017. @Misc{ CGC2-cry-misc-HongPren05,
  14018. author = "Hongjun Wu and Bart Preneel",
  14019. title = "Resynchronization Attacks on {WG} and {LEX}",
  14020. year = "2005"
  14021. }
  14022. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-book-Wu04,
  14023. author = "Hongjun Wu",
  14024. title = "A New Stream Cipher {HC-256}",
  14025. booktitle = "FSE",
  14026. year = "2004",
  14027. pages = "226--244",
  14028. url = "{&}issn=0302-9743{&}volume=3017{&}spage=226"
  14029. }
  14030. //to check!!!!maybe to update... by ema
  14031. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-SchG11,
  14032. author = "Ernst Schulte-Geers",
  14033. title = "On CCZ-equivalence of Addition mod $2^n$",
  14034. booktitle = "Workshop on Coding and Cryptography",
  14035. year = "2011",
  14036. pages = "131--142"
  14037. }
  14038. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-EngHellJoh07,
  14039. author = "M. Hell T. Johansson {H. Englund}",
  14040. title = "A note on distinguishing attacks",
  14041. conference = "IEEE Information Theory Workshop on Information Theory for Wireless Networks",
  14042. publisher = "IEEE Press",
  14043. year = "2007",
  14044. url = ""
  14045. }
  14046. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-BaoFeng03,
  14047. author = "Feng Bao",
  14048. title = "Cryptanalysis of a new cellular automata cryptosystem",
  14049. booktitle = "Proceedings of the 8th Australasian conference on Information security and privacy",
  14050. series = "ACISP'03",
  14051. year = "2003",
  14052. isbn = "3-540-40515-1",
  14053. location = "Wollongong, Australia",
  14054. pages = "416--427",
  14055. numpages = "12",
  14056. url = "",
  14057. acmid = "1760526",
  14058. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  14059. address = "Berlin, Heidelberg"
  14060. }
  14061. @Book{ CGC2-cry-book-Wolf02,
  14062. author = "Stephen Wolfram",
  14063. pages = "1197",
  14064. publisher = "Wolfram Media",
  14065. title = "A New Kind of Science",
  14066. url = "",
  14067. year = "2002",
  14068. month = "January"
  14069. }
  14070. @Misc{ CGC2-cry-misc-Sark03,
  14071. author = "P. Sarkar",
  14072. title = "Hiji-bij-bij: A New Stream Cipher with a Self-Synchronizing Mode of Operation",
  14073. year = "2003"
  14074. }
  14075. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-CoppDonKrHugMansYish93,
  14076. author = "Don Coppersmith and Hugo Krawczyk and Yishay Mansour",
  14077. title = "The {S}hrinking {G}enerator",
  14078. booktitle = "Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Cryptology Conference on Advances in Cryptology",
  14079. series = "CRYPTO '93",
  14080. year = "1994",
  14081. isbn = "3-540-57766-1",
  14082. pages = "22--39",
  14083. numpages = "18",
  14084. url = "",
  14085. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  14086. address = "London, UK"
  14087. }
  14088. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-ZengYangWeiRao91,
  14089. author = "C. Yang D. Wei T. R. N. Rao {K. Zeng}",
  14090. title = "Pseudorandom Bit Generators in Stream-Cipher Cryptography",
  14091. journal = "IEEE Computer",
  14092. volume = "24",
  14093. year = "1991",
  14094. pages = "8--17",
  14095. doi = "10.1109/2.67207",
  14096. masid = "846533"
  14097. }
  14098. @Misc{ CGC2-cry-misc-Sark09,
  14099. author = "P. Sarkar",
  14100. title = "On Approximating Addition by Exclusive OR",
  14101. howpublished = "Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2009/047",
  14102. year = "2009",
  14103. url = ""
  14104. }
  14105. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-KlimSham03,
  14106. author = "A. Shamir {A. Klimov}",
  14107. title = "A New Class of Invertible Mappings",
  14108. booktitle = "Revised Papers from the 4th International Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems",
  14109. series = "CHES '02",
  14110. year = "2003",
  14111. isbn = "3-540-00409-2",
  14112. pages = "470--483",
  14113. numpages = "14",
  14114. url = "",
  14115. acmid = "752741",
  14116. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  14117. address = "London, UK, UK"
  14118. }
  14119. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-BihDunk00,
  14120. author = "O. Dunkelman {E. Biham}",
  14121. title = "Cryptanalysis of the {A}5/1 {GSM} Stream Cipher",
  14122. booktitle = "Proceedings of the First International Conference on Progress in Cryptology",
  14123. series = "{INDOCRYPT} '00",
  14124. year = "2000",
  14125. isbn = "3-540-41452-5",
  14126. pages = "43--51",
  14127. numpages = "9",
  14128. url = "",
  14129. acmid = "715868",
  14130. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  14131. address = "London, UK"
  14132. }
  14133. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-BarkBihKell08,
  14134. author = "E. Biham N. Keller {E. Barkan}",
  14135. title = "Instant Ciphertext-Only Cryptanalysis of {GSM} Encrypted Communication",
  14136. journal = "J. Cryptol.",
  14137. volume = "21",
  14138. issue = "3",
  14139. month = "March",
  14140. year = "2008",
  14141. issn = "0933-2790",
  14142. pages = "392--429",
  14143. numpages = "38",
  14144. url = "",
  14145. acmid = "1356689",
  14146. publisher = "Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.",
  14147. address = "Secaucus, NJ, USA"
  14148. }
  14149. @Misc{ CGC2-cry-misc-DunkKellSham10,
  14150. title = "A Practical-Time Attack on the {A}5/3 Cryptosystem Used in Third Generation {GSM} Telephony",
  14151. booktitle = "{IACR} Eprint archive",
  14152. url = "",
  14153. note = " 14619 received 10 Jan 2010, last revised 10 Jan 2010",
  14154. authors = "O. Dunkelman, N. Keller, A. Shamir",
  14155. year = "2010"
  14156. }
  14157. @Misc{ CGC2-cry-misc-HenrMill02,
  14158. author = "B. Millan {M. Henricksen}",
  14159. title = "Evaluation of {RC}4 Algorithm Executive Summary",
  14160. year = "2002"
  14161. }
  14162. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-Klein08,
  14163. author = "A. Klein",
  14164. title = "Attacks on the {RC}4 stream cipher",
  14165. journal = "Des. Codes Cryptography",
  14166. volume = "48",
  14167. issue = "3",
  14168. month = "September",
  14169. year = "2008",
  14170. issn = "0925-1022",
  14171. pages = "269--286",
  14172. numpages = "18",
  14173. url = "",
  14174. publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
  14175. address = "Norwell, MA, USA"
  14176. }
  14177. @Misc{ CGC2-cry-misc-Sour07,
  14178. author = "P. Souradyuti",
  14179. title = "Cryptanalysis of Stream Ciphers Based on Arrays and Modular Addition",
  14180. howpublished = "Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2007/054",
  14181. year = "2007",
  14182. note = ""
  14183. }
  14184. @Misc{ CGC2-cry-misc-KarstPag09,
  14185. authors = " N. Karsten, C. Paget",
  14186. year = "2009",
  14187. title = "{GSM}: {SRSLY}? 26th Chaos Communication Congress (26{C}3)",
  14188. url = ""
  14189. }
  14190. @TechReport{ CGC2-cry-prep-ETSISAGE11doc2,
  14191. author = "{ETSI}/{SAGE}",
  14192. title = "Document 2: Specification of the 3{GPP} Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithms 128-{EEA}3 \& 128-{EIA}3: {ZUC} Specification",
  14193. url = "",
  14194. year = "2011",
  14195. version = "1.5",
  14196. institution = "3GPP"
  14197. }
  14198. @TechReport{ CGC2-cry-prep-ETSISAGE11doc4,
  14199. author = "{ETSI}/{SAGE}",
  14200. title = "Document 4: Specification of the {3GPP} Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithms 128-EEA3 \& 128-EIA3: Design and Evaluation Report",
  14201. url = "",
  14202. year = "2011",
  14203. version = "1.3",
  14204. institution = "3GPP"
  14205. }
  14206. @TechReport{ CGC2-cry-prep-TSG03,
  14207. author = "Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects",
  14208. title = "Document 1: {A}5/3 and {GEA}3 Specifications",
  14209. url = "",
  14210. year = "2003",
  14211. version = "6.2.0",
  14212. institution = "3GPP"
  14213. }
  14214. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-SerrSlatMuzMill90,
  14215. author = "M. Serra and T. Slater and J.C. Muzio and D.M. Miller",
  14216. journal = "Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, {IEEE} Transactions on",
  14217. title = "The analysis of one-dimensional linear cellular automata and their aliasing properties",
  14218. year = "1990",
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  14220. volume = "9",
  14221. number = "7",
  14222. pages = "767--778",
  14223. ISSN = "0278-0070"
  14224. }
  14225. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-DinSha09,
  14226. author = "Itai Dinur and Adi Shamir",
  14227. title = "Cube Attacks on Tweakable Black Box Polynomials",
  14228. booktitle = "Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques",
  14229. year = "2009",
  14230. pages = "278--299",
  14231. doi = "10.1007/978-3-642-01001-9\_16",
  14232. masid = "4707158"
  14233. }
  14234. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14235. @TechReport{ CGC2-cry-prep-BerCanChLC05,
  14236. url = "",
  14237. title = "{Almost Perfect Nonlinear functions}",
  14238. author = "Thierry Pierre Berger and Anne Canteaut and Pascale Charpin and Yann Laigle-Chapuy",
  14239. language = "English",
  14240. affiliation = "Laboratoire d'Arithm{\'e}tique, de Calcul Formel et d'Optimisation - {LACO} - {CNRS} : {UMR}6090 - Universit{\'e} de Limoges - {CODES} - {INRIA} Rocquencourt - {INRIA}",
  14241. pages = "28",
  14242. type = "Research Report",
  14243. institution = "{INRIA}",
  14244. number = "RR-5774",
  14245. year = "2005"
  14246. }
  14247. @InCollection{ CGC2-cry-art-PasJoh99,
  14248. author = "E. Pasalic and T. Johansson",
  14249. affiliation = "Lund University Dept. of Information Technology P.O. Box 118 221 00 Lund Sweden",
  14250. title = "Further Results on the Relation Between Nonlinearity and Resiliency for Boolean Functions",
  14251. booktitle = "Cryptography and Coding",
  14252. series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  14253. editor = "Michael Walker",
  14254. publisher = "Springer Berlin / Heidelberg",
  14255. isbn = "",
  14256. pages = "796--796",
  14257. volume = "1746",
  14258. year = "1999"
  14259. }
  14260. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-CaDaNi98,
  14261. title = "Key schedules of iterative block ciphers",
  14262. author = "G. Carter and E. Dawson and L. Nielsen",
  14263. booktitle = "Information Security and Privacy",
  14264. pages = "80--89",
  14265. year = "1998",
  14266. organization = "Springer"
  14267. }
  14268. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-BarRij2000,
  14269. title = "The Whirlpool hashing function",
  14270. author = "P. Barreto and V. Rijmen",
  14271. booktitle = "First open NESSIE Workshop, Leuven, Belgium",
  14272. volume = "13",
  14273. pages = "14",
  14274. year = "2000"
  14275. }
  14276. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-Diff88,
  14277. title = "The first ten years of public-key cryptography",
  14278. author = "W. Diffie",
  14279. journal = "Proceedings of the IEEE",
  14280. volume = "76",
  14281. number = "5",
  14282. pages = "560--577",
  14283. year = "1988",
  14284. publisher = "IEEE"
  14285. }
  14286. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-BellCanKraw96,
  14287. title = "Keying hash functions for message authentication",
  14288. author = "M. Bellare and R. Canetti and H. Krawczyk",
  14289. booktitle = "Advances in Cryptology—CRYPTO’96",
  14290. pages = "1--15",
  14291. year = "1996",
  14292. organization = "Springer"
  14293. }
  14294. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-BellCanKraw97,
  14295. title = "HMAC: Keyed-hashing for message authentication",
  14296. author = "H. Krawczyk and R. Canetti and M. Bellare",
  14297. year = "1997"
  14298. }
  14299. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-Yuv79,
  14300. title = "How to swindle Rabin",
  14301. author = "G. Yuval",
  14302. journal = "Cryptologia",
  14303. volume = "3",
  14304. number = "3",
  14305. pages = "187--191",
  14306. year = "1979",
  14307. publisher = "Taylor \& Francis"
  14308. }
  14309. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-Blum84,
  14310. title = "How to generate cryptographically strong sequences of pseudo-random bits",
  14311. author = "M. Blum and S. Micali",
  14312. journal = "SIAM J. Comput.",
  14313. volume = "13",
  14314. number = "4",
  14315. pages = "850--864",
  14316. year = "1984"
  14317. }
  14318. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-Yao82,
  14319. title = "Theory and application of trapdoor functions",
  14320. author = "A.C. Yao",
  14321. booktitle = "23rd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science",
  14322. pages = "80--91",
  14323. year = "1982",
  14324. organization = "IEEE"
  14325. }
  14326. @Book{ CGC2-cry-book-HastImpLevLub91,
  14327. title = "Construction of a pseudo-random generator from any one-way function",
  14328. author = "J. H{\aa}stad and R. Impagliazzo and L. Levin and M. Luby",
  14329. year = "1991",
  14330. publisher = "International Computer Science Institute"
  14331. }
  14332. @Book{ CGC2-cry-book-Res01,
  14333. title = "SSL and TLS: designing and building secure systems",
  14334. author = "E. Rescorla",
  14335. year = "2001",
  14336. publisher = "Addison-Wesley"
  14337. }
  14338. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-Klein90,
  14339. title = "Foiling the cracker: A survey of, and improvements to, password security",
  14340. author = "D.V. Klein",
  14341. booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX Security Workshop",
  14342. pages = "5--14",
  14343. year = "1990",
  14344. organization = "Citeseer"
  14345. }
  14346. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-Diet99,
