{# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #} {# Creative Commons license mark generator for Jinja2 templates, including #} {# Pelican-generated static sites (or blogs). #} {# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #} {# To use, put this file in a location where your template can import it. #} {# Then import into the template, for example like this: #} {# {% from '/path/to/where/you/placed/the/file' import cc_license_mark %} #} {# Then call as simply as {{ cc_license_mark("CC-BY") }}. #} {# #} {# If full attribution markup is desired in a Pelican template, the #} {# attr_props dict can be defaulted to the following when calling the macro:#} {# attr_props={'title':SITENAME,'name':AUTHOR,'url':SITEURL} {# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #} {# Generate a license mark for Creative Commons licensed content. #} {# Choose the license either by name (CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, CC-BY-NC-SA, or #} {# CC-BY-NC-ND), or by its features (allow derivatives: Yes, No, ShareAlike;#} {# allow commercial reuse: Yes, No). Name, if provided, takes precedence, #} {# and case is ignored. #} {# #} {# Optional: #} {# br_after_icon: if true put a line break after the license icon #} {# attr_markup: if true create markup for fulll attribution #} {# attr_props: if attr_markup, a dict with title, name, and url keys #} {# specifying how under which title, to which creator, and #} {# to which URL to attribute the work #} {# The parameters all mirror the Creative Commone license chooser: #} {# http://creativecommons.org/choose/ #} {# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #} {# Copyright (c) 1994 Hilmar Lapp, hlapp@drycafe.net. #} {# Licensed under the terms of the MIT License. #} {# Source at http://github.com/hlapp/cc-tools. Please fork & contribute. #} {# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #} {% macro cc_license_mark(cc_name, derivatives, commercial, br_after_icon=false, attr_markup=false, attr_props={}) %} {% if cc_name %} {% set cc_name = cc_name|lower|replace("cc-","") %} {% set cc_title_suffix = cc_name|replace("by", "")|replace("-nc","-NonCommercial")|replace("-nd","-NoDerivatives")|replace("-sa","-ShareAlike") %} {% else %} {% set cc_name = "by" %} {% set cc_title_suffix = "" %} {% if (not commercial) or (commercial|lower == "no") %} {% set cc_name = cc_name ~ "-nc" %} {% set cc_title_suffix = "-NonCommercial" %} {% endif %} {% if derivatives|lower == "no" %} {% set cc_name = cc_name ~ "-nd" %} {% set cc_title_suffix = cc_title_suffix ~ "-NoDerivatives" %} {% elif derivatives|lower == "sharealike" %} {% set cc_name = cc_name ~ "-sa" %} {% set cc_title_suffix = cc_title_suffix ~ "-ShareAlike" %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% set cc_title, cc_uri, cc_icon = ("Creative Commons AttributionCCSUFFIX 4.0 International License","http://creativecommons.org/licenses/CCNAME/4.0/","//i.creativecommons.org/l/CCNAME/4.0/80x15.png") %} <a rel="license" href="{{ cc_uri|replace('CCNAME',cc_name) }}"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="{{ cc_icon|replace('CCNAME',cc_name) }}" /></a> {% if br_after_img %}<br/>{% endif %} {% if attr_markup %} "<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" property="dct:title">{{ attr_props['title'] }}</span>" by <a xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" href="{{ attr_props['url'] }}" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">{{ attr_props['name'] }}</a> is {% else %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %}