library.bib 700 B

  1. %% oldest and most popular article about known attacks on RSA.
  2. @article{boneh1999twenty,
  3. title={Twenty years of attacks on the RSA cryptosystem},
  4. author={Boneh, Dan and Rivest, Ron and Shamir, Adi and Adleman, Len and others},
  5. journal={Notices of the AMS},
  6. volume={46},
  7. number={2},
  8. pages={203--213},
  9. year={1999}
  10. }
  11. %% here there's the descriptions for an efficient computation of fₚ(x) = y . y² ≡ x (mod p)
  12. %% [openssl implements it]
  13. @misc{ieee2001ieee,
  14. title={IEEE P1363a D10 (Draft Version 10): Standard Specifications for Public Key Cryptography: Additional Techniques, IEEE P1363 Working Group, Working draft},
  15. author={IEEE P1363 Working Group and others},
  16. year={2001}
  17. }