  14347. title = "Computer security",
  14348. author = "G. Dieter",
  14349. journal = "Chinchester ua",
  14350. year = "1999"
  14351. }
  14352. @Book{ CGC2-cry-book-Stall07,
  14353. title = "Sicurezza delle reti. Applicazioni e standard",
  14354. author = "W. Stallings",
  14355. year = "2007",
  14356. publisher = "Pearson Paravia Bruno Mondad"
  14357. }
  14358. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-BuCarPot2006,
  14359. title = "New classes of almost bent and almost perfect nonlinear polynomials",
  14360. author = "L. Budaghyan and C. Carlet and A. Pott",
  14361. journal = "Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on",
  14362. volume = "52",
  14363. number = "3",
  14364. pages = "1141--1152",
  14365. year = "2006",
  14366. publisher = "IEEE"
  14367. }
  14368. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-DuKe2007,
  14369. title = "A New Criterion for Nonlinearity of Block Ciphers",
  14370. author = "O. Dunkelman and N. Keller",
  14371. journal = "Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on",
  14372. volume = "53",
  14373. number = "11",
  14374. pages = "3944--3957",
  14375. year = "2007",
  14376. publisher = "IEEE"
  14377. }
  14378. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-Co2007,
  14379. title = "CTC2 and fast algebraic attacks on block ciphers revisited",
  14380. author = "N.T. Courtois",
  14381. journal = "IACR ePrint report",
  14382. volume = "152",
  14383. pages = "2007",
  14384. year = "2007",
  14385. publisher = "Citeseer"
  14386. }
  14387. @Book{ CGC2-alg-book-Sa2001,
  14388. title = "The symmetric group",
  14389. author = "B.E. Sagan",
  14390. year = "2001",
  14391. publisher = "Springer"
  14392. }
  14393. @Book{ CGC2-cry-book-St2003,
  14394. title = "Cryptography and network security",
  14395. author = "W. Stallings",
  14396. volume = "3",
  14397. year = "2003",
  14398. publisher = "Prentice Hall New Jersey;"
  14399. }
  14400. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-DiSh2009,
  14401. title = "Side Channel Cube Attacks on Block Ciphers",
  14402. author = "I. Dinur and A. Shamir",
  14403. journal = "IACR ePrint Archive, ePrint",
  14404. volume = "127",
  14405. year = "2009"
  14406. }
  14407. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-WaKasumi,
  14408. title = "Design principles of the KASUMI block cipher",
  14409. author = "J. Wall{\'e}n",
  14410. booktitle = "Proceedings of the Helsinki University of Technology Seminar on Network Security",
  14411. organization = "Citeseer"
  14412. }
  14413. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-McLDiff,
  14414. title = "Differential cryptanalysis.",
  14415. author = "J. McLaughlin"
  14416. }
  14417. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-AlMonRomPas2003,
  14418. title = "Cryptanalysis of an ergodic chaotic cipher",
  14419. author = "G. Alvarez and F. Montoya and M. Romera and G. Pastor",
  14420. journal = "Physics Letters A",
  14421. volume = "311",
  14422. number = "2-3",
  14423. pages = "172--179",
  14424. year = "2003",
  14425. publisher = "Elsevier"
  14426. }
  14427. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-Dae1993,
  14428. title = "Limitations of the Even-Mansour construction",
  14429. author = "J. Daemen",
  14430. booktitle = "Advances in Cryptology—ASIACRYPT'91",
  14431. pages = "495--498",
  14432. year = "1993",
  14433. organization = "Springer"
  14434. }
  14435. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-KeSchWag96,
  14436. title = "Key-schedule cryptanalysis of idea, g-des, gost, safer, and triple-des",
  14437. author = "J. Kelsei and B. Schneier and D. Wagner",
  14438. booktitle = "Advances in Cryptology—CRYPTO’96",
  14439. pages = "237--251",
  14440. year = "1996",
  14441. organization = "Springer"
  14442. }
  14443. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-Kel2000,
  14444. title = "Key-schedule cryptanalysis of DEAL",
  14445. author = "J. Kelsey and B. Schneier",
  14446. booktitle = "Selected Areas in Cryptography",
  14447. pages = "118--134",
  14448. year = "2000",
  14449. organization = "Springer"
  14450. }
  14451. @Book{ CGC2-cry-book-BePi82,
  14452. title = "Cipher systems: the protection of communications",
  14453. author = "H. Beker and F.C. Piper",
  14454. year = "1982",
  14455. publisher = "Wiley"
  14456. }
  14457. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-FuLiYu2009,
  14458. title = "Design and Implementation of 3DES Encryption System Based on DSP [J]",
  14459. author = "Y. Fuping and S. Liyuan and J. Yuanming",
  14460. journal = "Computer Measurement \& Control",
  14461. volume = "7",
  14462. year = "2009"
  14463. }
  14464. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-Font12,
  14465. title = "On weakly APN functions and 4-bit S-Boxes",
  14466. author = "C. Fontanari and V. Pulice and A. Rimoldi and M. Sala",
  14467. journal = "Finite Fields and Their Applications",
  14468. volume = "18",
  14469. number = "3",
  14470. pages = "522--528",
  14471. year = "2012",
  14472. issn = "1071-5797"
  14473. }
  14474. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-Dean,
  14475. title = "Analysis and design of symmetric encryption algorithms",
  14476. author = "C. {DE CANNIERE}",
  14477. publisher = "Citeseer"
  14478. }
  14479. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-Aubr09,
  14480. title = "A few more functions that are not APN infinitely often",
  14481. author = "Y. Aubry and G. Mcguire and F. Rodier",
  14482. journal = "Arxiv preprint arXiv:0909.2304",
  14483. year = "2009"
  14484. }
  14485. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-BrackByrnMarkMcg08,
  14486. title = "Fourier Spectra of Binomial APN Functions",
  14487. author = "C. Bracken and E. Byrne and N. Markin and G. McGuire",
  14488. journal = "Arxiv preprint arXiv:0803.3781",
  14489. year = "2008"
  14490. }
  14491. @Misc{ CGC2-cry-misc-MarkkSaar11,
  14492. author = "Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen",
  14493. title = "Cryptographic Analysis of All 4 x 4 - Bit S-Boxes ",
  14494. howpublished = "Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2011/218",
  14495. year = "2011",
  14496. note = "\url{}"
  14497. }
  14498. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-LaiMass91,
  14499. author = "Xuejia Lai and James L. Massey",
  14500. title = "A proposal for a new block encryption standard",
  14501. booktitle = "Proceedings of the workshop on the theory and application of cryptographic techniques on Advances in cryptology",
  14502. series = "EUROCRYPT '90",
  14503. year = "1991",
  14504. isbn = "0-387-53587-X",
  14505. location = "Aarhus, Denmark",
  14506. pages = "389--404",
  14507. numpages = "16",
  14508. url = "",
  14509. acmid = "112375",
  14510. publisher = "Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.",
  14511. address = "New York, NY, USA"
  14512. }
  14513. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-CoppJohnMat96,
  14514. title = "A proposed mode for triple-DES encryption",
  14515. author = "D. Coppersmith and DB Johnson and SM Matyas",
  14516. journal = "IBM Journal of Research and Development",
  14517. volume = "40",
  14518. number = "2",
  14519. pages = "253--262",
  14520. year = "1996",
  14521. publisher = "IBM"
  14522. }
  14523. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-Mass94,
  14524. title = "SAFER K-64: A byte-oriented block-ciphering algorithm",
  14525. author = "J. Massey",
  14526. booktitle = "Fast Software Encryption",
  14527. pages = "1--17",
  14528. year = "1994",
  14529. organization = "Springer"
  14530. }
  14531. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-AdTav90,
  14532. title = "The structured design of cryptographically good S-boxes",
  14533. author = "C. Adams and S. Tavares",
  14534. journal = "journal of Cryptology",
  14535. volume = "3",
  14536. number = "1",
  14537. pages = "27--41",
  14538. year = "1990",
  14539. publisher = "Springer"
  14540. }
  14541. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-CantCharpKyur08,
  14542. title = "A new class of monomial bent functions",
  14543. author = "A. Canteaut and P. Charpin and G.M. Kyureghyan",
  14544. journal = "Finite Fields and Their Applications",
  14545. volume = "14",
  14546. number = "1",
  14547. pages = "221--241",
  14548. year = "2008",
  14549. publisher = "Elsevier"
  14550. }
  14551. @InProceedings{ CGC2-cry-art-PreenLeekVanlGovVand06,
  14552. title = "Propagation characteristics of Boolean functions",
  14553. author = "B. Preneel and W. {Van Leekwijck} and L. {Van Linden} and R. Govaerts and J. Vandewalle",
  14554. booktitle = "Advances in Cryptology—EUROCRYPT’90",
  14555. pages = "161--173",
  14556. year = "2006",
  14557. organization = "Springer"
  14558. }
  14559. @Article{ CGC2-cd-art-LeeChangChen10,
  14560. title = "Unusual general error locator polynomial for the (23, 12, 7) golay Code",
  14561. author = "C.D. Lee and Y. Chang and H.H. Chang and J.H. Chen",
  14562. journal = "Communications Letters, IEEE",
  14563. volume = "14",
  14564. number = "4",
  14565. pages = "339--341",
  14566. year = "2010",
  14567. publisher = "IEEE"
  14568. }
  14569. @Article{ CGC2-cd-art-LeeChangJingChen10,
  14570. title = "Decoding binary cyclic codes with irreducible generator polynomials up to actual minimum distance",
  14571. author = "C.D. Lee and Y. Chang and M.H. Jing and J.H. Chen",
  14572. journal = "Communications Letters, IEEE",
  14573. volume = "14",
  14574. number = "11",
  14575. pages = "1050--1052",
  14576. year = "2010",
  14577. publisher = "IEEE"
  14578. }
  14579. @Article{ CGC2-cry-art-Preneel99,
  14580. author = "B. Preneel",
  14581. year = "1999",
  14582. title = "The State of Cryptographic Hash Functions",
  14583. journal = "LNCS",
  14584. volume = "1561",
  14585. pages = "150--167"
  14586. }
  14587. @Article{ CGC-cry-art-MainPivRimSal11,
  14588. author = "Lara Maines and Matteo Piva and Anna Rimoldi and Massimiliano Sala",
  14589. affiliation = "Department of Mathematics, University of Trento, Trento, Italy",
  14590. title = "On the provable security of BEAR and LION schemes",
  14591. journal = "Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing",
  14592. publisher = "Springer Berlin / Heidelberg",
  14593. issn = "0938-1279",
  14594. keyword = "Computer Science",
  14595. pages = "413--423",
  14596. volume = "22",
  14597. issue = "5",
  14598. url = "",
  14599. note = "10.1007/s00200-011-0159-z",
  14600. year = "2011"
  14601. }
  14602. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-abdgar04,
  14603. title = "On a characterization of certain maximal curves",
  14604. author = "M. Abd{\'o}n and A. Garcia",
  14605. journal = "Finite Fields and Their Applications",
  14606. volume = "10",
  14607. number = "2",
  14608. pages = "133--158",
  14609. year = "2004",
  14610. publisher = "Elsevier"
  14611. }
  14612. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-abdtor99,
  14613. title = "On maximal curves in characteristic two",
  14614. author = "M. Abd{\'o}n and F. Torres",
  14615. journal = "Manuscripta Mathematica",
  14616. volume = "99",
  14617. number = "1",
  14618. pages = "39--53",
  14619. year = "1999",
  14620. publisher = "Springer"
  14621. }
  14622. @Article{ CGC-misc-art-bombieri00,
  14623. title = "Problems of the millennium: The Riemann hypothesis",
  14624. author = "E. Bombieri",
  14625. journal = "Clay mathematical Institute",
  14626. year = "2000"
  14627. }
  14628. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-cosskortor00,
  14629. title = "Curves of large genus covered by the {H}ermitian curve",
  14630. author = "A. Cossidente and G. Korchm{\'a}ros and F. Torres",
  14631. journal = "Communications in Algebra",
  14632. volume = "28",
  14633. number = "10",
  14634. pages = "4707--4728",
  14635. year = "2000",
  14636. publisher = "Taylor \& Francis"
  14637. }
  14638. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-fanali09,
  14639. title = "On linear codes from maximal curves",
  14640. author = "S. Fanali",
  14641. journal = "Cryptography and Coding",
  14642. volume = "5921",
  14643. pages = "91--111",
  14644. year = "2009",
  14645. publisher = "Springer"
  14646. }
  14647. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-fuhgartor97,
  14648. title = "On maximal curves",
  14649. author = "R. Fuhrmann and A. Garcia and F. Torres",
  14650. journal = "Journal of Number Theory",
  14651. volume = "67",
  14652. number = "1",
  14653. pages = "29--51",
  14654. year = "1997",
  14655. publisher = "Elsevier"
  14656. }
  14657. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-fulton05,
  14658. title = "Algebraic curves",
  14659. author = "W. Fulton",
  14660. year = "2005",
  14661. publisher = "Universit{\'e} de Versailles"
  14662. }
  14663. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-garstichxing00,
  14664. title = "On subfields of the {H}ermitian function field",
  14665. author = "A. Garcia and H. Stichtenoth and C.P. Xing",
  14666. journal = "Compositio Mathematica",
  14667. volume = "120",
  14668. number = "2",
  14669. pages = "137--170",
  14670. year = "2000",
  14671. publisher = "Springer"
  14672. }
  14673. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-gartor05,
  14674. title = "On unramified coverings of maximal curves",
  14675. author = "A. Garcia and F. Torres",
  14676. year = "2005",
  14677. publisher = "Inst. de Matem{\'a}tica Pura e Aplicada"
  14678. }
  14679. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-giulhirkortor06,
  14680. title = "Curves covered by the {H}ermitian curve",
  14681. author = "M. Giulietti and J. W. P. Hirschfeld and G. Korchm{\'a}ros and F. Torres",
  14682. journal = "Finite Fields and Their Applications",
  14683. volume = "12",
  14684. number = "4",
  14685. pages = "539--564",
  14686. year = "2006",
  14687. publisher = "Elsevier"
  14688. }
  14689. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-giulkor09,
  14690. title = "A new family of maximal curves over a finite field",
  14691. author = "M. Giulietti and G. Korchm{\'a}ros",
  14692. journal = "Mathematische Annalen",
  14693. volume = "343",
  14694. number = "1",
  14695. pages = "229--245",
  14696. year = "2009",
  14697. publisher = "Springer"
  14698. }
  14699. \%\%\%\%\%\%\% from marco calderini master thesis
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  14701. title = "Codes associated with divisors",
  14702. author = "V.D. Goppa",
  14703. journal = "Problemy Peredachi Informatsii",
  14704. volume = "13",
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  14706. pages = "33--392",
  14707. year = "1977",
  14708. publisher = "Russian Academy of Sciences, Branch of Informatics, Computer Equipment and Automatization"
  14709. }
  14710. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-goppa88,
  14711. title = "Geometry and codes",
  14712. author = "VD Goppa",
  14713. volume = "24",
  14714. year = "1988",
  14715. publisher = "Springer"
  14716. }
  14717. @InProceedings{ CGC-cd-art-jibtomahmed10,
  14718. title = "Good codes from generalised algebraic geometry codes",
  14719. author = "M. Jibril and M. Tomlinson and M.Z. Ahmed and C. Tjhai",
  14720. booktitle = "Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), 2010 IEEE International Symposium on",
  14721. pages = "1130--1132",
  14722. year = "2010",
  14723. organization = "IEEE"
  14724. }
  14725. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-justesen72,
  14726. title = "Class of constructive asymptotically good algebraic codes",
  14727. author = "J. Justesen",
  14728. journal = "Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on",
  14729. volume = "18",
  14730. number = "5",
  14731. pages = "652--656",
  14732. year = "1972",
  14733. publisher = "IEEE"
  14734. }
  14735. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-kortor01,
  14736. title = "Embedding of a maximal curve in a {H}ermitian variety",
  14737. author = "G. Korchm{\'a}ros and F. Torres",
  14738. journal = "Compositio Mathematica",
  14739. volume = "128",
  14740. number = "1",
  14741. pages = "95--113",
  14742. year = "2001",
  14743. publisher = "Springer"
  14744. }
  14745. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-vanlint99,
  14746. title = "Introduction to coding theory",
  14747. author = "J.H. {Van Lint}",
  14748. volume = "86",
  14749. year = "1999",
  14750. publisher = "Springer Verlag"
  14751. }
  14752. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-macwilliams81,
  14753. title = "The theory of error correcting codes",
  14754. author = "F.J. MacWilliams and N.J.A. Sloane",
  14755. year = "1981",
  14756. publisher = "NHML016, NH"
  14757. }
  14758. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-vladman84,
  14759. title = "Linear codes and modular curves",
  14760. author = "S.G. Vl\u{a}du{\c{t}} and Y.I. Manin",
  14761. journal = {Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Seriya "Sovremennye Problemy Matematiki. Noveishie Dostizheniya"},
  14762. volume = "25",
  14763. pages = "209--257",
  14764. year = "1984",
  14765. publisher = "All-Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information of Russian Academy of Sciences"
  14766. }
  14767. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-niederreiter98,
  14768. title = "Nets,(t; s)-Sequences, and Algebraic Curves over Finite Fields with Many Rational Points",
  14769. author = "H. Niederreiter",
  14770. journal = "Documenta Math. J",
  14771. volume = "1505",
  14772. number = "3",
  14773. pages = "377--386",
  14774. year = "1998"
  14775. }
  14776. @Book{ CGC-alg-book-niedxing09,
  14777. title = "Algebraic geometry in coding theory and cryptography",
  14778. author = "H. Niederreiter and C. Xing",
  14779. year = "2009",
  14780. publisher = "Princeton Univ Pr"
  14781. }
  14782. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-niedxing99,
  14783. title = "Global function fields with many rational places and their applications",
  14784. author = "H. Niederreiter and C. Xing",
  14785. journal = "Contemporary Mathematics",
  14786. volume = "225",
  14787. pages = "87--112",
  14788. year = "1999",
  14789. publisher = "Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society"
  14790. }
  14791. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-niedxing96,
  14792. title = "Low-discrepancy sequences and global function fields with many rational places",
  14793. author = "H. Niederreiter and C. Xing",
  14794. journal = "Finite Fields and their applications",
  14795. volume = "2",
  14796. number = "3",
  14797. pages = "241--273",
  14798. year = "1996",
  14799. publisher = "Elsevier"
  14800. }
  14801. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-xingniedlam99,
  14802. title = "A generalization of algebraic-geometry codes",
  14803. author = "C. Xing and H. Niederreiter and K.Y. Lam",
  14804. journal = "Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on",
  14805. volume = "45",
  14806. number = "7",
  14807. pages = "2498--2501",
  14808. year = "1999",
  14809. publisher = "IEEE"
  14810. }
  14811. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-niedlxingam99,
  14812. title = "New construction of algebraic-geometry codes",
  14813. author = "H. Niederreiter and C. Xing and K.Y. Lam",
  14814. journal = "APPL ALGEBRA ENG COMMUN COMPUT",
  14815. volume = "9",
  14816. number = "5",
  14817. pages = "373--381",
  14818. year = "1999"
  14819. }
  14820. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-ruckstich94,
  14821. title = "A characterization of {H}ermitian function fields over finite fields.",
  14822. author = {H.G. R{\"u}ck and H. Stichtenoth},
  14823. journal = {Journal f{\"u}r die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal)},
  14824. volume = "1994",
  14825. number = "457",
  14826. pages = "185--188",
  14827. year = "1994",
  14828. publisher = "Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York Berlin, New York"
  14829. }
  14830. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-spera05,
  14831. title = "Asymptotically good codes from generalized algebraic-geometry codes",
  14832. author = "A.G. Spera",
  14833. journal = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography",
  14834. volume = "37",
  14835. number = "2",
  14836. pages = "305--312",
  14837. year = "2005",
  14838. publisher = "Springer"
  14839. }
  14840. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-tsfasman82,
  14841. title = "Goppa codes that are better than the Varshamov-Gilbert bound",
  14842. author = "M.A. Tsfasman",
  14843. journal = "Problemy Peredachi Informatsii",
  14844. volume = "18",
  14845. number = "3",
  14846. pages = "3--6",
  14847. year = "1982",
  14848. publisher = "Russian Academy of Sciences, Branch of Informatics, Computer Equipment and Automatization"
  14849. }
  14850. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-schurschmid06,
  14851. title = "MinT: A database for optimal net parameters",
  14852. author = {R. Sch{\"u}rer and W. Schmid},
  14853. journal = "Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2004",
  14854. pages = "457--469",
  14855. year = "2006",
  14856. publisher = "Springer",
  14857. ee = ""
  14858. }
  14859. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-weil49,
  14860. title = "Numbers of solutions of equations in finite fields",
  14861. author = "A. Weil",
  14862. journal = "Bull. Amer. Math. Soc",
  14863. volume = "55",
  14864. number = "5",
  14865. pages = "497--508",
  14866. year = "1949"
  14867. }
  14868. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-xingstich95,
  14869. title = "The genus of maximal function fields over finite fields",
  14870. author = "C. Xing and H. Stichtenoth",
  14871. journal = "manuscripta mathematica",
  14872. volume = "86",
  14873. number = "1",
  14874. pages = "217--224",
  14875. year = "1995",
  14876. publisher = "Springer"
  14877. }
  14878. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-xingyeo07,
  14879. title = "New linear codes and algebraic function fields over finite fields",
  14880. author = "C. Xing and S.L. Yeo",
  14881. journal = "Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on",
  14882. volume = "53",
  14883. number = "12",
  14884. pages = "4822--4825",
  14885. year = "2007",
  14886. publisher = "IEEE"
  14887. }
  14888. /////////////////////////////////////////////
  14889. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-Emma,
  14890. author = "Emmanuela Orsini",
  14891. title = "On the decoding and distance problems for algebraic codes",
  14892. school = "University of Milan",
  14893. year = "2008"
  14894. }
  14895. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-john62,
  14896. title = "A new upper bound for error-correcting codes",
  14897. author = "S. Johnson",
  14898. journal = "Information Theory, IRE Transactions on",
  14899. volume = "8",
  14900. number = "3",
  14901. pages = "203--207",
  14902. year = "1962",
  14903. publisher = "IEEE"
  14904. }
  14905. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-john71,
  14906. title = "On upper bounds for unrestricted binary-error-correcting codes",
  14907. author = "S. Johnson",
  14908. journal = "Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on",
  14909. volume = "17",
  14910. number = "4",
  14911. pages = "466--478",
  14912. year = "1971",
  14913. publisher = "IEEE"
  14914. }
  14915. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-bass65,
  14916. title = "New upper bounds for error correcting codes",
  14917. author = "L.A. Bassalygo",
  14918. journal = "Problemy Peredachi Informatsii",
  14919. volume = "1",
  14920. number = "4",
  14921. pages = "41--44",
  14922. year = "1965",
  14923. publisher = "Russian Academy of Sciences, Branch of Informatics, Computer Equipment and Automatization"
  14924. }
  14925. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-griesm60,
  14926. title = "A bound for error-correcting codes",
  14927. author = "J.H. Griesmer",
  14928. journal = "IBM Journal of Research and Development",
  14929. volume = "4",
  14930. number = "5",
  14931. pages = "532--542",
  14932. year = "1960",
  14933. publisher = "IBM"
  14934. }
  14935. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-plotk60,
  14936. title = "Binary codes with specified minimum distance",
  14937. author = "M. Plotkin",
  14938. journal = "Information Theory, IRE Transactions on",
  14939. volume = "6",
  14940. number = "4",
  14941. pages = "445--450",
  14942. year = "1960",
  14943. publisher = "IEEE"
  14944. }
  14945. @InCollection{ CGC-cd-art-lev98,
  14946. author = "V.I. Levenshtein",
  14947. title = "Universal bounds for codes and designs",
  14948. booktitle = "Handbook of Coding Theory",
  14949. editor = "V. S. Pless and W. C. Huffman",
  14950. volume = "1",
  14951. pages = "499--648",
  14952. publisher = "Elsevier",
  14953. year = "1998"
  14954. }
  14955. @Book{ CGC-cd-book-pless98,
  14956. title = "Handbook of coding theory",
  14957. author = "V. Pless and R.A. Brualdi and W.C. Huffman",
  14958. year = "1998",
  14959. publisher = "Elsevier Science Inc."
  14960. }
  14961. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-Dels73,
  14962. title = "An algebraic approach to the association schemes of coding theory",
  14963. author = "P. Delsarte",
  14964. journal = "Philips Res. Rep. Suppl.",
  14965. fjournal = "Philips Journal of Research",
  14966. number = "10",
  14967. pages = "vi+97",
  14968. year = "1973"
  14969. }
  14970. @Article{ CGC-cd-art-calfai12,
  14971. author = "M. Calderini and G. Faina",
  14972. title = "Generalized Algebraic Geometric Codes From Maximal Curves",
  14973. journal = "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory",
  14974. volume = "58",
  14975. number = "4",
  14976. year = "2012",
  14977. pages = "2386--2396",
  14978. ee = "",
  14979. bibsource = "DBLP,"
  14980. }
  14981. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-xing95,
  14982. title = "On automorphism groups of the {H}ermitian codes",
  14983. author = "C. Xing",
  14984. journal = "Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on",
  14985. volume = "41",
  14986. number = "6",
  14987. pages = "1629--1635",
  14988. year = "1995",
  14989. publisher = "IEEE"
  14990. }
  14991. /////////////////
  14992. @MastersThesis{ CGC-alg-tesi3-marcolla08,
  14993. title = "Parole di peso piccolo dei Codici {H}ermitiani",
  14994. author = "C. Marcolla",
  14995. year = "2008",
  14996. school = "University of Trento",
  14997. type = "Master's thesis (Laurea specialistica)",
  14998. address = "Department of Mathematics"
  14999. }
  15000. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-dondur10,
  15001. title = "On the intersection of a {H}ermitian curve with a conic",
  15002. author = "G. Donati and N. Durante",
  15003. journal = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography",
  15004. volume = "57",
  15005. number = "3",
  15006. pages = "347--360",
  15007. year = "2010",
  15008. publisher = "Springer"
  15009. }
  15010. @Article{ CGC-alg-art-rucsti94,
  15011. title = "A characterization of {H}ermitian function fields over finite fields",
  15012. author = "H. G. Ruck and H. Stichtenoth",
  15013. journal = "Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik",
  15014. volume = "457",
  15015. pages = "185--188",
  15016. year = "1994",
  15017. publisher = "Berlin, W. de Gruyter."
  15018. }
  15019. /// inserted 24 july 2012 by Emanuele Bellini
  15020. @Article{ CGC-cod-art-couvreur2011dual,
  15021. title = "The dual minimum distance of arbitrary-dimensional algebraic--geometric codes",
  15022. author = "A. Couvreur",
  15023. journal = "Journal of Algebra",
  15024. year = "2011",
  15025. publisher = "Elsevier"
  15026. }
  15027. @Article{ CGC-cod-art-ballico2012geometry,
  15028. title = "On the geometry of {H}ermitian one-point codes",
  15029. author = "E. Ballico and A. Ravagnani",
  15030. journal = "Arxiv preprint arXiv:1203.3162",
  15031. year = "2012"
  15032. }
  15033. @Article{ CGC-cod-art-ballico2012goppa,
  15034. title = "On {G}oppa codes on the {H}ermitian curve",
  15035. author = "E. Ballico and A. Ravagnani",
  15036. journal = "Arxiv preprint arXiv:1202.0894",
  15037. year = "2012"
  15038. }
  15039. @Article{ CGC-cod-art-fontanari2011geometry,
  15040. title = "On the geometry of small weight codewords of dual algebraic geometric codes",
  15041. author = "C. Fontanari and C. Marcolla",
  15042. journal = "Arxiv preprint arXiv:1104.1320",
  15043. year = "2011"
  15044. }
  15045. @Article{ CGC-cod-art-stichtenoth1988note,
  15046. title = "A note on {H}ermitian codes over {GF}($q^2$)",
  15047. author = "H. Stichtenoth",
  15048. journal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
  15049. volume = "34",
  15050. number = "5",
  15051. pages = "1345--1348",
  15052. year = "1988",
  15053. publisher = "IEEE"
  15054. }
  15055. @Book{ CGC-cod-book-hirschfeld2008algebraic,
  15056. title = "Algebraic curves over a finite field",
  15057. author = "J.W.P. Hirschfeld and G. Korchm{\'a}ros and F. Torres",
  15058. year = "2008",
  15059. publisher = "Princeton Univ Pr"
  15060. }
  15061. @Article{ CGC-cod-art-marcpell2011weights,
  15062. title = "On the weights of affine-variety codes and some {H}ermitian codes",
  15063. author = "M. Pellegrini and C. Marcolla and M. Sala",
  15064. journal = "Proc. of WCC~2011, Paris",
  15065. fjournal = "Workshop on Coding and Cryptography",
  15066. publisher = "INRIA",
  15067. year = "2011",
  15068. address = "Paris",
  15069. pages = "273--282",
  15070. url = ""
  15071. }
  15072. @Article{ CGC-cod-misc-pell06,
  15073. title = "On the weight distribution of {H}ermitian codes",
  15074. author = "M. Pellegrini",
  15075. journal = "Workshop D1: Groebner bases in cryptography, coding theory and algebraic combinatorics, Linz",
  15076. institution = "RICAM",
  15077. url = "",
  15078. year = "2006",
  15079. address = "Linz"
  15080. }
  15081. @Article{ CGC-cod-misc-salpell06,
  15082. title = "The number of minimum weight words for any {H}ermitian code with $d \le q$",
  15083. author = "M. Sala and M. Pellegrini",
  15084. journal = "Third Workshop on Coding and Systems, Zurich",
  15085. year = "2006",
  15086. address = "Zurich",
  15087. url = ""
  15088. }
  15089. @PhDThesis{ CGC-cd-phdthesis-marcolla,
  15090. author = "C. Marcolla",
  15091. title = "On structure and decoding of {H}ermitian codes",
  15092. school = "University of Trento",
  15093. year = "2013"
  15094. type = "PhD thesis",
  15095. address = "Department of Mathematics"
  15096. }
  15097. @book{CGC-alg-book-lang02,
  15098. title={Algebra Revised Third Edition},
  15099. author={S. Lang},
  15101. year={2002},
  15102. publisher={Springer-Verlag}
  15103. }
  15104. @book{CGC-alg-book-jungnickel1993,
  15105. title={Finite fields: structure and arithmetics},
  15106. author={Jungnickel D.},
  15107. year={1993},
  15108. publisher={BI Wissenschaftsverlag}
  15109. }
  15110. @article{CGC-cry-art-kholyan09,
  15111. author={A. Kholmatov and B. Yanikoglu},
  15112. Title={SUSIG: an on-line signature database, associated protocols and benchmark results},
  15113. journal={Pattern Analysis and Applications},
  15114. volume = {12},
  15115. number = {3},
  15116. year = {2009},
  15117. pages = {227-236}
  15118. }
  15119. @article{CGC-cry-art-galplafieort12,
  15120. author = {Galbally, J. and Plamondon, R. and Fierrez, J. and Ortega-Garcia, J.},
  15121. title = {Synthetic on-line signature generation. Part I: Methodology and algorithms},
  15122. journal = {Pattern Recogn.},
  15123. issue_date = {July, 2012},
  15124. volume = {45},
  15125. number = {7},
  15126. month = {jul},
  15127. year = {2012},
  15128. issn = {0031-3203},
  15129. pages = {2610--2621},
  15130. numpages = {12},
  15131. url = {},
  15132. doi = {10.1016/j.patcog.2011.12.011},
  15133. acmid = {2160278},
  15134. publisher = {Elsevier Science Inc.},
  15135. address = {New York, NY, USA},
  15136. keywords = {Biometric recognition, Kinematic Theory of rapid human movements, On-line signature, Sigma-Lognormal model, Spectral analysis, Synthetic generation}
  15137. }
  15138. @article{CGC-cry-galfieortpla12,
  15139. author = {Galbally, J. and Fierrez, J. and Ortega-Garcia, J. and Plamondon, R.},
  15140. title = {Synthetic on-line signature generation. Part II: Experimental validation},
  15141. journal = {Pattern Recogn.},
  15142. issue_date = {July, 2012},
  15143. volume = {45},
  15144. number = {7},
  15145. month = {jul},
  15146. year = {2012},
  15147. issn = {0031-3203},
  15148. pages = {2622--2632},
  15149. numpages = {11},
  15150. url = {},
  15151. doi = {10.1016/j.patcog.2011.12.007},
  15152. acmid = {2160279},
  15153. publisher = {Elsevier Science Inc.},
  15154. address = {New York, NY, USA},
  15155. keywords = {Biometric recognition, Kinematic theory of rapid human movements, On-line signature, Sigma-lognormal model, Spectral analysis, Synthetic generation}
  15156. }
  15157. @InProceedings{CGC-cry-book-lecdimgueimppirsal00,
  15158. author = {Di Lecce, V. and Dimauro, G. and Guerriero, A. and Impedovo, S. and Pirlo, G. and Salzo, A.},
  15159. booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems},
  15160. citeulike-linkout-0 = {\%20-\%20A\%20Multi\%20Expert.pdf},
  15161. keywords = {signature\_reviehaw},
  15162. month = {jun},
  15163. pages = {320--329},
  15164. posted-at = {2006-10-03 21:04:57},
  15165. priority = {4},
  15166. publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  15167. title = {A multi-expert system for dynamic signature verification},
  15168. url = {\%20-\%20A\%20Multi\%20Expert.pdf},
  15169. year = {2000}
  15170. }
  15171. @Article{CGC-cry-art-jaifrigriscocon02,
  15172. author = {Anil K. Jain and Friederike D. Griess and Scott D. Connell},
  15173. title = {On-Line Signature Verification},
  15174. journal = {PATTERN RECOGNITION},
  15175. year = {2002},
  15176. volume = {35},
  15177. pages = {2002}
  15178. }
  15179. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-schwolhen11,
  15180. added-at = {2011-12-22T00:00:00.000\+0100},
  15181. author = {Scheuermann, D. and Wolfgruber, B. and Henniger, O.},
  15182. biburl = {},
  15183. booktitle = {BIOSIG},
  15184. crossref = {conf/biosig/2011},
  15185. editor = {Bromme, Arslan and Busch, Christoph},
  15186. interhash = {6a229c3fd37601713f4a7ed24216231a},
  15187. intrahash = {2ed1cd8d9e360352598a52e3baa5db6b},
  15188. isbn = {978-3-88579-285-7},
  15189. keywords = {dblp},
  15190. pages = {103-114},
  15191. publisher = {GI},
  15192. series = {LNI},
  15193. timestamp = {2011-12-22T00:00:00.000+0100},
  15194. title = {On biometric key generation from handwritten signatures.},
  15195. url = {\#ScheuermannBH11},
  15196. volume = {191},
  15197. year = {2011}
  15198. }
  15199. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-bovimppirsar03,
  15200. author = {Bovino, L. and Impedovo, S. and Pirlo, G. and Sarcinella, L.},
  15201. title = {Multi-Expert Verification of Hand-Written Signatures},
  15202. booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition - Volume 2},
  15203. series = {ICDAR '03},
  15204. year = {2003},
  15205. isbn = {0-7695-1960-1},
  15206. pages = {932--936},
  15207. url = {},
  15208. acmid = {939522},
  15209. publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  15210. address = {Washington, DC, USA}
  15211. }
  15212. @ARTICLE{CGC-cry-art-imppir08,
  15213. author={Impedovo, D. and Pirlo, G.},
  15214. journal={Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, IEEE Transactions on},
  15215. title={Automatic Signature Verification: The State of the Art},
  15216. year={2008},
  15217. month={sept. },
  15218. volume={38},
  15219. number={5},
  15220. pages={609--635},
  15221. keywords={Internet;automatic signature verification;bibliography;extraordinary diffusion;personal verification;handwriting recognition;},
  15222. doi={10.1109/TSMCC.2008.923866},
  15223. ISSN={1094-6977},
  15224. }
  15225. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-frefieort06,
  15226. title={Cryptographic key generation using handwritten signature},
  15227. author={Freire-Santos, M. and Fierrez-Aguilar, J. and Ortega-Garcia, J.},
  15228. booktitle={Proc. SPIE},
  15229. volume={6202},
  15230. pages={225--231},
  15231. year={2006}
  15232. }
  15233. @Mastersthesis{CGC-cry-thesis-freire08,
  15234. title={Biometric Template Protection in Dynamic Signature Verification},
  15235. author={Freire, M.R.},
  15236. year={2008}
  15237. }
  15238. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-ulupanjai05,
  15239. title={Fuzzy vault for fingerprints},
  15240. author={Uludag, U. and Pankanti, S. and Jain, A.},
  15241. booktitle={Audio-and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication},
  15242. pages={55--71},
  15243. year={2005},
  15244. organization={Springer}
  15245. }
  15246. %per appendice DTW
  15247. @book{CGC-misc-book-Muller07,
  15248. author = {M\"{u}ller, M.},
  15249. title = {Information Retrieval for Music and Motion},
  15250. year = {2007},
  15251. isbn = {3540740473},
  15252. publisher = {Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.},
  15253. address = {Secaucus, NJ, USA}
  15254. }
  15255. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-maicamner09,
  15256. author = {Maiorana, E. and Campisi, P. and Neri, A.},
  15257. title = {Template protection for dynamic time warping based biometric signature authentication},
  15258. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Digital Signal Processing},
  15259. series = {DSP'09},
  15260. year = {2009},
  15261. isbn = {978-1-4244-3297-4},
  15262. location = {Santorini, Greece},
  15263. pages = {526--531},
  15264. numpages = {6},
  15265. url = {},
  15266. acmid = {1700394},
  15267. publisher = {IEEE Press},
  15268. address = {Piscataway, NJ, USA},
  15269. keywords = {biometric security, biometrics, cancelable templates, identity theft, on-line signature}
  15270. }
  15271. @article{CGC-cry-art-jainannag08,
  15272. author = {Jain, A. K. and Nandakumar, K. and Nagar, A.},
  15273. title = {Biometric template security},
  15274. journal = {EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process},
  15275. issue_date = {January 2008},
  15276. volume = {2008},
  15277. month = {jan},
  15278. year = {2008},
  15279. issn = {1110-8657},
  15280. pages = {113},
  15281. articleno = {113},
  15282. numpages = {17},
  15283. url = {},
  15284. doi = {10.1155/2008/579416},
  15285. acmid = {1387883},
  15286. publisher = {Hindawi Publishing Corp.},
  15287. address = {New York, NY, United States}
  15288. }
  15289. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-juewat99,
  15290. author = {Juels, A. and Wattenberg, M.},
  15291. title = {A fuzzy commitment scheme},
  15292. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th ACM conference on Computer and communications security},
  15293. series = {CCS '99},
  15294. year = {1999},
  15295. isbn = {1-58113-148-8},
  15296. location = {Kent Ridge Digital Labs, Singapore},
  15297. pages = {28--36},
  15298. numpages = {9},
  15299. url = {},
  15300. doi = {10.1145/319709.319714},
  15301. acmid = {319714},
  15302. publisher = {ACM},
  15303. address = {New York, NY, USA}
  15304. }
  15305. @article{CGC-cry-art-juesud06,
  15306. title={A fuzzy vault scheme},
  15307. author={Juels, A. and Sudan, M.},
  15308. journal={Designs, Codes and Cryptography},
  15309. volume={38},
  15310. number={2},
  15311. pages={237--257},
  15312. year={2006},
  15313. publisher={Springer}
  15314. }
  15315. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-viestemay02,
  15316. title={Biometric hash based on statistical features of online signatures},
  15317. author={Vielhauer, C. and Steinmetz, R. and Mayerhofer, A.},
  15318. booktitle={Pattern Recognition, 2002. Proceedings. 16th International Conference on},
  15319. volume={1},
  15320. pages={123--126},
  15321. year={2002},
  15322. organization={IEEE}
  15323. }
  15324. @article{CGC-cry-art-haocha02,
  15325. author = {Hao Feng and
  15326. Chan Choong Wah},
  15327. title = {Private key generation from on-line handwritten signatures},
  15328. journal = {Inf. Manag. Comput. Security},
  15329. volume = {10},
  15330. number = {4},
  15331. year = {2002},
  15332. pages = {159--164},
  15333. ee = {},
  15334. bibsource = {DBLP,}
  15335. }
  15336. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-maierc07,
  15337. title={Secure Biometric Authentication System Architecture using Error Correcting Codes and Distributed Cryptography},
  15338. author={Maiorana, E. and Ercole, C.},
  15339. booktitle={Rapport, 2007 Gruppo nazionale Telecomunicazioni meeting-GTTI, Roma},
  15340. year={2007}
  15341. }
  15342. @article{CGC-cry-art-vieste04,
  15343. title={Handwriting: Feature correlation analysis for biometric hashes},
  15344. author={Vielhauer, C. and Steinmetz, R.},
  15345. journal={EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing},
  15346. volume={2004},
  15347. pages={542--558},
  15348. year={2004},
  15349. publisher={Hindawi Publishing Corp.}
  15350. }
  15351. % scritto noi, non ricaviamo altre info
  15352. @MISC{CGC-misc-art-bohtes04,
  15353. author = {I. B\"{o}hm and F. Testor},
  15354. title = {Biometric Systems},
  15355. year={2004}
  15356. }
  15357. @article{CGC-cry-art-leeberavi96,
  15358. author = {Lee, L. and Berger, T. and Aviczer, E.},
  15359. title = {Reliable On-Line Human Signature Verification Systems},
  15360. journal = {IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell.},
  15361. issue_date = {June 1996},
  15362. volume = {18},
  15363. number = {6},
  15364. month = {jun},
  15365. year = {1996},
  15366. issn = {0162-8828},
  15367. pages = {643--647},
  15368. numpages = {5},
  15369. url = {},
  15370. doi = {10.1109/34.506415},
  15371. acmid = {232685},
  15372. publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  15373. address = {Washington, DC, USA},
  15374. keywords = {Signature verification, human signature verification, dynamic signature verification, on-line signature verification, point-of-sale, point-of-delivery, forgery.}
  15375. }
  15376. @INPROCEEDINGS{CGC-cry-art-grucodber06,
  15377. author = {C. Gruber and M. Coduro and B. Sick},
  15378. title = {Signature Verification with Dynamic RBF Networks and Time Series Motifs},
  15379. booktitle = {10th International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, 2006. Krisztian Buza and Lars Schmidt-Thieme},
  15380. year = {2006}
  15381. }
  15382. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-dolaaroos98,
  15383. title={On-line signature verification with Hidden Markov Models},
  15384. author={Dolfing, J.G.A. and Aarts, E.H.L. and Van Oosterhout, J.},
  15385. booktitle={Pattern Recognition, 1998. Proceedings. Fourteenth International Conference on},
  15386. volume={2},
  15387. pages={1309--1312},
  15388. year={1998},
  15389. organization={IEEE}
  15390. }
  15391. @article{CGC-cry-art-yanwidpra95,
  15392. title = {Application of hidden Markov models for signature verification},
  15393. journal = {Pattern Recognition},
  15394. volume = {28},
  15395. number = {2},
  15396. pages = {161-170},
  15397. year = {1995},
  15398. note = {},
  15399. issn = {0031-3203},
  15400. doi = {10.1016/0031-3203(94)00092-Z},
  15401. url = {},
  15402. author = {L. Yang and B.K. Widjaja and R. Prasad}
  15403. }
  15404. @article{CGC-cry-art-gupjoy07,
  15405. author = {Gupta, G. K. and Joyce, R. C.},
  15406. title = {Using position extrema points to capture shape in on-line handwritten signature verification},
  15407. journal = {Pattern Recognition},
  15408. issue_date = {October, 2007},
  15409. volume = {40},
  15410. number = {10},
  15411. month = {oct},
  15412. year = {2007},
  15413. issn = {0031-3203},
  15414. pages = {2811--2817},
  15415. numpages = {7},
  15416. url = {},
  15417. doi = {10.1016/j.patcog.2007.01.014},
  15418. acmid = {1247876},
  15419. publisher = {Elsevier Science Inc.},
  15420. address = {New York, NY, USA},
  15421. keywords = {Authentication, Biometrics, Handwritten signature verification}
  15422. }
  15423. @INPROCEEDINGS{CGC-cry-art-kaiyunzha11,
  15424. author={Kaiyue W. and Yunhong W. and Zhaoxiang Z.},
  15425. booktitle={Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2011 International Conference on},
  15426. title={On-line Signature Verification Using Segment-to-Segment Graph Matching},
  15427. year={2011},
  15428. month={sept.},
  15429. volume={},
  15430. number={},
  15431. pages={804--808},
  15432. keywords={edit distance computation;online signature verification;segment-to-segment graph matching;user dependent classifiers;digital signatures;image classification;image matching;},
  15433. doi={10.1109/ICDAR.2011.165},
  15434. ISSN={1520-5363}
  15435. }
  15436. @article{CGC-cry-art-lee04,
  15437. title = {Using geometric extrema for segment-to-segment characteristics comparison in online signature verification},
  15438. journal = {Pattern Recognition},
  15439. volume = {37},
  15440. number = {},
  15441. pages = {93-103},
  15442. year = {2004},
  15443. note = {},
  15444. issn = {0031-3203},
  15445. doi = {10.1016/S0031-3203(03)00229-2},
  15446. url = {},
  15447. author = {Jaeyeon Lee and Ho-Sub Yoon and Jung Soh and Byung Tae Chun and Yun Koo Chung}
  15448. }
  15449. @InProceedings{CGC-cry-art-kashuneltur97,
  15450. author={Kashi, R.S. and Hu, J. and Nelson, W.L. and Turin, W.},
  15451. booktitle={Document Analysis and Recognition, 1997., Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on},
  15452. title={On-line handwritten signature verification using hidden Markov model features},
  15453. year={1997},
  15454. month={aug},
  15455. volume={1},
  15456. number={},
  15457. pages={253 -257 vol.1},
  15458. doi={10.1109/ICDAR.1997.619851},
  15459. ISSN={}
  15460. }
  15461. %%%%%%
  15462. @article{CGC-cry-art-jaykolpat09,
  15463. title={Dynamic time warping based static hand printed signature verification},
  15464. author={Jayadevan, R. and Kolhe, S.R. and Patil, P.M.},
  15465. journal={Journal of Pattern Recognition Research},
  15466. volume={4},
  15467. number={1},
  15468. pages={52--65},
  15469. year={2009}
  15470. }
  15471. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-sabchegen93,
  15472. title={An extended-shadow-code based approach for off-line signature verification},
  15473. author={Sabourin, R. and Cheriet, M. and Genest, G.},
  15474. booktitle={Document Analysis and Recognition, 1993., Proceedings of the Second International Conference on},
  15475. pages={1--5},
  15476. year={1993},
  15477. organization={IEEE}
  15478. }
  15479. @article{CGC-cry-art-abuhaiba2007,
  15480. title={Offline signature verification using graph matching},
  15481. author={Abuhaiba, I.S.I.},
  15482. journal={Turk J Elec Engin},
  15483. volume={15},
  15484. number={1},
  15485. year={2007}
  15486. }
  15487. @article{CGC-cry-art-gilalopecfieort08,
  15488. title={Off-line signature verification using contour features},
  15489. author={Gilperez, A. and Alonso-Fernandez, F. and Pecharroman, S. and Fierrez, J. and Ortega-Garcia, J.},
  15490. journal={Proc. ICFHR},
  15491. year={2008}
  15492. }
  15493. @article{CGC-cry-art-imppir08,
  15494. title={Automatic signature verification: the state of the art},
  15495. author={Impedovo, D. and Pirlo, G.},
  15496. journal={Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, IEEE Transactions on},
  15497. volume={38},
  15498. number={5},
  15499. pages={609--635},
  15500. year={2008},
  15501. publisher={IEEE}
  15502. }
  15503. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-palblupal11,
  15504. title={Off-line signature verification systems: a survey},
  15505. author={Pal, S. and Blumenstein, M. and Pal, U.},
  15506. booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference \& Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology},
  15507. pages={652--657},
  15508. year={2011},
  15509. organization={ACM}
  15510. }
  15511. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-houyewan04,
  15512. title={A survey of off-line signature verification},
  15513. author={Hou, W. and Ye, X. and Wang, K.},
  15514. booktitle={Intelligent Mechatronics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings. 2004 International Conference on},
  15515. pages={536--541},
  15516. year={2004},
  15517. organization={IEEE}
  15518. }
  15519. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-shikok11,
  15520. title={Document image retrieval using signature as query},
  15521. author={Shirdhonkar, M.S. and Kokare, M.B.},
  15522. booktitle={Computer and Communication Technology (ICCCT), 2011 2nd International Conference on},
  15523. pages={66--70},
  15524. year={2011},
  15525. organization={IEEE}
  15526. }
  15527. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-sabgen94,
  15528. title={An extended-shadow-code based approach for off-line signature verification: Part I — Evaluation of the bar mask definition. 12th IAPR Internat},
  15529. author={Sabourin, R. and Genest, G.},
  15530. booktitle={Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Jerusalem, Israel},
  15531. pages={450--455},
  15532. year={1994}
  15533. }
  15534. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-sabgen95,
  15535. title={An extended-shadow-code based approach for off-line signature verification. II. Evaluation of several multi-classifier combination strategies},
  15536. author={Sabourin, R. and Genest, G.},
  15537. booktitle={Document Analysis and Recognition, 1995., Proceedings of the Third International Conference on},
  15538. volume={1},
  15539. pages={197--201},
  15540. year={1995},
  15541. organization={IEEE}
  15542. }
  15543. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-chesri05,
  15544. title={Use of exterior contours and shape features in off-line signature verification},
  15545. author={Chen, S. and Srihari, S.},
  15546. booktitle={Document Analysis and Recognition, 2005. Proceedings. Eighth International Conference on},
  15547. pages={1280--1284},
  15548. year={2005},
  15549. organization={IEEE}
  15550. }
  15551. @article{CGC-cry-art-favsri96,
  15552. title={A multiple feature/resolution approach to handprinted digit and character recognition},
  15553. author={Favata, J.T. and Srikantan, G.},
  15554. journal={International journal of imaging systems and technology},
  15555. volume={7},
  15556. number={4},
  15557. pages={304--311},
  15558. year={1996},
  15559. publisher={Wiley Online Library}
  15560. }
  15561. @article{CGC-cry-art-srilamsri96,
  15562. title={Gradient-based contour encoding for character recognition},
  15563. author={Srikantan, G. and Lam, S.W. and Srihari, S.N.},
  15564. journal={Pattern Recognition},
  15565. volume={29},
  15566. number={7},
  15567. pages={1147--1160},
  15568. year={1996},
  15569. publisher={Elsevier}
  15570. }
  15571. @article{CGC-cry-art-burr88,
  15572. title={Experiments on neural net recognition of spoken and written text},
  15573. author={Burr, D.J.},
  15574. journal={Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on},
  15575. volume={36},
  15576. number={7},
  15577. pages={1162--1168},
  15578. year={1988},
  15579. publisher={IEEE}
  15580. }
  15581. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-jusborsab01,
  15582. title={Off-line signature verification using HMM for random, simple and skilled forgeries},
  15583. author={Justino, E.J.R. and Bortolozzi, F. and Sabourin, R.},
  15584. booktitle={Document Analysis and Recognition, 2001. Proceedings. Sixth International Conference on},
  15585. pages={1031--1034},
  15586. year={2001},
  15587. organization={IEEE}
  15588. }
  15589. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-jusyacborsab00,
  15590. title={An off-line signature verification system using HMM and graphometric features},
  15591. author={Justino, E.J.R. and El Yacoubi, A. and Bortolozzi, F. and Sabourin, R.},
  15592. booktitle={Fourth IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), Rio de},
  15593. pages={211--222},
  15594. year={2000},
  15595. organization={Citeseer}
  15596. }
  15597. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-justyacborsab00,
  15598. title={An off-line signature verification system using hidden markov model and cross-validation},
  15599. author={Justino, E.J.R. and El Yacoubi, A. and Bortolozzi, F. and Sabourin, R.},
  15600. booktitle={Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 2000. Proceedings XIII Brazilian Symposium on},
  15601. pages={105--112},
  15602. year={2000},
  15603. organization={IEEE}
  15604. }
  15605. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-chashi08,
  15606. title={DPW approach for random forgery problem in online handwritten signature verification},
  15607. author={Chang, W.D. and Shin, J.},
  15608. booktitle={Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management, 2008. NCM'08. Fourth International Conference on},
  15609. volume={1},
  15610. pages={347--352},
  15611. year={2008},
  15612. organization={IEEE}
  15613. }
  15614. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-guodoeros00,
  15615. title={Off-line skilled forgery detection using stroke and sub-stroke properties},
  15616. author={Guo, J.K. and Doermann, D. and Rosenfield, A.},
  15617. booktitle={Pattern Recognition, 2000. Proceedings. 15th International Conference on},
  15618. volume={2},
  15619. pages={355--358},
  15620. year={2000},
  15621. organization={IEEE}
  15622. }
  15623. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-rekhouyacgardor11,
  15624. title={A comparison of feature extraction approaches for offline signature verification},
  15625. author={Rekik, Y. and Houmani, N. and Yacoubi, M.A.E. and Garcia-Salicetti, S. and Dorizzi, B.},
  15626. booktitle={Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS), 2011 International Conference on},
  15627. pages={1--6},
  15628. year={2011},
  15629. organization={IEEE}
  15630. }
  15631. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-sabdrowah97,
  15632. title={Shape matrices as a mixed shape factor for off-line signature verification},
  15633. author={Sabourin, R. and Drouhard, J.P. and Wah, E.S.},
  15634. booktitle={Document Analysis and Recognition, 1997., Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on},
  15635. volume={2},
  15636. pages={661--665},
  15637. year={1997},
  15638. organization={IEEE}
  15639. }
  15640. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-olijussab07,
  15641. title={Off-line signature verification using writer-independent approach},
  15642. author={Oliveira, L.S. and Justino, E. and Sabourin, R.},
  15643. booktitle={Neural Networks, 2007. IJCNN 2007. International Joint Conference on},
  15644. pages={2539--2544},
  15645. year={2007},
  15646. organization={IEEE}
  15647. }
  15648. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-alabdoma11,
  15649. title={State-of-the-art in offline signature verification system},
  15650. author={Al-Omari, Y.M. and Abdullah, S.N.H.S. and Omar, K.},
  15651. booktitle={Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Robotics (ICPAIR), 2011 International Conference on},
  15652. volume={1},
  15653. pages={59--64},
  15654. year={2011},
  15655. organization={IEEE}
  15656. }
  15657. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-ngublulee09,
  15658. title={Global features for the off-line signature verification problem},
  15659. author={Nguyen, V. and Blumenstein, M. and Leedham, G.},
  15660. booktitle={Document Analysis and Recognition, 2009. ICDAR'09. 10th International Conference on},
  15661. pages={1300--1304},
  15662. year={2009},
  15663. organization={IEEE}
  15664. }
  15665. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-schvir09,
  15666. title={An off-line signature verification system},
  15667. author={Schafer, B. and Viriri, S.},
  15668. booktitle={Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA), 2009 IEEE International Conference on},
  15669. pages={95--100},
  15670. year={2009},
  15671. organization={IEEE}
  15672. }
  15673. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-prarajvenpat09,
  15674. title={Standard Scores Correlation based Off-line Signature Verification System},
  15675. author={Prashanth, C.R. and Raja, K.B. and Venugopal, K.R. and Patnaik, L.M.},
  15676. booktitle={Advances in Computing, Control, \& Telecommunication Technologies, 2009. ACT'09. International Conference on},
  15677. pages={49--53},
  15678. year={2009},
  15679. organization={IEEE}
  15680. }
  15681. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-ozgsenkar05,
  15682. title={Off-line signature verification and recognition by support vector machine},
  15683. author={{\"O}zg{\"u}nd{\"u}z, E. and {\c{S}}ent{\"u}rk, T. and Karsl{\i}gil, M.E.},
  15684. booktitle={European Signal Processing Conference. Turkey},
  15685. year={2005}
  15686. }
  15687. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-larmay08,
  15688. title={Adaptive feature thresholding for off-line signature verification},
  15689. author={Larkins, R. and Mayo, M.},
  15690. booktitle={Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, 2008. IVCNZ 2008. 23rd International Conference},
  15691. pages={1--6},
  15692. year={2008},
  15693. organization={IEEE}
  15694. }
  15695. @article{CGC-cry-art-coeherpre04,
  15696. title={Offline signature verification using the discrete radon transform and a hidden Markov model},
  15697. author={Coetzer, J. and Herbst, BM and Du Preez, JA},
  15698. journal={EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing},
  15699. volume={2004},
  15700. pages={559--571},
  15701. year={2004},
  15702. publisher={Hindawi Publishing Corp.}
  15703. }
  15704. @article{CGC-cry-art-poupou09,
  15705. title={Offline Signature Verification Using Local Radon Transform and Support Vector Machines},
  15706. author={Pourreza Shahri, R. and Pourreza, H.R.},
  15707. journal={International Journal of Image Processing},
  15708. volume={3},
  15709. year={2009}
  15710. }
  15711. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-chesri06,
  15712. title={A New Off-line Signature Verification Method based on Graph},
  15713. author={Chen, S. and Srihari, S.},
  15714. booktitle={Pattern Recognition, 2006. ICPR 2006. 18th International Conference on},
  15715. volume={2},
  15716. pages={869--872},
  15717. year={2006},
  15718. organization={IEEE}
  15719. }
  15720. @article{CGC-cry-art-feralotra05,
  15721. title={Offline geometric parameters for automatic signature verification using fixed-point arithmetic},
  15722. author={Ferrer, M.A. and Alonso, J.B. and Travieso, C.M.},
  15723. journal={Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on},
  15724. volume={27},
  15725. number={6},
  15726. pages={993--997},
  15727. year={2005},
  15728. publisher={IEEE}
  15729. }
  15730. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-olijusfresab05,
  15731. title={The graphology applied to signature verification},
  15732. author={Oliveira, L.S. and Justino, E. and Freitas, C. and Sabourin, R.},
  15733. booktitle={12th Conference of the International Graphonomics Society},
  15734. pages={286--290},
  15735. year={2005}
  15736. }
  15737. @article{CGC-cry-art-rivgrasab11,
  15738. title={Multi-feature extraction and selection in writer-independent off-line signature verification},
  15739. author={Rivard, D. and Granger, E. and Sabourin, R.},
  15740. journal={International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition},
  15741. pages={1--21},
  15742. year={2011},
  15743. publisher={Springer}
  15744. }
  15745. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-vasros09,
  15746. title={Bipartite graph matching computation on gpu},
  15747. author={Vasconcelos, C. and Rosenhahn, B.},
  15748. booktitle={Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  15749. pages={42--55},
  15750. year={2009},
  15751. organization={Springer}
  15752. }
  15753. @article{CGC-cry-art-rieneubun07,
  15754. title={Bipartite graph matching for computing the edit distance of graphs},
  15755. author={Riesen, K. and Neuhaus, M. and Bunke, H.},
  15756. journal={Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition},
  15757. pages={1--12},
  15758. year={2007},
  15759. publisher={Springer}
  15760. }
  15761. @article{CGC-cry-art-kuhn1955,
  15762. title={The Hungarian method for the assignment problem},
  15763. author={Kuhn, H.W.},
  15764. journal={Naval research logistics quarterly},
  15765. volume={2},
  15766. number={1-2},
  15767. pages={83--97},
  15768. year={1955},
  15769. publisher={Wiley Online Library}
  15770. }
  15771. @article{CGC-cry-art-munkres1957,
  15772. title={Algorithms for the assignment and transportation problems},
  15773. author={Munkres, J.},
  15774. journal={Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics},
  15775. volume={5},
  15776. number={1},
  15777. pages={32--38},
  15778. year={1957},
  15779. publisher={JSTOR}
  15780. }
  15781. @book{CGC-misc-book-ritter2001,
  15782. title={Handbook of computer vision algorithms in image algebra},
  15783. author={Ritter, G.X. and Wilson, J.N.},
  15784. year={2001},
  15785. publisher={CRC}
  15786. }
  15787. @article{CGC-cry-art-zhasue84,
  15788. title={A fast parallel algorithm for thinning digital patterns},
  15789. author={Zhang, TY and Suen, C.Y.},
  15790. journal={Communications of the ACM},
  15791. volume={27},
  15792. number={3},
  15793. pages={236--239},
  15794. year={1984},
  15795. publisher={ACM}
  15796. }
  15797. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-bannemkum08,
  15798. title={Offline Signature Verification Using Critical Region Matching},
  15799. author={Bansal, A. and Nemmikanti, P. and Kumar, P.},
  15800. booktitle={Future Generation Communication and Networking Symposia, 2008. FGCNS'08. Second International Conference on},
  15801. volume={3},
  15802. pages={115--120},
  15803. year={2008},
  15804. organization={IEEE}
  15805. }
  15806. @article{CGC-misc-art-bunshe98,
  15807. title={A graph distance metric based on the maximal common subgraph},
  15808. author={Bunke, H. and Shearer, K.},
  15809. journal={Pattern recognition letters},
  15810. volume={19},
  15811. number={3},
  15812. pages={255--259},
  15813. year={1998},
  15814. publisher={Elsevier}
  15815. }
  15816. @article{CGC-misc-art-xiadonwuxiowanshi08,
  15817. title={Structure-based graph distance measures of high degree of precision},
  15818. author={Xiao, Y. and Dong, H. and Wu, W. and Xiong, M. and Wang, W. and Shi, B.},
  15819. journal={Pattern Recognition},
  15820. volume={41},
  15821. number={12},
  15822. pages={3547--3561},
  15823. year={2008},
  15824. publisher={Elsevier}
  15825. }
  15826. @Misc{CGC-cry-misc-varfer11,
  15827. title={Texture Analysis for Off-Line Signature Verification},
  15828. author={Vargas, J.F. and Ferrer, M.A.},
  15829. year={2011}
  15830. }
  15831. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-srixukal04,
  15832. title={Learning strategies and classification methods for off-line signature verification},
  15833. author={Srihari, S.N. and Xu, A. and Kalera, M.K.},
  15834. booktitle={Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, 2004. IWFHR-9 2004. Ninth International Workshop on},
  15835. pages={161--166},
  15836. year={2004},
  15837. organization={IEEE}
  15838. }
  15839. @article{CGC-cry-art-berolijussab10,
  15840. title={Reducing forgeries in writer-independent off-line signature verification through ensemble of classifiers},
  15841. author={Bertolini, D. and Oliveira, LS and Justino, E. and Sabourin, R.},
  15842. journal={Pattern Recognition},
  15843. volume={43},
  15844. number={1},
  15845. pages={387--396},
  15846. year={2010},
  15847. publisher={Elsevier}
  15848. }
  15849. @article{CGC-cry-art-fawcett06,
  15850. title={An introduction to ROC analysis},
  15851. author={Fawcett, T.},
  15852. journal={Pattern recognition letters},
  15853. volume={27},
  15854. number={8},
  15855. pages={861--874},
  15856. year={2006},
  15857. publisher={Elsevier}
  15858. }
  15859. @article{CGC-cry-art-qihun95,
  15860. title={A multiresolution approach to computer verification of handwritten signatures},
  15861. author={Qi, Y. and Hunt, B.R.},
  15862. journal={Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on},
  15863. volume={4},
  15864. number={6},
  15865. pages={870--874},
  15866. year={1995},
  15867. publisher={IEEE}
  15868. }
  15869. @article{CGC-cry-art-jusborsab05,
  15870. title={A comparison of SVM and HMM classifiers in the off-line signature verification},
  15871. author={Justino, E.J.R. and Bortolozzi, F. and Sabourin, R.},
  15872. journal={Pattern Recognition Letters},
  15873. volume={26},
  15874. number={9},
  15875. pages={1377--1385},
  15876. year={2005},
  15877. publisher={Elsevier}
  15878. }
  15879. @article{CGC-misc-art-hacwelwartalbhagolmiaohnzou05,
  15880. title={Combining classifiers using their receiver operating characteristics and maximum likelihood estimation},
  15881. author={Haker, S. and Wells, W. and Warfield, S. and Talos, I.F. and Bhagwat, J. and Goldberg-Zimring, D. and Mian, A. and Ohno-Machado, L. and Zou, K.},
  15882. journal={Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention--MICCAI 2005},
  15883. pages={506--514},
  15884. year={2005},
  15885. publisher={Springer}
  15886. }
  15887. @article{CGC-misc-art-vapnik99,
  15888. title={An overview of statistical learning theory},
  15889. author={Vapnik, V.N.},
  15890. journal={Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on},
  15891. volume={10},
  15892. number={5},
  15893. pages={988--999},
  15894. year={1999},
  15895. publisher={IEEE}
  15896. }
  15897. @article{CGC-misc-art-cortvap95,
  15898. title={Support-vector networks},
  15899. author={Cortes, C. and Vapnik, V.},
  15900. journal={Machine learning},
  15901. volume={20},
  15902. number={3},
  15903. pages={273--297},
  15904. year={1995},
  15905. publisher={Springer}
  15906. }
  15907. @article{CGC-misc-art-reftanliu09,
  15908. title={Cross-validation},
  15909. author={Refaeilzadeh, P. and Tang, L. and Liu, H.},
  15910. journal={Encyclopedia of Database Systems},
  15911. pages={532--538},
  15912. year={2009}
  15913. }
  15914. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-ar-sanborolijus07,
  15915. title={Off-line signature verification based on forensic questioned document examination approach},
  15916. author={Santos, C.R. and Bortolozzi, F. and Oliveira, L.S. and Justino, E.},
  15917. booktitle={Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing},
  15918. pages={637--638},
  15919. year={2007},
  15920. organization={ACM}
  15921. }
  15922. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-naelauvai11,
  15923. title={Can homomorphic encryption be practical?},
  15924. author={Naehrig, M. and Lauter, K. and Vaikuntanathan, V.},
  15925. booktitle={Proceedings of the 3rd ACM workshop on Cloud computing security workshop},
  15926. pages={113--124},
  15927. year={2011},
  15928. organization={ACM}
  15929. }
  15930. @article{CGC-cry-art-fanver12,
  15931. title={Somewhat practical fully homomorphic encryption},
  15932. author={Fan, J. and Vercauteren, F.},
  15933. journal={IACR eprint archive},
  15934. year={2012}
  15935. }
  15936. @article{CGC-cry-art-micreg09,
  15937. title={Lattice-based cryptography},
  15938. author={Micciancio, D. and Regev, O.},
  15939. journal={Post-Quantum Cryptography},
  15940. pages={147--191},
  15941. year={2009},
  15942. publisher={Springer}
  15943. }
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  15945. @article{CGC-cd-art-lax11,
  15946. title={Generic interpolation polynomial for list decoding},
  15947. author={Lax, RF},
  15948. journal={Finite Fields and Their Applications},
  15949. year={2011},
  15950. publisher={Elsevier}
  15951. }
  15952. %%%tesista piva
  15953. @book{CGC-cry-book-koblitz94,
  15954. title={A course in number theory and cryptography},
  15955. author={Koblitz, N.},
  15956. volume={114},
  15957. year={1994},
  15958. publisher={Springer}
  15959. }
  15960. @TechReport{CGC-cry-prep-lenhugaugbosklewac12,
  15961. author = "Lenstra, A.K. and Hughes, J.P. and Augier, M. and Bos, J.W. and Kleinjung, T. and Wachter, C.",
  15962. title = "Ron was wrong, Whit is right ",
  15963. institution = "IACR",
  15964. URL = "",
  15965. year = "2012"
  15966. }
  15967. @article{CGC-cry-art-agrkaysax04,
  15968. title={PRIMES is in P},
  15969. author={Agrawal, M. and Kayal, N. and Saxena, N.},
  15970. journal={Annals of Mathematics},
  15971. pages={781--793},
  15972. year={2004},
  15973. publisher={JSTOR}
  15974. }
  15975. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-adler05,
  15976. author = {Adler, A.},
  15977. title = {Vulnerabilities in biometric encryption systems},
  15978. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication},
  15979. series = {AVBPA'05},
  15980. year = {2005},
  15981. isbn = {3-540-27887-7, 978-3-540-27887-0},
  15982. location = {Hilton Rye Town, NY},
  15983. pages = {1100--1109},
  15984. numpages = {10},
  15985. url = {},
  15986. doi = {10.1007/11527923_114},
  15987. acmid = {2134988},
  15988. publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  15989. address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}
  15990. }
  15991. @INPROCEEDINGS{CGC-cry-art-ulujai04,
  15992. author = {Uludag, U. and Jain, A. K.},
  15993. title = {Attacks on Biometric Systems: A Case Study in Fingerprints},
  15994. booktitle = {Proc. SPIE-EI 2004, Security, Seganography and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VI},
  15995. year = {2004},
  15996. pages = {622--633}
  15997. }
  15998. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-bricha08,
  15999. title={An authentication protocol with encrypted biometric data},
  16000. author={Bringer, J. and Chabanne, H.},
  16001. booktitle={Proceedings of the Cryptology in Africa 1st international conference on Progress in cryptology},
  16002. pages={109--124},
  16003. year={2008},
  16004. organization={Springer-Verlag}
  16005. }
  16006. @phdthesis{CGC-cry-phdthesis-gentry09,
  16007. author = {C. Gentry},
  16008. title = {A fully homomorphic encryption scheme},
  16009. school = {Stanford University},
  16010. year = {2009}
  16011. }
  16012. @article{CGC-cry-art-gentry10,
  16013. author = {Gentry, C.},
  16014. title = {Computing arbitrary functions of encrypted data},
  16015. journal = {Commun. ACM},
  16016. issue_date = {March 2010},
  16017. volume = {53},
  16018. number = {3},
  16019. month = {mar},
  16020. year = {2010},
  16021. issn = {0001-0782},
  16022. pages = {97--105},
  16023. numpages = {9},
  16024. url = {},
  16025. doi = {10.1145/1666420.1666444},
  16026. acmid = {1666444},
  16027. publisher = {ACM},
  16028. address = {New York, NY, USA}
  16029. }
  16030. @misc{CGC-alg-misc-graaf11,
  16031. title={Computational Algebra (lecture notes)},
  16032. author={W. De Graaf},
  16033. year={2011}
  16034. }
  16035. @article{CGC-cry-art-dodreysmi08,
  16036. author = {Dodis, Y. and Reyzin, L. and Smith, A.},
  16037. title = {Fuzzy Extractors: How to Generate Strong Keys from Biometrics and Other Noisy Data},
  16038. journal = {SIAM J. Comput.},
  16039. issue_date = {March 2008},
  16040. volume = {38},
  16041. number = {1},
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  16043. year = {2008},
  16044. issn = {0097-5397},
  16045. pages = {97--139},
  16046. numpages = {43},
  16047. url = {},
  16048. doi = {10.1137/060651380},
  16049. acmid = {1405005},
  16050. publisher = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics},
  16051. address = {Philadelphia, PA, USA},
  16052. keywords = {biometric authentication, error-correcting codes, error-tolerance, fuzzy extractors, fuzzy fingerprints, metric embeddings, nonuniformity, password-based systems, randomness extractors}
  16053. }
  16054. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-licha06,
  16055. author = {Li, Q. and Chang, E.C.},
  16056. title = {Robust, short and sensitive authentication tags using secure sketch},
  16057. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th workshop on Multimedia and security},
  16058. series = {MM\&\#38;Sec '06},
  16059. year = {2006},
  16060. isbn = {1-59593-493-6},
  16061. location = {Geneva, Switzerland},
  16062. pages = {56--61},
  16063. numpages = {6},
  16064. url = {},
  16065. doi = {10.1145/1161366.1161377},
  16066. acmid = {1161377},
  16067. publisher = {ACM},
  16068. address = {New York, NY, USA},
  16069. keywords = {authentication, robustness, secure sketch, sensitivity, two-level quantization}
  16070. }
  16071. @article{CGC-alg-art-hall87,
  16072. title={On representatives of subsets},
  16073. author={Hall, P.},
  16074. journal={Classic Papers in Combinatorics},
  16075. pages={58--62},
  16076. year={1987},
  16077. publisher={Springer}
  16078. }
  16079. @article{CGC-alg-art-konig31,
  16080. title={Graphs and matrices},
  16081. author={Konig, D.},
  16082. journal={Mat. Fiz. Lapok},
  16083. volume={38},
  16084. pages={116--119},
  16085. year={1931}
  16086. }
  16087. @article{CGC-alg-art-lyupeireg10,
  16088. title={On ideal lattices and learning with errors over rings},
  16089. author={Lyubashevsky, V. and Peikert, C. and Regev, O.},
  16090. journal={Advances in Cryptology--EUROCRYPT 2010},
  16091. pages={1--23},
  16092. year={2010},
  16093. publisher={Springer}
  16094. }
  16095. @inproceedings{CGC-misc-art-kuntuc51,
  16096. title={Nonlinear programming},
  16097. author={Kuhn, H.W. and Tucker, A.W.},
  16098. booktitle={Proceedings of the second Berkeley symposium on mathematical statistics and probability},
  16099. volume={1},
  16100. pages={481--492},
  16101. year={1951},
  16102. organization={California}
  16103. }
  16104. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-blufervar10,
  16105. title={The 4NSigComp2010 off-line signature verification competition: Scenario 2},
  16106. author={Blumenstein, M. and Ferrer, M.A. and Vargas, JF},
  16107. booktitle={Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR), 2010 International Conference on},
  16108. pages={721--726},
  16109. year={2010},
  16110. organization={IEEE}
  16111. }
  16112. @book{CGC-cry-book-stinson06,
  16113. title={Cryptography: theory and practice},
  16114. author={Stinson, D.R.},
  16115. year={2006},
  16116. publisher={CRC press}
  16117. }
  16118. @article{CGC-alg-art-dondurkor09,
  16119. title={On the intersection pattern of a unital and an oval in {P}{G} (2, q2)},
  16120. author={Donati, G. and Durante, N. and Korchmaros, G.},
  16121. journal={Finite Fields and Their Applications},
  16122. volume={15},
  16123. number={6},
  16124. pages={785--795},
  16125. year={2009},
  16126. publisher={Elsevier}
  16127. }
  16128. @article{CGC-cod-art-litlai98,
  16129. title={On upper bounds for minimum distance and covering radius of non-binary codes},
  16130. author={Laihonen, T. and Litsyn, S.},
  16131. journal={Designs, Codes and Cryptography},
  16132. volume={14},
  16133. number={1},
  16134. pages={71--80},
  16135. year={1998},
  16136. publisher={Springer}
  16137. }
  16138. @MastersThesis{ CGC-alg-tesi2-piva10,
  16139. title = "Probabilit\88 d'errore in decodifica con un nuovo bound",
  16140. author = "M. Piva",
  16141. year = "2010",
  16142. school = "University of Trento",
  16143. type = "Master's thesis (Laurea specialistica)",
  16144. address = "Department of Mathematics"
  16145. }
  16146. %%%%%%%%%%
  16147. @article{CGC-cd-art-goppa82,
  16148. title={Algebraico-geometric codes},
  16149. author={Goppa, V.D.},
  16150. journal={Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya},
  16151. volume={46},
  16152. number={4},
  16153. pages={762--781},
  16154. year={1982},
  16155. publisher={Russian Academy of Sciences, Branch of Mathematical Sciences}
  16156. }
  16157. @article{CGC-cd-art-ozbsti99,
  16158. title={Constructing codes from algebraic curves},
  16159. author={Ozbudak, F. and Stichtenoth, H.},
  16160. journal={Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on},
  16161. volume={45},
  16162. number={7},
  16163. pages={2502--2505},
  16164. year={1999},
  16165. publisher={IEEE}
  16166. }
  16167. @article{CGC-cd-art-heydtmann02,
  16168. title={Generalized geometric Goppa codes},
  16169. author={Heydtmann, A.E.},
  16170. journal={Communications in Algebra},
  16171. volume={30},
  16172. number={6},
  16173. pages={2763--2789},
  16174. year={2002},
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  16176. }
  16177. @article{CGC-cd-art-dinniexin00,
  16178. title={Some new codes from algebraic curves},
  16179. author={Ding, C. and Niederreiter, H. and Xing, C.},
  16180. journal={Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on},
  16181. volume={46},
  16182. number={7},
  16183. pages={2638--2642},
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  16186. }
  16187. @article{CGC-cd-art-geil08,
  16188. title={Evaluation codes from an affine variety code perspective},
  16189. author={Geil, O.},
  16190. journal={ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY CODES},
  16191. pages={153},
  16192. year={2008}
  16193. }
  16194. @article{CGC-cd-art-geil09,
  16195. title={Algebraic geometry codes from order domains},
  16196. author={Geil, O.},
  16197. journal={Gr{\"o}bner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography},
  16198. pages={121--141},
  16199. year={2009},
  16200. publisher={Springer}
  16201. }
  16202. @article{CGC-alg-art-geipel02,
  16203. title={On the structure of order domains},
  16204. author={Geil, O. and Pellikaan, R.},
  16205. journal={Finite Fields and their Applications},
  16206. volume={8},
  16207. number={3},
  16208. pages={369--396},
  16209. year={2002},
  16210. publisher={Elsevier}
  16211. }
  16212. @article{CGC-alg-art-li03,
  16213. title={The finite primitive permutation groups containing an abelian regular subgroup},
  16214. author={Li, C. H.},
  16215. journal={Proc. London Math. Soc.},
  16216. volume={87},
  16217. number={3},
  16218. pages={725--747},
  16219. year={2003},
  16220. }
  16221. @article{CGC-alg-art-guralnick83,
  16222. title={Subgroups of Prime Power Index in a Simple Group},
  16223. author={Guralnick, R. M.},
  16224. journal={J. Algebra},
  16225. volume={81},
  16226. pages={304--311},
  16227. year={1983},
  16228. }
  16229. @book {CGC-alg-book-jacobson64,
  16230. AUTHOR = {Jacobson, Nathan},
  16231. TITLE = {Structure of rings},
  16232. SERIES = {American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications, Vol.
  16233. 37. Revised edition},
  16234. PUBLISHER = {American Mathematical Society},
  16235. ADDRESS = {Providence, R.I.},
  16236. YEAR = {1964},
  16237. PAGES = {ix+299},
  16238. }
  16239. @article {CGC-cry-art-cardalsal06,
  16240. AUTHOR = {Caranti, A. and Dalla Volta, F. and Sala, M.},
  16241. TITLE = {Abelian regular subgroups of the affine group and radical
  16242. rings},
  16243. JOURNAL = {Publ. Math. Debrecen},
  16244. FJOURNAL = {Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen},
  16245. VOLUME = {69},
  16246. YEAR = {2006},
  16247. NUMBER = {3},
  16248. PAGES = {297--308},
  16249. }
  16250. @article{CGC-cod-art-zinlyts1984shortening,
  16251. title={On Shortening of Codes},
  16252. author={Zinov'ev, Victor Alexandrovich and Litsyn, SN},
  16253. journal={Problemy Peredachi Informatsii},
  16254. volume={20},
  16255. number={1},
  16256. pages={3--11},
  16257. year={1984},
  16258. publisher={Russian Academy of Sciences, Branch of Informatics, Computer Equipment and Automatization}
  16259. }
  16260. @article{CGC-cod-art-marcolla2012hermitian,
  16261. title={On the Hermitian curve, its intersections with some conics and their applications to affine-variety codes and Hermitian codes},
  16262. author={Marcolla, C. and Pellegrini, M. and Sala, M.},
  16263. journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1208.1627},
  16264. year={2012}
  16265. }
  16266. @book{CGC-cry-book-rizzi2010cifrari,
  16267. title={Cifrari e codici segreti},
  16268. author={Rizzi, A.},
  16269. series={Le bussole},
  16270. year={2010},
  16271. publisher={Carocci}
  16272. }
  16273. @book{CGC-cry-book-ferguson2005crittografia,
  16274. title={Crittografia pratica},
  16275. author={Ferguson, N. and Schneider, B. and Magliocco, A.},
  16276. series={Guida completa},
  16277. year={2005},
  16278. publisher={Apogeo}
  16279. }
  16280. @book{CGC-cry-book-stallings2007crittografia,
  16281. title={Crittografia e sicurezza delle reti},
  16282. author={Stallings, W.},
  16283. series={Collana di istruzione scientifica: Serie di telecomunicazioni},
  16284. year={2007},
  16285. publisher={McGraw-Hill Companies}
  16286. }
  16287. @book{CGC-cry-book-hardy1979introduction,
  16288. title={An Introduction to the theory of numbers},
  16289. author={Hardy, G.G.H. and Wright, E.M.},
  16290. series={Oxford science publications},
  16291. year={1979},
  16292. publisher={Oxford at the Clarendon Press}
  16293. }
  16294. @article{CGC-cry-art-Weger2002RSA,
  16295. author = {Benne de Weger},
  16296. title = {Cryptanalysis of {RSA} with Small Prime Difference},
  16297. journal = {Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput.},
  16298. volume = {13},
  16299. number = {1},
  16300. year = {2002},
  16301. pages = {17--28},
  16302. }
  16303. @article{ CGC-cry-art-NIST2009RSA,
  16304. author = {Elaine Barker and Lily Chen and Andrew Regenscheid and Miles Smid},
  16305. title = {Special Publication 800-56B: Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Integer Factorization Cryptography},
  16306. organization = {NIST},
  16307. year = {2009},
  16308. url = {},
  16309. }
  16310. @BOOK {CGC-cry-book-lovasz1987algorithm,
  16311. AUTHOR={Lov{\'a}sz, L.},
  16312. TITLE={An Algorithmic Theory of Numbers, Graphs and Convexity},
  16313. SERIES={SIAM CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in
  16314. Applied Mathematics},
  16315. NUMBER={50},
  16316. PUBLISHER={SIAM},
  16317. ADDRESS={Philadelphia},
  16318. YEAR={1987}
  16319. }
  16320. @ARTICLE{CGC-cry-art-boneh99twentyyears,
  16321. author = {Dan Boneh},
  16322. title = {Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem},
  16323. journal = {NOTICES OF THE AMS},
  16324. year = {1999},
  16325. volume = {46},
  16326. pages = {203--213}
  16327. }
  16328. @article{CGC-cry-art-bondur2006RSA,
  16329. author = {Boneh, D. and Durfee, G.},
  16330. title = {Cryptanalysis of RSA with private key d less than $N^{0.292}$},
  16331. journal = {IEEE Trans. Inf. Theor.},
  16332. volume = {46},
  16333. number = {4},
  16334. year = {2006},
  16335. pages = {1339--1349},
  16336. }
  16337. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-bondurfra1998RSA,
  16338. author = {Boneh, Dan and Durfee, Glenn and Frankel, Yair},
  16339. title = {An Attack on RSA Given a Small Fraction of the Private Key Bits},
  16340. booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptology and Information Security: Advances in Cryptology},
  16341. series = {ASIACRYPT '98},
  16342. year = {1998},
  16343. pages = {25--34},
  16344. }
  16345. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-copfrapatrei1996RSA,
  16346. author = {Coppersmith, Don and Franklin, Matthew and Patarin, Jacques and Reiter, Michael},
  16347. title = {Low-exponent {RSA} with related messages},
  16348. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th annual international conference on Theory and application of cryptographic techniques},
  16349. series = {EUROCRYPT'96},
  16350. year = {1996},
  16351. pages = {1--9},
  16352. }
  16353. @article{CGC-cry-art-hastad1988solving,
  16354. author = {Johan H{\aa}stad},
  16355. title = {Solving Simultaneous Modular Equations of Low Degree},
  16356. journal = {SIAM J. Comput.},
  16357. volume = {17},
  16358. number = {2},
  16359. year = {1988},
  16360. pages = {336-341},
  16361. }
  16362. @article{CGC-cry-art-wiener2006RSA,
  16363. author = {Wiener, M. J.},
  16364. title = {Cryptanalysis of short RSA secret exponents},
  16365. journal = {IEEE Trans. Inf. Theor.},
  16366. volume = {36},
  16367. number = {3},
  16368. year = {2006},
  16369. pages = {553--558},
  16370. }
  16371. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-laimassey2006IDEA,
  16372. title={A proposal for a new block encryption standard},
  16373. author={Lai, X. and Massey, J. L.},
  16374. booktitle={Advances in Cryptology-EUROCRYPT'90},
  16375. pages={389--404},
  16376. year={2006},
  16377. series={LNCS},
  16378. volume={473},
  16379. organization={Springer}
  16380. }
  16381. @article {CGC-alg-art-lundqvist2010vector,
  16382. AUTHOR = {Lundqvist, S.},
  16383. TITLE = {Vector space bases associated to vanishing ideals of points},
  16384. JOURNAL = {J. Pure Appl. Algebra},
  16385. VOLUME = {214},
  16386. YEAR = {2010},
  16387. NUMBER = {4},
  16388. PAGES = {309--321},
  16389. }
  16390. @article{CGC-cod-art-gaorodstroo2003grobner,
  16391. title={Gr{\"o}bner basis structure of finite sets of points},
  16392. author={Gao, S. and Rodrigues, V. M. and Stroomer, J.},
  16393. journal={preprint},
  16394. year={2003},
  16395. note={},
  16396. }
  16397. @article{CGC-alg-art-cermur1990algoritmi,
  16398. title={Algoritmi combinatori per l'interpolazione polinomiale in dimensione $\geq 2$.},
  16399. author={Cerlienco, L. and Mureddu, M.},
  16400. journal={preprint},
  16401. year={1990},
  16402. note={},
  16403. }
  16404. @article {CGC-alge-art-cermur1995algebraic,
  16405. AUTHOR = {Cerlienco, L. and Mureddu, M.},
  16406. TITLE = {From algebraic sets to monomial linear bases by means of
  16407. combinatorial algorithms},
  16408. JOURNAL = {Discrete Math.},
  16409. VOLUME = {139},
  16410. YEAR = {1995},
  16411. NUMBER = {1-3},
  16412. PAGES = {73--87},
  16413. }
  16414. @article {CGC-alg-art-cermur2002multivariate,
  16415. AUTHOR = {Cerlienco, L. and Mureddu, M.},
  16416. TITLE = {Multivariate interpolation and standard bases for {M}acaulay
  16417. modules},
  16418. JOURNAL = {J. Algebra},
  16419. VOLUME = {251},
  16420. YEAR = {2002},
  16421. NUMBER = {2},
  16422. PAGES = {686--726},
  16423. }
  16424. @article {CGC-alg-art-felrathron2006lex,
  16425. AUTHOR = {Felszeghy, B. and R{\'a}th, B. and R{\'o}nyai,
  16426. L.},
  16427. TITLE = {The lex game and some applications},
  16428. JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Comput.},
  16429. VOLUME = {41},
  16430. YEAR = {2006},
  16431. NUMBER = {6},
  16432. PAGES = {663--681},
  16433. }
  16434. @article {CGC-alg-art-lederer2008vanishing,
  16435. AUTHOR = {Lederer, M.},
  16436. TITLE = {The vanishing ideal of a finite set of closed points in affine
  16437. space},
  16438. JOURNAL = {J. Pure Appl. Algebra},
  16439. VOLUME = {212},
  16440. YEAR = {2008},
  16441. NUMBER = {5},
  16442. PAGES = {1116--1133},
  16443. }
  16444. @article{CGC-cry-art-jainrossprab2004introduction,
  16445. title={An introduction to biometric recognition},
  16446. author={Jain, A. K. and Ross, A. and Prabhakar, S.},
  16447. journal={ IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology},
  16448. volume={14},
  16449. number={1},
  16450. pages={4--20},
  16451. year={2004},
  16452. publisher={IEEE}
  16453. }
  16454. @book{CGC-cry-art-bolle2004guide,
  16455. title={Guide to biometrics},
  16456. author={Bolle, R.},
  16457. year={2004},
  16458. publisher={Springer-Verlag},
  16459. address={New York}
  16460. }
  16461. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-ulujain2004attacks,
  16462. title={Attacks on biometric systems: a case study in fingerprints},
  16463. author={Uludag, U. and Jain, A. K.},
  16464. booktitle={Proceedings of SPIE},
  16465. volume={5306},
  16466. pages={622--633},
  16467. year={2004}
  16468. }
  16469. @article{CGC-cry-art-ratconbol2001enhancing,
  16470. title={Enhancing security and privacy in biometrics-based authentication systems},
  16471. author={Ratha, N. K. and Connell, J. H. and Bolle, R. M.},
  16472. journal={IBM systems journal},
  16473. volume={40},
  16474. number={3},
  16475. pages={614--634},
  16476. year={2001},
  16477. publisher={IBM}
  16478. }
  16479. @misc{CGC-misc-misc-rfc4226,
  16480. author="D. M'Raihi and M. Bellare and F. Hoornaert and D. Naccache and O. Ranen",
  16481. title="{HOTP: An HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm}",
  16482. series="Request for Comments",
  16483. number="4226",
  16484. howpublished="RFC 4226 (Informational)",
  16485. publisher="IETF",
  16486. organization="Internet Engineering Task Force",
  16487. year=2005,
  16488. month=dec,
  16489. url="",
  16490. }
  16491. @inproceedings{CGC-misc-art-leelimlee2010study,
  16492. title={A study on efficient {OTP} generation using stream cipher with random digit},
  16493. author={Lee, Y. S. and Lim, H. T. and Lee, H. J.},
  16494. booktitle={The 12th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT)},
  16495. volume={2},
  16496. pages={1670--1675},
  16497. year={2010},
  16498. organization={IEEE}
  16499. }
  16500. @inproceedings{CGC-cry-art-kossklagalkouf2004vlsi,
  16501. title={{VLSI} Implementation of {GSM} Security: {A}5/1 and {W}7 Ciphers},
  16502. author={Kostopoulos, G and Sklavos, N and Galanis, MD and Koufopavlou, O},
  16503. booktitle={Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Wireless Circuits and Systems (IEEE WoWCAS�04), Canada},
  16504. year={2004}
  16505. }
  16506. @article {CGC-cry-art-kalburrivshe1988data,
  16507. AUTHOR = {Kaliski, Jr., Burton S. and Rivest, Ronald L. and Sherman,
  16508. Alan T.},
  16509. TITLE = {Is the data encryption standard a group? ({R}esults of cycling
  16510. experiments on {DES})},
  16511. JOURNAL = {J. Cryptology},
  16512. FJOURNAL = {Journal of Cryptology. The Journal of the International
  16513. Association for Cryptologic Research},
  16514. VOLUME = {1},
  16515. YEAR = {1988},
  16516. NUMBER = {1},
  16517. PAGES = {3--36},
  16518. }
  16519. @article {CGC-cry-art-cardalsal2009application,
  16520. AUTHOR = {Caranti, A. and Dalla Volta, Francesca and Sala, M.},
  16521. TITLE = {An application of the {O}'{N}an-{S}cott theorem to the group
  16522. generated by the round functions of an {AES}-like cipher},
  16523. JOURNAL = {Des. Codes Cryptogr.},
  16524. FJOURNAL = {Designs, Codes and Cryptography. An International Journal},
  16525. VOLUME = {52},
  16526. YEAR = {2009},
  16527. NUMBER = {3},
  16528. PAGES = {293--301},
  16529. }
  16530. @incollection {CGC-cry-art-patramsun2003luby,
  16531. AUTHOR = {Patel, S. and Ramzan, Z. and Sundaram, G. S.},
  16532. TITLE = {Luby-{R}ackoff ciphers: {W}hy {XOR} is not so exclusive},
  16533. BOOKTITLE = {Selected areas in cryptography},
  16534. SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci.},
  16535. VOLUME = {2595},
  16536. PAGES = {271--290},
  16537. PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  16538. ADDRESS = {Berlin},
  16539. YEAR = {2003},
  16540. }
  16541. @book {CGC-cry-book-bihsha1993differential,
  16542. AUTHOR = {Biham, E. and Shamir, A.},
  16543. TITLE = {Differential cryptanalysis of the data encryption standard},
  16544. PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
  16545. ADDRESS = {New York},
  16546. YEAR = {1993},
  16547. }
  16548. @incollection {CGC.cry-art-bonver1998breaking,
  16549. AUTHOR = {Boneh, D. and Venkatesan, R.},
  16550. TITLE = {Breaking {RSA} may not be equivalent to factoring (extended
  16551. abstract)},
  16552. BOOKTITLE = {Advances in cryptology---{EUROCRYPT} '98 ({E}spoo)},
  16553. SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci.},
  16554. VOLUME = {1403},
  16555. PAGES = {59--71},
  16556. PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  16557. ADDRESS = {Berlin},
  16558. YEAR = {1998},
  16559. }
  16560. @article {CGC-cry-art-dixon1981asympotically,
  16561. AUTHOR = {Dixon, J. D.},
  16562. TITLE = {Asymptotically fast factorization of integers},
  16563. JOURNAL = {Math. Comp.},
  16564. FJOURNAL = {Mathematics of Computation},
  16565. VOLUME = {36},
  16566. YEAR = {1981},
  16567. NUMBER = {153},
  16568. PAGES = {255--260},
  16569. }
  16570. @incollection {CGC-cry-art-pomerance1985quadratic,
  16571. AUTHOR = {Pomerance, C.},
  16572. TITLE = {The quadratic sieve factoring algorithm},
  16573. BOOKTITLE = {Advances in cryptology ({P}aris, 1984)},
  16574. SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci.},
  16575. VOLUME = {209},
  16576. PAGES = {169--182},
  16577. PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  16578. ADDRESS = {Berlin},
  16579. YEAR = {1985},
  16580. }
  16581. @incollection {CGC-cry-art-pomerance1994number,
  16582. AUTHOR = {Pomerance, C.},
  16583. TITLE = {The number field sieve},
  16584. BOOKTITLE = {Mathematics of {C}omputation 1943--1993: a half-century of
  16585. computational mathematics ({V}ancouver, {BC}, 1993)},
  16586. SERIES = {Proc. Sympos. Appl. Math.},
  16587. VOLUME = {48},
  16588. PAGES = {465--480},
  16589. PUBLISHER = {Amer. Math. Soc.},
  16590. ADDRESS = {Providence, RI},
  16591. YEAR = {1994}
  16592. }
  16593. @incollection {CGC-cry-art-buhlenpom1993factoring,
  16594. AUTHOR = {Buhler, J. P. and Lenstra, Jr., H. W. and Pomerance, C.},
  16595. TITLE = {Factoring integers with the number field sieve},
  16596. BOOKTITLE = {The development of the number field sieve},
  16597. SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Math.},
  16598. VOLUME = {1554},
  16599. PAGES = {50--94},
  16600. PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  16601. ADDRESS = {Berlin},
  16602. YEAR = {1993},
  16603. }
  16604. @article {CGC-cry-art-pomerance1996tale,
  16605. AUTHOR = {Pomerance, C.},
  16606. TITLE = {A tale of two sieves},
  16607. JOURNAL = {Notices Amer. Math. Soc.},
  16608. FJOURNAL = {Notices of the American Mathematical Society},
  16609. VOLUME = {43},
  16610. YEAR = {1996},
  16611. NUMBER = {12},
  16612. PAGES = {1473--1485},
  16613. }
  16614. @article {CGC-cry-art-pollard1975monte,
  16615. AUTHOR = {Pollard, J. M.},
  16616. TITLE = {A {M}onte {C}arlo method for factorization},
  16617. JOURNAL = {Nordisk Tidskr. Informationsbehandling (BIT)},
  16618. VOLUME = {15},
  16619. YEAR = {1975},
  16620. NUMBER = {3},
  16621. PAGES = {331--334},
  16622. }
  16623. @article {CGC-cry-art-pollard1974theorems,
  16624. AUTHOR = {Pollard, J. M.},
  16625. TITLE = {Theorems on factorization and primality testing},
  16626. JOURNAL = {Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.},
  16627. VOLUME = {76},
  16628. YEAR = {1974},
  16629. PAGES = {521--528},
  16630. }
  16631. @book {CGC-cry-art-lenlen1993development,
  16632. TITLE = {The development of the number field sieve},
  16633. SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics},
  16634. VOLUME = {1554},
  16635. EDITOR = {Lenstra, A. K. and Lenstra, Jr., H. W.},
  16636. PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
  16637. ADDRESS = {Berlin},
  16638. YEAR = {1993}
  16639. }
  16640. @article {CGC-alg-art-lieprasax1988onan,
  16641. AUTHOR = {Liebeck, M. W. and Praeger, C. E. and Saxl, J.},
  16642. TITLE = {On the {O}'{N}an-{S}cott theorem for finite primitive
  16643. permutation groups},
  16644. JOURNAL = {J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A},
  16645. FJOURNAL = {Australian Mathematical Society. Journal. Series A. Pure
  16646. Mathematics and Statistics},
  16647. VOLUME = {44},
  16648. YEAR = {1988},
  16649. NUMBER = {3},
  16650. PAGES = {389--396},
  16651. }
  16652. @article{ CGC-cry-art-babbomcolmorsco2012,
  16653. author = {Babinkostova, L. and Bombardier, K. W. and Cole, M. M. and .
  16654. Morrell, T. A. and Scott, C. B.},
  16655. title = {Algebraic properties of generalized {R}ijndael-like ciphers},
  16656. journal = {arXiv},
  16657. year = {2012},
  16658. note = {},
  16659. }
  16660. @article {CGC-cd-art-ZEHWACBEZ2012,
  16661. AUTHOR = "A. Zeh and A. Wachter-Zeh and S. Bezzateev,
  16662. V.",
  16663. TITLE = "Decoding cyclic codes up to a new bound on the minimum
  16664. distance",
  16665. JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
  16666. VOLUME = "58",
  16667. YEAR = "2012",
  16668. NUMBER = "6",
  16669. PAGES = "3951--3960"
  16670. }
  16671. @phdthesis{CGC-cry-phdthesis-simonetti2007,
  16672. author = "Simonetti, I.",
  16673. school = "University of Trento",
  16674. title = "{On some applications of commutative algebra to Boolean functions and their non-linearity}",
  16675. year = "2007"
  16676. }
  16677. @phdthesis{CGC-cry-phdthesis-calik2013,
  16679. author={CALIK, C. G.},
  16680. year={2013},
  16682. }
  16683. @TechReport{ CGC-alg-talk-parabole,
  16684. author = "C. Marcolla and M. Pellegrini and M. Sala ",
  16685. title = "On the Hermitian curve and its intersections with some conics",
  16686. institution = "Talk at MEGA 2013",
  16687. year = "2013"
  16688. }